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HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

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    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

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    HSBC has closed the accounts of some Muslim groups, charities (Ummah Welfare Trust), organisations, individuals, and even children, without any proper explanation.

    The thing they all seem to have in common, is support for Gaza.

    "The organisations are mainly charities and the link is that many of them if not all of them are vocal on the issue of Palestine. It would be a great shame if that was true. As I'm left to speculate, that's the only reason I can come to." (Anas at Tikriti)

    "Mr Ahmad [Ummah Welfare trust] says he thinks HSBC has made its decision because of its work in Gaza, where he says Ummah provides "ambulances, food aid, medical aid, and grants."

    Read the full story: BBC News - HSBC closes some Muslim groups' accounts
    Last edited by Insaanah; 07-31-2014 at 07:33 PM.
    HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

    Stunningly beautiful adhaan from the Dome of the Rock in Masjid ul Aqsa
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    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    Re: HSBC closes some Muslims accounts


    I heard about this last week but was unsure they were closing people's accounts down. I thought it was only organisations. I might have to take my dollars out and put into a different bank.

    U W T had their accounts closed by Barclays a few years ago again for helping Palestine. So this is not something new.

    Please pray for the people of Gaza.
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    Muhaba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

    It is indeed terrible. The state of the Muslim Ummah is awful and Muslims are being oppressed, persecuted and tortured everywhere. And now, even preventing humanitarian efforts! This is horrible.

    A sister advised to read لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين and pray for Allah's help. wrote the following:

    As we all observe, innocent Muslims are brutally killed all over the world and there is none on the face of the earth to help and protect these Muslims!
    THEREFORE We must now call Allah All Mighty, The Lord Of the worlds, to send direct HELP to the oppressed Muslims and stop the CRUEL and BRUTAL KILLERS from torturing and killing this helpless Ummah! Therefore all Muslims are advised to read the Aayat kareemah which is:
    لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
    Every Muslim must read it with full attention and humbleness, praying to Allah All Mighty for help and protection of the Muslims. Please note that with the mention of this aayah in Surah Al Anbiyaa ( The Prophets), Allah All Mighty promised to protect the Mo’mineen!!!
    Read the verses 87, 88 of Surah Al Anbiyaa. In these two verses, Allah All Mighty told us that Allah accepted the prayer of Prophet Younas (Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon him) when he prayed in the darkness ( in the belly of a whale ) saying:
    لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
    Allah answered his prayer and rescued him from grief. Then Allah said:
    و كذلك ننجي المؤمنين
    It means: “And like this We protect the Mo’mineen”
    Allah removed his grief means that:
    The whale expelled him and put him on the beach, then Allah grew a plant to make shade on him until his body hardened and he became capable of standing and walking again. For this statement you can see Surah Safaat verses 139 – 148.

    “And like this We protect the mo’minen” are the words of Allah which shall always be true and Allah shall never do against HIS words.
    Thus the aayatul kareemah is a way of protection for Mo’mineen in cases of extreme trouble and oppression when we have no way to rescue ourselves or our Muslims. Allah told us this way in the Holy Quraan and Allah Words are always true and trustable. The only condition is that we must be Mo’mineen.
    A Mo’min is a practicing Muslim whose faith is perfect Islamic faith and along with that he/she performs all the obligatory duties like 5 times prayer every day, fasting in Ramadhan, paying the obligatory charity (zakah) to poor people, and do hajj if he/she can afford to travel for it. Also his/ her dress must be the dress of piety and their dealings must be Islamic i.e. they must be honest and trustworthy. Enjoining good and forbidding evil is also the duty of every practicing Muslim.
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    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: HSBC closes some Muslims accounts


    This is relevant


    CAGE has been under sustained pressure over the last few months since it’s business bank accounts were closed down. Our work continues to go from strength to strength, but without your help we may not be able to keep our head above the water for very long. Please read this article, circulate it, and join us for our fundraising event next week Thursday, so that we can continue to advocate for truth and justice in the War on Terror.

    “Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, ‘We believe’, and will not be tested? And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make it known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make it known (the falsehood of) those who are liars.” (Quran: 29:2-3)

    Many of our supporters have recently had their regular standing orders to our bank accounts dishonoured with the answer "Account Closed". We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and anxiety this has caused our supporters.

    While the closure of our accounts has created a high level of operational inconvenience which has disrupted our projects and campaigns, we are in the process of applying for a new bank account. For those who wish to continue to donate to CAGE in the meantime, we are more than happy to receive cash donations and are willing to facilitate this through arranging to collect donations personally from supporters.

