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Married Virgin

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    Married Virgin (OP)


    This is not easy for me. But I know that I can’t keep this secret hidden forever. I am 20 years old and I am married. When I was 16 I fell in love with an amazing Muslim man and we married each other. When I married him, I was so happy. Nothing on earth, could bring me down, with him I had wings. , He would always make me smile, and he was everything a Muslim should be. I know that no one can match up to rasululah (saw) but to me he was so close in character. We were so attracted to one another; he has beauty, an amazing mind, even wealth. He would practice his Islam to the fullest, never compromised his deen for anything. I would always dream of a man like this before I met him. When I finally met him it was like Allah took him out of my dreams and placed him in my reality. In the Muslim community women would envy me (young & old. Asking me, “how did you find a man like this”? I would just say Alhamdulilah.

    I know that all the good I have in my life came from Allah alone, and all credit is due to Allah. When we first got married we lived together for only 2 weeks, after that due to some immigration issues he had to leave the country. But he was to return once things get sorted. During those 2 weeks, one week of it I had my period. So we couldn’t have been intimate fully. The week after when my period finished, nothing happened. Me being a young virgin I wasn’t really thinking of intercourse too much. If anything it was not really on my mind, mainly just freaking out about it. Was kind of happy that he didn’t approach me as soon as my period finished. I knew that it was going to happen, just be looking forward to it too much. I thought when it happens it will happen InshaAllah. While he was gone we always had contact, we were looking forward to the time we could be together again. We loved each other so much and were sad that we couldn’t be together as much as we would have liked.

    At the same time we stayed patient and kept making allot of dua that Allah allows us to be together soon as husband and wife and to never ever be separated again. Well he would return again, this time he stayed 3 months. I was so happy when he returned, my husband whom I have only known as my husband through marriage for 2 weeks. I was over the moon and so was he.

    During his stay, my love for him increased, we were being very affectionate except there was no intercourse. One night he mentioned that whenever he got too close I would freak out, and he would see fear in my eyes. That he didn’t want to hurt me and would wait until I got more comfortable. I thought that was sweet. A month passed and I am still a virgin. I started to actually think about it, but would never try to show it because of how shy I was. He asked me once, why I freak out? I didn’t know how to answer that. I asked him, have I ever stopped you? He said, no. I thought that would get him to think and show him that I of course want to be intimate with my husband regardless of how much I freak out. I thought, what Girl doesn’t freak out? If men all thought, oh my wife looks scared im not going to touch her, everyone would be virgin? One night he asked me, “why I don’t try to touch him”? I didn’t know how to answer it.

    I have never been with a man before how was I suppose to know? He would tell me how it’s a sign that I don’t feel close to him. That he doesn’t
    want to rape his own wife. Why don’t I act like I want it? I was so
    confused, and started to think that there is something wrong with me. Later he confirmed to me that he’s also very shy and he’s a virgin too. I knew that he was a Virgin, so I began to think maybe he’s also freaking out InshaAllah we will get through this. My sisters would get married and all get pregnant, and I am still a virgin. My mother would ask me, “Are you taking the pill”? By the time my mother asked me this I was already married for a complete year and have lived with him that long too. I just said, yes. I had turned 17 then.

    My mother gave me an earful of how bad the pill is for me, how I should stop taking it and that children are a blessing from Allah. I lied to protect his honor. I didn’t want anyone to think that he’s failing as a Man. Well, another year passed, still we’re virgins. When I turned 18, that night he began to kiss me, and he got close to being very intimate with me, then he stopped. He began to cry in my lap, asking me to forgive him. I told him that there is nothing to forgive. He said, I worry that I will lose you. There is no woman on this earth more beautiful then you, here we are I have you all to myself, and and. He didn’t finish it. I didn’t make him finish it. I just told him to sleep and that I wasn’t mad at him.

    The next day, when we were sitting together, I asked him something. He uses to be catholic, although my knowledge was and still is limited in that area, but I use to hear how priests rape the boys in the church. When we met, he did tell me that he use to go to church as a young boy. So that day, I asked him about the time he use to go to church. Were you ever molested as a child, I asked him? He wouldn’t look at me, but he just gave me body language that says, sort of no. I didn’t ask again. I continued cooking, cleaning, doing my wifely duties. My parents visit us and keep asking me why I am not pregnant yet; I have now been married for 4 years. My father occasionally will take me aside, and say things like this to me “don’t worry children are a blessing from Allah, I know that it must have been hard trying for 4 years”. I have always loved my husband; he’s my friend and a very Allah fearing Mu’min. I don’t know how this all happened. I know that he never harmed me; he was always good to me. And although we never had sex, we had so much fun. All these years I have never looked at other men. No living being knows of this life I am living. I have always felt like it would be a betrayal to leave him just because he didn’t do it with me? My parents absolutely adore him and even call him their favourite son in law. I dont know what to do. I know that I have lived such a beautiful life.

