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09-27-2007, 04:51 AM
Atheist is obviously not a religion. Whats is the issue? Another depression which is no good for mental health and well being.:D

Relax oh! Dear Believer...people of the book!:happy:

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09-27-2007, 05:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous
Atheist is obviously not a religion. Whats is the issue? Another depression which is no good for mental health and well being.:D

Relax oh! Dear Believer...people of the book!:happy:
Huh? Yes atheism is not a religion. Im not sure i understand your next part though.

Atheism only comments on the exitense of a god. It does not relate to mental health in any degree. However some may gain some sort of benefit from a belief or lack of belief in some sort of god.

Md Mashud
09-27-2007, 05:15 AM
Atheism is a religion in terms of faith. The god is natural selection.

09-27-2007, 05:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
Huh? Yes atheism is not a religion. Im not sure i understand your next part though.

Atheism only comments on the exitense of a god. It does not relate to mental health in any degree. However some may gain some sort of benefit from a belief or lack of belief in some sort of god.
Hii... sorry, I mean do not think too much about this issue..it could lead to stress, of course it does not related to mental health in any degree...but..hm hm...you, and I know...our cognitive functioning...hm hm....:hmm:

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09-27-2007, 05:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Atheism is a religion in terms of faith. The god is natural selection.
Atheism is not a religion. It is a man made law and conduct it as a norm.
A man made law is not permanent, it can change to from time to time to suit the environment, conditions and situations.

If I have faith in someone does not mean I worship that person. In simple term I respect his integrity. Thank you. :sunny:

09-27-2007, 05:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous
Atheism is not a religion. It is a man made law and conduct it as a norm.
A man made law is not permanent, it can change to from time to time to suit the environment, conditions and situations.

If I have faith in someone does not mean I worship that person. In simple term I respect his integrity. Thank you. :sunny:
atheism has no laws.
it just is a non belief in a god.

of course anythign social is man made and subject to change

Md Mashud
09-27-2007, 05:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
atheism has no laws.
it just is a non belief in a god.

of course anythign social is man made and subject to change
I had a lengthy debate with an atheist today. It wasn't too pleasant as he was quite insulting towards believers/religion. Anyway, this wasnt forum but a live chat to chat thing. He is a science graduate if it makes any relevance. We talked through alot, especially about the dependant nature of the universe. At the end, he blurped out with somthing "I believe in some kind of lamp mass of energy" at the beginning. Surely enough I quickly followed with, then you believe in what we believe in.. He muttered some stuff about the christianity God is different - how can god be man etc. What I realised was, he was never anti-God, rather anti-religion o_O. It makes me wonder if someone really can not believe in a God, hence making the universe independant which is scientifically false, or rather getting misconceptions due to religion. I think people relate God as the dependant on religion?

09-27-2007, 06:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
atheism has no laws.
it just is a non belief in a god.

of course anythign social is man made and subject to change
Atheism...(ism) each ism has its own doctrines and principles. But it is a man made law or doctrines or principles.

Why? no evidence? Islam is a constructive religion with complete evidence..its just the cognitive functioning and the way we think is different. Its Allah's knowledge and it depends on us whether to absorp the understanding and make full use of what Allah has given.:hmm:

09-27-2007, 07:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous
Atheism...(ism) each ism has its own doctrines and principles. But it is a man made law or doctrines or principles.

Why? no evidence? Islam is a constructive religion with complete evidence..its just the cognitive functioning and the way we think is different. Its Allah's knowledge and it depends on us whether to absorp the understanding and make full use of what Allah has given.:hmm:

atheism is essentially a lack of belief in god/s.

I am an atheist in all known gods.

You are an atheist in all gods mut allah.

I have no belief in your god or any other.
You have no belief in any other god.

thats about it.

Now i personally dont consider you an atheist but you do have a certain atheistic belief in other gods.

09-27-2007, 07:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2

atheism is essentially a lack of belief in god/s.

I am an atheist in all known gods.

You are an atheist in all gods mut allah.

I have no belief in your god or any other.
You have no belief in any other god.

thats about it.

Now i personally dont consider you an atheist but you do have a certain atheistic belief in other gods.
Hii...Its true I have no belief in others except Allah. But I am not an Atheist. I believe in one God and I submit to HIM. An Atheist does not believe in God at all. See the difference.

09-28-2007, 01:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous
Hii...Its true I have no belief in others except Allah. But I am not an Atheist. I believe in one God and I submit to HIM. An Atheist does not believe in God at all. See the difference.
atheism is just not believeing in a god or gods.
God it self is an atheists but not an agnostic.
He believes in know gods and he knows 1 exists.
"he knows he exists so belief is taken out."

of course this is just symantics.

as i said. I dont realy consider you a full atheists. "but you just got to believe in one less god to be a full one. ;)"

09-28-2007, 07:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
atheism is just not believeing in a god or gods.
God it self is an atheists but not an agnostic.
He believes in know gods and he knows 1 exists.
"he knows he exists so belief is taken out."

of course this is just symantics.

as i said. I dont realy consider you a full atheists. "but you just got to believe in one less god to be a full one. ;)"

Hii Ranma1/2, ..... and hii all...

