Memorizing the Holy Quran is a noble journey, and online classes make it easier than ever. With experienced, certified teachers, you can learn with correct Tajweed and tailored schedules from the comfort of your home. Online platforms provide flexibility, personalized attention, and interactive tools to keep learners of all ages engaged and motivated. Whether you're a beginner or completing your Hifz, these classes ensure effective learning and a deeper connection with the Quran. Start your journey today and reap endless blessings, InshaAllah!
Re: Quran Memorization Online with Qualified Teachers
God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! None are worthy of being worshipped except God, there is no god but God, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, all praise is due to God, all thanks is due to God, God is the King and Protector and Light and Lord and Ruler and Creator of the heavens and the earth and all things in them!
Learning the Quran and memorization of it online is child's play.
My cousin in a mountain in Morocco teaches kids to memorize the whole Quran (and awakens them to God and the Islamic Truth) in not more than 5 years, 7 years at most. They write the surah in a little wood plank and start memorising it. They get beaten if they don't memorize quickly enough, literally lifted up and thrown to the ground (true story lol).
This is how it should be like. Hardcore. No playing around.
My cousin is at the highests of highests scholar and teacher, may God grant him paradise.
I immensely consider to go to my cousin and stay with him for 1 year, actually, that's what I'm going to do, in the near future, when I think about it (started thinking about it some 3 days ago).
Not only to memorize the Quran, but to gain Knowledge of the Quran, literally everything.
My cousin alone is higher than me spiritually in my entire complete family.
May God make this possible.
God is the Most Holy, the Most Divine, the Hearer and Answerer to Prayers, none are worthy of worship except Him.
Last edited by Marwan-Maroc; 4 Days Ago at 07:11 AM.
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