The Virtues of Earning a Halal Livelihood

Rasulullah said, "There is no food of a person, which he eats, better than that which he eats of the money earned with his own hands. Nabi Dawad (alaisalam) earned by working with his hands." [Bukhari]

The Benefits of Halaal Livelihood

• Allah will be pleased
• Du'as will be accepted
• Ibadah (worship) and Sadaqah (charity) will be accepted
• One will experience the sweetness of worship
• It will be a means of developing noor (light) in the heart of a person
• A person will be saved from the anger of Allah
• A person will be saved from Jahannam

Abstaining from Doubtful Wealth

Sayyiduna Nu'man Ibn Bashir narrates, "I heard Rasulullah :saw: saying, "The lawful is clear and the unlawful is also clear and between these two is that which is doubtful, which most people do not know. One who gets involved in the doubtful will fall in unlawful activities. His example is like that of a shepherd who grazes his flock in the vicinity of an exclusively reserved pasture. He is always apprehensive that some of his animals might tread into the pasture. Beware that every king has an exclusively demarcated pasture. Take warning, Allah's pastures are the things which He has forbidden. Also be warned, in the human body there is a lump of flesh, when it is healthy, the entire body is healthy and when it is unwell, the entire body is unwell and this is the heart. [Bukhari & Muslim]

Truthfulness in Business Transactions

A businessman should be truthful and honest in all business transactions. Likewise, he should honour all his commitments. Rasulullah said, "A trustworthy trader will be with the Ambiya', Siddiqin and martyrs on the day of Qiyamah." Another hadith states, "Businessmen will be raised as sinners on the day of Qiyamah, except the ones who feared and uttered the truth."

The Etiquettes of Business

The following intentions could be made:
• The purpose of trade is to please Allah
• To earn a Halaal livelihood
• To support one's family
• To serve the community by making products easily available
• To assist the needy within the community by fulfilling one's Zakaat obligations so that orphans, widows and the poor are not neglected
• Propagating Deen by supporting the building of Masajid, Madaris, orphanages etc.
• Fulfilling the command of Allah by going for Haj, Umrah and striving in the path of Allah .

The Character of a Muslim Trader

• A trader should be polite and kind when undertaking any transaction.
• A trader should not lose his temper if a buyer does not wish to purchase an item.
• The buyer should be informed of goods wherein there are defects, flaws, or inaccuracies.
• Trade and business should not hamper the performance of Salaah, of the employee and employer.