In my country Indonesia, there are some Muslims communities with different views about Fiqh and Aqidah matter. There are two biggest organizations: NU and Muhammadiyah. In Fiqh, Muhammadiyah tend to follow Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (but they don't follow particular madzhab), while NU follows Shafii madzhab. In Aqidah, NU follows Ashari and MAturidi. As I know, Muhammadiyah talk doesn't really active speaking about Aqidah matter in public.

We have been living together in peace for years since before this country be independent.

But, now, There is one community who never accept any different. They call themselves as "Sunnah people". Then there is sunnah school, sunnah housing estate, sunnah food, etc. This community always say follow Quran and Sunnah, but they always mention the name of some scholars like Syeikh Bin Baz, Uthaimin, Albani, Ibn Taymiyah. It raises question in my mind, Follow Quran and Sunnah or follow those scholars?

They like to blame others as bid'ah doers by mentioning this hadith:
‏من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد

In this hadith translated as:

"If anyone introduces in our matter something which does not belong to it, will be rejected".

But those "sunnah people" provide translation by changing the word "matter" into "religion", then they can easily say, "It's religious matter, so there mustn't be any modification".

In fact, they also like to blame each others in their own community.

Subhanallah, Brothers and sisters. It's the reality what I say today. I was born in NU, but studied in Muhammadiyah, and working with those "sunnah people". I really want all of us unite peacefully.

May Allah grant us peace, blessing and mercy

صلى الله على محمد