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View Full Version : 2 questions, Islam And Animals!?

01-10-2008, 10:58 PM
Salaam Alaykum,

It has been a very long time since i have posted anything:embarrass

I have 2 questions:

1. Mommed (pbu) was related to the Hasjiem-family, it is said ( i have read) that he believed in monotheism, before the beginning of Islam, in what did he believe?

2. I had a discussion about islam with someone. The other person whom i discussed it with did not believe in God (still doesnt:P). One argument he gave me was the Dinosaurs:Evil:....He said torah,bible,Koran say God created mankind water plants etc....and after that he created animals...so whats up with this? What about the Dinosaurs, where does Islam place the animals, before or after mankind?:-\ Totally confused and seeking for an answer:-[

I hope to get an answer really soon, thank you for your help. Really appreciate it.

Wa Alaykum a salaam


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02-02-2008, 12:56 PM
I hope someone will answer this question inshallah

02-04-2008, 09:46 AM
Me too I'm curious to know, sorry I can't help u on the dinosaurs..

02-05-2008, 02:13 PM
And how can you be so shure that humans did not live before the dinosaurs or with them?

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02-08-2008, 05:05 PM
you recall tohe story of Genisis. how allah created the world in six (days). well in the beging of time the idea of the 24 hour day didn't exist back then. so what they mean by days is lenths of time. it cout be a billion earth years for each day we don't know. Allah simply gave the news to us in language we could understand. I like to think of adam and eve to be the first true humans. the series of evolution could simply be gods prototypes like and inventor before he reachs the working product. It's not like christianity where we have creatism and evolutionists. you can still believe in science as an explation of how god did it.

want to know more about science and the Quran watch miracles of islam.
It comes in eight parts on youtube it's well worth the watch.


02-15-2008, 12:31 PM
Thank you very much for trying to help out sister, But it still doesnt reply my question. I know it is a little bit difficult but i really would like to know Can anyone help out?

02-15-2008, 12:36 PM

Hey, sister, the Quran doesn't say that animal were created after humans! Even jinn were created before Adam was and lived n the Earth years before Adam set foot on it. You might need to research a little more, I would be very surprised if animals were created after people though.

As for the first question, Muhammad pbuh believed there was one God and rejected the idol worship of Arabia.

02-15-2008, 01:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by krypton6
And how can you be so shure that humans did not live before the dinosaurs or with them?
The current evidence indicates that the only mammals around at that point in time were small proto-rodent creatures. When the dinosaurs dissapeared for whatever reason, those rodent creatures had many new food sources they could use, and slowly adapted to their environment and food source, so that we have the wide mammal diversity we have today.

For those who aren't a fan of scientific explanations, watch jurassic park and then ask yourself whether humans could've lived alongside dinosaurs safely :D

02-15-2008, 02:05 PM
Muhammad was believed in Allah (God) and relized that what people did around kabah, was wrong.. he knew that a stone is not God and he stayed away from those rituals, until the jibril came to cave Hira

Allah made angels , and jinn, after that He created animals to live on earth... and then He created mankind (Adam) to live on it..

correct me if i am wrong..

02-16-2008, 06:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Devoted
Salaam Alaykum,

2. I had a discussion about islam with someone. The other person whom i discussed it with did not believe in God (still doesnt:P). One argument he gave me was the Dinosaurs:Evil:....He said torah,bible,Koran say God created mankind water plants etc....and after that he created animals...so whats up with this? What about the Dinosaurs, where does Islam place the animals, before or after mankind?:-\ Totally confused and seeking for an answer:-[


its a good question, and im not sure i have enough knowledge to give a correct answer in regards to timelines but i will give you some insight as to what i think...

in regards to dinosaurs and humans living at the same time - why couldnt it be possible? all creatures are afraid of the human form and Allah swt made us at the top of the food chain so if we can control animals such as elephants - giraffes, lions etc which are how big and strong compared to humans then why couldnt we contol the T-Rex and Brontasauras of them day?

if you thinking because of their size compared to a human being then the first humans were as tall as trees and just as strong, so the comparison would be the same as the aniamals roaming the earth nowadays.

02-20-2008, 09:34 PM
So you are actually telling me that the dinosaurs lived in the same time as human beings did?
For example when Adam was created Dinosaurs were already there or had died?

02-21-2008, 02:10 AM

Devoted this isn't something we can ever know for fact.

We simply don't know if Adam was around during the time of the dinosaurs. :)

02-21-2008, 01:26 PM
Then How can We find out?:embarrass

02-21-2008, 01:45 PM

Build a time machine? Or maybe ask Allah in Jannah inshaallah.

