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View Full Version : Do you ever have (or had) moments of doubt?

09-06-2007, 02:10 PM
I wonder if posters can answer this poll truthfully.

It is always easy to claim that we are perfectly strong in our faith and never have moments of doubt - but here is an opportunity to search our hearts and be honest to ourselves. (The poll is anonymous)

If you want to contribute more thoughts, feel free to do so, for example:
  • Is having moments of doubts necessarily a bad thing, or can it possibly strengthen faith?
  • Have you had particular times of doubt and questioning?
  • How do you deal with doubt - in yourself and in fellow believers?
  • etc, etc

Looking forward to your votes and comments.

Peace :)

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Abdul Fattah
09-09-2007, 04:53 AM
Hi glo, interesting thread.
I voted: "often" And I would have voted "All the time" if it didn't have that "to the point of loosing faith" part with it.
The way I see it, there's two kinds of doubts, recurring doubts and refreshing doubts.

When I was an atheist I had recurring doubts. That is, on certain occasions I had doubts of my atheism, but I ran away from it. I couldn't accept the other possibility so I didn't indulge it either. But the same doubts came back every now and then.

Now that I'm a Muslim I would say I have refreshing doubts. When I come across something new, as a response I sometimes start having doubts, or a certain event triggers doubts, but they're always different doubts, and instead of running from them I face them. And Alhamdoelillah, after a while the doubts usually go away, or turn out to be flawed, or turn out to be ungrounded. And the more flaws I discover, the more I see a pastern emerging in it. And teh more I see this patern, the more convinced I am that someone else is whispering these doubts to me. So in the end instead of making my faith weaker, I believe it makes me stronger. It is hard and sometimes very depressing and discouraging though.

09-09-2007, 06:22 AM
Hello Glo,

i think i was sort of forced into answering 'never'...because, no i do not, ornever have doubted Gods existance or the attributes islam states he posesses. I see and feel him all around me...

however, i was tempted to click on 'sometimes' only because i realised that there were many times which i fell into a position of 'lost hope'...i have lost hope in my own faith and my own connection with God many times.

by losing hope, i mean that i feel as tho God doesnt want to help me beacuse im such a bad muslim. This is wrong because God is all-merciful, all-forgiving...

even tho i knew and believed in these attributes of God,even tho i knew that he was always theer for me, i fell into hoplessness coz i just couldnt forgive myself....i had to forgive myself beforei could believe that God was willing to, or had already forgiven me...

hope that makes sense...


09-09-2007, 06:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Fattah
Hi glo, interesting thread.
I voted: "all the time" And I would have voted "All the time" if it didn't have that "to the point of loosing faith" part with it.
The way I see it, there's two kinds of doubts, recurring doubts and refreshing doubts.

When I was an atheist I had recurring doubts. That is, on certain occasions I had doubts of my atheism, but I ran away from it. I couldn't accept the other possibility so I didn't indulge it either. But the same doubts came back every now and then.

Now that I'm a Muslim I would say I have refreshing doubts. When I come across something new, as a response I sometimes start having doubts, or a certain event triggers doubts, but they're always different doubts, and instead of running from them I face them. And Alhamdoelillah, after a while the doubts usually go away, or turn out to be flawed, or turn out to be ungrounded. And the more flaws I discover, the more I see a pastern emerging in it. And teh more I see this patern, the more convinced I am that someone else is whispering these doubts to me. So in the end instead of making my faith weaker, I believe it makes me stronger. It is hard and sometimes very depressing and discouraging though.

i think u accidently voted 'often'....

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Ummu Sufyaan
09-09-2007, 06:36 AM
hi glo.
hmm. i wouldn't say that i have doubts, but i do get whispers (waswaas), such as god dosn't exsist, etc. but i wouldn't say they're doubts, because in my heart i beleive. I'm not sure if you know/have heard of them, but many muslims im sure know what im talking about:sunny:

09-09-2007, 06:47 AM
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


I said “never” because I don’t have those doubts anymore. However I did when I was in my early teens. I wanted to be sure that Islam was the absolute Truth. I didn’t want to follow a religion just because I was born in to it. So I looked into different faiths but eventually I found my way back to Islam through the Mercy and Guidance of Allah, The Most Exalted. Alhamdulilah.


09-09-2007, 07:07 AM
Hello Glo..!

I said ''never''. When I was much much younger my parents had me go to Quran lessons which in my language is called Dugsi (or some may call it Madrassa) and to be honest I dreaded going there. Firstly because I didn't understand the point of it, every week I would have to memorise lines of Arabic with absolute no understanding of what it meant and secondly, I would get in major trouble if I didn't memorise my Ashar (the amount of Surahs I had to memorise). :rolleyes: Also, my parents never forced me to wear the hijaab but when I was younger girls used to come to me and ask me why I was acting gaal (in my language it basically means kufaar) and I didn't understand. Before that I used to wear it on and off, but once I entered the 6th grade I wore it permanently until now. :D Anyway, so about 2-3 years ago I got my brother's copy of the Quran and started reading it in English and I started praying more regularly but there were the times where I felt my imaan was so low. Never once (even in times of bad situations) did I ever question the existence of God or my religion. If anything, it made a stronger person and made me realise why I was even created from a drop of sperm to serve the Al-mighty Allah. This life a test, you work hard and do good deeds you will see the fruits of your labour in Jannah insha'allah. Some people may think that for the same reason that we should live our lives to the fullest which includes participating in questionable things such Zina, qamri, lying, cheating etc but that will only quicken your death. When you are close to God it is an immense feeling, it is so indescribable you just have to experience it for yourself.

09-09-2007, 07:50 AM
Greetings, Steve
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Fattah
Hi glo, interesting thread.
I voted: "all the time" And I would have voted "All the time" if it didn't have that "to the point of loosing faith" part with it.
The way I see it, there's two kinds of doubts, recurring doubts and refreshing doubts.
Very good point, Steve. I hadn't thought of that ...
Any chance that poll option can be added ... by a clever mod perhaps???? :D

When I was an atheist I had recurring doubts. That is, on certain occasions I had doubts of my atheism, but I ran away from it. I couldn't accept the other possibility so I didn't indulge it either. But the same doubts came back every now and then.

Now that I'm a Muslim I would say I have refreshing doubts. When I come across something new, as a response I sometimes start having doubts, or a certain event triggers doubts, but they're always different doubts, and instead of running from them I face them. And Alhamdoelillah, after a while the doubts usually go away, or turn out to be flawed, or turn out to be ungrounded. And the more flaws I discover, the more I see a pastern emerging in it. And teh more I see this patern, the more convinced I am that someone else is whispering these doubts to me. So in the end instead of making my faith weaker, I believe it makes me stronger. It is hard and sometimes very depressing and discouraging though.
I agree with much you say.

I too feel that questioning one's faith is a healthy thing, which helps us to grow and mature.
I am a little suspicious when people claim never to have any doubts at all (Of course, I am not saying that they are wrong or not truthful ... I just cannot imagine it at all myself to feel like that. :))

On a very personal note, being here at LI has certainly caused me to question my own faith on many occasions (still does) - but (so far at least), everytime I have pondered and worked through my question, read up on it and prayed to God about it, I have come away feeling only stronger in my conviction in my own faith.