    Following the arrest of our Outreach Director Moazzam Begg on 25 February 2014, we have noted with great concern that there appears to be a concerted effort to shut the organisation down or to at least render it operationally ineffective. This has recently taken place through the imposition of unwarranted pressure on some of our most significant donors as well as through the closure of our business bank accounts. The reason for the delay in announcing this to our supporters is that we wanted to first exhaust all means available to us to rectify the situation. We are only too aware of the climate of fear that exists in our community and we are conscious to avoid reinforcing that, but we have come to a point now where we simply cannot continue as we are, we urgently need your help.

    Like any business, CAGE requires the use of bank accounts in order to function and had accounts open with Barclays and the Co-Operative Bank. In March this year, both banks closed CAGE's accounts without any prior notification. Direct Debits were cancelled and Standing Orders returned with no explanation other than the banks that the accounts had been closed. Shortly after the CAGE account was closed, Barclays also closed the personal accounts of CAGE's Treasurer and a senior CAGE volunteer. CAGE's Treasurer had been banking with Barclays for over 18 years. No explanation has been provided for the closure of any of those accounts.

    For over a decade, CAGE has been at the forefront of exposing the role of the UK government in rendition and torture for over a decade and has been a persistent and vocal critic of its counter-terrorism laws and policies. CAGE has always carried out its activities within the remit of the law and the message that we are propagating is reaching an increasing number of people both in the UK and abroad. It is only to be expected that CAGE too would become a target of those measures as a result. All of this is happening despite the fact that we have never been implicated or involved in any wrongdoing, we are a legitimate organisation working transparently yet we are effectively being treated as a designated organisation even though we aren't. The Treasury has written to us on more than one occasion confirming that we are not designated.

    Despite the setbacks, CAGE has continued its struggle for truth and justice. Since our accounts were closed, we have:

    Exposed MI5's complicity in the detention and torture abroad of British resident Ahmed Diini and British Citizen Ali Adorus, both featured on the front page of the Independent.

    Published an information leaflet on people's rights during police home raids

    Provided unique insight into the issue of foreign fighters in Syria through comments in the written and broadcast media, including appearances on BBC Newsnight and Channel 4 News

    Participated in the public consultation on the Schedule 7 officer's Code of Practice

    Published an exclusive interview with Heba al-Dabbagh, the author of 'Just five Minutes', an account of her detention and tortured in Syria during the 1980s

    We provide support to dozens of people who visit us for advice and support

    We have on going discussions and work with partners including Reprieve, Leigh Day Solicitors and other legal firms, International Committee of the Red Cross, Joseph Roundtree Charitable Trust, The Roddick Foundation, The American Civil Liberties Union, The Center for Constitutional Rights, Statewatch and major media organisations.

    CAGE is not the first organisation of its kind to be targeted in this way, nor will it be the last. Civil rights groups around the world have historically been persecuted in this manner by the authorities precisely because they work to hold those governments to account for their crimes. When Islam first arrived in the Arabian Peninsula, it was the Prophet Muhammed (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) preaching and campaigning for a more just society free of oppression, in which the rights of Allah, the orphans, women, the elderly, the weak and the vulnerable, were protected, that resulted in the Muslims of that time being arbitrarily detained, tortured and executed. Indeed one of the most powerful weapons that the enemies of Islam used at that time was the complete social and economic boycott of the Muslims and those who supported them, i.e. the imposition of financial sanctions. Although these sanctions lasted for a torturous three years during which the Muslims suffered tremendously with many dying of starvation and malnutrition, this was a defining period in the nurturing of the companions of a strength and conviction that would help them not just overcome their enemies in Makkah but also the mighty superpowers of Rome and Persia in years to come.

    CAGE has been operating for over a decade and we perceive these current events in a similar vein. We want to reassure our supporters that despite these setbacks, we intend to be here for another decade with the permission of Allah and even longer in our struggle for truth and justice to create a world free from oppression and injustice.

    Finally, while it is natural to feel fear or anxiety, we remind ourselves and our supporters that we must not allow that fear to control our behaviour and actions. Our position today is like that of the companions of the Prophet Muhammed (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on the day of the Battle of the Trench who initially felt petrified by the coalition forces that had surrounded Madinah, but on remembering Allah declared:

    "This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth." (Quran: 33:22)

    As Allah says, this increased them, not in fear, but in faith and submission.