God is not an atheists nor he is an agnostic...

There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the sublime, the tremendous.
Baqara 2:225

09-29-2007, 05:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
atheism is just not believeing in a god or gods.
God it self is an atheists but not an agnostic.
He believes in know gods and he knows 1 exists.
"he knows he exists so belief is taken out."

of course this is just symantics.

as i said. I dont realy consider you a full atheists. "but you just got to believe in one less god to be a full one. ;)"

Athiests = polytheists

An atheist is said to be someone who denies the existence of the Creator. This is a good definition, provided that we mean by it that the creator whose existence they deny is the only God ofreligion, the one true Creator. Otherwise, atheists do believe in creators, albeit they do not recognize them under that appellation. This is so because atheists, in their endeavor to find alternatives to God for explaining the existence of the temporal things we see around us, invent some imaginary entities and give them some of the essential attributes of God.

Thus materialistic atheists used to believe in matter as such a god. But this matter-god of theirs is not the matter with which we are familiar in our daily life; it is something that is eternal and everlasting, hence the statement, which used to masquerade as a scientific fact, “matter is neither created nor destroyed.” But when you ask them to point this eternal and everlasting matter you discover that they are only chasing a will-o’-the-wisp. The matter that we can recognize and to which we can point is matter in the form of the large heavenly bodies, in the form of earthly physical things, and in the form of the constituents of these things: molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, photons, etc., none of which is eternal. Atheistic materialists used to believe in an eternal matter behind all such material things which come and go, but the advent of the “big bang” theory shattered all hopes in the existence of such matter. Scientists now believe that everything—matter, energy, even space and time—had a beginning. In fact they speak about a moment of creation of all these things.

Another such imaginary god is Nature (with a capital N). The nature with which we are familiar is the totality of natural things. But when we are told that Nature does this or that, as atheists are prone to say, we find ourselves at a loss. What is this Nature? If it be the one we know, how can it cause or create itself? But if it is something else, then we want to have proof of its existence.

The same applies to Evolution. Now evolution, scientifically speaking, is “[t]he gradual process by which the present diversity of plant and animal life arose from the earliest and most primary organisms…” (Concise Science Dictionary) But the Evolution of the atheists is not this process; rather it is the agent which brings about the process. Only in this unscientific and imaginary sense can evolution take the place of God; otherwise, a believer who accepts the theory of evolution can easily reconcile it with his belief in God, by saying that that process is itself the work of the Creator.

There are, on the other hand, atheists who say in a misleading way that they believe in God; but on inspection, their god turns out to be the god of the atheists. I am referring here to people like Einstein, who is said by some to have been a believer, but whose god was in fact not God the Creator in whom we all believe. Einstein declared that he believed in “Spinoza’s god,” i.e. in a god that is identical with the universe, and who does not thus interfere from outside in its working. “The man who is thoroughly convinced of the universal operation of the law of causation, “says Einstein, “cannot for a moment entertain the idea of a being who interferes in the course of events.” [Quoted by Hans Kung, Does God Exist? Vantage Books, 1981, p. 629]

Thus all atheists are in fact polytheists, or mushriks. A mushrik, according to Islam, is one who believes in a god or gods besides, or to the exclusion of, the one true God, or who worships such gods, even if he also worships the true God. That perhaps is the reason why the Qur’an never talks about atheists, but only about mushriks (or polytheists).


09-29-2007, 05:53 PM
Atheism is a negation of an existentialist being, thats it. I merely negate one more god than you do. Its not a matter of faith that you believe Kali, Varuna, Thor, Demiurge, Sheogorath are fictional. Same goes with my disbelief if you're god.

Please stop trying to twist the meaning.

09-29-2007, 06:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
Atheism is a negation of an existentialist being, thats it. I merely negate one more god than you do. Its not a matter of faith that you believe Kali, Varuna, Thor, Demiurge, Sheogorath are fictional. Same goes with my disbelief if you're god.

Please stop trying to twist the meaning.

First I will tell you something that we know from Quran and Hadith:

1- For every nation on earth God send to us messengers and Prophets, and they are about 124 000 Messanger and Prophet!

2- The Prophets that we know by name and mentioned their stories in Quran and we agree with Christians and Jews except Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) whom they reject are 25 Prophet and Messenger!

From those stories we know what Humans did from History (FACTS) with their faith, they simply added sharers and Pagan believes to the TRUTH that were revealed for them, even Miracles that they saw were not enough for them!

So Kali, Varuna, Thor, Demiurge, Sheogorath were invented by humans after they were send message that there is Creator!

See faith came to us step by step (evolution in faith) for example if you read the bible Prophet Jesus (pbuh) said to his disciples that there is a lot to be said but the comforter when he comes will say it, and told them this because they are NOT READY to BEAR what he will say!