But I believe that if I denied these doubts and questions, if I ignored them and pretended they weren't there, I would not be able to mature and grow stronger in my faith.

Thanks for approving this poll.


09-09-2007, 08:21 AM
if the 'Faith in science' is also acceptable, then I will answer 'never'.

09-09-2007, 08:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
if the 'Faith in science' is also acceptable, then I will answer 'never'.
you never doubt science

09-09-2007, 01:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sumeyye
you never doubt science
nope ! I truly believe in science !

09-09-2007, 01:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
nope ! I truly believe in science !
Science has proven every miracle in the Quran is true, however you doubt the Quran? Hmmmm interesting.....

I voted never because everytime i have been in a position of needing proof, i have looked into it, and Islam had the answer.

09-09-2007, 02:19 PM
i went with OFTEN!!!


Allah is my Lord,
Islam is my Life,
Al-Quran is my Guide,
The Sunnah is my Practice,
Jihad is my Spirit,
Righteousness is my Character,
Paradise is my Goal!

09-09-2007, 02:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ebtisweetsam
Science has proven every miracle in the Quran is true, however you doubt the Quran? Hmmmm interesting.....

I voted never because everytime i have been in a position of needing proof, i have looked into it, and Islam had the answer.
Everytime I need a proof, I look into my book of Physics, Chemistry, Biology or I browse Internet. I always found what I was looking for. I don't need a bible or Quaran. For me, they are just fairy tale books, and that's it.
I think everybody's faith , no? That doesn't mean, that one is less worth or has less faith than another person, right?

09-09-2007, 07:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
nope ! I truly believe in science !
But does science always get it right??? :?


09-09-2007, 08:02 PM
hmmm, good question. But at least sience gave me more answers than any religion.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
09-09-2007, 08:03 PM
Hey Glo :D

I chose sometimes cause I usually get thoughts creeping into my mind. Not because that's how I really feel, but just like that. When I was younger, I was close to Islam deep down, but I used to ask questions like an atheist would. I used to ask who created God? That was the most Ive ever had it. It was weird though, I never knew anyone who thought like that. I didnt pick it up from anyone, it just creeped into my mind. But Alhamdullillah Allah has always been there for me and have me be where I am now =)


09-09-2007, 08:24 PM
I chose always. I do not see having doubt as a negative thing. I see it as an incentive to always try harder and to encourage me to learn more.

Some doubts I always have:

Am I understanding correctly?

Can I do more to learn?

Am I doing all I can to Please Allah(swt)?

Of course there are occasional doubts of faith. I do periodically question if Allah(swt) even exists and if so does he even care about humans. I do sometimes question why Allah(swt) allows evil to exist and wonder why so often good people suffer so much.

But, it is in trying to find answers to those doubts that I feel the closest to understanding what Allah(swt) expects of us and what he has promised us.

Doubt can be a very strong incentive, if we allow it to be a tool, to learn and not a weapon to destroy our faith.

09-09-2007, 08:35 PM
A little doubt is healthy IMHO; it shows you are thinking about your faith rather than just accepting it blindly. If you have developed the habit of listening to and understanding 'opposing' arguments and researching or (better) formulating your own responses to them your spiritual life and religious knowledge grows rather than stagnates.

09-09-2007, 08:39 PM
Thanks to the clever mod who added option 4 to the poll. :)

Perhaps you can also enable those who have voted already to change their vote (in case the new option seems more appropriate)

Thank you. :)

09-10-2007, 02:24 AM
In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
hmmm, good question. But at least sience gave me more answers than any religion.
Science only gives the physical nature of mankind; religion gives both, the spiritual and the physical.
Besides, science and religion are connected. Science teaches about the creation and this increases the appreciation for the Creator.


09-10-2007, 11:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
nope ! I truly believe in science !

science quite often doubts itself...

there are so many unanswered q's in science...and in the world which science fails to answer..and wehn it does, they are only theories by random men...and get renewed when a better expalination is found...

hope u get what im trying to say...no offense...u can believe...but u shud have doubts in something like science.....

09-10-2007, 11:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
hmmm, good question. But at least sience gave me more answers than any religion.
u cant arrive at a fair conclusion without studying both science and "islam" (not religion) the same ammount!

nothing has given me more answers and practical help to get through life more then islam

Abdul Fattah
09-10-2007, 09:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
hmmm, good question. But at least sience gave me more answers than any religion.
I geuss that depends on what questions you're asking.

Grace Seeker
09-12-2007, 01:58 AM
I said "sometime". Because if I am honest with myself I am never 100% about anything. I have good days and bad days, and sometimes those types of emotional days do effect my affect some. And then there are days when I just wonder to myself, where is God in all of this. But fortunately, those days are generally few and far between. And, if I could have had the option to say "rarely", instead of "sometimes", I would have. But between never and always, I would have to say that most generally my faith is solid, and only some times do I find myself questioning it.

10-17-2007, 06:11 PM
Hi Glo:

I voted “never”. I have been tempted by circumstances, and disappointed by the actions of others, and angry at my own failings, but have never wavered in my belief or trust in God nor His care and love for me.

I have modified quite a few of my religious beliefs based on a more accurate interpretation of the scriptures; but the “modification” exercise did not cause me to question my faith/trust in, or love of God.


10-19-2007, 03:55 AM
Do you ever have (or had) moments of doubt?
Of course.. it is human... I won't speak for others but I see no way around it?... sort of when you sense there is something wrong with your body but you ignore it for months hoping it would go away, when you really should have checked it out before it turned into a huge watermelon and you discover(it was benignant all along) but why did you wait so long to find out?

I tread into territories that shake me to the core every day, I do an exhaustive study and once I reason, I never look back. Hence when I write with what others deem as 'condemnations'.. it is really no more than strong convictions after much reflection and thought....

I can't expect others to see eye to eye with me, but I genuinely don't care.. I make on the spot clinical decisions all the time and I don't consult unless I absolutely need someone else's counsel more learned than me.. but I have faith in my own ability to reason.. what I have more faith in is the inevitable decline of all men-- thus I only truly revere and value my creator, who isn't bound by this weak human condition.... Youth and vigor much like the seasons come and wither.. something else has got to give....a conscionable thought somewhere after you are stripped of all that matters in a 'mundane' sense of course.. well, I guess that is the only thing that would be left, I guess that is all you'll take with you?

I haven't found anything that killed my belief... I have had incidents that sent me very close to, moments I considered myself to plunge into absolute madness... I turned my madness into poetry and weakness into faith.. and closed the pages on chagrins and I wrote new ones...


10-20-2007, 11:41 PM
In my life i had moments of atheism, then agnosticism before going back to catholicism.I can say that some personal things caused that i became an atheist and few years later, when i turned 19, other personal things caused that i admitted that i believe in God.It was a process that took few years, i would call it a growing up.When i was 16, 17 i was marxsist- leninist, materialist, with attitudes typical for far left.And now you can see how i changed :). I've grown up i guess.

