
Why is our religion called "Islaam"

Because one who enters it submits (Aslama) himself to Allaah, and he surrenders to (Istislam), and abides by, all of the judgements that come from Allaah and from His Messenger Salallaahu alayhi wasallam. Allaah Almighty said:
æóãóä íóÑúÛóÈõ Úóä ãøöáøóÉö ÅöÈúÑóÇåöíãó ÅöáÇøó ãóä ÓóÝöåó äóÝúÓóåõ

And who turns away from the religion of Ibraheem except him who fools himself? [Baqarah 2:130]

He also said:

ÅöÐú ÞóÇáó áóåõ ÑóÈøõåõ ÃóÓúáöãú ÞóÇáó ÃóÓúáóãúÊõ áöÑóÈøö ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó

When His Lord said to him, "Submit (i.e. be a Muslim)!" He said, "I have submitted myself (as a Muslim) to the Lord of all that exists." [Baqarah 2:131]


ãóäú ÃóÓúáóãó æóÌúåóåõ áöáøåö æóåõæó ãõÍúÓöäñ Ýóáóåõ ÃóÌúÑõåõ ÚöäÏó ÑóÈøöåö

But whoever submits his face (himself) to Allaah and he is a good-doer then his reward is with his Lord [Baqarah 2:112]

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts