This thread will be a question and answer thread answered by a qualified scholars. Please post your question below and the shaykhs will answer them in their own time.
Edit: Thread reopened.
Last edited by strivingobserver98; 03-12-2015 at 10:32 PM.
The knowledge a drawn picture gives which will enhance your career in which you make money. For example a person wants to be a goalkeeper in a team in which he makes money. He gets the knowledge from pictures, like a picture showing how to save a ball.
The prohibition is in drawing pictures.
Taking benefit from pictures are permissible on condition the laws of sharia are not violated.
In the above example, care should be taken that the goalkeepers body is covered as per Islamic requirements.
Care should also be taken that all animated pictures are shelved or disposed of appropriately as the angels of mercy don't enter a home in which there are pictures of animated objects.
As far as i know, drawing pictures is haram. Is playing games with hyper realistic human animation allowed? You arent the the one who made the pictures, but do you get equal punishment for playing with the pictures? As playing the game would be supporting the makers and because of this support they might publish a new version of the game.
In principle the sharia has excused a traveller from fasting, but if the hours are manageable and you feel you will manage. Then you should keep the fast.
Last edited by Ridwaan Ravat; 07-05-2015 at 05:47 PM.
In principle the sharia has excused a traveller from fasting, but if the hours are manageable and you feel you will manage. Then you should keep the fast.
Zakaat is only compulsory on those individuals who posses money in excess of the nisaab. Kindly contact the scholars of your city for further info on the nisaab etc.
Jazakallah khair
Last edited by AabiruSabeel; 07-08-2015 at 03:19 AM.
Reason: spelling - excess
As i dont know my namaz off by heart,but i know the actions,can i play it on youtube or ask another person to say it out loud so i can copy them while i pray?
As i dont know my namaz off by heart,but i know the actions,can i play it on youtube or ask another person to say it out loud so i can copy them while i pray?
You must pray the salaah and as a minimum recite:
سبحان الله
In every posture.
Every effort should be made to learn the correct method.
Is it obligatory to do ghuzal after masterbation if semen has not touched ur body or clothe. Some one said u become napak but how can u become napak when semen hasnot touched ur body. Please only scholar should answer it because i need a true answer. And can we offer namaz with regular wuzu after that or we need ghusal?
Is it obligatory to do ghuzal after masterbation if semen has not touched ur body or clothe. Some one said u become napak but how can u become napak when semen hasnot touched ur body. Please only scholar should answer it because i need a true answer. And can we offer namaz with regular wuzu after that or we need ghusal?
Firstly masturbation is haraam and sinful. It also has many negative effects on a person's health and should be avoided.
Yes the ejaculation of semen necessitates a ghusl irrespective of it touching the body or clothing.
You have to take a ghusl before performing salaah.
If one masturbated whilst fasting the fast is nullified. One should seek sincere repentance and make up for it after ramadhaan.
Firstly masturbation is haraam and sinful. It also has many negative effects on a person's health and should be avoided.
Yes the ejaculation of semen necessitates a ghusl irrespective of it touching the body or clothing.
You have to take a ghusl before performing salaah.
If one masturbated whilst fasting the fast is nullified. One should seek sincere repentance and make up for it after ramadhaan.
Some scholars say it saves u from zina. And there is nothing in quran aur hadees regarding masturbation so we dint know. Plz give some holytext with ur reference sir
I dont think there is anything wrong with it ( correct me if im wrong ), but it is unnecessary for Youtube or another person to be with you all the time. Sometimes you may be on your own and may need to perform Salah. It is better to learn it by heart, and best to also understand the meaning of the words you say in it.
Brother Moshy, this thread is only for asking questions and answered by scholars. May Allah reward you for your eagerness to help .
Some scholars say it saves u from zina. And there is nothing in quran aur hadees regarding masturbation so we dint know. Plz give some holytext with ur reference sir
Allah Taãla says:
"And those who guard their private parts from their wives and those (slave-girls) which their right-hands own - so there is no blame upon them. Then whoever seeks beyond that (which is lawful), they are the transgressors."
The intended meaning of these Aayat is clear.
Allah Taãla has praised the believers for guarding their private parts from that which He has made forbidden for them. Allah has permitted them to approach their wives and slave-girls.
Thereafter, these words of Allah Taãla follow: 'Whoever seeks beyond that which is lawful are oppressors, who overstep from Halaal (permitted) towards Haraam (prohibited).
Hafiz ibn Katheer (RA) writes Imaam Shaafée (RA) and those who have agreed with him have concluded that masturbation is Haraam from this Aayat.'
He says: 'Masturbation is excluded from these two types which Allah has made halaal, that is, wives and slave-girls.
Last edited by Ridwaan Ravat; 07-13-2015 at 04:34 AM.
There are people who say that the correct rakaah for taraweeh is 20, there are people who say that the correct rakaah is 8. But how about people who regard that both opinions are correct?. They just follow Imam. If Imam perform taraweeh in 20 rakaah, they perform 20 rakaah. If Imam perform 8 rakaah, they perform 8 rakaah.
My question. Is this attitude acceptable according to fiqh?. Or they must follow only one opinion?.
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