10-28-2007, 09:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sumeyye

science quite often doubts itself...

there are so many unanswered q's in science...and in the world which science fails to answer..and wehn it does, they are only theories by random men...and get renewed when a better expalination is found...

hope u get what im trying to say...no offense...u can believe...but u shud have doubts in something like science.....
The physical part is a bit of a stretch, mainly because when you devle deep into the meanings of the ayats and try to understand them within the context, there comes a time when you have to apply your own interpretation to it. I have three printed copies of the quran that give three different translations of the same verses, and if I were to apply the common theory about the meaning of the verse than the other two translations do not support it. That is not to say that the translations themselves are wrong, but it is far more likely that the interpretation that has become commonly accepted could be wrong, because there is an inherrent bias for good muslims unify the concepts which have been made apparent by science with what has been revealed the sacred texts.

Science does not ask you to beleive, or have faith, or make interpretations because if you are wrong then you will surely find out through your observations.

Religion asks for your faith, your belief, because you have no way of observing the effects of your theories or your interpretations, but there is a chance you may find out when you die. At that point however, you taken your chance, and you have no way to rectify your situation because of your misunderstanding.

Scientific theories allow for you to test your hypothesis, and rectify your position. Perhaps a past generation is wrong, but the furute generations have that theory to build upon, and even know which ones are/were incorrect. Faith and belief does not allow for that.

Faylasufs of the ninth century made great efforts to live rationally and in accordance with the natural laws they believed were part and parcel of the holy book. When the study of natural science lead to many dead ends they turned to greek metaphysics and an era of falsafah began in which many muslims were dedicated to proper philosophical reasoning.

Yes, this was the era in which muslims made a great many scientific discoveries, however this was to be science in the pursuit of religion. In Aristotelian terms it was a good for the sake of another good, and not a good in and of itself. To truly be a scientist or philosopher one must abandon all that he/she has been "learned" and be prepared to prove everything of its own accord. While the Faylasufs believed that rationalism represented the most advanced form of religion, they could not escape the fact that a rationalized god is a higher notion of the that has been revealed in scripture.

I'm sorry friends, but if you have not researched the past then it may comes as a shock that generations as much as a millennia past could not reconcile scientific reasoning and the scripture much less the current generations in which many scholars exist with the same religion and a far more advanced science.

I'd also like to nitpick a bit, science does not doubt itself as it itself is not an entity. Only sentient beings such as humans can have or cast doubt. Perhaps a matter of linguistics, but I must make the correction for the debate itself to have any value.

Science cannot contradict itself, as with science there must be a single clear explanation if it is to hold true. However, as we saw in the early 20th century, Einstein modified newton's theory to build his own (more accurate) theory. It is not to say he contradicted science, or that science contradicted itself, but that the certain laws were applicable based on the observations available, and that in the advent of human advancements in technology we were able to realize that there are slightly more correct theories. It had no direct affect on my life, as newton's laws were enough, but surely we have all benefited from his work.

10-29-2007, 12:05 AM

I voted 'sometimes', mainly because until I was about 18 I was an agnostic. I only became an atheist after wider study of religion, history, literature and philosophy.

Atheism is my faith-position, so it's natural that it can contain doubt, although I don't ever remember a specific time where I actually suspected that god exists. It would take something pretty drastic for me to doubt that agnosticism is true, though.

Overall, I think everything should be subjected to doubt from time to time. It keeps you on your toes.


11-02-2007, 02:47 PM
All praise due to Allah,and peace and blessings be upon the last Messenger,his family,companions and everyone who follows him till the day of judgement.

If I ever had doubts it was because of lack of knowledge about,the Noble Quran the sunnah of the prophet peace be upon him.That's why it's important to learn and read, because that's how the love for one's faith grows ,and how more I read the quran how more i'm convinced that it's the truth.Because the words of Allah makes me think and ponder about the creation of Allah, like Allah often mentiones in His Quran to see and think about the creation of Allah
And sometimes I think about a matter and wonder about the answer and as soon as I read and search for the answer ,as soon as I find the answer it's logic and it makes me stronger in my faith, May Allah make us stronger in our faith

That's why one of the basic things first is to read,and get to know one's religion and then the love and the sweetness of faith will grow
because how can you in belief in something you don't know. and how can you love something you don't know?
That's why I would reccomend the book ' 3 basic principles' usulu-thalatha
by Imaam Muhammed ibn-abdul wahaab. it's about ma'rifatullah(knowing Allah) ma'rifatu nabiy(Knowing the prophet s.a.w) ma'rifatu dienal-Islaam biladillah( knowing islaam with proof) with the sharh (explanation of sh. Ibn Othaymien)

11-12-2007, 10:52 AM
I've had my doubts and sometimes still do. But as long as the love of Islam, Allah swt remain in my heart, i manage to overcome those doubts.

11-12-2007, 11:03 AM
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

the cure to doubt is knowledge.

we should never ever allow doubt to linger in our hearts as that could be very dangerous, if this is happening regularly then it could be a cause for concern... we should have tawaqqul on Allaah right?

its understandable if your shaken sometimes due to a catastrophe but to wake up everyday thinking "is islaam right", is this a sign of a believer?

im asking questions seriously, is it ok to have too much doubt?

10 Ways of Protection from Shaytan
Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah
Summarized from Bida?i` al-Fawaa'id (304-308)

Seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytan. Allah the Most High said, ?And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.? [41:36]

Recitation of the two soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas, as they have wondrous effect in seeking refuge with Allah from his evil, weakening Shaytan and protection from him. This is why the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: ?No person seeks refuge with anything like the Mu`awwidhatayn (soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas)?. [an-Nasaa?i, 5337]

Recitation of Ayat al-Kursi (2:255).

Recitation of soorah al-Baqarah. The Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, ?The house in which al-Baqarah is recited is not approached by Shaytan.? [Muslim]

The final part of al-Baqarah. The Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, ?Whoever recites the two last verses of al-Baqarah at night they will suffice him.? [Muslim]

Recitation of the beginning of soorah Mu?min (Ghafir), until His saying, ?wa ilayhi-l-maseer? (to Him is the destination). (i.e. ?Ha. Meem. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Knowing, the forgiver of sin, acceptor of repentance, severe in punishment, owner of abundance. There is no deity except Him; to Him is the destination.? [40:1-2])

Saying ?la ilaha ill Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shay?in qadir? (there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, He has no partner, His is the Dominion and Praise, and He is able to do all things) a hundred times.

The most beneficial form of protection from Shaytan: abundance of remembrance of Allah, the Exalted.

Ablution and prayer, and they are from among the greatest means of protection, especially at the time of emergence of anger and desire.

Abstinence from excess speech, food and mixing with people.

Grace Seeker
11-12-2007, 09:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
the cure to doubt is knowledge.
Interesting understanding. I don't think that more knowledge helps me with my doubts. What I find helpful is to be willing to trust more. Of course, knowing the one whom I am trusting is essential, if you had meant knowledge in that sense.

11-13-2007, 11:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grace Seeker
Interesting understanding. I don't think that more knowledge helps me with my doubts. .
in islaam whenever i have doubted anything i have searched from the authentic sources of Quran and Sunnah and found an answer which has satisfied my heart, i have yet to find something which knowledge has not been able to cure.