Also we can read some Prophets all what they asked their people to do to worship God and enter paradise is To believe in God and dont kill specific Cow or camel, they didn’t have to go to Mosque or Pray five times or anything like Christians or Jews do, NOTHING, because their Creator knew their capabilities!

Unfortunately and Ironically and Amazingly till today there is people who cannot BEAR and realize TRUTH!

May Allah (swt) open our heart and mind!


09-29-2007, 06:54 PM
As a former atheist i would say that atheism is a childish phase of man's life. When you grow up and get know the world, you start to believe in God.

09-29-2007, 08:10 PM
I bet even the Astheist accept the Oneness of god, deep down. :)

09-29-2007, 08:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ^..sTr!vEr..^
I bet even the Astheist accept the Oneness of god, deep down. :)
Im afraid not. When i was atheist i didnt believe in any deity.

Md Mashud
09-29-2007, 10:01 PM
but you just got to believe in one less god to be a full one. ;)"
Alot of people use this, I wonder if they took the time to see how stupid this arguement is. There is a difference, between believing in 0, 1 and 2 gods. A huge difference when you go to 0.

Whether you believe in 1 or more, you believe in an intellectual existance outside of this universe - With 0, you deny it altogether. How can, this difference be merely measured as atheism level? That you are more atheist if you believe in 1 god then 2? Illogical. Atheism is the disbelief of any outside intelect of this Universe - its not a linear progression as you include God(s).

I had to just get that off my chest :skeleton:

Md Mashud
09-29-2007, 10:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85
As a former atheist i would say that atheism is a childish phase of man's life. When you grow up and get know the world, you start to believe in God.

The funny thing is, they wish to use science for their belief. It is scientific to believe in God - because science tells us the universe is not an independant deity. They would rather believe somthing exists that they don't know - but they will deny God. Do they not know, that thing that exists that they don't know (that which "scientists" can't explain yet but is trying to) - is what we know as God????

Atheism seems to be rather anti-religion than Anti-God. Because God is misunderstood by atheists.

09-29-2007, 10:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
The same applies to Evolution. Now evolution, scientifically speaking, is “[t]he gradual process by which the present diversity of plant and animal life arose from the earliest and most primary organisms…” (Concise Science Dictionary) But the Evolution of the atheists is not this process; rather it is the agent which brings about the process. Only in this unscientific and imaginary sense can evolution take the place of God; otherwise, a believer who accepts the theory of evolution can easily reconcile it with his belief in God, by saying that that process is itself the work of the Creator.
Not this ridiculous strawman again...?! The 'evolution of the atheists' is exactly the same as the evolution of everybody else. Atheists do not deny that the theory of evolution could be reconciled with a belief in God (although a great many theists do!), although they would deny that it requires God. No scientific theory requires belief in God.

format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85
As a former atheist i would say that atheism is a childish phase of man's life. When you grow up and get know the world, you start to believe in God.
Oddly enough, for this former theist, 'growing up' and getting to know the world had precisely the opposite effect - at least as far as the Judeo/Christian/Islamic conception of God is concerned. Many atheists, of course, would consider that it is belief in God or gods that is 'childish'. The use of such terms in relation to other's beliefs is both arrogant and unhelpful.

09-29-2007, 11:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
First I will tell you something that we know from Quran and Hadith:

1- For every nation on earth God send to us messengers and Prophets, and they are about 124 000 Messanger and Prophet!

2- The Prophets that we know by name and mentioned their stories in Quran and we agree with Christians and Jews except Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) whom they reject are 25 Prophet and Messenger!

From those stories we know what Humans did from History (FACTS) with their faith, they simply added sharers and Pagan believes to the TRUTH that were revealed for them, even Miracles that they saw were not enough for them!

What facts are you referrring to? Just because the Qur'an says so doesnt make it fact. If anything, its the reverse. The Jews ripped off the Sumerians with Gensis and Cain and Abel as well as the Flood.

The Qur'an is similarily strikingly similar to gnostic theology and texts, granted an expanded and detailed version.

Dont feel safe christians! The Bible is a hodgepodge of a grabbag of pagan believes, hell even Christ myth isnt original in any way ;)
So Kali, Varuna, Thor, Demiurge, Sheogorath were invented by humans after they were send message that there is Creator!

See faith came to us step by step (evolution in faith) for example if you read the bible Prophet Jesus (pbuh) said to his disciples that there is a lot to be said but the comforter when he comes will say it, and told them this because they are NOT READY to BEAR what he will say!

Im assuming you got this from Deedat. Old Deedat had a nasty habit of quote mining. if he had read the entire thing and used the context of John, he wouldve seen it meant (quite obviously) the Holy Spirit would be the Comforter. So unless Muhammed was an entirely spiritual being, he fails at meeting the criteria

Also we can read some Prophets all what they asked their people to do to worship God and enter paradise is To believe in God and dont kill specific Cow or camel, they didn’t have to go to Mosque or Pray five times or anything like Christians or Jews do, NOTHING, because their Creator knew their capabilities!

Unfortunately and Ironically and Amazingly till today there is people who cannot BEAR and realize TRUTH!

May Allah (swt) open our heart and mind!

