A hole wIthin our s0uls

A Hole within our souls
as the bombs raid
their tattered homes
as the children cry
of parents gone
as their blood
streaked eyes have
lost their shine
A Hole within our souls
Senseless pain
from their political
Broken windows
Broken bones
all that is left
of their broken homes
Why such madness?
Why such pain?
Hatred is all that is gained
shelling of innocence
everyday around the world
not just dear Lebonan,Palestine or Sudan
Crimes against humanity
across all lands
their cries are all we hear
Allah will help
for that is clear
But it is time
that we must stand up
Stand up for our fellow man
Stand Up and Take A Stand!
but for now all that is left
is A Hole deep within our souls!

May Allah[God] have Mercy for those suffering around the world!Ameen
By: sister in Islam ,cheryl