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    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

    HSBC, Muslims and Me

    In the summer of 2014 HSBC dispatched a batch of identical letters to several prominent Muslims telling them that their accounts would be closed. The bank said that it no longer had the "risk appetite" to handle their money. But it failed to explain why or to offer a right of appeal. So what happened?

    Pursuing this story led journalist Peter Oborne to resign his job as Chief Political commentator of the Daily Telegraph: the paper had refused to publish an article he had written which was critical of HSBC's decision.

    Footloose and temporarily freelance, Oborne embarked on an intriguing journey to discover the cause of the bank's decision. Were the Muslims targeted by mistake or were they targeted because they are Muslims? Was Peter naive to think the accounts would be closed without good reason? And, given the fact that many of those cut off by the bank had links to the Muslim Brotherhood, could the HSBC's actions have anything to do with David Cameron's announcement of a government review of this Islamist network?

    Oborne is shocked when he finds out the truth.
    Link to radio programme (may only be accessible to UK members): http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0639w47

    Link to news story:

    Why did HSBC shut down bank accounts?

    Peter Oborne is is the associate editor of the Spectator. He resigned from the Daily Telegraph after the newspaper failed to publish an article about HSBC's closure of accounts

    28 July 2015

    Last year international banking giant HSBC suddenly closed the bank accounts of several prominent British Muslims. Anna Meisel and Peter Oborne reveal how the decision was made.

    In late July last year Mohammed Kozbar, chairman of the Finsbury Park Mosque near the Emirates football stadium in north London, was astonished to receive a letter out of the blue from his bankers, HSBC.

    The letter informed him that his bank account was to be closed. It explained: "HSBC bank has recently conducted a general review and has concluded that provision of banking services to Finsbury Park Mosque now falls outside of our risk appetite."

    There was no further explanation and no right of appeal. Kozbar says that there had been no previous issues between the mosque and HSBC and that he "couldn't understand" what had happened.

    Several other Muslim institutions and individuals received the same letter from HSBC, each one dated 22 July 2014.

    Other HSBC clients who suddenly fell outside the bank's "risk appetite" included the Cordoba Foundation, a think tank which says that it specialises in building relations between the Muslim world and the West.

    Anas Altikriti, the foundation's chief executive, had banked with HSBC ever since he had been a university student 30 years ago. His personal bank account was closed, along with his wife's and his two teenage children. Once again there was no right of appeal.

    So what happened and why were the accounts closed? When we started to investigate we ran up against a wall of silence.

    HSBC refuses to discuss the bank account closures. But we learned about World-Check, a confidential database owned by the financial information giant Thomson Reuters.

    World-Check is used by 49 out of the largest 50 banks in the world to help them judge who to take on, or to retain, as clients.

    In the post 9/11 world, banks are required to know their customers and can be held responsible if their clients are involved in financing terror or money-laundering. To avoid this, the banks rely heavily on databases like World-Check.

    Journalists cannot get access to it but one of their clients - who had strong reservations about the software - let us in. When we obtained access to the database, the word "terrorism" came up in dark red, directly above the name of the Cordoba Foundation.

    The World-Check website page sourced the "terrorism" claim to the United Arab Emirates. The UAE lists the Cordoba Foundation as a terror group.

    One of the smaller Gulf states, the UAE has itself been the centre of money-laundering allegations. It has been criticised for human rights abuses, including torture. It brands certain political opponents - including the Muslim Brotherhood - as terrorists.

    The Muslim Brotherhood

    The Muslim Brotherhood is an incredibly complex movement which manifests itself in different ways in different places - it is not a single uniform body, writes Dominic Casciani.
    Islamism, the idea that society and politics should be entirely organised according to the teachings of Islam, is at the heart of its ideology.
    In Egypt, where it was founded, and Saudi Arabia, it is banned as a terrorist organisation - something its supporters say is unjust. Its core strategy - of mixing charitable work with political activism, has influenced the approach of many comparable Islamist groups around the world.
    There are a string of groups operating legally in the UK that are part of the movement, even though they don't often explicitly describe themselves as being part of the Brotherhood. Some individuals involved in these groups have been accused of extremism - such as supporting suicide attacks by Palestinians against Israel - and many have been involved in mainstream political campaigning. Prime Minister David Cameron ordered a review of the Brotherhood in 2014 but its findings have still not been published.

    Anas Altikriti is one of the most prominent Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Britain. His father was one of the leaders of the Brotherhood in Iraq.

