Is it shirk if one has not prepared for test and he was saying that InshaAllah test will ne delayed and when find everyone making dua for him like friends making dua in general for other friends (including me in their dua) and u have the feeling that u didnt prepare so u wont get an admission the test being entrance exam and then u say if not delayed then inshaAalah it would be cancelled.2) Is it kufr that while writting this question i had in my head i have the thought that i did not said if not delayed because i believed it wouldn't be delayed like the thought said that i had not lost hope of delay but while writing i was writting that i said it because i believed it wont get delayed i had this thought again that im writting a thing myself and it is not true and writting kufr myself untill i stopped and erased what i wrote i wrote about 4 words of the sentence now i feel like i write it knowing its kufr so i did kufr but my intentions were never to do kufr it feels like when one knows they are lying but still continues to lie