I just came across this fatwa and was really surprised to learn some types of betting is halal.. Then I read a bit closer and realized it's just an opinion of a group of scholars and they did not cite any ahadeeth or any support from the Quran to back up their argument.
How can someone just make up a fatwa out of thin air, it sounds dangerous. I know horse and camel racing is huge in some Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf, but why lie..? or am I reading this wrong..?
In order for someone to win a bet, it means that others have to lose. If someone wins a million on the lottery, it means that over a million people will have lost £1. Often people who lose, can't afford to lose, but they were hoping to make easy money. I can't think of any way that gambling is morally right.
I had an uncle who had a warehouse and a fleet of lorries. He went to the casino and on his first night won a lot of money. He was hooked on easy money, he then went on to gamble his business away along with his house and he lost his wife. He spent the rest of his life trying to win this back, but died broke and probably lost a million or more.
Winning is almost more dangerous than losing, because it gives you false hope. In the end the bookmakers win, the odds are always in their favour. Online gambling is made to look glamorous and fun; it seems like a huge temptation for the younger generation to get hooked on. My advice is leave gambling alone, if you have lost money, then accept that as a hard lesson learnt, don't try winning it back.
May Allah bless you on your journey,
You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
I just came across this fatwa and was really surprised to learn some types of betting is halal.. Then I read a bit closer and realized it's just an opinion of a group of scholars and they did not cite any ahadeeth or any support from the Quran to back up their argument.
How can someone just make up a fatwa out of thin air, it sounds dangerous. I know horse and camel racing is huge in some Arab countries, especially the Arabian Gulf, but why lie..? or am I reading this wrong..?
When it comes to fatwas, they can sometimes seem confusing, especially if they appear to conflict with what you know from the Quran or Sunnah. A fatwa is essentially an interpretation or legal opinion by a scholar or group of scholars based on their understanding of Islamic law (Sharia).
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