America helped the Taliban and called them Freedom Fighters ? What is everyone's opinion on this ? America helped the Mujahideen in Afghanistan fight the Soviet Union ?
Todays the Taliban, Al Qaeda and terrorists - yestarday the big American allied forces. In 1982, Ronald Reagan dedicated the Space Shuttle Columbia to the resistance fighters in Afghanistan. Just as the Columbia, we think, represents man's finest aspirations in the field of science and technology so too does the struggle of the Afghan people represent man's highest aspirations for freedom. I am dedicating, on behalf of the American people, the March 22nd launch of the Columbia to the people of Afghanistan.
President Carter addresses the nation on the serious implications of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan because the move threatens stability and peace in the region. The President outlines the economic and political restrictions he placed on the Soviet Union as a result of the invasion and calls other nations to stand up to Soviet aggression.
Re: America helped the Taliban and called them Freedom Fighters ?
when the Taliban were fighting the U.S.S.R they were heroes now that they're fighting against America they're terrorists .. America counts on the ignorance of its citizens.. Either way the Taliban aren't created by either.. Afghanistan has been the final nail in the coffin of many an empires..
Allah swt sometimes puts his greatest secrets in what is perceived to be the weakest of his creation as the adage goes..
Text without context is pretext If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him
Re: America helped the Taliban and called them Freedom Fighters ?
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
when the Taliban were fighting the U.S.S.R they were heroes now that they're fighting against America they're terrorists
From what I understand, those that fought against the Soviets (the ones people refer to as the Mujahideen) were not the Taliban... At least, not the Taliban as they are today.
Re: America helped the Taliban and called them Freedom Fighters ?
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
when the Taliban were fighting the U.S.S.R
Taliban is a group that established in refugees camp in Pakistan. Their first major activity was happened in 1994. Five years after Soviet left Afghanistan. Many of first Taliban fighters were too young when mujahideen fought Soviet.
Afghan Mujahideen were people who fought against Soviet. This is not a single group, but consist of many groups which every group had their own leader and base camps. USA supported them and gave them weapons and logistic, after those mujahideen establish their group and launch their resistance. It based on principle "enemy of my enemy is my ally"
Al-Qaeda was a bureau that established by foreign mujahideen to observe foreign mujahideen who fought in local Afghan groups. Their early activity was send news about those foreign mujahideen to their families in their origin countries. But later those foreign mujahideen consolidate themselves, and Al-Qaeda turned into all non-Afghan fighter group. Same like other mujahideen, USA regarded Al-Qaeda as their ally too, because they fought Soviet.
The first Taliban fighter were students from Pashtun ethnic who studied in madrasa that ran by Jamiat Ulama E-Islam in refugees camp in Pakistan. Later they going bigger after many Pashtun mujahideen joined them.
So, Mujahideen groups, Al-Qaeda, and Taliban were not created by USA.
I was born in 1967. It's means I was old enough to watch news from Afghanistan War and understood it. Honestly, the Afghanistan War was my daily news.
Re: America helped the Taliban and called them Freedom Fighters ?
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Taliban is a group that established in refugees camp in Pakistan. Their first major activity was happened in 1994. Five years after Soviet left Afghanistan. Many of first Taliban fighters were too young when mujahideen fought Soviet.
I was obviously not being literal! People grow old and die.. Afghanistan has been fighting outside interest since Alex the Great, if I say they're the same people fighting it means on the same heart, they fought against the Brits in 1860 something, against the U.S.S.R same folks and now against the U.S hence my statement .. even the Mongols received a temporary defeat in Afghanistan.
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
the final nail in the coffin of many an empires
Taliban by the very name means 'student' I am not expecting them to be 60+ although they certainly maybe..
Text without context is pretext If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him
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