This isn't something we can find out through Islamic sources (as far as I know) and also there isn't much benefit in knowing if dinosaurs were here before or after Adam either. :)

Other than that, I'm pretty sure dinosaurs became exist wayyy before humans were around! (Scientifically speaking, of course).

02-22-2008, 12:51 PM
really interesting discussion, but unfortunately I don't think we can find the answer. the time machine was a nice suggestion though ;-)

02-25-2008, 05:15 AM
I've always heard that dinosaurs exsisted millions of years ago, And there may have been, But the animals created after people, perhaps they were just like the ones we see today and maybe some that we don't see. I mean it's obvious that dinosaurs don't exsist now, or in any time we read about.

ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT HAS BEEN CREATED AND WHEN IT WAS CREATED, we as humans can only assume/guess/thorize these things..

02-25-2008, 07:16 AM
Few fects.

1- The size of humans were also bigger then we see now days
2- Allah had created Adam then animals, before the earth been created these were living in JANNAT :) ...
3- I was watching a documentary about the china on National documentary, those shines were selling artifacts(not real) by passing then through the X-Rey machine, and on verification they are showing the age of artifacts 500bc. so there is no assurity when they(DINOS) were living.


02-25-2008, 08:37 AM
check these links out:



08-15-2008, 09:13 PM

08-15-2008, 09:16 PM
My question is regarding the height of man when creation first came to be. I hear that ALLAH created man in extreme heights deeming them taller in stature to what we see today. Is this true and what is the evidence for this?

08-16-2008, 06:26 AM
I believe, that animals were created first. Just hypetheticaly speaking, let's say yes animals were created first, and allah/god got bored or was even finished with what his intentions were with them, then he created humans and just like the animals, we one day will be finished as well, and so on and so on. As scientists say animals were walking the earth millions of yrs ago and if that's true, we all know humans were not created that long ago....my opinion is who really cares? I mean it is interesting but we should focus on this life and leave the past the past and the futher the futher...hope this helps...again just an opinion

08-16-2008, 06:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Shana
My question is regarding the height of man when creation first came to be. I hear that ALLAH created man in extreme heights deeming them taller in stature to what we see today. Is this true and what is the evidence for this?

I have heard that aswell, however when I was in Lebannon, we visited adam's son able's grave site, and his coffin was almost 20 ft long, so that made me believe it's true what they say about giants/very tall ppl. Peace to all...

08-28-2008, 10:08 AM
from snakelegs links

As for the fossil remains of bipedal apes and the tools and artifacts associated with those remains, their existence poses no problem for Islamic teachings. There is nothing in the Qur’ân and Sunnah that either affirms or denies that upright, brainy, tool using apes ever existed or evolved from other apelike ancestors. Such animals may very well have existed on Earth before Adam’s arrival upon it. All we can draw from the Qur’ân and Sunnah is that even if those animals once existed, they were not the forefathers of Adam (peace be upon him).

And Allah knows best.

08-28-2008, 07:21 PM
as far as I know Allah(swt) had made many animals before the Creation of Adam(a.s) and Allah may have banished the Dinosaurs so that Adam(a.s) and his children could live on earth without danger from the giant lizards then if not Allah Hu Alam

09-14-2008, 02:33 PM
he believed in monotheism, before the beginning of Islam,
Islam began the day man was created

09-14-2008, 02:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Shana
My question is regarding the height of man when creation first came to be. I hear that ALLAH created man in extreme heights deeming them taller in stature to what we see today. Is this true and what is the evidence for this?
yes it is true

Narrated by Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu that Muhammed :arabic5: said:
Allah created Adam and he was sixty cubits tall. Then He said: Go and greet those angels and listen to how they greet you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your progeny.’ He said, Alsalaamu alaykum (Peace be upon you).’
They said, ‘Al-salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allah (Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah).’
So they added the words ‘wa rahmat Allah.’ And everyone who enters Paradise will be in the form of Adam. People kept on growing smaller until now.
Bukhari and muslim

one cubit is approx 18 inches atleast.

if men were so big, why would it be strange for animals to be big aswell?

09-18-2008, 11:20 AM
If I remember, there are two verses in the Qur'an that mention that a "day" in Allah's eyes is like a millenium to us: maybe not literally, but basically that the "days" before Adam was created were long periods in which other creatures lived and died out.

Whatever the truth is, I believe that Allah wouldn't punish/reward us for our beliefs regarding dinosaurs.

07-01-2009, 11:13 AM
About Mohammed's (PBUH) belief... there were already people called hanif/hunafa, who were not Christian, not Jewish, but also believed in one God.

I think Mohammed's parents and grandfather were the same.

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