Trust is ofcourse a part of it, but we dont trust what is illogical and clearly unpleasing to the heart


Grace Seeker
11-13-2007, 02:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
in islaam whenever i have doubted anything i have searched from the authentic sources of Quran and Sunnah and found an answer which has satisfied my heart, i have yet to find something which knowledge has not been able to cure.

Trust is ofcourse a part of it, but we dont trust what is illogical and clearly unpleasing to the heart

As I said, interesting. I can see where you are coming from. And I am happy that you find this to work in your life for you. I wasn't critiquing your thoughts as much as adding to my own earlier comments.

I guess there are some illogical things I do/have trusted in. When my family didn't have enough funds to send me to university, I doubted that I would be ever able to go (as did my mother), but my father said that I should prepare to go anyway, I did trust in him (however logical it was), and that dream somehow materialized, though I have yet to figure out how it did for my parents never paid for it, but I still managed to get through. If I hadn't trusted in my father, however illogical it was, I would not have been ready when it was time to attend. That, for me, was a time when trust was as important as knowledge. And, in my own walk with God, I have found that to be true in spiritual matters in some similar ways. So, I know who it is that I trust, and cast all my doubts on him. That has sometimes sustained my faith, when there seemed to be no logical reason to do so.

11-13-2007, 02:55 PM

but in that situation your father had encouraged you and given you best wishes, you know that there is a God to support you and friends and family to help you along the way.

It wasnt completely illogical, well not to me :)

11-13-2007, 03:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
in islaam whenever i have doubted anything i have searched from the authentic sources of Quran and Sunnah and found an answer which has satisfied my heart, i have yet to find something which knowledge has not been able to cure.

Trust is ofcourse a part of it, but we dont trust what is illogical and clearly unpleasing to the heart

assalamu alaikum/peace all

I voted 'sometimes', and I agree with the brother quoted above, knowledge is an antidote to doubt together with prayer.

When I am feeling very strong in imaan and feel that God is as real and as near to me as my keyboard, like now (alhamdulillah) it seems incredible that I would ever have a doubt again. But somehow, for lots of different reasons eg because of day-to-day stresses and maybe not devoting enough time to worship and reflection, imaan becomes low. God seems distant and I feel kind of cut-off from Him. asking Him for help and guidance is one way that I get back to normal again, and then sometimes during the prayer you get a very strong feeling - I'm sure lots of people will know what I mean - a feeling of His nearness and His infinite love and mercy that makes you want to cry.

Other Muslims are sometimes a terrible trial - for a while I was in close contact with a group of sisters who had very harsh and intolerant views and that really brought my iman low. This kind of Muslim is usually so sure of themselves and so quick to accuse everyone of kufr. I found I had to go back to basics and read the qur'an a lot and sadly had to lose contact with some people I previously regarded as friends but whose views I just couldn't stomach.


Grace Seeker
11-13-2007, 09:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim

but in that situation your father had encouraged you and given you best wishes, you know that there is a God to support you and friends and family to help you along the way.
YES!!! That type of "knowing" that you speak of here is exactly what I mean by "trust".

It wasnt completely illogical, well not to me :)
That's cool. I really appreciate what you have said on this. We are used to using different words to describe our experience, but I think we are describing the same experience in terms of how we first face and then overcome our occassions of doubt.

11-15-2007, 03:16 PM

not necessarily doubts about Catholicism... but i experienced doubts that God loves me after my miscarriage and when my husband became physically abusive... it was a momentary fall and i heavily regret it.

que Dios te bendiga

11-22-2007, 07:09 AM
I notice that many of us seem to have different connontations as to what is meant by "Do you ever have (or had) moments of doubt?"

To me doubt is a very powerful tool for increasing faith. Doubt forces us into the position of questioning our doubts and learning more to keep doubts in check. In my opinion there are more than one type of doubt, doubt can be productive or it can be destructive. Productive doubt keeps us studying and learning more solid reasons to over come doubt. destructive doubt is doubt that causes us to accept the doubt without reason and to foster the increase in doubt.

I hope I have constructive doubt constantly and that the moments of destructive doubts have ended and will not return. Although, a destructive doubt when conquered is a powerful force to increase faith.

11-28-2007, 11:38 AM
I haven't voted yet, but I'm not sure . its like i have always known that Allah is real, but then i tell myself i should think about it rationally (I talk to myself alot, I even argue with myself). like what if i am really wrong?but i always win(against myself) and i am satisfied about what i believe.

12-16-2007, 10:02 PM
I have heard that doubts is from the shaitan, I do feel doubts or anxiety, but the way I try to overcome it is by firstly asking for Allahs guidance and then to seek answers to the doubts i have, this only increases me in knowledge therefore iman, so i ask the satan to come at me with more doubts, cause i only take this to my advantage and increase faith, off course by the will of Allah! Also in this situations I try to remember the signs give to us by God, such as the scientific miracles and many many other miracles, thats the way i overcome these doubts.

12-16-2007, 10:06 PM
sometimes i feel this satan asking me that what if there is a better religion than the one iam in now, so i ask it ok find a better one for me then. So i research into all those world religions see the nonsense, then have a laugh and thank Allah!

Mysterious Uk
12-16-2007, 11:08 PM
rarely i thought wat if Allah does not exist and all the praying and fasting was for no reason. But as soon as the thought comes u, i think wat a stupid thing to think and tell myself to shut up. I sound like a bit of a nutcase lol i know.

12-16-2007, 11:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I wonder if posters can answer this poll truthfully.

It is always easy to claim that we are perfectly strong in our faith and never have moments of doubt - but here is an opportunity to search our hearts and be honest to ourselves. (The poll is anonymous)

If you want to contribute more thoughts, feel free to do so, for example:
  • Is having moments of doubts necessarily a bad thing, or can it possibly strengthen faith?
  • Have you had particular times of doubt and questioning?
  • How do you deal with doubt - in yourself and in fellow believers?
  • etc, etc

Looking forward to your votes and comments.

Peace :)

i voted with an honest heart and put 'sometimes' and am basing this since the time i began to follow islam, converting and now living as a muslim.
When ive had moments of doubt.. its usually stems from misunderstanding what i have read from the Holy books and verses, and i emphasise..missunderstandings, i have found that when i come to 'understand' it strenghtens my faith and im more thankfull for Allah to guiding me to the right path Allhamdulilah.
No particular times..
Dealing with doubt... first thing i normally do is try and ask a fellow muslim ( usually my husband - tho he always encourages me to search for islamic scholar's answers ) and then it is made clear to me... i find sometimes.. the translation of the english quite difficult to comprehend.. i guess thats maybe why i should learn Arabic... inshaAllah one day...
if i become stressed during doubt.. i will Wudu abnd then sit quietly with my Tasbih reciting the names of Allah until i am clear of stress

Befor Islam, i was forever in doubt, always asking the question .. 'why' and ' why me '... Now i believe that what happened in my past were 'tests' and by libing through them IsnahAllah i hope have become stronger as a person and in faith

12-17-2007, 07:13 AM
Wow! This poll and thread have been going for a long while.

