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05-24-2007, 07:48 AM
Ummah & It's Unity
  • The Story Of The Bull - By Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. - Must Read!!
    Umar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) asked Ubbay ibn Ka’ab (may Allah be pleased with him), “What is the meaning of Tawqa?” Ubbay ibn Ka’ab said, “O Amir ul Mu’minin, have you walked on a field that had a lot of thorny plants?” Umar said, “Yes” Ubbay ibn Ka’ab said, “So what did you do?” Umar replied, “I lifted up my clothes and I was very careful,” Ubbay ibn Ka’ab said, “That is Taqwa.”
  • An Understanding of Politics In Islam - islaam.net - Shaykh Ali al Halabee
    It is obligatory to know an unchanging Sharee'ah principle which will produce a certainty that will open up our intellects and awaken us to the true realities of the state of our affairs, and it is this that whatever calamities have befallen us, or that now befall us, or will befall us, then it is because of what our own hands have earned: and because of our falling short with regards to fulfilling the obligations of our Deen
  • Difference Between Iftiraaq ( Splitting) and Ikhtilaaf (Differing) - islaam.net - Shaykh Nasir Ibn 'Abdil Kareem al 'Aql
  • Differences of Opinions in Ummah - pakistanlink.com - scroll to Q #3
  • Ethics of Disagreement in Islam - usc.edu - book to read online
    - This volume is based on the third edition of Dr. Taha Jabir al `Alwani's Adab al Ikhtilaaf fee al Islaam which was first published in Qatar in 1986
    - The English version by AbdulWahid Hamid from the original Arabic
    - The author, Dr. al `Alwani, regards this work as an essential element in the treatement of a grievous and widespread malady that is presently besetting the Muslim world. Indeed, this is the disease of discord and division that has arisen from a faulty understanding of the meaning of the ethical guidelines prescribed by Islam for its conduct
  • Evils of Nationalism - islaam.net - Shaykh Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz
    - O people! I call to you in the name of Allaah. Does your nationalism call you to these noble manners of mercy and kindness to the Muslims the arabs and the non arabs and of having mutual sympathy and concern for them, and feeling pain at their pain?
  • Iman Is the Tie in the Muslim Society - islam1.org - Imam Mohamed Baianonie
    - Islam came at the time when humanity was living in a continuous ignorance. Then with it's divine legislation, Islam brought a formula to all individuals and societies. This formula is distinct in its basis, its contents and its goals. This formula is a new organization for the individuals as well as a new organization of the new Islamic structure
  • Our Role Today is Same as Role of Great Messengers of Allah - - Part 2 - Part 3 - islam1.org - Imam Mohamed Baianonie
    - This is because we are the messengers' heirs till the Day of Judgment, and we know that their first task was conveying the message in the clearest way. We know that conveying the message requires courage and not fearing the people. We also learned that conveying the message can be done by reciting the holy Qur'an that Allah revealed and by clarifying the divine revelations to the people.
  • Principle Concerning Unity and Splitting - islaam.net - - Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyah
    - we find amongst the legal jurists those who stick to the outward actions of the religion, and those that take to the path of tasawwuf who stick to the inward actions of the religion for each one of these negates the path of the other and claims that they are not from the People of the Religion, or they oppose the other in a way of opposing of those who do not consider the other to be part of the religion.
  • Responsibility Of the Muslim Youth Toward the Ummah - - islamweb.net
  • The Causes of Division and Disputes among the Muslims - islam1.org - Imam Mohamed Baianonie
    - the desired Muslim ummah is founded on two important bases: 1. Taqwa - 2. Unity
    - This foundation enables the Muslim ummah to perform the great task, which Allah (S.W.T.) ordains, in leading other nations to their goodness and happiness
  • The Cures of Division and Disputes among the Muslims - islam1.org - Imam Mohamed Baianonie
    - It is not right to ignore our duties and neglect our responsibilities or to even pass them on to someone else, like the corrupted regimes, governments, and authorities that exist today in the Muslim ummah. Also we should not always blame our enemies and what they do against us. We should carry our share of responsibility because everyone, without exception needs to help solve this problem.
  • Unification Of Religions - islamicweb.com -
    - The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Ifta has reviewed the inquiries, opinions and essays propagated in the mass media concerning the "Call for the Unification of Religions" i.e. Islam, Judaism and Christianity
    - The Committee urges the muslims to take precautions against this obvious Call of Unbelief (for the Unification of Religions) and against falling into its traps
  • Unity Among Western Muslim Communities - islamworld.net - Dr Jafar Shaikh Idris
    ... the ideal Muslim community is, of course, that of the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam. So if we aspire to be united we should have that ideal in our mind. We might never attain to that high level, but we should at least keep it as a goal, and as a criterion by which we judge how far towards the unity we have gone.
  • [Audio] Blame On Us? Or Blame On the Rulers? - understand-islam.net - Based upon Imaam Ibnul Qayyim
    - contemplate Allaah's ({subhanahu was ta'alaa} Wisdom when He made people kings /people of authority, making them reflect the deens of the RULED, it is as if the RULED's deeds appeared in the form and deeds of their RULERS
  • [Audio] Illness and the Cure - understand-islam.net - - Dr Saleh As Saleh - do we treat the symptoms or the causes?
  • [Audio] Physical Unity? Or Unity on the Truth? - understand-islam.net - Dr Saleh As Saleh
    - unity is on beliefs, not on numbers
  • [Audio] Unity Amongst Muslims - audioislam.com - Shaykh Usamah Al Qoosi - Arabic & English

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