You may want to read up on ancient religions and history. Histrography is also key and may hlp you get a more rounded view of the evolution of religions and myths.:coolious:

09-29-2007, 11:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud

The funny thing is, they wish to use science for their belief. It is scientific to believe in God - because science tells us the universe is not an independant deity. They would rather believe somthing exists that they don't know - but they will deny God. Do they not know, that thing that exists that they don't know (that which "scientists" can't explain yet but is trying to) - is what we know as God????

Atheism seems to be rather anti-religion than Anti-God. Because God is misunderstood by atheists.
Atheism predates science. The inherent contradictions in belief in deities (especially tru of monotheistic deities) is reason enough to abandon faith.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?” "



Md Mashud
09-29-2007, 11:16 PM
Is God willing to prevent evil but not able to? Because God does not stop evil does not mean he doesn't exist. Since when did the existance of God mean that evil must not exist? This arguement is similar to one which I heard that why is the human body flawed, surely God is perfect and won't make flawed creatures. This is again making the assumption that God must make humans perfect. Infact, making him having to make humans perfect would indeed limit him.

09-29-2007, 11:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
You may want to read up on ancient religions and history. Histrography is also key and may hlp you get a more rounded view of the evolution of religions and myths.:coolious:
Originally Posted by tarek29
First I will tell you something that we know from Quran and Hadith:

1- For every nation on earth God send to us messengers and Prophets, and they are about 124 000 Messanger and Prophet!

2- The Prophets that we know by name and mentioned their stories in Quran and we agree with Christians and Jews except Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) whom they reject are 25 Prophet and Messenger!

From those stories we know what Humans did from History (FACTS) with their faith, they simply added sharers and Pagan believes to the TRUTH that were revealed for them, even Miracles that they saw were not enough for them

What facts are you referrring to? Just because the Qur'an says so doesnt make it fact. If anything, its the reverse. The Jews ripped off the Sumerians with Gensis and Cain and Abel as well as the Flood.

The Qur'an is similarily strikingly similar to gnostic theology and texts, granted an expanded and detailed version.

Dont feel safe christians! The Bible is a hodgepodge of a grabbag of pagan believes, hell even Christ myth isnt original in any way ;)
If you think carefully about what I wrote, you will understand what I want to say, first I said that all Prophets and Messengers that we know are 25 and we agree about them with Christians and Jews, and there is Prophets that we know them by History and not only religion scriptures!

The Quran is different then other scriptures and obviously you don’t understand or even read the Quran, it is very different then other scriptures!

So Kali, Varuna, Thor, Demiurge, Sheogorath were invented by humans after they were send message that there is Creator!

See faith came to us step by step (evolution in faith) for example if you read the bible Prophet Jesus (pbuh) said to his disciples that there is a lot to be said but the comforter when he comes will say it, and told them this because they are NOT READY to BEAR what he will say!
Im assuming you got this from Deedat. Old Deedat had a nasty habit of quote mining. if he had read the entire thing and used the context of John, he wouldve seen it meant (quite obviously) the Holy Spirit would be the Comforter. So unless Muhammed was an entirely spiritual being, he fails at meeting the criteria
You now confuse me, are you are Christian or atheist or disappointed in Christianity athiest!? In the beginning you talked against the bible and now you use it!?
The comforter is not the Holy spirit if you put John in context or without, and we didn’t see anyone who could directly answer Sheikh Ahmed Deedat (may Allah (swt) rest him in peace) and this in debates he made with Pastors and Priests!

Christians say Jesus came as a man in flesh so that we can see, touch etc... him, then you want to tell me he will come as holy spirit!? (feel the contradiction)

and The Holy spirit will say the words that will be put in its mouth!?

And how does look the mouth of the holy spirit!?

etc..... if you want after Ramadan we can discuss all those things, all is needed is some Logic, with little reason to realise the Truth!

May Allah (swt) guide us all!


09-29-2007, 11:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Is God willing to prevent evil but not able to? Because God does not stop evil does not mean he doesn't exist. Since when did the existance of God mean that evil must not exist? This arguement is similar to one which I heard that why is the human body flawed, surely God is perfect and won't make flawed creatures. This is again making the assumption that God must make humans perfect. Infact, making him having to make humans perfect would indeed limit him.
So God is both lazy and malovolent then?

Md Mashud
09-29-2007, 11:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
So God is both lazy and malovolent then?
Why so? This is treating God as human if anything, limiting him to certain systems. I read that and I don't find it to be really realistic when talking about God in context. Can you explain why god should create humans in a perfect manner and stop the evil on Earth? Does he not know what he is doing? Are you denying his capability of the master plan? Does he not have infinite powers to account all things at the end? If humanlife was a test and he denied evil - is he not denying freewill itself? If he did how could one be accounted?

09-30-2007, 12:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous
Hii Ranma1/2, ..... and hii all...

God is not an atheists nor he is an agnostic...

