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01-04-2008, 02:26 AM
How can one avoid getting angry quickly?
Question No 45647

I am a person who gets angry quickly, and I cannot control myself when I argue with anyone, even my parents. Please tell me of ways and means of avoiding getting angry quickly. May Allaah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allaah.

Allaah has commanded us to honour our parents and treat them kindly in word and deed, and he has forbidden us to offend them in word and deed, even in the slightest manner.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.

24. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young.’”

[al-Isra’ 17:23-24]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised us not to get angry, i.e., to avoid the causes that lead to that and to be careful of what may result from that.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Advise me.” He said: “Do not get angry.” He repeated his question several times and he said: “Do not get angry.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5765.

The Muslim should be above getting angry for his own sake or for the sake of anyone other than Allaah, because that may lead to regrettable consequences either in this world or in the Hereafter, or in both.

Ibn Muflih al-Hanbali said:

‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: It may be known whether a person is really patient at the time of anger. And he used to say that the beginning of anger is madness and the end of it is regret, and anger cannot be justified by offering a humble apology. Calamities may come because of anger. It was said to al-Shu’bi: Why is a person who is quick to get angry also quick to calm down, and the one who is slow to get angry is slow to clam down. He said: Because anger is like fire; that which is easier to start is easier to extinguish.

Al-Adaab al-Shar’iyyah, 1/183

If something happens to a Muslim that makes him angry, he should remember the advice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Do not get angry,” as if the hadeeth applies directly to him. And he should remember that Allaah has commanded him to treat his parents well and has forbidden him to offend them, as if he has heard that from Him directly.

There are means of soothing anger if it arises, which will enable the one who does them to cure himself of anger and its effects. Al-Maawirdi mentioned a good number of them when he said:

“Remember that there are means of soothing anger if it arises, which a person may use to help himself become patient. These include:

1 – Remembering Allaah, which should make him fear Him; this fear will motivate him to obey Him, so he will resume his good manners, at which point his anger will fade.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And remember your Lord when you forget”

[al-Kahf 18:24]

‘Ikrimah said: i.e., when you get angry. And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And if an evil whisper comes to you from Shaytaan (Satan), then seek refuge with Allaah”

[al-A’raaf 7:200]

i.e., if the Shaytaan makes you angry – then seek refuge with Allaah, for He is the All-Hearer, All-Knower – i.e., He hears the ignorance of the ignorant and He knows the things that take anger away from you.

One of the wise men said: Whoever remembers the power of Allaah will not use his own power to wrong the slaves of Allaah. ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Muslim ibn Muhaarib said to Haroon al-Rasheed: “O Ameer al-Mu’mineen, I ask You by the One before Whom you are more insignificant than I am before you, and by the One Who has more power to punish you than you have to punish me: why don’t you let me off?” So he left him off, because he had reminded him of the power and might of Allaah.

2 – He should get out of the situation he is in, so that his anger will dissipate because of his moving away from that situation.

It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to us: “If one of you gets angry when he is standing, let him sit down, and if that does not take away his anger, then let him lie down.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 4782; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

3 – He should remember what anger leads to of regret and the need to apologize.

One of the literary figures said: Beware of the pride of anger, for it leads to the humiliation of apology.

4 – He should remember the reward for forgiving others and of being tolerant, so he should force himself to overcome his anger, seeking that reward and so as to avoid deserving blame and punishment. Raja’ ibn Haywah said to ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwaan, when he had the power to capture some of his enemies: “Allaah has given you the victory that you wanted, so give Allaah what He wants of forgiveness.” A man said something that ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez disliked to hear, so ‘Umar said: “You wanted the Shaytaan to provoke me because of my position so that I would be harsh with you and in return you would harm me tomorrow (i.e., on the Day of Resurrection). Go away, may Allaah have mercy on you.”

5 – He should remind himself of the way that people like and respect him, and he should not risk losing that because of his anger, so that people change their minds about him. He should know that by forgiving people he will only increase the respect with which they view him.

As the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah will not increase a person who forgives others except in honour.” Narrated by Muslim, 2588.

And one of the poets said:

“It is not a trait of nobility to be swift in seeking revenge.

And generosity does not lead to a loss of blessings.”

Adab al-Dunya wa’l-Deen, p. 258-260.

