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View Full Version : Beating Kids lol

05-30-2007, 03:25 AM
The Prophet [p.b.u.h] said to beat your children with a stick or usually back then was a hunter [whip]. If they disrespect you, you are allowed to hit them and you get sunnah more or less meaning and they can improve and give you respect back. If they disrespect you, you have no resort cept to hit them even if you feel sadden by hitting them but you have to teach what islam is.

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05-30-2007, 03:34 AM
well tahts true i guess.

H@fiz Aziz
05-30-2007, 03:37 AM
....True ....Calm Down man

05-30-2007, 03:47 AM
Only because strangling the kids is illegal.

In all seriousness now. Proper non-distructive physical discipline is probably one of the fastest means of correcting a child. It is effective and produces no harm provided it is done with love and care not to inflict damage.

It would be wonderful if we were all super experts in behavior modification techniques and could discipline our children with a simple guiding word. But, most parents are young and babies are not born with care instructions. Failure to discipline a child rapidly can cause a parent to loose control to anger, resulting in severe harm for the child.

A sting pop to a well padded area hurts nothing except a few minutes of dignity and sends a firmer message then an 8 hour lecture.

Discipline yes
Brutality no
The Qur'an gives a good guide and if used properly results in well behaved children that keep their self respect.

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05-30-2007, 02:00 PM
There is a big difference in beating and spanking!!!

05-30-2007, 02:11 PM
Smacking a child can lead to very bad injuries and also the child does NOT learn from hitting these days because it never works. Hitting a child makes the child hii and they won't learn from there miskate at all. Best thign to do if a child is misbehaving is to sit down polietly talk them through the issuse so they have a better understanding.

Second time done then a smack will eb okay not like kick the chi chi ban bang out of them. You know NO parents should hit there child at all because bringing up a child is VERY hard and then hitting them hurts the feeling of parents *Some parents*. I will never hit my kid (s) *when have*.
I will tell them off in a civil manner and IF they don't understand what am trying to get through there brain then a smack will be taken place or even GROUNDED but strickly ONE SHOULD NOT HIT any CHILD ON HEAD NOR WITH ANY KINDA STICKS.

Yes. I know some of you may say nowadays childs are spolit but thats it when they were small you should be keeping them in control. Like me nephews/neices are VERY spolit because there parents did NOT take any notice of them when there were little. So now they mess around like little CHANDOO'S but they are 'christains' after all.

Anywho lets make dua'ah WE ALL BE GOOD PEOPLE inshallah.


05-30-2007, 02:27 PM
trust me i got straghten up by beatings

05-30-2007, 02:29 PM
I couldn't see myself hitting a child. Ever.
Like, you're talking to a guy who doesn't even kill bugs. EVER!
I would be disciplinary, trust me on that one, just non-violent. :)

05-30-2007, 02:31 PM
what if ur kids disrespect you and say things bad things about there on religion then dicipline is needed.

05-30-2007, 02:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kittygyal
Smacking a child can lead to very bad injuries and also the child does NOT learn from hitting these days because it never works. Hitting a child makes the child hii and they won't learn from there miskate at all. Best thign to do if a child is misbehaving is to sit down polietly talk them through the issuse so they have a better understanding.

Second time done then a smack will eb okay not like kick the chi chi ban bang out of them. You know NO parents should hit there child at all because bringing up a child is VERY hard and then hitting them hurts the feeling of parents *Some parents*. I will never hit my kid (s) *when have*.
I will tell them off in a civil manner and IF they don't understand what am trying to get through there brain then a smack will be taken place or even GROUNDED but strickly ONE SHOULD NOT HIT any CHILD ON HEAD NOR WITH ANY KINDA STICKS.

Yes. I know some of you may say nowadays childs are spolit but thats it when they were small you should be keeping them in control. Like me nephews/neices are VERY spolit because there parents did NOT take any notice of them when there were little. So now they mess around like little CHANDOO'S but they are 'christains' after all.