Thank you for all your contributions. :)

I believe that there is a kind of doubt which can throw you off your tracks and into other religions/beliefs/worldviews. (I have seen other people go through such processes)

But there is another kind of doubt, which lead you into a process that strengthens your faith.
In my experience doubt causes me to seek God more.
Sometimes there are what I call "Just you and me, God" times, when I have to trust entirely on God, and believe that his plans for me are good.

I have never lost faith in the following:
  • That God is real.
  • That God will provide.
  • That God knows and loves me personally.
  • That I can come to him whenever, however and under any circumstance.


12-17-2007, 07:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Wow! This poll and thread have been going for a long while.

Thank you for all your contributions. :)

I believe that there is a kind of doubt which can throw you off your tracks and into other religions/beliefs/worldviews. (I have seen other people go through such processes)

But there is another kind of doubt, which lead you into a process that strengthens your faith.
In my experience doubt causes me to seek God more.
Sometimes there are what I call "Just you and me, God" times, when I have to trust entirely on God, and believe that his plans for me are good.

I have never lost faith in the following:
  • That God is real.
  • That God will provide.
  • That God knows and loves me personally.
  • That I can come to him whenever, however and under any circumstance.

I agree with you about 99.9%. I have a little trouble with this part.

[*]That God knows and loves me personally.
I know I do not deserve such and can not come up with a valid reason why He would love me, he has no need too.

I have faith that he does, but I can not truly say that I know of any reason he should.

12-17-2007, 07:51 AM
I chose "all the time, to the point of almost losing my faith"

I'm at the point where I don't have a religion right now. I grew up in a lutheran family but they never really practiced unless it was christmas, easter, or thanksgiving and then we'd have a prayer at the table. Tradition, i suppose. I used to go to bible study and i loved it. I lost faith in God when i was a teen and placed it all on science since it made sense logically. but i couldn't shake that feeling that there is a higher being out there... So i went back to church and was shocked to find out that Jesus is regarded God incarnate because I always thought Jesus was son of God in a metaphorical sense.. as we all are "children" of God.

I have a lot of faith in God or Allah, but in religion - that's a difficult issue for me because there is a lot that i disagree with... and I always feel guilty for doing that. It's like a battle with myself... I suppose that's why the submission is importnat - we're supposed to place trust in God first, not ourselves.

Ummu Sufyaan
12-17-2007, 08:40 AM
hello again :p
we're supposed to place trust in God first, not ourselves.
nicely said!

12-18-2007, 04:10 PM
Sometimes. When my life crashes I feel like Allah has just left me to cope alone and I feel awful.

But then I realise it's all a test -even though i don't like it- it's still a test.

12-18-2007, 07:35 PM
^^^ yes true, allah doesnt have to SHOW his love, and he loves the people who are patient, and trust and fear him, and always have faith, so sis be patient, you will find the reward...and after looking at other religions, they always have some questions they can't answer

Grace Seeker
12-19-2007, 05:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I agree with you about 99.9%. I have a little trouble with this part.

I know I do not deserve such and can not come up with a valid reason why He would love me, he has no need too.

I have faith that he does, but I can not truly say that I know of any reason he should.
You used to, back when John 3:16 was part of your scriptures. It doesn't give you the reason that he should, but the assurance that he does. In fact, so much so that Romans 5:8 says, God demonstrates his own love for us in this, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

01-03-2008, 04:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sapphirine
I have a lot of faith in God or Allah, but in religion - that's a difficult issue for me because there is a lot that i disagree with... and I always feel guilty for doing that. It's like a battle with myself... I suppose that's why the submission is importnat - we're supposed to place trust in God first, not ourselves.
But which God? Or, more accurately, which book's God (or Gods)?

Having read many of these books, I can tell that if any of these gods exist, they don't seem to appreciate a vague belief in the idea of them. They require specific penitence or they will more often than not send you to hell in a handbasket.

05-19-2008, 10:38 AM
Wow, all of a sudden I feel I'm not alone. Phew.

Well, I haven't voted yet, but I'm going for "sometimes". I believe that in the path to gaining knowledge about my faith, there will be doubts & questions here & there. What matters is my determination to find the right answers to those questions & clear my doubts as soon as possible.

I do get the occasional whispers of doubt and confusion that I believe are from Shaitan; in fact, it's becoming quite regular nowadays. But, inshaAllah, I'll keep my trust in Allah (swt) & find my way out with His guidance. It's a learning & growing process for me.

Salam :)

05-23-2008, 08:10 PM
Thanks for contributing to this thread, shakylla ... and for resurrecting it. :)

05-24-2008, 05:37 AM

I think everyone gets doubts now and then regardless of what religion they follow.

Mother Theresa was a saintly woman, yet according to recent findings she suffered from terrible religious doubts. I would say it must have been all the things she witnessed throughout the world.

Wa salaam,


05-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Yet almost 43% of participants in this poll claim never to have any doubt. That's quite amazing.

05-25-2008, 09:57 PM
and Peace be with you!

Now I voted NEVER!
I had in the past some doubts in my mind,because I had so little knoledge!
But today,thanks to Allah I haven't anymore!
The QURAN,HADITH and aproved Science helped me to be and become a stronger MUSLIM!


05-25-2008, 10:07 PM
I voted 'never' since I was think and live in the 'present'. But in the past I did had doubts of whether somethings in Islam were true or not - and now I realise that it was own ignorance which contributed to that.

I believe in spiritual healing big time. To me it's a science of how energies, frequencies, electromagnetic fields affect healing, but again and again I'm told these things are related to jinns. That's the only issue I have, not with islam but with muslims in their thinking to reject anyhting that which they do not understand. I guess I'm going off topic but I had to let it out. :p

guyabano: if the 'Faith in science' is also acceptable, then I will answer 'never'.
How can you believe in science when you've never seen an atom?

06-03-2008, 10:09 PM

I voted never and alhamdulilah until this day i haven't had any doubts about Islaam as being the true religion I mean I tend to question how people can have doubts about Islaam or just generally the existence of God. For me the signs have always been there infront of me, however every one goes through times of hardship and these are the times in which shaytaan takes advantage.

Allah says in the Qur'aan:

"Then surely with every hardship comes ease. Surely with every hardship comes ease" (Surah Inshirah Ayah 5 and 6)

Beware of the whisperings of shaytaan don't ever let him make you think 'Allah has forsaken me'!


06-04-2008, 02:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis
How can you believe in science when you've never seen an atom?
How can you believe in religion when you've never seen god?

06-04-2008, 04:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tetsujin
How can you believe in religion when you've never seen god?
Touche Monsieur, Very good and appropriate come back.

It does seem to be appropriate for an athiest to ask after being asked how he can believe in science if he never saw an atom.

It is true I have never seen Allaah(swt) however I have seen his works and have read words I believe he has given mankind.

Like science the verification of religion comes from observation of events and not from seeing the actual belief through direct use of our primary senses.

We who do believe in Allaah(swt) do use the scientific method to verify and form our beliefs. However, our methods of measurements and the tools used do seem alien to some scientists.

But, the truth will always be the truth no matter what method of measurement and observation is used.

06-04-2008, 04:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

We who do believe in Allaah(swt) do use the scientific method to verify and form our beliefs. However, our methods of measurements and the tools used do seem alien to some scientists.

