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I dont know what to do

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    I dont know what to do

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    I really don’t know where to start im in a big mess and I know I have my self to blame for everything that I am going through at this moment but here it goes…
    (Sorry sorry this is really long)

    I know having a relationship outside marriage bounries is haram but about 4years back I met a girl who I became really close to as a friend she was everything I wanted in a girl she was decent humble and had really good attributes she used to prey she was incredibly caring to others and always knew how to make me feel better no matter what problem I faced we helped each other through many obtacles in life believe me when I say obstacles I mean really hard time if that person wasn’t there I don’t know how I could have coped. I know I had allahs help im not denying that but sometimes when some one is there for us everything kinda falls into place. in the middle of our friendship I started growing really strong feelings for eah other I know its wrong I knew its haram but I couldn’t distant my self from her. We both knew it was wrong so we broke up on many ocaasions but we always use to get back together after certain period. She knew it was wrong I knew it was wrong but we got caught up with each other even though were both muslim and we prey but back of my head I always felt guilty about the relationship. But we really wanted to get married but she was different ethnic background and her parents wouldn’t have allowed it neither would mine but hers were much stricter and they would basically disown her. But we always had a hope because of the way we felt. I knew a punishment was waiting but I just didn’t realise how much of a big punishment was waiting for me. Last year we broke up for the longest period and I was about to go abroad for a n emergency few weeks before we kind of got together again.

    I only got one parent and im the eldest child and I am very close to my mum she means the world to me. I know yes I am weak and I call my self a man but im very sensitive as a person and the littlest thing affect me. Im not making ecuses for my self but im really not like other guys and im not that strong im very emotional and person who easily gets depressed. My parents have already back of their mind decided who they wanted me to marry my dads niece but I told them I didn’t want to marry her my parents didn’t take it very well but I thought they accepted it. But soon as I got to abroad I could still hear people talking about it and trying to hint it out to me. so everyone started to pressure on to my mum to persuade me. The girl side family were really poor and they were on my mums case because my dad gave them their word when I was little. I was there for a quite long time for first few months I refused but as days passed I just found it really hard to see my mum go through the pain.

    I text my friend to explain to her everything that was happening aborad I asked her whether she thinks we will get married and whether her parents would accept the rishta she told me she honestly doesn’t know if she could tell her parents and whether we will have a future. Before I told my friend exactly what was happening and the fact that Im may be going to get married but she wouldn’t response to the way I wanted or I ddnt get a definite answer from her. I wanted her to ask me to wait for her but she wasn’t angry or just didn’t say anything she just says I guess we always knew we wouldn’t end up together. That left me feeling more confused.

    One thing after another kept happening no one would give it a rest. Plus the atmosphere was horrible no one would talk to me. Specially when someone says negative things towards my family and when I see people around me upset because of me. I know what you guys will think how a man can be pressured into things but it happens believe when your in the environment your mind is all over the place. I know I may be making excuses for my self. But I really don’t know what was happening to me I couldn’t make sense of any of it. Couldn’t even think straight I never had any time to my self or to get away from it all I never been abroad this was my first time so I didn’t even know my way round to get away. And the people there they all were with the same goal so I couldn’t even talk to anyone.

    All our families live together and as I live in the same house as the girl my parents wanted me to marry eventhough I knew they wanted me to marry her but I didn’t have any grudges against her as it wasn’t her fault so we would speak now and than she was being ok with me I thought to my self maybe she not so bad she seems like a nice enough girl and that’s what everyone wants and I just some how agreed to it at the end but I told her how I feel and I also told her that I had feelings for somebody and they had strong feelings for me but I never told her we went out and I also told her that im not ready to get married but she didn’t take it too well however and one thing after another let to the marriage.

    Soon as the marriage happen I said to myself I will live my past behind and give this my best go as it’s done now but we just didn’t click we were so different I just couldn’t find anything to talk to each other about our thinking’s and mentality were different but we couldn’t co operate with each other it doesn’t help the fact the she so young and I don’t mean to judge but somedays she used to prey and somedays she would just miss her preyers and just sit there watch tv. I know I need to be patient with her but I just didn’t know what to build on with her. More I time goes pass I started to regret the idea and couldn’t get my self to understand why I did it.