Anywho lets make dua'ah WE ALL BE GOOD PEOPLE inshallah.


Whoa sis I am not even christian and that is offensive!!!!! Just because someone is chriastian doesn't make them bad parents.

And if your prophet has commanded you to spank the children if they disrespect you then who are you to say that it is wrong??? Hate to tell you hon but if you don't show your children that you are the boss then you will very quickly turn into their own personal doormat!!

05-30-2007, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cal
what if ur kids disrespect you and say things bad things about there on religion then dicipline is needed.
For the second point, I'd have to have a religion. But, then again, I don't have the ability to predict the future. We'll see what happens, eh?
Haha. I'm wayyy too soft, I know.
I'd be like, trying to have civil conversations with them about things like that, I guess. Provided they're old enough to have a grasp on the context of what's going on. If they're too young to really know better, then all I can do is point them in the right direction, but why punish them for something they didn't know was wrong?
I wouldn't try to command their respect, or anything like that, I'd kind of just hope that I have done right by them in every way that I possibly can and that they can see that.


05-30-2007, 02:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by buriedaway_4536
I couldn't see myself hitting a child. Ever.
Like, you're talking to a guy who doesn't even kill bugs. EVER!
I would be disciplinary, trust me on that one, just non-violent. :)

You don't have to be violent to spank. The method I use is the same that my father used when I was little. I would get in trouble and be sent to my room to WAIT for my spanking. Sometimes he would take a whole hour. I tell you that was the worst part!! I would have rather been popped in the back of the head right then than to waaaiiiit for it. BUT when he did come in he was never angry. So he was in control of himself.

- Qatada -
05-30-2007, 02:36 PM

Bro are there any ahadith to support this? :) Please can you quote them insha Allaah if it's true.

05-30-2007, 02:38 PM
i would i dont got my bro here. But its true go to ur local mufti/schlor/hafiz.

Abu yahya
05-30-2007, 02:42 PM
Yeh, I thought the only hadeeth on hitting kids was if they don't pray after the age of ten? And that's after you've tried everything non violent to try and make em pray from the age of 7 (ie 3 yrs). I didn't know there were other hadeeths in this regard...

- Qatada -
05-30-2007, 02:42 PM

I'm not saying that what you say is false, but i think the wording of the ahadith is really important too. Since someone might be saying something which isn't totally true, and might be explaining it in a way that they understand, when the hadith itself doesn't mention that.

Anyway, this is a glimpse of the character of Allaah's Messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him.

Allaah says in the Qur'an:

(And verily, you (O Muhammad) are on an exalted (standard of) character.) [Qur'an Al Qalam (the Pen) 68:4]

(And verily, you are on an exalted (standard of) character.) "It has been mentioned to us that Sa`d bin Hisham asked `A'ishah about the character of the Messenger of Allah , so she replied: `Have you not read the Qur'an' Sa`d said: `Of course.' Then she said: `Verily, the character of the Messenger of Allah was the Qur'an.''' `Abdur-Razzaq recorded similar to this and Imam Muslim recorded it in his Sahih on the authority of Qatadah in its full length. This means that he would act according to the commands and the prohibition in the Qur'an.

His nature and character were patterned according to the Qur'an, and he abandoned his natural disposition (i.e., the carnal nature). So whatever the Qur'an commanded, he did it, and whatever it forbade, he avoided it. Along with this, Allah gave him the exalted character, which included the qualities of modesty, kindness, bravery, pardoning, gentleness and every other good characteristic.

This is like that which has been confirmed in the Two Sahihs that Anas said, "I served the Messenger of Allah for ten years, and he never said a word of displeasure to me (Uff), nor did he ever say to me concerning something I had done: `Why did you do that' And he never said to me concerning something I had not done: `Why didn't you do this' He had the best character, and I never touched any silk or anything else that was softer than the palm of the Messenger of Allah . And I never smelled any musk or perfume that had a better fragrance than the sweat of the Messenger of Allah.''