There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the sublime, the tremendous.
Baqara 2:225
lol, God doesnt believe in any gods. So he is an atheists.
He Knows he exists "so its not a belief" so hes not an agnostic "which doesnt know"

Md Mashud
09-30-2007, 12:12 AM
If I was the only human being in the world, does that mean I don't believe in human beings, seeing as I am one myself? :skeleton:

Accepting existance is already accepting it. This "belief" term is used very ambigiously.

Anyway, this is quite the pointless topic!

09-30-2007, 12:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Why so? This is treating God as human if anything, limiting him to certain systems. I read that and I don't find it to be really realistic when talking about God in context. Can you explain why god should create humans in a perfect manner and stop the evil on Earth? Does he not know what he is doing? Are you denying his capability of the master plan? Does he not have infinite powers to account all things at the end? If humanlife was a test and he denied evil - is he not denying freewill itself? If he did how could one be accounted?
Read what i quoted again :p

Via physical imperfection, a human can exist that is both mentally retarded as well as suffer great physical pain.

You could call it a test, but he/she wouldnt have the mental capabilities to understand and thus it would be needless suffering.

Same for someone who is left completely paralyized (sp?). Then now lack the ability to commit sins but can do little else aside from be conscience. (Even more terrifying if they are also blind!).

What master plan would this be?

Md Mashud
09-30-2007, 12:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
Read what i quoted again :p

Via physical imperfection, a human can exist that is both mentally retarded as well as suffer great physical pain.

You could call it a test, but he/she wouldnt have the mental capabilities to understand and thus it would be needless suffering.

Same for someone who is left completely paralyized (sp?). Then now lack the ability to commit sins but can do little else aside from be conscience. (Even more terrifying if they are also blind!).

What master plan would this be?
Lets leave religion aside - as you know religion calls that suffering on Earth will be retributed with good in the afterlife.

Now, not everyone believes in religion. So lets talk about God in a more scientific manner. Due to the dependant nature of the World (evident by big bang theory and laws of science), we know an agent was required for this Universe to exist. Some call this agent God, others ofcourse, call it the "unknown" or unexplained. Anyway, the fact is, we can't explain or describe the nature of this agent. Furthermore, its nonexistance is hard to derive from mere morality principles of life, don't you agree? Philosophically, people do believe that how can God exist if evil exists. But, scientifically, is God to be a saint to begin with? Is God given responsibility to stop evil?

You can say, religion says he is the righteous, he is perfect etc - But now we are dwelling in religion. If we dwell in religion, we must take all into context. That is, everything is accounted by the afterlife hence all just/unjust deeds will not go without consequences. The being of them, is the freewill that God gave them, and life is merely a short test.

If you don't agree with afterlife, then thats an opinion - but we can't, take half of the religious teachings and use it to deny the existance of God. You take it all into context, believe it or not thats your choice. But, if you wish to not accept some of the religion (e.g. that their will be afterlife) then why keep the principle that God must be fair hence evil should not exist etc.

As an agnostic/atheist, their is as much logic to believe God can be evil as their is good, as their is no basis for either - only religion derives characteristics of God and in the context they do hold when the whole religion is taken into context.

The philosopher in hand, seems to rather, be against the religious idea - but as far is it should go, is that he denies that religion, but to conclude the nonexistance of God on that basis is somewhat flawed. Similarly, if someone believed Christianity was a false religion, or Islam - its not a basis to believe God does not exist. For, religion only can exist because of God, but God does not have to exist on the dependance of a religion existing/being true.

09-30-2007, 01:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
Athiests = polytheists...

Nope. I guess if you really deform what a god is. "god is what created us. God is the bigbang.

Athiesm is simply the lack of belief is a god or gods.

You can even be religous and not believe in a god.

Md Mashud
09-30-2007, 01:12 AM
You can even be religous and not believe in a god.
Like atheists?

09-30-2007, 02:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ^..sTr!vEr..^
I bet even the Astheist accept the Oneness of god, deep down. :)
True, and i know the Zeus will forgive me and not hit me with lightning.

Of course everyone realy accepts Zeus deepdown.

09-30-2007, 02:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Alot of people use this, I wonder if they took the time to see how stupid this arguement is. There is a difference, between believing in 0, 1 and 2 gods. A huge difference when you go to 0.

Whether you believe in 1 or more, you believe in an intellectual existance outside of this universe - With 0, you deny it altogether. How can, this difference be merely measured as atheism level? That you are more atheist if you believe in 1 god then 2? Illogical. Atheism is the disbelief of any outside intelect of this Universe - its not a linear progression as you include God(s).

I had to just get that off my chest :skeleton:
lets say there are 1 billion concepts of god.

If your a Atheists you deny 1billion.
If your a muslim You deny 999,999,999 of them
etc... etc..

I would also recommend looking up Strong and Weak atheism.

09-30-2007, 02:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85
As a former atheist i would say that atheism is a childish phase of man's life. When you grow up and get know the world, you start to believe in God.
I disagree, and i always thought that the belief in invisible imaginary people belonged more to children. I find that many atheists "particularly adults" come ot their conclusion based on available evidence or lack of evidence on the gods part.