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01-04-2008, 02:40 AM
*Thread approved*

MashaAllaah on the post. :)

01-04-2008, 02:45 AM
it's good article from islam QA...

i dont know why i get angry so quickly these several days... i'm always in bad mood all the time...:raging:

and i dunno why....:?

very good article to purify our soul and repent to Allah...listen to the prophet: Do not get angry....:):):)

01-04-2008, 03:52 AM
there are some du'as u shud read and say Aaoodhubillahi...
or u can do wudoo, that helps too, also it washes off sins.

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01-04-2008, 04:00 AM
^^^ yes what i always say... the anger is frum the shaitan... the shaitan is like or is fire... not sure, dont care... and water washes fire..soooo...wudu washes shaitan...

OR..this way

anger = shaitan
shaitan = fire and hell
hell = ... and fire = ...

water = wudu
water + fire = no fire


wudu + um.... oh shaitan = no shaitan...

anger...wudu... shaitan

get rid of it...

gosh i juss confused myself.. i always do that dont i.. oh well...like someone called me here... i am... gosh i forgot now...


01-04-2008, 04:07 AM
i don't get angry quickly, but the other choice - "no, i'm the patient one"
sounds too self-righteous! ;D
there should be something in between the one with the short fuse and "the patient one".

01-04-2008, 07:31 AM
ok, wudoo is good choice

thanks for the advices... maybe all of us regularly have a bad mood...

and in the case to avoid anger, we should always do dzikr.... and the article above has explain all, alhamdulillah

01-04-2008, 07:40 AM
salam, i suffer from the same problems, what i do is (or i try to do), i think there is a hadith about this(not sure, allah knows best) but what ever you do, change it. example if ur angry when ur standing!, sit, or opposite. If ur inside go outside!, so change whatever your doing and i am telling it will work. Alternative you could go and have a shower( a bit cold) is proven to do miracles!, take my advice;) salam

01-04-2008, 06:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamada
salam, i suffer from the same problems, what i do is (or i try to do), i think there is a hadith about this(not sure, allah knows best) but what ever you do, change it. example if ur angry when ur standing!, sit, or opposite. If ur inside go outside!, so change whatever your doing and i am telling it will work. Alternative you could go and have a shower( a bit cold) is proven to do miracles!, take my advice;) salam

i dunno... does it work?

i dont get angry tho...


01-04-2008, 06:47 PM
when i get angry i do Wudu and then also Tasbih i find it helps in calming down.

i dont really get angry often but i do get fustrated a lot

Godless Heathen
01-04-2008, 10:03 PM
It's the not being allowed to masturbate thing, it's screwed over islam.

- Qatada -
01-04-2008, 10:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Godless Heathen
It's the not being allowed to masturbate thing, it's screwed over islam.

Get married. :)

Godless Heathen
01-04-2008, 10:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada -
Get married. :)
Why bother?

- Qatada -
01-04-2008, 10:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Godless Heathen
Why bother?

That's the Islamic solution to it. If you got the desire to have sex, then get married. lol, simple enough.

01-04-2008, 10:09 PM
why doesn't some body just get rid of him? or is there some hidden benefit from his "wisdom" that I am unable to see?

Godless Heathen
01-04-2008, 10:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
why doesn't some body just get rid of him? or is there some hidden benefit from his "wisdom" that I am unable to see?
Yeah, get rid of me and you can prove an important point at the same time.

01-04-2008, 10:21 PM

JazakAllahu Khayr for the beneficial article. It should also be noted that anger depletes all your B vitamins without which many vital substances cannot be absorbed by the body, resulting in many physical and psychological symptoms taking place. Therefore, If we are getting angry constantly, we must make sure that we are getting a good dose of our vitamin B's back, which can be found in Beansprout, avacardo, wholegrains, nuts, mushrooms, bananas, oranges, yeast extract, green leafy veggies and soya milk/meat.

