God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, I testify to God and before God that there is none worthy of worship except You and that Muhammad (pbuh) is Your Messenger and slave and the holy Quran is from You, God Commands man to be Muslim (submit to Him) and all humans (except the lost) submits to Him, God Commands man to praise Him and all humans (except the non-believing atheist pig) praise Him, God Commands man to follow and practice Islam (submission to Him) as their Religion and all humans (except the non-wiling to-submit animals) follows and practises it, God is the Light and Protector and Lord and Ruler and King and Creator of the heavens and the earth and all things in them!--------------Listening to the Quran is a spiritual-ectazy, so is listening to dua's. I write short praising-texts of God online, because I like it. I praise God daily and constantly, like a maniac. God has Commanded me to praise Him, so I do (until my death), happily. I recommend Dua's by Idriss Akbar (terrifyingly beautiful). And Abu Hamza's dua. And Mishary's dua. The Quran, I recommend, Saad-al-ghamdi.Glorification names of God uttered daily by me: 1. You are the Most Great (Main), You are the Most Good (Second main), You are the Most Wise, You are the Most Glorious, You are the Most Merciful, You are the Most Forgiving, You are the All-Mighty, You are the All-Seeing, You are the All-Knowing, You are the All-Hearer, You are the Creator (Of me and everything else), etc, some others."Ashadu ana la illaha ila Allah wa ashadu ana Muhammadon rashul Allah, I testify that there is no god but God and that Muhammad (pbuh) is the Prophet God" - uttered constantly. My main most used prayer to God (I make many prayers as time goes and have made countless in the past, countless and countless have been Answered and made Actualized to reality by God): God, forgive me for my sins and what I have done in the past, please God, show me Mercy and Forgiveness from Yourself, please God, I beg You, please, please forgive me, please. I prostrate with my head and forehead down to the ground to God in utter submission, so do I when listening to recitation of His Glorious Book/Revaleation, the holy Quran.To God is our Certain Return.For His Reward do we strive, and His Punishment do we fear and hope to not taste.And God is Omnipotent over all things and well Knowing of everything (including His Great and Divine and Holy Self), and He is Witness over all things.All praise is due to God.
Last edited by Marwan-Maroc; 1 Week Ago at 11:49 AM.
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