What are the tools/measurements?

06-04-2008, 05:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tetsujin
What are the tools/measurements?
None that you would agree with.

Verification of the chain of transmission of scripture


Correlation of revelations with physical observation

Process of elimination of other possibilities
Explanation of what I mean by this:
my primary observation is the simple existance of matter. There is no basic reason for matter to exist. Non-existance of matter would be the ultimate and most stable form of the universe. Matter can only be seen of as being a warp of the space-time continuum. I see matter as existing and as being real. The measurement of matter and the observation of matter is a simple evidence that creation of matter took place. The Question is did the creation take place by chance, accident or choice of a creator? I have not seen anything to convince me that matter can come into existance, without a creator. My simple feeble thinking has eliminated other possibilities. However, if somebody can make me a drop of water in a vacuum, without adding any material, I may reconsider that.

06-04-2008, 04:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
None that you would agree with.

Verification of the chain of transmission of scripture


Correlation of revelations with physical observation

Process of elimination of other possibilities
Explanation of what I mean by this:
my primary observation is the simple existance of matter. There is no basic reason for matter to exist. Non-existance of matter would be the ultimate and most stable form of the universe. Matter can only be seen of as being a warp of the space-time continuum. I see matter as existing and as being real. The measurement of matter and the observation of matter is a simple evidence that creation of matter took place. The Question is did the creation take place by chance, accident or choice of a creator? I have not seen anything to convince me that matter can come into existance, without a creator. My simple feeble thinking has eliminated other possibilities. However, if somebody can make me a drop of water in a vacuum, without adding any material, I may reconsider that.
Does any other field of research or knowledge use these tools?

Does it have to be a drop of water? It's a bit difficult to get the exact configuration for a few hundred moles of h20. Would you settle for a few protons?

06-04-2008, 09:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tetsujin
Does any other field of research or knowledge use these tools?
Not in the exact same terminology. However, in the early days of psychology, before Freud justified it being removed it from the field of philosophy to a branch of science, very similar terms were used to qualify and quantify behavior.

Does it have to be a drop of water? It's a bit difficult to get the exact configuration for a few hundred moles of h20. Would you settle for a few protons?
I am aware, that in theory, electrons and protons can be made by disruption/collision of energy waves. But, I would contend that if matter were made in a vacuum by that means, it is not creation of a proton, but the making of a proton by restructering a creation (energy).

so if you can show me evidence of a proton being made in a vacuum from nothing, I would accept that.

07-15-2008, 11:57 AM
i have had many doubts about islam and my life as a whole, but i find that when i pray this builds my strength back up and i feel much better. when i do have a doubt i try to find an answer.

07-21-2008, 12:48 AM
i dont get doubts about the existence of Allah swt, Alhumdullilah.
one thing no matter what i know He exists no matter how bad things are no matter what i am going through and if ever doubting about His existence occured honestly there would be literally no point in my carrying life on. It is He who keeps me going, i hate this world i hate what it does to the soul, i hate the whole way it deludes the mind and soul.
it is an evil curropt world we live in its so hard and rare to come across real genuine kind people everyone has their own motives and agendas for knowing you, and when your there they act like your best friend as soon as you turn your back they dig your grave with their wolverine claws.

what i get doubts a lot about is my imaan and how its not that strong and it really freaks me out and gets me down, at times i think i become obsessed with it i dunno if it is a good thing or bad but i wouldnt say its a bad thing.
i get scared and sometimes find it really hard to walk on the straight path.
many doubts arise in my head but they have nothing to do with God's existence but moreso with my own sincerity and intentions.

07-25-2008, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Eeman
i dont get doubts about the existence of Allah swt, Alhumdullilah.
one thing no matter what i know He exists no matter how bad things are no matter what i am going through and if ever doubting about His existence occured honestly there would be literally no point in my carrying life on. It is He who keeps me going, i hate this world i hate what it does to the soul, i hate the whole way it deludes the mind and soul.
it is an evil curropt world we live in its so hard and rare to come across real genuine kind people everyone has their own motives and agendas for knowing you, and when your there they act like your best friend as soon as you turn your back they dig your grave with their wolverine claws.
It's very sad to hear that. I hope you have someone to talk to and I hope things work out for you.


07-25-2008, 09:19 PM
I do have doubts sometimes, but then i try my best to find an answer...and alhamdulillah, help me strenghten my faith

07-26-2008, 08:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SundriedAtheist
You may be suffering from some mental condition. Do you hear voices in your head? What language is that in. Do you hear god speak to you. Have you seen angels and jinns talk to you?

Please go to a good psychiatry clinic and explain your situation to the doctor. Today we have modern medicine to deal with these trickks our minds plays with us. Back in the days of the "prophets" who receieved "revelations" from so called "gods" through "angels" and "jinns" there were no prozacs.

Go read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. You may learn something!
salam alaikum brother

what is the use of your unnecessary post??????
if you have nothing productive or nice to say then its best for you not to say anything.
and the brother is talking about the whispers of shaytaan, just like he whispered in your heart to write such a useless and harsh post in reply to his post. so to be quite fair it seems like your the one that needs the help that you are recommending him to pursue maybe you should take heed in your own words of advice.

ma salama

08-05-2008, 06:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by IbnAbdulHakim
in islaam whenever i have doubted anything i have searched from the authentic sources of Quran and Sunnah and found an answer which has satisfied my heart, i have yet to find something which knowledge has not been able to cure.

Trust is ofcourse a part of it, but we dont trust what is illogical and clearly unpleasing to the heart
The Prophet Muhammad [saas] said, 'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshippers.'

Just wanted to throw that in.



01-19-2009, 11:15 PM
I said sometimes. I do have doubts just as every other human being but I am glad to say my religion has never let me down. Also my doubts never ever get close to losing faith. That is out of the question.

Every time I had a doubt I have found an explanation in the Quran or the Sunnah. Always a valid reason for everything.

01-20-2009, 03:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano
nope ! I truly believe in science !
I find it hard to believe you could possible say this and truly understand science itself. Not to mention it is contrary to the truly scientific spirit.

01-20-2009, 06:07 AM
I voted "never", whenever I have doubts they're not about my beliefs.

01-21-2009, 05:57 PM
Salaam Alaikum.

I do sometimes wonder why certain things happen (the reasons) and often if Allah is pleased with me or if I'm doing right.
I don't doubt Allah though alhumdullilah. Allah is in my heart and when these thoughts come in my head, I seek refuge with Allah and know that Allah knows best and I don't.

01-21-2009, 06:14 PM
I've had A LOT of doubts before, my family was never a religious family, so a lot of things I knew about Islam, were things I heard or saw and that weren't so accurate...then when I learnt more about Islam, I found out how much I loved my religion and now I don't have doubts anymore...

01-21-2009, 06:15 PM
I didnt Vote.

I do have doubts from time to time, but that actually has manifested my Faith even more, because Islam can be proven if you put it to the test. I have always been the type to Question everything. I always wanted to know why we do wat we do.

I think I wud be more worried if I didn't.


01-21-2009, 09:08 PM
Nope,I can't doubt my religion.