09-30-2007, 02:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
True, and i know the Zeus will forgive me and not hit me with lightning.

Of course everyone realy accepts Zeus deepdown.
Zeus is human made becuase they also felt deep inside them that there is creator but their minds couldnt realise the Greatness of Allah (swt) and that he is ONE!

and most probably they also had Prophet or Messenger who were send to them or their grand fathers by Allah (swt) and they made like all other Pagans sharers and names that they invented etc... !

This DEEP feeling is our nature that we are bron with, nature that says that there is Creator and that HE is ONE and beleiving in that this means in one word:



09-30-2007, 02:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Is God willing to prevent evil but not able to? Because God does not stop evil does not mean he doesn't exist. Since when did the existance of God mean that evil must not exist? This arguement is similar to one which I heard that why is the human body flawed, surely God is perfect and won't make flawed creatures. This is again making the assumption that God must make humans perfect. Infact, making him having to make humans perfect would indeed limit him.
this deals only with the all knowing all good/loving all powerful god.

09-30-2007, 02:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
If I was the only human being in the world, does that mean I don't believe in human beings, seeing as I am one myself? :skeleton:

Accepting existance is already accepting it. This "belief" term is used very ambigiously.

Anyway, this is quite the pointless topic!
we are talking about the difference between knowing and believing.

God being ALL KNOWING can not believe. He Knows.

You being the only human in the world may believe you are. But you cant know. Heck You cant know if your actually just a reallly sophisticted AI that is programmed to believe what it does "ala matrix"

09-30-2007, 03:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
Like atheists?
Like buddhists, shinto etc.. some forms of wiccan...

09-30-2007, 03:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
we are talking about the difference between knowing and believing.

God being ALL KNOWING can not believe. He Knows.

You being the only human in the world may believe you are. But you cant know. Heck You cant know if your actually just a reallly sophisticted AI that is programmed to believe what it does "ala matrix"
In Islam we Beleive and KNOW as Islam talks to both HEART (beleive) and MIND (KNOW)!

But athiest becuase they dont KNOW they dont BELEIVE!

May Allah (swt) guide us all!


09-30-2007, 03:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
Zeus is human made becuase they also felt deep inside them that there is creator but their minds couldnt realise the Greatness of Allah (swt) and that he is ONE!

and most probably they also had Prophet or Messenger who were send to them or their grand fathers by Allah (swt) and they made like all other Pagans sharers and names that they invented etc... !

This DEEP feeling is our nature that we are bron with, nature that says that there is Creator and that HE is ONE and beleiving in that this means in one word:


Why do you say this? its clear that zeus was a real god. You just refuse to accept the evidence. Alah was made by humans whose mind could not realize the greatness of zeus. " now only if we had evidence for either one we could back up these claims" I personally dont have this deep feeling you speak of. I guess Zeus left that part out when he made me.

09-30-2007, 03:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
Why do you say this? its clear that zeus was a real god. You just refuse to accept the evidence. Alah was made by humans whose mind could not realize the greatness of zeus. " now only if we had evidence for either one we could back up these claims" I personally dont have this deep feeling you speak of. I guess Zeus left that part out when he made me.
Zues had also gods beside him, right !?

Allah (swt) send us HIS words through Prophets and Messangers.

for example Moses, Jesus and finaly Mohamed may peace be upon him, and to KNOW you should read the message, how can you KNOW when you didnt read and dont KNOW what we KNOW in Quran!?

Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts). 2:118

You read the Cover of the book and if you read you dont understand what is written and what is in between the lines and you make claims, how come!?

May Allah (swt) guide us all!


09-30-2007, 05:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
Zues had also gods beside him, right !?

Allah (swt) send us HIS words through Prophets and Messangers.

for example Moses, Jesus and finaly Mohamed may peace be upon him, and to KNOW you should read the message, how can you KNOW when you didnt read and dont KNOW what we KNOW in Quran!?

Say those without knowledge: "Why speaketh not Allah unto us? or why cometh not unto us a Sign?" So said the people before them words of similar import. Their hearts are alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs unto any people who hold firmly to Faith (in their hearts). 2:118

You read the Cover of the book and if you read you dont understand what is written and what is in between the lines and you make claims, how come!?

May Allah (swt) guide us all!

No, its only in some stories. But actually Zeus made everything. It was the demon Loki "who pretends to be a god" that spread the other false stories.

Thankfully I know in my heart what Zeus has told me. ;)

09-30-2007, 05:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
No, its only in some stories. But actually Zeus made everything. It was the demon Loki "who pretends to be a god" that spread the other false stories.

Thankfully I know in my heart what Zeus has told me. ;)
let us take zeus as a god for a minute.

"zeus is a god, he exists, he created everything"
these are ur terms...

are u an athiest then?

09-30-2007, 05:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
No, its only in some stories. But actually Zeus made everything. It was the demon Loki "who pretends to be a god" that spread the other false stories.