Imam Al-Bukhari recorded that Al-Bara' said, "The Messenger of Allah had the most handsome face of all the people, and he had the best behavior of all of the people. And he was not tall, nor was he short.'' The Hadiths concerning this matter are numerous. Abu `Isa At-Tirmidhi has a complete book on this subject called Kitab Ash-Shama'il. Imam Ahmad recorded that `A'ishah said, "The Messenger of Allah never struck a servant of his with his hand, nor did he ever hit a woman. He never hit anything with his hand, except for when he was fighting Jihad in the cause of Allah. And he was never given the option between two things except that the most beloved of the two to him was the easiest of them, as long as it did not involve sin. If it did involve sin, then he stayed farther away from sin than any of the people. He would not avenge himself concerning anything that was done to him, except if the limits of Allah were transgressed. Then, in that case he would avenge for the sake of Allah.'' Imam Ahmad also recorded from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said,

«إِنَّمَا بُعِثْتُ لِأُتَمِّمَ صَالِحَ الْأَخْلَاق»

(I have only been sent to perfect righteous behavior.)


Gangster No.1
05-30-2007, 02:43 PM

Personally speaking I got BATTERD for my punishment by my mum and dad.
But it dont work all the time.

However when you are lil kid then you shouldnt be beaten, instead you should be told off, and perhaps grounded.

05-30-2007, 03:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tomtomsmom
Whoa sis I am not even christian and that is offensive!!!!! Just because someone is chriastian doesn't make them bad parents.

And if your prophet has commanded you to spank the children if they disrespect you then who are you to say that it is wrong??? Hate to tell you hon but if you don't show your children that you are the boss then you will very quickly turn into their own personal doormat!!
I am sowiee if i offended you in anyway. I am just clarifying for those who may think my nephews and neices are muslims. Well there NOT muslims there christains after all. I said the to limit of my OWN homiez not to offend anyone.
There ya go: I LOVE ME HOMIEZ

I am not neglecting the way MY prophet has commanded me to do stuff. All am saying is it's best to talk to the children first. *Talking about my OWN experience*
I know how to control kids.
Take care

05-30-2007, 03:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gangster No.1

However when you are lil kid then you shouldnt be beaten, instead you should be told off, and perhaps grounded.
Agreed with you. When hit a child they do it MORE and MORE.

Gangster No.1
05-30-2007, 03:23 PM
yh gangsta.lol

05-30-2007, 03:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by buriedaway_4536
I couldn't see myself hitting a child. Ever.
Like, you're talking to a guy who doesn't even kill bugs. EVER!
I would be disciplinary, trust me on that one, just non-violent. :)
aww, thats cute.. i've seen dads like u... they r there for serious talk and in that kind of marriage.. the mother has to take on the role.. so i guess ur wife wont be as soft.. gotta face it, someone has to discipline the kids..

violence is not the answer but smack definitely works.. and once they know that u WILL smack.. after that serious talks r enuff.. because they have seen u at ur worst..

i love it when my nephew misbehaves and i say to him.. go to that that place.. i'll be right behind and he switches faster than a ferrari at 145 mph.. one time smack but an effective one ... ofcourse, everyone holds a different opinion and techniques vary from child to child..

nurturing does start young.. no doubt.. bad habits are easy come but not easy go... its definitely hard work but who sed being a parent is easy...

arrgghh.. how irritated i feel when i see rude little children... cheeky is one thing but rude like stepping on toes.. jumpin' u when u r lying down.. decide to hang in ur neck when u r tryna eat ur lunch and lay flat on the floor when stop them from goin into the kitchen cupboards...

so ppl smack ur kids the one time and discipline um before they come across me and i gotta do it for you... lol

just messin'

signin out


05-31-2007, 01:11 AM
Haha. I'm not saying the proposed method won't change in the future; I'm just saying that's how I see things at the moment. :)

EDIT: Just pointing out, I don't have kids. Just incase it seemed that way.

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