    When I came back home things got worse I couldn’t believe the situation that I got my self into I phone her but it just silence we don’t have much to talk about it doest help the we speak different language (but that’s not excuse) Its like I have to try so hard to find something to talk about that puts me off calling her. She some what has the same mentality as her family they think coming to foreign country will resolve all their problems.

    I made a great big mistake when I came back I called my friend to see if she is ok and explained everything I wanted her to be angry with me I wanted her to shout and me and I wanted her to hate me but she wasn’t angry or anything she was being more understanding saying the she knows me inside out she knows how im like and what affects me. The didn’t help me either I hate the fact that she so understanding. Yes I am ashamed I spoke to her and it brought back memories and it made me feel worse and I wish I never spoke to her. I spoke to her when I first came back back and made me forget everything I wanted to run away from my problem and wished everything was back to the way it was. I don’t speak to her anymore but I always knew my limits even though I spoke to her I never met her and I never intent to see her or let anything happen with her. But im not gonna deny that even when I don’t wanna think of her she always comes into my mind. Eerytime she comes into my mind I say (Astafirullah). But I hate what my life has become every moment every thing around me remind me of this girl I hate remembering her I keep my self occupied I want to forget everything soon as I think im moving forward I always see a dream or come cross an event that remind me of her. Yes I know im married but im still stuck at where I was I cant seem to move forward I still think the person was meant for me I know they not and I know they never will be. But when I look at my future it makes me feel more crap to think I gave up my hope of being happy to end up in this situation I just cant make sense of any of it its driving me mad.

    Im trying to get on with things But its hard to get on with things when I just see my marriage as a compromise Its all about who gets the biggest share of the land. I don’t even care about that they could have all my land im not gonna resides here forever so what good are they to me. I want to concentrate on the marriage give it all my effort. But I just see it as all about money money money. No matter how much money we give abroad it doesn’t please them they still talk bad about my mother there is always competition like they did this and we did that. I know im not perfect but my uncle family still doesn’t appreciate all that my mum has done for them they still carry on lying and making up false tales. That really puts me off thinking I sacrificed everything for what there is no pleasing them people so what’s the point. All this is turning me into such a bitter person I hate everything and everyone around me I cant stop blaming my self and others for the situation im in its like I hate the world and yes I know for most of its my fault. Sometimes I just wanna get away from it all and start fresh where no body knows me but I know I cant run away from my problems it will hurt too many people.

    Now you know whats happened I just wanted to ask you guys some question you can be harsh as you want maybe sometimes we need to hear the worst things about our selves.

    I just wanted to know people always says whatever happens happens for best there is always a reason behind it. But have I caused all this to my self out of my own fault.

    People always say good people always get tested but how can I be good person when I have done so many bad things hurt so many people.

    Am I going through this test because im a bad person how can this be a test when I brought all this on my self.

    Is allah punishing me for everything that I have done I heard that marriage don’t just happen without the will of Allah it happens cause its best for you but why do I see this marriage as an punishment for me. Am I being radicolous to see it as an punishment.

    Some people say Allah makes you lose something to get you back in the right track and get you close to Allah but haven’t I just lost everything out of my own fault. Havent I just let it get to all this.

    Am I being punished more because I spoke to a girl while I was married is that like really really major sin (like zina)

    Is this all my fault I know I hurt so many people and I am continuing to hurt them and my self am I just being punished for the hurt I caused my friend and the girl im married to because of my one decision is hurting so many people is that why im in so much pain.

    As you can tell my mind is all over the plae to think straight and I keep going in circle and I cant stop blaming my self.

    Am I feeling depressed because that’s what I deserve after everything that has happened have I let my self in this mess am I the only one to blame.

    What can I do to move forward I keep preying to Allah to make me forget about the past and relieve me from the pain but I just lost hopes in life I try to be positive but I don’t know how to be positive.

    Please please any suggestion
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    Awww bro I read all your post and FIRST of all you have to stop being so hard on yourself, I mean you have the right intentions and you are trying your utmost to make the relationship work between you and your wife.. im in a bit of a hurry, got to go pick my my bro from work but I wanted to say we are mere humans bro we are prone to error, we are going to fall but what's important is that we rise again and seek Allah (swt)'s forgiveness, He will surely forgive, don't ever underestimate Allah (swt)'s limitless Mercy and Forgivness for He is Ar-Rahman, Ar-Ghafoor... I hope me broz and sisz here will be able to answer all your questions becuase they are important, remain strong and be consistent in your prayer, Il be back inshallah, you will be in my dua's kk take care bro
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    Zahida's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    Hmmmmmm bit of a mess you have got yourself into.

