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Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

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    nurul3eyn's Avatar Full Member
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    Lightbulb Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

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    Disobedience to Parents: A Major Sin

    It is the right of parents that their children should treat them with kindness, obedience, and honor. Devotion to parents is a natural instinct which must be strengthened by deliberate actions. The rights of the mother are stressed the more because of her suffering during pregnancy and childbirth, her suckling of the child, and her role in rearing it. In the words of Allah Ta'ala: And We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents. His mother carries him in pain and she gives birth to him in pain, and (the period) of carrying him and weaning him is thirty months... (46:15) Once a man came to the Prophet (peace be on him) and asked, 'Who is most deserving of my good companionship?' 'Your mother,' replied the Prophet (peace be on him). 'Who next?' the man asked. 'Your mother,' replied the Prophet (peace be on him). 'Who next?' he asked. 'Your mother,' replied the Prophet (peace be on him). 'Who next?' asked the man. 'Your father,' replied the Prophet. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

    The Prophet (peace be on him) declared disobedience to parents to be a major sin, second only to ascribing partners to Allah, as has been stated in the Qur'an. Al-Bukhari and Muslim report his saying, 'Shall I not inform you about the three major sins?' Those who were present replied, 'Yes, O Messenger of Allah.' He said 'Associating partners with Allah and disobedience to parents,' and sitting up from the reclining position, he continued, 'and telling lies and false testimony; beware of it.'

    He also said, "Three persons shall not enter the Garden: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the pimp, and the woman who imitates men.'' (Reported by al-Nisai, al-Bazzar on the authority of excellent transmitters, and al-Hakim) and, "Allah defers (the punishment of) all sins to the Day of Resurrection excepting disobedience to parents, for which Allah punishes the sinner in this life before his death." (Reported by al-Hakim, on the authority of sound transmitters.)

    Moreover, Islam emphasizes treating parents kindly, especially when they grow old. As their strength fails, they require more attention and care, and more consideration of their even more sensitive feelings. Concerning this the Qur'an says, Thy Lord hath decreed that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to parents. If one or both of them attain old age with thee, do not say a word of annoyance (Literally, "Do not say Uff! (an expression of annoyance) to them." (Trans.)) to them nor repulse them, but speak to them in gracious words and in mercy lower to them the wing of humility and say, My Lord, bestow Thy mercy othem, as they cherished me when I was little... (17:23-24)

    In explaining this verse, a commentator says, "If a lesser thing than saying 'Uff!' to parents were known to Allah, He would have prohibited (even that)."

    Insulting Parents: A Major Sin

    In addition to the foregoing, the Prophet (peace be on him) not only prohibited insulting or cursing one's parents but declared it to be a major sin. He said, 'Among the major sins is a man's cursing his parents.' The people who were present wondered how a sane and believing individual could curse his own parents, and enquired, 'How is it possible for a man to curse his own parents?' The Prophet (peace be on him) replied, 'He insults another man's father, and then the other insults his father, and he insults the other's mother, and the other returns the insult to his mother.' (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

    The Parent's Consent for Jihad

    Pleasing one's parents is considered so important in Islam that the son is forbidden to volunteer for jihad without his parent's permission, in spite of the fact that fighting in the cause of Allah (jihad fi sabeel Allah) has such great merit in Islam that the merit of a person who spends his nights in prayer and his days in fasting falls short of it.

    Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'As, A man came to the Prophet (peace be on him) and asked his permission to go for jihad. The Prophet (peace be on him) asked, 'Are your parents living?' 'Yes,' he replied. The Prophet (peace be on him) then said, 'Then strive in their service',(Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) meaning that taking care of parents is a greater obligation than jihad in the cause of Allah.

    'Abdullah also narrated, A man came to the Prophet (peace be on him) and said, 'I take the oath of allegiance to you for hijrah (emigration to Medinah) and jihad, seeking reward from Allah.' The Prophet (peace be on him) enquired whether either of his parents were living. On his replying that both of them were, the Prophet (peace be on him) said, 'Are you (really) seeking reward from Allah?' 'Yes,' the man said. The Prophet (peace be on him) then said, 'Go back to your parents and be a good companion to them.' (Reported by Muslim.) 'Abdullah further narrated, A man came to the Prophet (peace be on him) and said, 'I have come to swear allegiance to you for hijrah, and I have left my parents weeping.' The Prophet (peace be on him) said to him, 'Return to them and make them laugh as you made them weep.' (Reported by al-Bukhari and others.)

    Abu Sa'id reported that A man from Yemen migrated to Madinah to be with the Prophet (peace be on him). The Prophet (peace be on him) asked him, 'Do you have any relatives in Yemen?' He answered, 'My parents.' 'Did you get their permission?' the Prophet (peace be on him) asked. On his replying that he did not, the Prophet (peace be on him) told him, 'Go back to them and ask their permission. If they agree to it, go on jihad. Otherwise stay and serve them.' (Reported by Abu Daoud.)