01-04-2008, 10:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by truemuslim

i dunno... does it work?

i dont get angry tho...


so far with it worked:), its a good thing that you dnt get angry, but at times u should:P:P

01-05-2008, 05:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by piXie

JazakAllahu Khayr for the beneficial article. It should also be noted that anger depletes all your B vitamins without which many vital substances cannot be absorbed by the body, resulting in many physical and psychological symptoms taking place. Therefore, If we are getting angry constantly, we must make sure that we are getting a good dose of our vitamin B's back, which can be found in Beansprout, avacardo, wholegrains, nuts, mushrooms, bananas, oranges, yeast extract, green leafy veggies and soya milk/meat.
wow, this is new info for me... the connection between anger and vitamin B in the body... thanks for sharing :happy:

01-08-2008, 12:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamada
so far with it worked:), its a good thing that you dnt get angry, but at times u should:P:P
hmm...when SHOULD u?

oh lemme guess when mad, and u got nothing but a ppunchin bag next to u? or a speed bag?

very helpful... modern way to get the anger out... safer if no one near u... usually they makeu madder... and madder... till u gotta hit em...then regret it... they be laughin tho.lol:w:

01-08-2008, 10:41 PM
One good solution to anger is to live to be too old to get angry.

But, if you can't do that you can try a few things.

1. Only get angry at people you know will beat the daylights out of you

2. Rip up all the money in your wallet whenever you get angry

3. Bite a brick when you get angry

4. Kick a 700 pound gorilla

I assure you if you do anyone of those things every time you get angry, you will soon stop getting angry.

Or you can do the simple and more beneficial thing. Make du'a and sincerly repent for allowing your self to ever becoming unrighteously angered.

01-08-2008, 10:43 PM
I am not a person that gets angry easily. If someone is doing something that bothers me however I am not very good at telling them straight out to stop in the fear that i'll hurt their feelings or i'll ruin our relationship etc. Instead, I start dropping hints. This has been a problem though, ive found that some people don't pick up on the hints and they continue to do the same things that annoy me which eventually causes me to get angry with them.

For instance, the other day my aunt was going through my things in my bedroom, not with the intention of snooping but to clean up etc. but I felt it to be an invasion of my privacy. In the past, I have had conversations with her and I had dropped hints or spoken of how I did not like people going through my stuff or prying into my business etc. So, I figured she was fully aware of the fact that I'm a private person and I am not comfortable with people doing that..
Also, when she was in my room I told her 3 times nicely to not do that and that i'd clean it up myself but the minuite I went to the bathroom she was back into my stuff again..
That's when I got angry and I said to her that ..it's not fair I told you 3 times that I didn't need your help..I don't go through your things why are you going through my things...
and then she looked shocked, she said to me i thought you said that bc you were looking out for my health and not because you felt i was prying through your things...
and now i feel bad bc i feel like she was just trying to help and i got mad at her for nothing :-(
Maybe in order to avoid my anger I should be more direct with people so that i can avoid misuderstanding and anger later on?

p.s. to mods- accidently posted this as a new thread called "angry" when i really meant to reply to this thread...

01-09-2008, 02:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
One good solution to anger is to live to be too old to get angry.

But, if you can't do that you can try a few things.

1. Only get angry at people you know will beat the daylights out of you

2. Rip up all the money in your wallet whenever you get angry

3. Bite a brick when you get angry

4. Kick a 700 pound gorilla

I assure you if you do anyone of those things every time you get angry, you will soon stop getting angry.

Or you can do the simple and more beneficial thing. Make du'a and sincerly repent for allowing your self to ever becoming unrighteously angered.
lol ur so funny! :giggling:
one warning... NEVER PLAY ON UR XBOX WHEN UR ANGRY... unless u want to spend more dollars on a new controller...:sl:

01-09-2008, 02:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
One good solution to anger is to live to be too old to get angry.

But, if you can't do that you can try a few things.

1. Only get angry at people you know will beat the daylights out of you

2. Rip up all the money in your wallet whenever you get angry

3. Bite a brick when you get angry

4. Kick a 700 pound gorilla

I assure you if you do anyone of those things every time you get angry, you will soon stop getting angry.

Or you can do the simple and more beneficial thing. Make du'a and sincerly repent for allowing your self to ever becoming unrighteously angered.
also... u can just eat.....


01-11-2008, 09:13 AM
Be Calm ....

Here is a Lesson... http://www.islamicboard.com/general/...ven-storm.html

01-11-2008, 07:12 PM

Try to be patient :)

Eric H
01-11-2008, 07:47 PM
Greetings and peace be with you all,

Ok I am a Christian, but here is some Buddhist philosophy on anger.