    You sound sensible and you sound like you regret what you have done. The relationship with this girl that you have here is wrong and you know that and sense it cos you have said it. You need to look at her now as your past and move on into the future.

    The girl in Pakistan from my judgement is innocent in all this. Pakistan traditions work different to us from over here. It sounds like she did what was to be expected of her, and sounds like you were sort of bullied if not blackmailed into the marraige with her.

    I commend you on trying to make some kind of relationship with your wife. It can't be easy, however you have to make it work now because you have done it. I would say give yourself time and give your wife time also. Try talking to her(i know you have language problems) so communication can't be easy.

    I would advise you to pray and make duas to Allah for your sins, forget this girl you had something with and concentrate on your marraige. At least give it a chance. That way you won't have any regrets and you know you will have tried.

    Remember when you pray to always ask for Allahs' guidance and for Allah to show His Mercy on you....
    I dont know what to do

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    IbnAbdulHakim's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    jazakAllah khair

    jazakAllah khair!

    what an eye opener!


    i have absolutely no advice for you.

    there are halal and haram situations you can get into from what your feeling right now...

    - try your best to live with her
    - give her divorce- naudhubillah may Allah strengthen your resolve
    - tell her your situation and ask her for HER advice - SHE IS YOUR WIFE AKHEE - talk to her !

    - meet up with girls - DONT DO IT
    - commit zina - DONT DO IT
    - leave her in a horrid situation and treat her badly - SEEK REFUGE FROM IT

    im sorry akhee that i have no advice, may Allah grant you a way out - and make open ways you can not imagine...
    I dont know what to do

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Zahida's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    That WAS good advice!!!
    format_quote Originally Posted by Mz View Post
    jazakAllah khair

    jazakAllah khair!

    what an eye opener!


    i have absolutely no advice for you.

    there are halal and haram situations you can get into from what your feeling right now...

    - try your best to live with her
    - give her divorce- naudhubillah may Allah strengthen your resolve
    - tell her your situation and ask her for HER advice - SHE IS YOUR WIFE AKHEE - talk to her !

    - meet up with girls - DONT DO IT
    - commit zina - DONT DO IT
    - leave her in a horrid situation and treat her badly - SEEK REFUGE FROM IT

    im sorry akhee that i have no advice, may Allah grant you a way out - and make open ways you can not imagine...
    I dont know what to do

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    Thank you for all yur advice

    Im really really sorry guys i reaaly dont mean to say so much and be burden on any of you guys its a bit long so i do apologise in advance

    refering to some of your comments beleieve me getting over this girl would have been much easier the thing that mostly reminds me of her is the position im in. Now im left in this position where no one is happy i cant believ i have to get on with my life and spend rest of my life with this person who i cant give any happiness to or get any abck as we dont understand eah other at all. I just sometime think i know i shouldnt but i think i had everything i wanted and because of what i did i had to throw it all away. Some days eventhough i dont wanna think of it because we always used to talk about marriage i think to my self how things could have been and what we could have had and how it could have been. I know i shouldnt i hate feeling like makes things worse but it plays so much in my mind and i hate my self for it. I just think lot of people end up getting married to the person they want or even if they dont get married to the person that they want at least they get married to some one on simiar level. But why and how come i have been chosen to live in this marriage where it just causing so much grief to so many people. I know i know i have read things to keep me calm and steadfat but my mind is all over the place i just keep have to battle with it all the time.

    I just feel so betrayed by everything thats happened I know i commited some sins in the past but those things only happened because i was so much in love with the other girl and wanted t spend rest of my life with her. I know i shouldnt have fallen in love and thats why we are warned about this things but i fell in to it too deep. But does that mean for those things i should live rest of my life unhappy and fight this life battle by myself. When i think of everything thats happened abroad torments me when ever i think of it i feel so hurt and angry like words cant describe.