    He treats me like I am a princess, he’s so sweet and kind. I don't think that I will ever stop loving him. My mother wants me to get checked and find out why I cant have children. She sees how happy I am with my husband, she once told me in my Dads presence “If me and your father die, We know that we have given you to the best man on this earth”. I dont know what to do.

    I am starting to imagine what a life would be with kids? To be a real wife who experiences every aspect of marriage life? Or will I die as a Virgin? I always get a lot of attention from men, even when we eat out together at restaurants. Whenever men in our Community see me they wonder if I am available for marriage? That's because of my age & my looks "ive been told" and most assume at first hand that I am single. When I have to say I am married, it feels a bit wrong. It’s only at times like that I am reminded of the fact that I am really not married. recently started to cry in my sleep, wondering what I did wrong? I have never hurt people, I have always been the one who everyone came to when they needed anything. Now I am living this life. My husband keeps telling me, that he can’t believe it that I am still married to him. I am now visiting my Family, I’ve been looking at some links and came across this forum while my lil sister was reading here. I have to tell her one day soon...I think she will be so shocked omg, She looks up to me, and looks at me and sees me smile. She has seen so many marriages fall apart, she told me I give her hope. That she wants to have a marriage like mine. I am sorry for the long post.

    If I tell my parents they will make sure that I get divorced I know it in my heart. I need your advice ya muslimeen. I see commercials, talks of intimacy. I can't lie I wonder what thats like. But I am now beginning to accept that it might not happen with my husband, after 4 years of waiting now I think it might never happen. That breaks my heart, but I don't have any control over it...Iwill stop writing, I don't want anyone to come in and see my tears. Pls make dua for me. I don't want to break a heart so beautiful, a heart that would die for me.

    Married Virgin

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  2. #41
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    Re: Married Virgin

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    jazakAllahu khairan Alpha Dude.
    My understanding was that the person was saying as long as your husband doesn't harm you then it's ok to stay in the current situation of your marriage.
    I misunderstood.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    wow I can't believe how rude some people are on here. This is such a sensitive issue for the sister, if u guys don't have an ounce of shame or respect in ur bone, I suggest u stop n go do something else. N why u posting under anonymous, maybe u are ashamed? Guilty? I can't believe it that some of u are encouraging divorce for a couple that loves each other this much!

    This is wat I got to say to the sista. I truly admire u, u are one amazing sister to have so much patience. Stand by ur husband through this, InshaAllah I will make dua that Moroco will open beautiful doors for u in ur life ameen. This IS life, This is LOVE. Despite all the struggles u been through ur still together MashaAllah!!. May Allah grant u righteous offsrpring ameen.: )
    Married Virgin

    Learn Patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from Khadijah, Sincerity from Aisha and Steadfastness from Fatima.

  5. #43
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    Re: Married Virgin

    I remember this thread and have been wondering what happened, I'm glad you posted again but sad to hear you're still struggling. InshaAllah, Morroco will be good for your relationship, his and your self-confidence. He sounds so wonderful and he wants you, only you, that's like a dream come true! Don't give up, sis. Please, protect yourself against the evil eye, inshaAllah! Make lots of dua. Talk with him. I sincerely hope things will go better!!!
    Married Virgin

    If only I had checked myself
    Guy who wrecked himself

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  6. #44
    Ansariyah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Sorry Sista, I went on to read ur other post. I see ur shy (MashaAllah), n feel like it's ur fault, but sis it's no ones fault. U are both so lucky to have each other, as u can see in this thread some people don't have the tolerance/patience u have. Allah gave u the most beautiful gift, Love & patience. U are very fortunate, so is ur husband.

    There are people who have done it(sorry theres no better way to say it), but are lacking the love u have, this beautiful bond u both have.

    Anyone can do wat u havent done yet, but how many can be given the Love that ALlah has given u? MashaAllah, May Allah protect this blessing he bestowed upon u from the evil eye ameen.
    Married Virgin

    Learn Patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from Khadijah, Sincerity from Aisha and Steadfastness from Fatima.

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  8. #45
    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Sister, there are some trustworthy people you can contact to find out whether this is the evil eye or magic etc.