Anger is a most destructive force and we often fail to understand that we hurt ourselves more than we hurt the person we are angry with

Anger is like picking up a burning coal with the intention of throwing it at the person we are angry with, the person who gets burned the most is ourselves. If we hold onto our anger for six months the hotter the coal becomes.

The chances are the person we are angry with is not even aware of the anger we are storing up in our mind against them. If we retain that anger in our thoughts then that person controls our mind. Anger eats away at your soul like a poison.

It has also been said that anger is like drinking poison hoping the other person dies, but poison does not work like that.

When you start to come to terms with the destructive force of anger; it leads you to search for an alternative solution and that is to forgive the person you are angry with.

In the spirit of searching for an inner peace


01-12-2008, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H
Greetings and peace be with you all,

Ok I am a Christian, but here is some Buddhist philosophy on anger.

Anger is a most destructive force and we often fail to understand that we hurt ourselves more than we hurt the person we are angry with

Anger is like picking up a burning coal with the intention of throwing it at the person we are angry with, the person who gets burned the most is ourselves. If we hold onto our anger for six months the hotter the coal becomes.

The chances are the person we are angry with is not even aware of the anger we are storing up in our mind against them. If we retain that anger in our thoughts then that person controls our mind. Anger eats away at your soul like a poison.

It has also been said that anger is like drinking poison hoping the other person dies, but poison does not work like that.

When you start to come to terms with the destructive force of anger; it leads you to search for an alternative solution and that is to forgive the person you are angry with.

In the spirit of searching for an inner peace

^^This post is worth Zillion dollars...Good Post Eric.....:)

Eric H
01-12-2008, 09:03 PM
Greetings and peace be with you Abdul-Raouf and thanks for the encouragement.

This post is worth Zillion dollars...Good Post Eric.....:)
Cash will be fine, I am a bit short this week...:D:D:D

Anyway I can’t really teach anyone here about anger, the best person to teach you about anger is the person you are angry with. Letting go of anger is a practical thing. I was very lucky, I only lost £4 to the lady who unwittingly taught me to forgive.

Anger often forces us to react in ways we may later regret. I have two personal stories one is really trivial, however if I had not understood about anger in a trivial way I would not have understood how it could make the difference between life and death in my second experience.

Years ago I was a window cleaner and a lady asked me to clean her windows and could I come back Friday for the money. I called back and she said sorry but could you call back again next Friday. This went on for several months, one day I called and she was unloading a car full of shopping, she was almost laughing when she said she had spent all her money. I frequently used to go home after and be angry with my wife and children through no fault of theirs.

As time went by it seemed she was playing games, and I started feeling more angry, I thought of slashing her car tyres or super gluing her door locks because of the injustice. I can’t recall exactly how I changed but on the way to her house I had a change of heart and said to myself if she needs the money more than I do then I will cancel her debt and forgive her totally.

The moment I said this to myself it felt like a huge weight had been lifted and my anger disappeared. Afterwards I had time to reflect, it had taken me about a quarter of an hour to clean her windows, but I had wasted numerous hours chasing after fifteen minutes work. It did not stop there; I had spent hours of my time feeling anger and the need to take some kind of action. I had made my wife and kids miserable through no fault of their own.

All the time I spent with feelings of anger that woman controlled my thoughts and she did not know it. All this because I was not able to forgive; but rather preferred to live in anger as a matter of principle. I often saw the woman again and said hello to her but I never asked her for the money again, I had fully written of the debt and forgiven her

Ghandi said it is only the strong who can forgive, the weak hold onto their anger. I have to say that after forgiving this woman I was now in control of my own mind and did not have any feelings of hate towards her again. Years later and I am now so thankful this lady taught me how to forgive.

I will post the other story when i have time

In the spirit of saeeking an inner peace


01-12-2008, 09:28 PM
Thats a nice story Eric... Reminds me of the quote..'Those who anger you, control you'

01-12-2008, 09:44 PM
assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters
i did used to get angry very quickly however it has been narrated in the quran that one should observe patients"Allah loves those who are patient"
i used to just filp out at the smallest things but its cause the shaitaan whispers things in you ear tryning to wind you up.yes,...that little voice in your head a lot of the times is shaitaan if you are not close to Allah.you think its you that thinks them awful thoughts but where there is evil ,is shaitaan.keep that in mind inshallah.

a dua for one who gets angry "auzu billah himinash SHAITAANir rajim"

meaning-"I seek refuge from Allah from the outcast Satan."
inshallah that will help you all.walaikum salam

01-13-2008, 06:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H
Greetings and peace be with you Abdul-Raouf and thanks for the encouragement.

