Theres a supplement/medication thatI wanna take that has nothing but positiveeffects on me (Called NDT or Natural Dessicated Thyroid)The only issue is that since the supplementists gonna come in a form of literal powderedthyroid tissue(from a cow) that I'm gonnabe taking in 30mg scoops/serving (mighthave to take 3 servings a day)Is it considered halal? I believe it's halal because: -it's not a food thats gonna fill my stomach but instead a medication -not like I'm consuming meat but instead a more purified products-only consuming very small amounts -only has positive effects on meI think it might be haram to consume because: -it still is powdered haram animal tissue -still is meat -still doesnt have the name of Allah on it (maybe I can just say bismallah?)What do yall think?
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