Thankfully I know in my heart what Zeus has told me. ;)
ranma1 we Know ALLAH (swt) by HEART and MIND, and athiests say they use their MIND, so why you dont use it and be serious this is all what I ask you!

there is no Zues now he is finished if he exsists he would make us know at least he would send us SIGNS or messages or anything but there is none!

the ONLY GOD and the ONE who send us all previous relevation is Allah (swt), so you have Allah's Message full with SIGNS that anyone can discover by himself and see if it is from humans or from CREATOR!

May Allah (swt) guide us all!


09-30-2007, 07:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tarek29
ranma1 we Know ALLAH (swt) by HEART and MIND, and athiests say they use their MIND, so why you dont use it and be serious this is all what I ask you!

there is no Zues now he is finished if he exsists he would make us know at least he would send us SIGNS or messages or anything but there is none!

the ONLY GOD and the ONE who send us all previous relevation is Allah (swt), so you have Allah's Message full with SIGNS that anyone can discover by himself and see if it is from humans or from CREATOR!

May Allah (swt) guide us all!

we are speaking of belief (with evidence) belief (without evidence and knowledge and Knowing.

With these differences you can have several similar but very different meanings.

Many christians KNOW (as you put it ) that their religion is right and your is wrong, many Hindus, buddhists, bahai, Sahhinians, Muslims, Protestants, catholics, branch davidians,..etc... Know they are right and you are wrong.

But no one really Knows. They Believe (very sincerely). While it is nice that your feelings influences your belief, they are well known for deluding as well.

As for zeus, could you give evidence that he is finished? I personally believe all religions (100% of them) are human made. All gods are human made.
I have seen no evidence otherwise. What i am told by these religions. (especially christianity and islam) is that i have to believe to know, or i just havent looked enough ect...

09-30-2007, 10:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
lol, God doesnt believe in any gods. So he is an atheists.
He Knows he exists "so its not a belief" so hes not an agnostic "which doesnt know"

Hii Ranma1/2...and hii all... its a fact that :peace: our physiological factors changing and aging and deteriorating each second...in that sense you can describe us an Atheists if we deny or refuse to accept the existence of God.

But God has no physiological factor....so you cannot call him an Atheist. It is only meant for creatures who has cognitive functioning to recall, to solve and differentiate .and able to think logically.than that is reasonable if you call an unbeliever an Atheist.:peace:

Md Mashud
09-30-2007, 06:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
I disagree, and i always thought that the belief in invisible imaginary people belonged more to children. I find that many atheists "particularly adults" come ot their conclusion based on available evidence or lack of evidence on the gods part.
I disagree. The belief in an agent to the dependant Universe made more scientific sense, than the imaginry idea that it came from nothing - surely. Their is no lack of evidence, it is due to the facts of science that you can conclude that an agent is required to the Universes existance - we name that agent God. You call it "Unknown". Atheists are indeed theists - but they just don't believe in religion, but talking technically of God, ofcourse they would accept it as science agrees with the unseen agent.

09-30-2007, 07:02 PM
Radical atheists are as dangerous as radical believers.

09-30-2007, 07:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ranma1/2
we are speaking of belief (with evidence) belief (without evidence and knowledge and Knowing.

With these differences you can have several similar but very different meanings.

Many christians KNOW (as you put it ) that their religion is right and your is wrong, many Hindus, buddhists, bahai, Sahhinians, Muslims, Protestants, catholics, branch davidians,..etc... Know they are right and you are wrong.

But no one really Knows. They Believe (very sincerely). While it is nice that your feelings influences your belief, they are well known for deluding as well.

As for zeus, could you give evidence that he is finished? I personally believe all religions (100% of them) are human made. All gods are human made.
I have seen no evidence otherwise. What i am told by these religions. (especially christianity and islam) is that i have to believe to know, or i just havent looked enough ect...

Evidence, Proof already I gave you guide line to it when I said:

you have Allah's Message full with SIGNS that anyone can discover by himself and see if it is from humans or from CREATOR!
To make it easy it is QURAN that contains all what previous prophets brought beside it gives us the final Testmant!

Same like Bible and torah that we have today you can TEST them if they were corrupted by hmans or not!

It is very simple, if you are honest in your search to the truth, then read, how you want to speak German Language without reading and learning from teachers and instructors this or that Language!?

It is exsactly same!

May Allah (swt) guide us all!


09-30-2007, 07:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85
Radical atheists are as dangerous as radical believers.
Radical atheist is also a misnomer.

Atheist being a negation of something holds no sort of ideology or goals intrinsically.

To believe atheism is superior is to draw from an ideology that may incorporate atheism, but isnt atheism itself.

09-30-2007, 11:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Md Mashud
..as science agrees with the unseen agent.
'Science' does nothing of the sort. You best you can argue for is that science is not incompatible with the idea of such an unseen agent.

format_quote Originally Posted by Isambard
Radical atheist is also a misnomer.
'Radical', no. Zealous and perhaps even fanatical on occasion, yes.