Cash will be fine, I am a bit short this week...:D:D:D

Anyway I can’t really teach anyone here about anger, the best person to teach you about anger is the person you are angry with. Letting go of anger is a practical thing. I was very lucky, I only lost £4 to the lady who unwittingly taught me to forgive.

Anger often forces us to react in ways we may later regret. I have two personal stories one is really trivial, however if I had not understood about anger in a trivial way I would not have understood how it could make the difference between life and death in my second experience.

Years ago I was a window cleaner and a lady asked me to clean her windows and could I come back Friday for the money. I called back and she said sorry but could you call back again next Friday. This went on for several months, one day I called and she was unloading a car full of shopping, she was almost laughing when she said she had spent all her money. I frequently used to go home after and be angry with my wife and children through no fault of theirs.

As time went by it seemed she was playing games, and I started feeling more angry, I thought of slashing her car tyres or super gluing her door locks because of the injustice. I can’t recall exactly how I changed but on the way to her house I had a change of heart and said to myself if she needs the money more than I do then I will cancel her debt and forgive her totally.

The moment I said this to myself it felt like a huge weight had been lifted and my anger disappeared. Afterwards I had time to reflect, it had taken me about a quarter of an hour to clean her windows, but I had wasted numerous hours chasing after fifteen minutes work. It did not stop there; I had spent hours of my time feeling anger and the need to take some kind of action. I had made my wife and kids miserable through no fault of their own.

All the time I spent with feelings of anger that woman controlled my thoughts and she did not know it. All this because I was not able to forgive; but rather preferred to live in anger as a matter of principle. I often saw the woman again and said hello to her but I never asked her for the money again, I had fully written of the debt and forgiven her

Ghandi said it is only the strong who can forgive, the weak hold onto their anger. I have to say that after forgiving this woman I was now in control of my own mind and did not have any feelings of hate towards her again. Years later and I am now so thankful this lady taught me how to forgive.

I will post the other story when i have time

In the spirit of saeeking an inner peace


nice story to share about anger...and how we are controlled by it if we are not forgive... the power of forgiving..masha Allah :happy:

01-13-2008, 04:41 PM
Unresolved Anger is the most destructive weed to infest our garden. It rapidly spreads, depletes our soil of compassion, thought and understanding. Sadly because it does grow with such vigor and is such a rapid producer of fruit, we often erroneously feed it and nurture it as we seem to enjoy the taste of it's fruit.

The fruit of unresolved anger, is somewhat bitter sweet. the immediate taste is quite delicious, but it seems to leave a bitter after taste. Although the fruit is initially very filling, it does leave us depleted of nutrients and often we turn to trying to supplement the loss with prejudice and self righteousness.

Very few herbicides are effective in removing this pest from our garden. although "Round-up" is the most effective herbicide available, it has no value in eliminating anger.

The old knowledgeable farmers always look for the herbicides that contain forgiveness. That is the only proven means of removing anger from our gardens.

01-13-2008, 04:43 PM
If you irradiate yourself with Gamma rays, and don't die in the process, you better purchase some Prozac, pronto.

For the less Hulkish members of society, a simple sitting down/punching bag/stress ball will do to avoid anger.

01-13-2008, 04:50 PM
I get quite angry when I don't smoke for a day [i'm trying to quit] does that count :P

And the prophet (PBUH) says:
When you are anry, sit. And if you are sitting then lay down. And say auoodobillahi minash SHAITAN -nir- RAJEEM.

ohhh thattttt ****neddd shaitttannn!! *waves fist*

01-13-2008, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Omari
I get quite angry when I don't smoke for a day [i'm trying to quit] does that count :P

And the prophet (PBUH) says:
When you are anry, sit. And if you are sitting then lay down. And say auoodobillahi minash SHAITAN -nir- RAJEEM.

ohhh thattttt ****neddd shaitttannn!! *waves fist*
I can give you many reasons to quit smoking. I also know the difficulty in quitting. I started smoking when I was about 5 years old. I was a heavy smoker for over 60 years and even though I am now paying the price of having been a smoker, I still have times of craving to smoke. Yes, it does cause for short tempers when one quits or is in the process of quitting. that is one reason it is so addictive. The best choice is to substitute another activity for smoking. Place yourself in more activities in which smoking is impossible.

