الحمدُ للهِ والصَّلاةُ والسَّلامُ على رسولِ الله نبيَّنا مـحـمـد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين؛ أمَّا بعد؛

Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet one day and I heard him saying: "There is something I fear for my Ummah more than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: "Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?" He said; "Misguided and astray scholars."

There are some troubling individuals of the Murtadeen misguiding swathes of Muslims and giving the Dawah of Shaytan. These Murtadeen have organized several campaigns in spreading their deviant beliefs. One such Murtad organization and movement is known as the "Muslim Women's Alliance" which is strongly endorsed by the Murtad propagandist Linda Sarsour who uses her influence not to guide others to Islam but rather deviate from, while calling to unIslamic ideologies making a mockery of our Deen as well, not only does she mock, embarrass, and call away from Islam she openly without humiliation advocates non-Islamic non-Shari'i ideologies that ammount to Bidah and Shirk, verily she is not from the Ummah of the Prophet nor are her associates, followers, and students.

These individuals do not seek the benefit of Islam or this Ummah, which is an example to mankind. These individuals only seek to please their selfish souls they do not want what Allah has commanded. Wallahi it is disgraceful to see them in their "Woman's Marches" and these various protests and glorifying themselves and exaggerating the true status of their sinful organizations and actions. The other organization to be aware of those of you who truly fear Allah is "Muslims For Dream" this shameful organization aims to promote ideals contrary to that of Islam on multiple grounds.

The organization "Muslims for Dream" wishes to cooperate with the American Democratic Party in keeping the children of immigrants mainly from central America from being deported. There is no Barakah in this these are not Muslims no matter how much this movement likes to claim there are "some Muslims" among the "Dreamers", Wallahi if there is they are in sin for abandoning the lands of Islam for elsewhere and this movement "Muslims for Dream" only seeks to promote sin and error, and as Muslims we are instructed by Allah the most high himself to enjoin good and forbid evil and guard against it. It does not matter how many Shuyukh and Imams support this organization this is an organization of Kufr, an organization based on the foundations of disbelief and advocacy for affairs that have no relation or benefit to the wider Ummah in even the smallest of ways.

Those who are silent in the face of evil afflicting their brothers and sisters but loud and extravagant in the face of insignificant affairs of no benefit and proud of it are indeed hated by Allah. We all know of the horrors in Ghouta where hundreds of Muslim men, women, and children die daily at the hands of the Safawis and their allies, and this is the worthy cause according to Linda Sarsour and those of her likes and the Imams of Disbelief who endorse in its place, her and her wicked cause.

Fear Allah in what you do and supplicate for this Ummah.