10-01-2007, 05:17 AM

Everybody is unique, there is need to criticise about someone who does not believe in religion or God....they are smarter than you think...they just want fact and evidence..obviously we can see that is just our mind and the knowledge we received...it all on facts...if we are good Muslims we would not criticise nor make fun of anyone's opinion...who knows this denial could be a better Muslim than any other Muslim...its only God to open up an individual mind.We do not know our ending yet...is too early...no need to be arrogant..

The knowledge is still not enough..... our knowledge/ our failures, as we fail to pass our interepretations or his/her mindset is not open up yet....When Allah says Kun faya Kun Be and it is....

One thing is a fact that we can call someone who do not believe in God an unbeliever or Atheist because we have cognitive functioning and physiological factors...is only human....

But God cannot be described as human....we need the human physiological factors to determine what knowledge we received, who we are. our understanding...how we been brought up, the environmental factor...and the socioeconomic situations...to produce Atheistism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Mormons, Jews...etc...

God is universal lah....:peace:

10-01-2007, 04:27 PM

oh please, explain me what you understand under 'cognitive functions' in relation to God believers and Atheists?

Definition of 'Cognition':

Cognition is a diffuse term, used in different ways by different disciplines. In psychology, it refers to an information processing view of an individual's psychological functions. Other interpretations of the meaning of cognition link it to the development of concepts; individual minds, groups, organizations, and even larger coalitions of entities, can be modelled as societies which cooperate to form concepts. The autonomous elements of each 'society' would have the opportunity to demonstrate emergent behavior in the face of some crisis or opportunity. Cognition can also be interpreted as "understanding and trying to make sense of the world".
Now I would be curious to understand, why God-Believers have such 'cognitive functions' and 'by-muslim-called' unbelievers not?

Cognitive functions f.ex. are 'control of heartbeat', body-temperature, breathing, instinct, etc....

Where is here the relation ?


10-01-2007, 06:34 PM
Dear All.....

Hii....first of all thank you for your sincerety and frankness in asking me....I am still learning from all of you.:)

Yes, I did mentioned that we all have physiological factors of course when I said that I meant for Muslims and non Muslims, we are all human ....we need each other and to build bridges among us is very noble ....

So, does cognitive functioning...is like the human brain has activities like networking when the transmitter is transmit to different functions of the human bioloigical system.

But I am sorry I do not quite understand you when you said diffuse in different discipline...There is only one which is the study of Behaviour science and Social Science. Both have the same field which you described.

Cognition refers to the mental processes that transform sensory input, store in memory and retrieve it for later use. Therefore, people can think, plan and make decisions on remembered information.

Therefore....as you described Development of Concept is vital in various organisations, in various Government Boards, Institutions etc...to improvise, solving any crisis, resolving and findings to solutions etc...

Both Muslims and non Muslims or non believers are the same....God created us without any discriminations...we have the same physiological factors.

But still it depends on our psychosocio economic and environmental factor. It can be change from time to time...I mean the human development concept....:peace:

format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano

oh please, explain me what you understand under 'cognitive functions' in relation to God believers and Atheists?

Definition of 'Cognition':

Now I would be curious to understand, why God-Believers have such 'cognitive functions' and 'by-muslim-called' unbelievers not?

Cognitive functions f.ex. are 'control of heartbeat', body-temperature, breathing, instinct, etc....

Where is here the relation ?


10-09-2007, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85
Radical atheists are as dangerous as radical believers.
They're not quite as numerous though, are they?

In fact, could you give an example of someone behaving dangerously because of their atheism?


10-09-2007, 02:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson

They're not quite as numerous though, are they?

In fact, could you give an example of someone behaving dangerously because of their atheism?



Its hot, creamy, not so sweet, yellowish, orangy, creamy cream cheese like baking kek lapis....the right colour, the right hands, the right receipe, the right balancing factor in the recipe ...within..life and personality its like that. When we understand, we have the knowledge, we know what our objectives in life, our interactions with the world and other beings or creature is smooth and creamy like cake lapis...cream cheese.
just do not be judgemental ...open your mind...nobody is perfect...if all Muslims are perfect..and they receive the right stimulus from their cognitive power...there is no terrorism and violence in Muslims family.

So, does for whom that not believe in religion at all, They too, have values in life...nobody is perfect...everybody is prone to be violence...if there is no value or self restraint. Thats including you and me. Thank you.:sunny:

10-09-2007, 03:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by I_notGenerous

Its hot, creamy, not so sweet, yellowish, orangy, creamy cream cheese like baking kek lapis....the right colour, the right hands, the right receipe, the right balancing factor in the recipe ...within..life and personality its like that. When we understand, we have the knowledge, we know what our objectives in life, our interactions with the world and other beings or creature is smooth and creamy like cake lapis...cream cheese.
just do not be judgemental ...open your mind...nobody is perfect...if all Muslims are perfect..and they receive the right stimulus from their cognitive power...there is no terrorism and violence in Muslims family.

So, does for whom that not believe in religion at all, They too, have values in life...nobody is perfect...everybody is prone to be violence...if there is no value or self restraint. Thats including you and me. Thank you.:sunny:
Eh? You've totally lost me there.


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