
Abdullah ibn Amr رضي الله عنه said:

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

" Right after a person finishes the salah, Shaytaan comes to him and reminds him of something that he has to do, therefore the person gets up and leaves [ without doing this dhikr ], Additionally, when he lies in his bed, Shaytan comes to him and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep [ without doing this dhikr ]."


{ Imam Ahmad in his Musnad 2/205 and graded as Saheeh by At Tirmidhi, An Nawaawi, Al Albaani and Hasan by Abu Muaadh }

Al Imam Badr ud Deen Al Ayni رحمه الله commented:

Shaytaan comes to a person when he goes to bed and continues to whisper to the son of Adam until he falls asleep. Also Shaytaan comes to a person while he is praying and continues to whisper thoughts and ideas that wasn't in his mind before. Therefore he gets up after finishing the prayer and leaves before saying these words.''

{ Al Ilm al Hayyab Sharh Kalam at Tayyib }

*** And Allaah عزوجل knows best ***