    The World-Check website contained several strong disclaimers, and stressed that the "accuracy of the information found in the underlying media sources should be verified with the profile subject before any action is taken". Furthermore, World-Check stressed that the decision to open or close accounts lay with the banks.

    World-Check also listed Finsbury Park Mosque under the category "terrorism". In the case of the mosque, World-Check dealt in detail with the period when it was under the control of Abu Hamza, an al-Qaeda-sympathising cleric with proven links to terrorism.

    However, a new management committee, led by Mohammed Kozbar and with the tacit approval of the Metropolitan Police, took over the running of the mosque a decade ago.

    There have been no further suggestions of terrorist involvement. Though this information was included by World-Check, it took careful reading to get to it.

    World-Check's profiles are created from publicly available information of the kind that anyone can access. However it is not clear that banks can always reach an informed decision about clients based on the World-Check information.

    Questions also surround World-Check sources. On examination of the website, we discovered information from Wikipedia as well as blogs (for instance Muslim Brotherhood Watch) and the news agency WAM, which is close to the UAE government.

    When we put this to World-Check they said that: "World-Check uses only reliable and reputable public domain sources (such as official sanctions lists, law and regulatory enforcement lists, government sources and trustworthy media publications) for risk-based information or allegations about an individual or entity.

    "We also provide secondary identifying information on individuals, such as dates and place of birth, and this will be similarly verified with reputable and official sources. If blog content appears, it is only as a supporting source for that secondary information, and is clearly identified as such."

    The World-Check entry on Finsbury Park Mosque also contained the information that Mohammed Sawalha was a trustee. Sawalha is believed to be one of the most senior Muslim Brotherhood figures in Britain. He is also alleged to have been a Hamas commander in Gaza 25 years ago. Hamas is designated by the US and other governments as a terrorist organisation.

    But Kozbar said that Sawalha had been a trustee ever since the new management board was configured 10 years ago, with the approval of the police.

    Kozbar is shocked that World-Check listed his mosque under the designation "terrorist". He says: "We never got this information before and we never thought that still Finsbury Mosque [is] considered as a terrorist place."

    The episode has inflicted reputational damage on the Finsbury Park Mosque, which found it impossible to get a bank account with another High Street Bank, he says. It now banks with a small Islamic bank.

    HSBC refuses to answer questions about the closures. But it insists: "When we review a customer relationship we typically gather information from a wide range of sources and take a number of factors into consideration. Although we can't always provide customers with specific reasons for closing an account, any such decisions are not taken lightly and are not based on a customer's race or religion.

    "We are committed to working with the UK government and industry bodies to support the not-for-profit sector and to help charity customers manage risk in their operations."

    We also discovered a connection between David Cameron's decision to review alleged Muslim Brotherhood links with terrorism, and the decision by HSBC to close down the bank accounts of several politically active British Muslims.

    British government anxiety about the Muslim Brotherhood - as well as panic over the emergence of the Islamic State group - caused banks to conduct examinations of their clients in the early summer of 2014.

    According to one senior government official: "There is a definite connection between the bank account closures and the review of the Brotherhood."

    Experts within the banking industry have confirmed that the Brotherhood review created an atmosphere of concern - though they added there was no pressure from government to close accounts.

    Cameron's review, which focused in part on the connections between the Brotherhood and terrorism, was announced in April 2014. Just three months later HSBC sent its letters to well-known British Muslim organisations and individuals.

    The bank account closures were especially odd because counter-terrorism legislation gives the British authorities power to freeze the accounts of individuals or organisations which are suspected of being implicated in terrorism.

    But this action has not been taken against any of the organisations whose bank accounts were closed by HSBC.

    There is a deeper and more troubling context here.

    By sending the message to law-abiding Muslims that they are excluded from the simple privileges enjoyed by all other British people, we risk encouraging rather than suppressing extremism.

    Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33677946
    Last edited by Insaanah; 07-31-2015 at 12:36 PM.
    HSBC closes some Muslims accounts

    Stunningly beautiful adhaan from the Dome of the Rock in Masjid ul Aqsa
    Download (right click and choose "save target/link as").

    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    czgibson's Avatar
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    Re: HSBC closes some Muslims accounts


    It's strange that HSBC appears to be allowed to close these accounts without even giving a reason. It seems very unfair. Presumably they think there is some sort of terrorism connection, but by casting the net so wide they are only likely to alienate Muslims further.

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