
Imagine you`re in heavens
It`s easy if you try
No Hell below us
Above us the heaven`s sky
Imagine all the people
Glancing at the Lord most high

Imagine no oppression
I wonder if you care
No torture or detention
No Bush or Blair
Imagine all the people
Living together in peace

You may say I`m a believer
But I`m not the only one
I hope someday you`ll join us
And the world will live as one

Imagine your posessions
Sharing all you can
No hatred or racism
A brotherhood of Islam Imagine all the people
living for the life to come

Imagine no Zionism
to make you a slave
No plunder or destruction
And no mass graves
Imagine all the people
Sharing the holy land

You may say I`m a believer
But I`m not the only one
I hope someday you`ll join us
And the world will be as one