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Ten precious advises of the holy Prophet PBUH to his ummah,

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    MohammadRafique's Avatar Full Member
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    Ten precious advises of the holy Prophet PBUH to his ummah,

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    Anyone who will acts upon them, will be successful on forever

    By Mohammad Rafique Etesame

    عن معاذ قال: اوصاني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعشر كلمات قال لا تشرك بالله شيئا وإن قتلت وحرقت ولا تعقن والديك وإن امراك ان تخرج من اهلك ومالك ولا تتركن صلاة مكتوبة متعمدا فإن من ترك صلاة مكتوبة متعمدا فقد برئت منه ذمة الله ولا تشربن خمرا فإنه راس كل فاحشة وإياك والمعصية فإن بالمعصية حل سخط الله عز وجل وإياك والفرار من الزحف وإن هلك الناس وإذا اصاب الناس موتان وانت فيهم فاثبت وانفق على عيالك من طولك ولا ترفع عنهم عصاك ادبا واخفهم في الله. رواه احمد

    Ten precious advises of the holy Prophet PBUH to his ummah,
    Anyone who will acts upon them, will be successful on forever

    Mu'adh said:God’s messenger recommended ten things to me saying, “Do not associate anything with God, even if you are killed and burnt on that account; do not be disobedient to your parents, even if they command you to quit your family and your property; do not deliberately neglect to observe a prescribed prayer, for he who deliberately neglects to observe a prescribed prayer will have God’s protection removed from him; do not drink wine, for it is the beginning of every abomination; avoid acts of disobedience, for on their account God’s wrath descends; beware of running away from the line of battle, even if the people perish: when people are smitten by death when you are among them, stay where you are ; spend on your children out of your means; do not refrain from using the rod in training them; and cause them to fear God.”

    May Allah Almighty give us taufeeq to ac t upon this hadith Amin.

    Ahmad transmitted it.
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    Marwan-Maroc's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Ten precious advises of the holy Prophet PBUH to his ummah,

    God is the Most Great, God is the Most Great, I testify and bear witness that there is (certainly) no god but God and that Muhammad (certainly) is the Prophet of God, and that the Quran is (certainly) from God, God is the King and Protector and Lord and Light and Ruler and Witness and Rewarder and Punisher and Judge and Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in them.—————Ask for forgiveness, glorify God, daily, constantly.God listens to those who praise Him.May God show us Mercy.
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