السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Peace be upon you,I am delighted to share with you my joy in discovering this blessed forum through ChatGPT. When contemplating sharing my interest in joining any idea or project that serves Muslims around the world, to have a contribution in any Islamic project that will benefit me after my death, it occurred to me to search for a platform that brings Muslims together, and I found your blessed forum. Thank you for your efforts, my brothers.I have many ideas that I would like to share with those who share my interests, but first of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Yusuf Abdullah, and I live in Mecca, and thanks to Allah, I meet many Muslims in Mecca who come for Umrah or Hajj from several countries around the world. I am pleased to get to know you and thank those responsible for this blessed forum, as well as every member participating in this forum.Greetings to everyone.جزاكم الله خير الجزاء في الدنيا والآخرة و جميع المسلمين
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