01-21-2009, 09:41 PM
It's nice to see this thread up and running again. :)

Thanks to all who have contributed so far.


01-21-2009, 10:08 PM
I did not vote, because I cant find a proper choice.......
Cant there be a choice for having doubt only once in my entire life?
it was only once actually in my case
and I appreciate that moment a lot, because it leaded me to find the ultimate irrefutable truth that strengthened my Eman and enlightened my way

01-26-2009, 12:07 AM
To be honest I've never had any doubts about my faith. But on the other hand I do get the whispers of Shaitaan, like who created God, How does God look like? But as we know thats not something new and even the companions use get that and they would complain to the prophet.

01-26-2009, 12:22 AM
AsSalamOAlikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Islam is quintessentially perfect. Impossible to doubt. Absolutely undoubtable.



01-26-2009, 03:55 AM
The fact that you never doubt your religion is not necessarily a good thing, you know.

I wonder how many Scientologists ever doubt their religion. Probably not many.

I'm sure many members Heaven's Gate and the Jonestown group and other suicide or death cults never doubted their faith either.

01-28-2009, 12:18 PM
^ I agree on some points you mentioned
the doubt moment I had in the past raised a lot of questions in my mind which lead me to find the answers I looked for.
I think having doubt moments is good to make us look for the truth and find it
Islam is undoubtable religion, even if we had some doubts moments we always find the answers when we searched for it.....subhan allah everything is so clear it only need us to learn more

02-02-2009, 10:29 AM
I sometimes have Waswasa. This is where Shaytaan puts some sort of doubt in my mind but I immediately say Astaghfirulla and start thinking about something else. And that's the end of that Waswasa.

Narrated abu huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah has accepted my invocation to forgive what whispers in the hearts of my followers, unless they put it to action or utter it." Bukhari (See Hadith No. 657 Vol. 8) (Book #46, Hadith #705)
Source: http://www.searchtruth.com/searchHad...earch_word=all

02-04-2009, 03:16 PM
I have on occassion, but the Holy Spirit has always been there to comfort me and bring me back to the fold.

GOD seems so out there and unbelieveable, it is Jesus that has made GOD believable for me.

Flame of Hope
05-25-2011, 02:36 AM
I chose "sometimes".....

I couldn't have chosen "never".

But I think having doubts merely served to increase my faith. Because whenever I had doubts it made me investigate and find answers with greater fervor. Finding the truth after research destroyed all doubts that arose in my mind. So it turned out to be a greater blessing to have doubts than not to have them....... :)

Who Am I?
05-25-2011, 02:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Follower
I have on occassion, but the Holy Spirit has always been there to comfort me and bring me back to the fold.

GOD seems so out there and unbelieveable, it is Jesus that has made GOD believable for me.
That is interesting. I am the opposite right now. I know that there is a God, but it is the Trinity and Jesus that are the difficult things for me to figure out.

So do I ever have moments of doubt? All of the time. I've been a Christian most of my life, except for the few years that I was an atheist in college. I've always taken the Trinity and Jesus for granted that it is the right way, but lately I begin to wonder.

05-25-2011, 03:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ebtisweetsam
I voted never because everytime i have been in a position of needing proof, i have looked into it, and Islam had the answer.
For some reason this post really spoke to me, like for some reason I really identified with that. Interesting because I'm a Christian thinking of reverting to Islam.... perhaps this is a sign from Allah (s.w.t.)? I hope you don't think me impertinent for asking this, but could you give an example? I was just really intrigued by this post. I thought it was beautiful :)

05-25-2011, 10:49 AM
Since i educate myself about islam i never doubted it

7years ago, there are things that stop me from fully accepting islam
like why marry 4
why wear hijab
i know it wasnt my time yet, but alhamdollelah with proper education, i fully understand my religion now

and i know it is the best thing i can achieve in this life (being real muslim)

Who Am I?
05-25-2011, 02:33 PM
I have come to terms with the covering of women in Islam. It used to bother me, I admit. Why is she covering herself up when she is so beautiful, I used to ask myself. But now I think I understand that one.

Now if I can figure out dogs and alcohol, I'll be gold...

Flame of Hope
05-25-2011, 05:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
I'll be gold...
You could be gold in the making. lol.

Who Am I?
05-25-2011, 06:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame

You could be gold in the making. lol.
Just don't spend me all in one place. :p

I know this will not be a quick process. But I like to think I'm on the path to greatness...

...if I don't go insane first. :skeleton:

05-26-2011, 04:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
Just don't spend me all in one place. :p

I know this will not be a quick process. But I like to think I'm on the path to greatness...

...if I don't go insane first. :skeleton:

Inshallah we will pray for that, and we like to see you here :)
i quickly remember you & i was sure your gender is masculine ;D

Who Am I?
05-26-2011, 02:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by andrea17
Inshallah we will pray for that, and we like to see you here :)
i quickly remember you & i was sure your gender is masculine ;D
Well I will welcome all intercession to the Almighty on my behalf, because we all need that, especially at this time in my life (not to sound like a whiner or drama king).

05-26-2011, 04:01 PM
I just can't absorb religions it's full of rationalizations and interpretations then re-interpretations and when there's a dead end to answer a question it will be god knows best.

Like What was god doing before deciding to create the universe! Or Why he created us! The punishment and reward! The bloody end of days!

Also the old testament bibles and the orders from god to kill kill kill . But there's rationalizations to everything and i just can't absorb them.

Banning teaching of the theory of evolution in most arab countries! There's something wrong !

05-26-2011, 04:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback
Banning teaching of the theory of evolution in most arab countries! There's something wrong !
It's been banned in the United States before too so there really is no regional isolation there. You can look it up online though. Personally, the theory of evolution is really no big deal to me. It hasn't shaken my faith and that is no rationalization on my part.

I think that what you should do is try not to absorb yourself with the tough questions you mentioned above because a few of those questions have no answer in any of the Holy books. It's a guide for you to live a happy and peaceful life. Trying to rationalize everything and making it more complicated than it truly is will eventually drive you insane.

:) Smileeeee. It's OK. Just keep seeking knowledge and you will find the truth you're looking for. Often times, the answer is God knows best. I hope you don't disagree that and if you do May Allah grant you clarity of mind and happiness in this life. Ameeeen

There are many things in this world that we will not know and not even science can answer everything.

Who Am I?
05-26-2011, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback
I just can't absorb religions it's full of rationalizations and interpretations then re-interpretations and when there's a dead end to answer a question it will be god knows best.

Like What was god doing before deciding to create the universe! Or Why he created us! The punishment and reward! The bloody end of days!

Also the old testament bibles and the orders from god to kill kill kill . But there's rationalizations to everything and i just can't absorb them.

Banning teaching of the theory of evolution in most arab countries! There's something wrong !
A lot of those things used to bother me too when I was younger. I really don't care that much about science and politics anymore.You won't be able to find all of the answers. Believe me, I've tried, and I never did find what I was looking for back then.

These days all I want is to find inner peace and be happy with who I am.

Flame of Hope
05-26-2011, 07:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
These days all I want is to find inner peace and be happy with who I am.
You will be happy with who you are when you become a true servant of God.