Take up swimming, spend more time in prayer, spend more time in places where nobody is smoking.

You do not want to pay the inevitable price smoking will eventually cost you.

01-13-2008, 05:42 PM
you're right ofcourse, but I'm not sure it can be labeled "inevitable." i know people who have died at the age of 102 and have been smoking for 65 years.
But yes. inshalah im going to finish what is tarted :)


Eric H
01-19-2008, 06:33 PM
Greetings and peace be with you Omari;

I get quite angry when I don't smoke for a day [i'm trying to quit] does that count
Anger was the driving force that helped me stop smoking, but you must be very clear to direct the anger against yourself and nothing or nobody else.

I can remember smoking about 20-25 a day, and feeling totally dependent on them. I can remember a time when my job was on the line, and I was a witness to fraud at work, if you are ever a witness in a court you also become a prime suspect because you were simply there.

I can remember feeling my life was a mess and I became angry with myself for getting in such a state. I was angry with myself that some stupid white stick of weed was controlling my life and I could not live without them, I was angry with myself for being so weak.

It was at this point I decided to fight back, and stop smoking cold turkey and start cycling, I just had the one fag in the first week of giving up, that was my last moment of weakness, twenty seven years ago.

Even now after twenty seven years there are still the occasional times I could fancy a cigarette, but I know fags are stronger then I am, if I have just one I will probably give in and start smoking again. I still have a real fear that cigarettes are stronger than I am, and that has kept me off them.

When I smoked I had no stamina and started wheezing after just a few moments of exercise I was thirty two at the time. Within a year of stopping I was cycling up to four hundred and fifty miles in a weekend. At sixteen years of age you should find a huge difference if you take up a sport, and sport is often a very good way of getting rid of anger.

In the spirit of praying for an inner strength


01-19-2008, 07:29 PM
some more hadiths

“Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.” [Abu Dawud; Book 41, No. 4766]

Abu Dharr narrated: The Apostle of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said to us: "When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down." [Abu Dawud; Book 41, No. 4764

i think the thread should be closed down now!!

01-20-2008, 02:57 PM
I heard you should pray "Ya sabro" "Ya Sabro" in your heart inshallah it will work...

I get angry really really quickly but i've tried soo hard in the past to get over it, i feel its not soo easy..

but may Allah help and guide all of us... ameen

Mysterious Uk
01-20-2008, 10:37 PM
really hard question to answer because it usually depends on the situation really. I get really angry when people do or say really stupid things about Islam and it sometimes leads to me shouting a bit. But i don't get so angry that i would curse at people or be really violent towards them. I am a lot lot less angry now than i was, but sadly overall, i lean towards anger more than patience.
This is a good post and helpful so thanks v. much.

Mysterious Uk
01-20-2008, 10:38 PM
ee i am a full member now because of this post...hurray. Sorry off-topic

01-21-2008, 04:45 PM
why waste energy getting angry when u can get even... lol..

no seriously.. i breathe in and breathe out (deep breathing relaxes me for some reason) and ask Allah to give me sabr.. because no breathing can do much for u without the help from your Lord..

man, i used to get so angry but i realised eventually that the only person affected by my anger is me (if anger is towards sum1's behaviour then my anger usually pleases the person i am angry at as if they are pleased to receive sucha response from me) so why let anyone be pleased with our frustration... so get even and show ur strength and if its my own actions that anger me then i just bang my head in the wall.. lol.. no i just make right out of whatever wrong has happened... life is too short to be wasted by staying angryyy.. so lets alllll be happy! :D


02-16-2008, 02:20 PM
I listen/read Qur'an when I'm angry. Or play with my 2 yr old sis :D always helps lol

Amat Allah
02-16-2008, 02:48 PM
Asalamo Alikom

I get angry when I see injustice.

I read Qur`an to get over my anger .

Alhamdo lellah it helps.

beautiful thread my dear brother.

Jazak Allah the paradise.


02-16-2008, 02:58 PM

Well it depends on the situation, some things get me angry quickly and others I can be very patient with it.

Jazakum Allah khier

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