    I dont know how to move forward with things knowing that this is my life now for the rest of my life. I dont want to ruin another persons life and cause more pains and it really hurts me to know that thats all im doing at the moment hurting everyone around me. Its completely taken control of my life i can see it change me not for the better but for worse. I want to be nice to the girl belive me i really really do but its really hard everytime i speak to her i remember everything thats happened abroad and i just feel really angry and depressed believe me i do wish we could get along as at least it would make things easier where we both can get on with our life and build a marriage and give them the right they deserve.

    I have been preying lots but for the last week i been so down its been so long that the marriage has been on the rocks because of the way i been i haven even got a proper job to get her here and i dont know how i be if she is here i dont know if i can live with her. I know marriage is such a sacret thing and at this moment Allah most look down at me and be very angry and i dont want to make allah more angry with me but i just dont know how to rectify for my mistake.

    I cant just cant forgive my self for any of it some days i feel so suicidal (but i know i cant do anything cause its a sin) but somedays i get so angry i just ask Allah for death and than i get scared that allah probably think im ungreatful. I just think because i spoke to my friend when i got back and it brought feelings back and took me down memory lane allah probably really angry with me and thinks im treating this marriage as a joke. I just feel like its such a big big sin that i have commited speaking to her after i came back that i will never be forgiven for it no matter what i do. Somedays i miss my preyers i just get the feeling that allah doesnt want to listen to your preyers. I just feel so helpless at times i dont know where to turn to or what decision to make i just wanna run and hide.
    i just feel like by each day i just make things worse for my self. I just feel like what ever i do in this situation im just gonna be punished for the rest of my life for it as i will have to live with the consequences of what ever the outcome may come out of it.

    Sorry once again for taking so much of your time with my bitterness.
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    Brother, do not grieve!

    “The people who were relieved of hardships in this World will wish that their skins could be cut up with shears on
    the Day of Judgement from what they see of the reward of the people who were put through trials and tribulations.”

    Punishment or test. It is still a blessing. Perhaps you have yet to see it like that but behind every hardship, there is a chance to grow in your strength ( iman wise).

    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

    "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allaah expiates some of his sins for that."

    Recorded by Al-Bukhari in Kitaab Al-Marad (Book on Disease), no.5641, 5642; also recorded by Muslim in Kitaab Al-Birr Was-Silah (Book on Righteousness and Keeping Good Relations with Others), no. 52/2573
    If you believe this is punishment think of it this way:
    Wouldn't you like to get punished in this world rather than in Hell? This is world isn't worth smack, except for the good deeds you take to your grave. Strengthen your relationship with your wife.

    Some of the people of al-Madinah once said,

    “If it was not for the calamities of this life, we would be bankrupt of rewards on the Day of Resurrection.”

    Taken from: Healing with the medicine of the Prophet, (Sallalahu aleyhi wa sallam) By, Imam ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyyah
    Obstacles are present in every relationship. Instead of thinking of the life you could of have with that other chick, think about what you can do with the life you do have with your current wife. Move on. You want to change right? This is your opportunity to prove Allah (swt), you are a grateful, obedient, dutiful servant. You are the shepherd of your family.

    Here's some more quotes:
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    transition?'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I dont know what to do

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    refering to some of your comments beleieve me getting over this girl would have been much easier the thing that mostly reminds me of her is the position im in. Now im left in this position where no one is happy i cant believ i have to get on with my life and spend rest of my life with this person who i cant give any happiness to or get any abck as we dont understand eah other at all. I just sometime think i know i shouldnt but i think i had everything i wanted and because of what i did i had to throw it all away. Some days eventhough i dont wanna think of it because we always used to talk about marriage i think to my self how things could have been and what we could have had and how it could have been. I know i shouldnt i hate feeling like makes things worse but it plays so much in my mind and i hate my self for it. I just think lot of people end up getting married to the person they want or even if they dont get married to the person that they want at least they get married to some one on simiar level. But why and how come i have been chosen to live in this marriage where it just causing so much grief to so many people. I know i know i have read things to keep me calm and steadfat but my mind is all over the place i just keep have to battle with it all the time.
    Allah Alone suffices Us. Your reward for taking care of your wife and trying your hardest to make her happy is in Heaven. Muslims are rewarded by their efforts. It may not work out to most super ideal marriage ever, but as long as you keep with obligations as a husband, that Allah commands, then you're alright. Try and communicate. My parents had a similar marriage. Astagfiruallah, from all the stories I've heard and things I've seen, life is crazy . By God, my parents have had 4 children and raised a business and family together. My mother was betrayed so many times. You know what she did? She toughened up. Even when the circumstances were the same.
    If a person is punished on Earth, you have a chance to learn from your punishment, correct yourself and become an even better Muslim.

