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Copy From Yahoo/American New Muslim Letter to King Abdullah

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    khadeejsaudi's Avatar Limited Member
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    Copy From Yahoo/American New Muslim Letter to King Abdullah

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    All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of ‘Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists) and
    Peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad s.a.w.

    The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosque
    His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Saud
    Royal Court
    Saudi Arabia

    Joseph Morris /Muhammad Yusuf AbdulAziz
    P.O. Box 13529 / Code 71956
    Kifan Kuwait
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    As Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu

    BismiAllah Rahman Raheem

    His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Saud

    My name is Joseph Morris / Muhammad-Yusuf Abdulaziz from the United States I was born in United States my mother and father was born in United States I was informed by some brothers in United States to try and contact you If I can locate your number because its said that you very good Muslim
    and Strong Muslim Alhamdu Allah. I’m willing to pay for my travel and hotel to Saudi Arabia. I have questions about Islam after being all most five years in Kuwait. I have sent letter’s to Sheikh’s that
    have programs on Saudi TV and programs like IQRA without one responds.

    I will like to tell you about how I convert to Islam and my family in United States: Prince Abdullah Al Faisal Al Saud I don’t come from Poor family nor Middle Class family. My family own their on company that trade in commodities, deal in Media, Real Estate, etc in United States.

    When I came to Islam my family want and still like to kill me after converting to Islam because I come from very strong Roman Catholic family. My family said being Jews better then being Muslim an now God have curse me. My father, my brother, My father brothers and their sons or all Free Mason’s my family have been Free Mason’s for over 80 year. I have been trying to speak with my family over years about Islam there responds you have been disowned by family till you return to Roman Catholic church. My friends and their family’s very close to my family, my girlfriend don’t come from poor nor Middle class family her family Jews they are also very close to my family this have been very hard for me for years.

    I convert to Islam after studying and reading Quran-Over and Over again reading about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (PBUH&HF) about (Sahabah’s—R.A) Reading about Bilal ibn Riban (RA) I was on business trip to Sydney Australia when in the airport I came upon Muslim brother I stop brother and started questioning him about Islam we talk for about two hours then brother had to leave for prayers
    but before leaving brother offer his small pock Quran as gift with his business card.

    I started to reading Quran again asking myself was this right religion for me because in my mind this
    was second time that for no reason I had stop brother speak about Islam. I was saying this God trying to speak to me about right religion for me to establish a true relationship with (ALLAH) because Quran say you have to be true to Allah and ALLAH will be there for you. ( Faith).

    When my girlfriend seen me reading Quran she became angry her family hate Muslim’s they had no problem with us being together as Roman Catholic & Jews family tell I convert to Islam. I show her the Holy Quran she became angry an angry with me she return in ten min with my friends.

    My friends start talking about how Muslims discriminate how Muslim’s treat people how Muslim’s kill each other how Muslim’s kill people for no reason how Muslims or Terrorize how Muslims don’t trust in the Quran and how can I have faith when I was not born Muslim

    We could not leave that day for Japan for problem with Jet that we was traveling on we return to hotel and my heart was full of joy after speaking with brother just like when I was in Saudi Arabia I remember that I could not stop reading Holy Quran My girlfriend informed me that she will not marry a Muslim or be friends with a Muslim my friends said same that night. I could not sleep all night I was think how can I loss my family and friends that I have been with for years next day I call brother we talk about this matter for long time. Brother was saying that you will enter into new family, that follow Quran an Sunnah you will have brothers from all over world that follow Quran and Sunnah like Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

    We stay in Australia for three more days doing this time I was thinking about words from Quran I had remember books about Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and (Sahabah’s—R.A) I said yes to converting Islam.

    I call brother at his home we talk for 30 min then I went over to his home and brother ask me to take shower we talked with Imam for about 35 min I informed Imam and brothers after (MAGHRIB) prayers
    that I will like to convert to Islam Imam ask me to stand in front brothers in Mosque and say Shahadah;

    (La ilaha illallah, Muhammad-ur-Rasul- Allah )

    I returned to my hotel after three hours with brothers just to fine my girlfriend and friends had left the hotel and country I could have travel to Japan and met up with them I return to the Mosque and requested to learn more about Islam.

    I was in Australia for Three months traveling with (TABLIGH) when I was requested to travel with a Australia (TABLIGH) to India for 49 days and Pakistan for 69 days at this time I was very happy.

    I had decide after my time with Tabligh to leave and travel (MACCA) for (HAJJ) I had not learn about groupies in Islam like (SHIITES) and (Sunnah) because in my mine all Muslims was same. I had a visa
    to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and Iran I decide to travel overland from Pakistan to Iran to Kuwait then to Saudi Arabia .

    I was in Iran Two days an about to leave for Kuwait and onward to Saudi Arabia when in one Iran Port
    City’s I seen it was time for prayer’s I enter a mosque to pray an man came next to me and said I’m
    secret police come with me I was question for two days then turnover to Iranian Intelligence who beat
    me and beat me for months. Iran Intelligence used electricity on my body for weeks I was requested to sign documents that I could not read and when I refuse thy used more electricity on my body.

    I was beating and beating electricity place on my body I was requested to speak on Iran television to
    say that I work for the United States Government I said to myself this is lie how can My Muslim brother ask me to lie.

    I was place into a prison (CELL) for 5 ½ months with out one person to speak with the guards would
    Not speak to me light was on 24hours the only time I was release from my cell was when Iranian Intelligence came for me. I was return to my cell after being beat and beat by Iranian Intelligence I was
    in much pain after beating and ,Electro shocks and one day I was in my cell about to give up on life
    when I was reading my Quran, I heard voice say to me live, live I turn around to see person speak to me
    in cell there was No one in Cell with me I had little food to eat most it was water soup.