    Non-Muslim Parents

    It is one of the beauties of Islam that, with respect to the treatment of parents, it forbids the Muslim to be disrespectful to them even if they should be non-Muslims who are fanatical to the point of arguing with him and putting pressure on him to renounce Islam. Says Allah Ta'ala: ...Be grateful to Me and to thy parents; to Me is (the final) goal. But if they strive to compel thee to associate with Me that of which thou hast no knowledge, do not obey them; but keep company with them in this life in a kind manner and follow the way of those who turn to Me. Then to Me will be your return and I will inform you (of the meaning of) all that you did. (31:14-15)

    In these two verses the Muslim is commanded not to obey his parents in what they try to tell him to do in this regard, since there cannot be obedience to a creature in sin against the Creator-and what sin could be greater than associating partners with Allah? At the same time, he is commanded to treat them honorably in this world, unaffected by their stand against his faith, and to follow the path of those righteous Believers who turn to Allah and to leave the judgement between himself and his parents to the Most Just of Judges, on a Day when the parents will not be able to benefit the child nor the child the parent. Indeed, such tolerant and beneficent teachings are not to be found in any other religion.



    My brothers and sisters our dear parents are very important to us to be able to enter Jannah we have to be kind to our parents... we all know Jannah is under the feet of our mothers...you have to really work hard to earn their blessings insha'allah...Lets us all be those Allah is pleased with for their good deeds and for the love and respect they have for their parents..

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    Re: Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him [59:23]

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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    Interesting that you chose this time to bump the thread, the writer of the article would have done better, actually, should correct the article to clarify the facts surrounding the situation in which the messenger of Allah pbuh told the man to return, since it was usually in the case of non-obligatory fighting, and depending on how many men were needed.

    Also the returning of a man who made hijrah is a very strange hadith since we should by now know the story of Mus'ab ibn 'Umair and some may know the stories of many other sahabah who were persecuted and/or disowned by their own families for accepting Islam and migrating with the prophet pbuh, Abu Jahl's cousin Ayyash ibn Abu Rabeeyah who set off with 'Umar ibn al khattaab (ra) is another example. If the hadith has any strength whatsoever, one would likely put it down to the fact that the man was trying to make the Prophet pbuh that he had done the Prophet a favour by embracing Islam and migrating whilst lacing his act poisonously with emphasis on disobedience whereas it would have been better had he realised that Allah had done him a favour by guiding him.

    The article sounds very strangely biased indeed in light of Quran and Seerah.

    20.*Those who believe, and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in Allah.s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah. they are the people who will achieve (salvation).
    21.*Their Lord doth give them glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of gardens for them, wherein are delights that endure:
    22.*They will dwell therein for ever. Verily in Allah.s presence is a reward, the greatest (of all).
    23.*O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.
    24.*Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious.
    25.*Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! your great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat.
    26.*But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus doth He reward those without Faith.
    27.*Again will Allah, after this, turn (in mercy) to whom He will: for Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful.

    From Quran, Surah At Tawbah - Repentance, Chapter 9

    With all that said, do check to see what applies and where, since in times of uncertain turmoil, the best action is to do what is certain for Allah's sake.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 08-22-2016 at 12:23 AM.
    Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    2dvls74 1 - Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

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    Re: Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    Well, if she ever returns, then alhamdullilah you came to correct it.

    Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him [59:23]

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    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

    I read a news article yesterday that was almost obviously geared at negative reverse psychology, it went something along the lines of ...Buddism and Islam are very similar because both Buddah and Muhammad preached and practiced non-violence although Muhammad grew up in a violent atmoaphere, but these days both buddists and Muslims don't follow that practice and Muslim scholars try to convince radicalized youth who don't know that Islam is non-violent.......


    Almost forcing a person to forget the unjust and horrific violence of the secularists and argue (depending on level of knowledge): you're wrong, Islam is actually violent in essence and buddism is non-violent, or: the Muslim youth are led astray by isis and alqaeda and irrationally lash out at their loving and honest secularist atheist leaders who never do anything to upset them and who only want peace......

    The mobilization of Muslim youth in France and Belgium after the despicable political and media attacks against Islam and Muslims, and after the niqab was banned and Muslim sisters were attacked and humiliated by police and mass media brainwashed drunkards is rarely mentioned despite those being amongst the most potent reasons is a fact rarely mentioned when presenting news.
    it's almost as if they're trying to provoke a war as their economies fall apart due to their own stupidity and disobedience to Allah.

    When criminals have a monopoly on mass media they create stormy oceans with billow topped by billow of confusion in the minds of the masses who consume it. They even convince the drugged/drunk ombies that it's totally normal to walk around in public semi-naked and play the roles and attitudes of their favourite east-enders actor.

    "The Jonses" is a classic education tool.

    Hundreds injured in Bangladesh brawl over the plot of a soap opera
    Sophie Saint Thomas***August 19, 2016 4:14 pm
    A massive brawl broke out in the Indian*Habiganj district when two men disagreed over the plot of a soap opera,*the BBC reports.*The fight began Wednesday night and carried into Thursday morning....


    Time to start reading Islam from the Quran and seerah primarily.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 08-22-2016 at 01:04 AM.
    Disobedience to Parents & Insulting Parents is A Major Sin

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