That's where my happiness is. :wub:

Who Am I?
05-26-2011, 08:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame

You will be happy with who you are when you become a true servant of God.

That's where my happiness is. :wub:
That's where I'm trying to get to.

With that in mind, I am going to visit a local masjid next week to speak to some of the brothers there.

Flame of Hope
05-31-2011, 06:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy
That's where I'm trying to get to.

With that in mind, I am going to visit a local masjid next week to speak to some of the brothers there.
What a beautiful bit of news! :wub:

Flame of Hope
05-31-2011, 06:12 AM
I'm a little surprised to see that many people have voted "Never" for having doubts.

It's a fact that Shaytan is our sworn enemy..... and he will never give up casting doubt in our hearts regarding Allah.

Grace Seeker
05-31-2011, 02:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback
I just can't absorb religions it's full of rationalizations and interpretations then re-interpretations and when there's a dead end to answer a question it will be god knows best.

Like What was god doing before deciding to create the universe! Or Why he created us! The punishment and reward! The bloody end of days!

Also the old testament bibles and the orders from god to kill kill kill . But there's rationalizations to everything and i just can't absorb them.

Banning teaching of the theory of evolution in most arab countries! There's something wrong !
I agree with those who said that evolution really isn't a big deal. As a Christian, I have no problem with the science's attempts to answer where did we come from. I feel that even evolution points us back to God as the ultimate cause. Science might talk about the mechanism with more detail and thus better distributative knowledge of how things occured. But for why they occured, I don't find science giving us any better reason than we already have, nor do I even see it denying the basic truth that there is a Creator behind the act of creation.

With regard to some of your other questions, I would actually ask you to think deeper and more troubling questions still than you have proposed here.

For instance, if there is no God, no creator, no ultimate determiner of anything, no absolutes in our world, then from where do our shared values come from? Notice that even though we have different ideas as to what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, that we all believe that there is such a thing as right and such a thing as wrong. That the concept of fair play seems to be universal among us. Is that idea something that simply evolves out of nothingness? If so, then we are wrong when we appeal to a sense of fairness, rightness or decency? But yet we still make such appeals. So, if we are not crazy for making such appeals, and if the appeals are really to something outside of ourselves, then to what or whom are we appealing? I'm not saying that you have to accept this concept as God as defined by any religion, but it does seem that even the non-religious among us are doing exactly what those who call themselves atheists are objecting to with regard to religion, that is we all (even the non-believers among us) make appeal to something/someone beyond ourselves as an ultimate authority or determinant, as a standard, of right and wrong, of good and bad.

Who Am I?
05-31-2011, 02:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame

What a beautiful bit of news! :wub:
Yeah, Flame, I think I'm going to start taking some classes on Islam at the masjid, and I want to talk to one of the brothers that I have been corresponding with in email.

05-25-2012, 02:05 AM
Here it is, FreakOffTheLeash:
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I wonder if posters can answer this poll truthfully.

It is always easy to claim that we are perfectly strong in our faith and never have moments of doubt - but here is an opportunity to search our hearts and be honest to ourselves. (The poll is anonymous)

If you want to contribute more thoughts, feel free to do so, for example:
  • Is having moments of doubts necessarily a bad thing, or can it possibly strengthen faith?
  • Have you had particular times of doubt and questioning?
  • How do you deal with doubt - in yourself and in fellow believers?
  • etc, etc

Looking forward to your votes and comments.

Peace :)
You might find the comments helpful.

05-25-2012, 05:21 AM
I didn't vote in the poll, because, like several others who responded in the thread, my answer at one time would have been yes, but now is no. Yet, to click "never" is not quite accurate, but neither is clicking "sometimes." I noticed people commenting on the vast number who clicked "never" yet from the replies in the thread it seems a good number of the "nevers" are like myself in that they have, but they no longer do.

There was a time in my life when I was angry at God and I walked away from religion. I never walked away from God, nor stopped believing in him. I began to seek truth, and in the end of my quest I discarded all religion. But no matter how far I ran from God, he never stopped chasing me. Then one day I had a sudden realization. After that moment, I have had so much total peace about things. This doesn't mean I have stopped having struggles in life, but none of them involve doubts about my faith. I was reading a thread on this forum recently where an individual stated that God tests those who he loves, and I thought to myself, "then God must love me a LOT." Hahah. But I know that God's trials are intended to strengthen us and refine us, if we are open to learning what God wants us to learn through them. I have said it before on this forum, but if I were to die tomorrow and God chose to place me in the fires for purification, then I am totally accepting of his decision and I will continue to praise him and worship him.

I do not ever believe to have all the answers, nor the absolute truth-- and I am completely at peace in that. I will never stop studying and desiring to learn more. I am a lifetime student. But I study for personal enrichment and complete understanding, not to clear any doubts.

I love doubters. I have a heart for those who are seeking (and also for those who are hurting). I believe we are all on this journey together.

05-25-2012, 06:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by PouringRain
I do not ever believe to have all the answers, nor the absolute truth-- and I am completely at peace in that. I will never stop studying and desiring to learn more. I am a lifetime student. But I study for personal enrichment and complete understanding, not to clear any doubts.

I love doubters. I have a heart for those who are seeking (and also for those who are hurting). I believe we are all on this journey together.
I love that! Well put, Pouring Rain.

sister herb
05-25-2012, 12:23 PM
All the time.


05-25-2012, 12:26 PM
Faith not built upon knowledge and practice can be easily swayed and easily plucked out. :statisfie

05-25-2012, 12:38 PM
No, because my Creator is free from all imperfections and my religion is perfect, alhamdulillah! :statisfie

sister herb
05-25-2012, 12:43 PM
Salam alaykum

I reverted 17 years ago but still wondering everyday is there God or not.


05-17-2013, 03:37 PM
Doubts, not really. Lonely? Most likely. Left on my own, yes. Tested, definitely! Ever thought of giving up? Momentarily, but the faith is just too strong in the hereafter for it to last for more than that moment of weakness. Frustration, impatience when not dealt with properly can lead to ultimately giving up on faith. Can't afford that! Just have to keep taking that step forward and keep on taking it.. There can be no doubt on death. Might as well prepare for what will come after. :phew

05-17-2013, 06:24 PM
Thanks for resurrecting this thread, greenhill. :)

05-17-2013, 07:20 PM
depression and just feeling worthless sometimes has made me feel bad.. that and all the negativity about Islam on the internet and tv.

05-17-2013, 09:04 PM
Never. I'm far from being the perfect Muslim but with every difficulty, my belief in Islam strengthens ten fold.

لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…” (Qur’an, 2:286).

قُلْ لَنْ يُصِيبَنَا إِلَّا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا

“Say: ‘Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allâh has ordained for us…’” (9:51).

SubhanAllah, if a Muslim keeps the above verses in their heart nothing can shake their faith

05-17-2013, 11:02 PM
Doubts occur due to the whispers of the devil, people who intentionally try to mislead others and due to a lack of knowledge.

Seeking refuge in Allaah, gaining knowledge via The Qur'an and Sunnah, scholars and books helps to push away doubts and strengthen your faith.

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