Did you ever stop for a while and asked yourself, what is going to happen to me the first night in my grave ? Think about the moment your body is being washed and prepared to your grave,
Think about the day people will be carrying you to your grave And your families crying …
Think about the moment you are put in your grave Just imagine … yourself in your grave
Down there in that dark hole Alone Its too Dark you cry for help But………
It is too narrow your bones are squashed You regret missing 5 prayers , you regret listening music , you regret not wearing Hijab
You regret ignoring Allah ‘s orders But no ESCAPE ……
This is why it is considered merit-worthy to remember death often. You should read Imam Ghazzali's work on "Remembrance of Death". You don't even need to read the whole book. Just a portion of it will be enough to satisfy you that you should try and remember death often. That is how effective his writing is. He provides some very handy quotations and instances from very righteous Muslims in the past which help you to see the reality of how remembering death is so important.
And funny how the Pharaohs of Egypt were the exact opposite, they thought they should take their wealth with them and then they would have everything they need! Makes you wonder. Aren't you glad you're at least guided enough not to be deluded like they were?
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