A request to all the LI brothers and sisters .. please try reciting Surah Yaseen and Make dua for a brother who i knew from school who passed away 2 days ago .. :-( (Inna lillahi Wa inna Ilsyhi Raajioon) ... its really sad .. didnt expect this to happen .. just UNBELIEVEABLE ..he was my clasmate for 5 years SubhanAllah.... its really sad .. just shows DEath could cum and knok anyones door Anytym.. never realised DEATH could be just round the corner .. the LEAST we could expect is a friend of ours to die .. :'(
May Allah swt give his family sabr .. and save him from the torments ofthe grave and grant him Jannah (ameen)
*oops i dnt think this is the right board to post in*
The Prophet said, "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if he got everything on the earth, except a Mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives (from Allah)."
Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
Yeah i have to get my GCSE results on 25th augst, really dont want to go, deading it! I know i failed science! I wil mske du'aa. for mself and you brkothers inshallaah!
make du'aa for the sisters as well, inshaallah we will all pass. keep parying and put your trust in allahs hand.
My grandmother really ill and her illness very serious, she is going to Germany tomorrow to have her operation, we don’t know if we will see her again. Please brothers and sister make du’aa for my grandma.
May Allah grant you and your family sabr, and may Allah give you grandma a swift recovery and that her operation goes successful!
Have tawakkal alallah
Ameeeeeeeen! :sister:
Allah has willed for me to take two of my cars away in 3 months i was involved in two accidents ( both not my fault but by reckless drivers) i have no car again for the second time and i have to get to work. i would appreciate if you all here in the form can make duaa for me inshallah i would much appreicate.
salam alikom all my brothers and sisters
Allah hafiz
In the heavens and the earth there are certainly signs for the believers. And in your creation and all the creatures He has scattered about there are signs for people with certainty.
(Surat al-Jathiyah: 3-4)
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