    Don't hate yourself because good deeds come by force. You'll be surprised to learn:

    Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir said: “I struggled against my own self for forty years until it became right.” Thaabit al-Banaani said: “I struggled for twenty years to make myself pray qiyaam al-layl, and I enjoyed it (qiyaam al-layl) for twenty years.” ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-‘Azeez said: “The best of deeds are those which we force ourselves to do.” ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak said: “The souls of righteous people in the past used to push them to do good deeds, but our souls do not do what we want them to do except by force, so we have to force them.” Qutaadah said: “O son of Adam, if you do not want to do any good except when you have the energy for it, then your nature is more inclined towards boredom and laziness. The true believer is the one who pushes himself.”

    I just feel so betrayed by everything thats happened I know i commited some sins in the past but those things only happened because i was so much in love with the other girl and wanted t spend rest of my life with her. I know i shouldnt have fallen in love and thats why we are warned about this things but i fell in to it too deep. But does that mean for those things i should live rest of my life unhappy and fight this life battle by myself. When i think of everything thats happened abroad torments me when ever i think of it i feel so hurt and angry like words cant describe.
    Err, A relationship whose roots are in sin cannot bloom a pretty bloom.

    I dont know how to move forward with things knowing that this is my life now for the rest of my life. I dont want to ruin another persons life and cause more pains and it really hurts me to know that thats all im doing at the moment hurting everyone around me. Its completely taken control of my life i can see it change me not for the better but for worse. I want to be nice to the girl belive me i really really do but its really hard everytime i speak to her i remember everything thats happened abroad and i just feel really angry and depressed believe me i do wish we could get along as at least it would make things easier where we both can get on with our life and build a marriage and give them the right they deserve.

    I have been preying lots but for the last week i been so down its been so long that the marriage has been on the rocks because of the way i been i haven even got a proper job to get her here and i dont know how i be if she is here i dont know if i can live with her. I know marriage is such a sacret thing and at this moment Allah most look down at me and be very angry and i dont want to make allah more angry with me but i just dont know how to rectify for my mistake.

    I cant just cant forgive my self for any of it some days i feel so suicidal (but i know i cant do anything cause its a sin) but somedays i get so angry i just ask Allah for death and than i get scared that allah probably think im ungreatful. I just think because i spoke to my friend when i got back and it brought feelings back and took me down memory lane allah probably really angry with me and thinks im treating this marriage as a joke. I just feel like its such a big big sin that i have commited speaking to her after i came back that i will never be forgiven for it no matter what i do. Somedays i miss my preyers i just get the feeling that allah doesnt want to listen to your preyers. I just feel so helpless at times i dont know where to turn to or what decision to make i just wanna run and hide.
    i just feel like by each day i just make things worse for my self. I just feel like what ever i do in this situation im just gonna be punished for the rest of my life for it as i will have to live with the consequences of what ever the outcome may come out of it.

    Sorry once again for taking so much of your time with my bitterness.
    Your heart, body and mind may have a natural inclination. But Allah (swt) Knowledge is everywhere. He has left us with a Quran and the example of the Prophet, and every other righteous predecessor. You are not lost. You simply need to persevere and learn, pray, try, learn pray , try, ask for forgiveness, Ask for guidance.

    human nature is inclined towards wrongdoing, so the one who follows his own inclinations will be led to doom and destruction. Allaah has commanded us to strive against our own selves, as He says (interpretation of the meanings):

    “And strive hard in Allaah’s Cause as you ought to strive…” [al-Hajj 22:78]

    “And as for those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will surely guide them to Our Paths. And verily, Allaah is with the muhsinoon (good-doers).” [al-‘Ankaboot 29:69]

    Sorry about my chunky advice.
    I hope it helps.

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