    I was very sick I called one guards and remove all my cloths turn them over to guard and said kill me now. This guard informed management that I had remove all my cloths management came to speak with me say I’m Muslim please place my cloths back on and to say that they will move me to public area that I had to dress because I’m Muslim my question to them I’m Muslim why you treating me in this manner their was no responds. I was move next day to area with other Muslims from countries like Emirates, Saudi, Iraq, Iran and Jordan.

    I was able to see members from Swiss Embassy after News was release at United Nation by President Clinton that American New Muslim was being held in Iranian prison. This news was all over newspaper’s and TV in Iran. The Swiss was trying to visit me all time, because people would leave prison then call Swiss Embassy to inform them about American being held. It was Iranian Government that was turning down there request to visit. Swiss Embassy informed State Dept then State Dept informed White House and President Clinton. President Clinton was speaking at United Nation and in his speech he talk about American Muslim being mistreated by Iran Government by next day it was all over news in Iran.

    New Iranian President came into office after three months new President sent his people to say I’m Muslim brother will be release soon I was very, very sick I was move to new area prison after two month and after I was release to Swiss Embassy to leave my time in Iran was for 18 months.

    I was sent to Istanbul Turkey on my arrival in Istanbul not one person came from American Embassy to met my plan yes Embassy had information that I was traveling from Iran that day reason no one came because I’ m Muslim. I was return to U.S three days after my arrive in Istanbul because I had to sign paper’s with U.S. Embassy to obtain Loan pay cost travel I was a very sick person for 12 months I was in hospital their was reports from Media requesting to speak with me about Iran an Islam. I disagree to till my story to media / Newspapers.

    My family started to questioning will I say Muslim I said to my family I don’t dislike the Iranian people my family and friends said you all most lost your life at hands your Muslim brothers. I informed my family and friends that it was not Islam that treat me in this manner and yes I will stay Muslim.

    I return to my home with my girlfriend because we had purchase home together my family my friend kept at me to return Church. I had been trying to tell my girlfriend that we could not live together without being marry. My girlfriend said she will never marry Muslim she will marry me as Roman Catholic are Jews. I said no to returning to church and being Jews and that we have now agree to sale home she said no to selling home she was not willing to pay for my half home. I left home after one month my family her family and friends was on her side. My family and friends question I’m willing to loss my half 2.5 Million dollars for being Muslim.

    I informed them once again that I will stay Muslim my family and friends said that I was mad to stay in Islam.

    I move to Kuwait just to live in Islamic country around Muslims be able pray in Mosque five times day to learn read Quran in Arabic I have come to love living in Kuwait problem Muslim’s don’t follow Quran and Sunnah like it say in Quran and Hadith’s its hard to find brothers that’s not trying to change you to their way its very hard to find brothers that do follow Quran and Sunnah like Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and (Sahabah’s—R.A).

    It’s not a easy task being American Muslim Living among Westerns and its not ease task being a American Muslim living in Islamic country where you see discrimination, Arrogance, Ignorance, Hypocrisy, Backbiting, Lying etc, etc. Its not like it say in Quran an Hadith’s. I keep my head up high I pray to my self and I am very happy being Muslim that follow Quran and Hadith its also very hard to follow Sunnah and Quran when its your brothers trying to pull you off right path and that is very sad.

    I remember this from Quran ; O mankind ! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is all knowing, all Aware. (Quran)49:13

    Over the past few weeks we have had time to reflect on the cartoons, I have not looked at the pictures of the cartoons, I have chose not too, only because I don’t want to give shatain any negative power. I give all to Allah the lord of the worlds Mentally, Physically and Emotionally
    AlhumdiAllah, who has guided me to a straight path and I’ am grateful for the greatest gift he has give me “Islam”.

    To-day my thoughts are sadness, my family calling me talking about how I was advice about Muslims. To-day once again my thoughts are sadness, not for the prophet AlhumdiAllah he’s in heaven with powerful Allah. I feel sorrow for those who are in the Jahaleeyah (Darkness)

    His Majesty you have said that; Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah)

    His Majesty I have sent questions like one’s below to programs that speak about Islam I speak about programs on Saudi TV2 and programs like IQRA an Huda TV. I have sent questions to Islamonline, Islamway, IslamiCity just for answer’s about Islam answer’s from scholar’s why they refuse to answer questions program are for Daw ah correct.

    Questions :

    1. His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud., Why is it wrong for Non-Saudi to marry Saudi Lady when her father agree….???????
    2. His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and Sahabah (R.A.) destroy marriages ????
    3. His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud did Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and Sahabah discriminate ??????
    4. His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud Why is its wrong to follow Quran & Sunnah as stated by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.???????????
    5. Why do Muslim’s become pious and defend our religious symbols and figures when matters like Danish cartoons come out ???????
    6. His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. would be happy with Muslims they follow Quran & Sunnah 100% then Killing each other and burning down property. Right or Wrong ?????????


    Jazakum Allah Khayran

    Muhammad Yusuf Abdulaizz
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    Re: Copy From Yahoo/American New Muslim Letter to King Abdullah


    His Majesty King Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud., Why is it wrong for Non-Saudi to marry Saudi Lady when her father agree….???????
    Thats just racism, who made this law that latter really spoke to me the thing that really gets to me that there people suffering right now but yet we do nothing.
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    khadeejsaudi's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Copy From Yahoo/American New Muslim Letter to King Abdullah

    why not forward this to your muslim and non-Muslim friends to send letter to King.
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    khadeejsaudi's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Copy From Yahoo/American New Muslim Letter to King Abdullah

    Why not forward this to all your muslim and non-Muslim friends to send letter King with copy this Letter.
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