    Please see here:


    Please find out and seek appropriate help. may Allaah help u overcome your problems and protect your marriage. Aameen.

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post

    Four years is a very long time for a couple who are attracted to and love each other. Judging by what you have told us, it seems unlikely that it is (just) a matter of lack of communication.

    As for going through child abuse, that could be the cause. But many people get over that when they get married and have a good and happy relationship with their spouse.

    There could be a possibility that your husband or/and you are under the influence and effects of Sihr (Magic) which is making him unable to have marital relations. As well as what others have told you, I would advise you to consult a righteous person with a sound aqeedah who has knowledge and expertise in the field of dealing with the Jinns and find out. Just incase the problem is being caused by a shaytaan Jinn. Because if your problem is being caused due to interference from magic, then no doctor or counselling will help it go away, even if they were top in their field. They don’t have the complete cure because they reject the reality of Jinn and their effects in our lives proven and confirmed in the Qur’aan and Ahadith.

    And it is because of this reality of magic and shaytaans forces, that the Prophet has told us many invocations to read, in order to protect ourselves and our families from the harm caused by it. Such as al-mu’awwizaat (Chapters 112, 113, 114 in Qur’aan), Ayaat al Kursi etc. I don’t know if u read them already, but if u don’t, I would strongly advise that you start to.

    Aameen. And it is due to the jealousy and envy of others that they try to harm man and his wife, but no harm can they do except what Allaah wills.

    Ask Him to help you, especially during the last part of the night because that is when He descends to the lowest of Heavens and responds to those calling out to Him .

    And Allaah alone grants success.

    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Fattah View Post
    Selam aleykum
    To all those who post advice anonymous,
    Why do you feel the need to post anonymous, is it perhaps because you fear that people will dislike you based on what you said? Perhaps you should consider this urge to post advice anonymously as a sign that your advice isn't really that good, since you don't want the post to be associated with your name?

    The sister came here for advice with a difficult and complex situation, not to hear the anonymous judgement of some people who don't appear to grasp the difficulty of the situation.
    I agree, I also feel like they're abusing the anonymous account function. It's annoying.

    Just give them Islamic advice, and if you can't, then simple..don't post in this thread. Sheesh.

    May Allaah bring y'all closer together insha'Allaah. Ameen.
    Married Virgin

    *Acausal synchronicity*

    Please make du'a for my mom and Dad.

  10. #47
    Muhaba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    there may be several reasons for your problem:
    one thing you should acertain is whether your husband is impotent. If he is, then there are medications for that and he should talk to a doctor about it. If not, then it may be that he has a western upbringing and may not believe it is right to make love to an unwilling partner. Since he has repeatedly tried being close to you, it may be that your behavior is causing him to stay away.

    so you need to analyze your behavior. are you responsive or do you freeze up and not do anything? while eastern men might not mind women who just lie there doing nothing, western men are not used to it and want a responsive partner. Therefore, if youre not kissing back, stroking him, telling him you love him and want him, then you are giving him the feeling that you aren't ready which keeps him from proceeding.

    So before you blame his past, you need to seriously analyze your behavior. You can also read some western romance novels to see how women act in bed. One website is http://www.eharlequin.com/articlelis...85A906693025A2 with romance stories written by real published authors. you can read http://www.eharlequin.com/articlepag...1423&chapter=5 to see what how one virgin acts and i'm only suggesting this to put light on your problem. I am in no way encouraging ppl to read romance .

    another thing that may be affecting your marital life is sihr, since you already said that people wanted you to marry their relatives, so they may have done sihr so the marriage would be unsuccessful and you would end up getting divorced.

    it seems like sihr is the likely reason, as your family don't seem to suggest treatment for the infertility. did theyask whether youwent to a doctor or not? why are they putting the blame on your husband, the woman can also be infertile, not just the husband. So why are they looking for ahusband for you?

    The solution to this is reading the various surahs and verses to protect you and your husband as well as all your belongings from the effects of sihr and evil eye.
    Another thing you can do is to go to another city for a few days and stay in a hotel to see whether your behavior changes there. Try to take only newly bought items (clothes, bags, shoes, etc) with you as the ones in your house may have had sihr done on them.

    If these don't work and the problem really lies with your husband, then you need to seriously tell him that you want to consummate the marriage right now and he should make love to you even if you seem afraid. (might be a good idea to do it in the dark so he can't see your face.) Tell him that if he doesn't then you will have to go to a marriage counselor (who have helped by digging up the past and bringing fears to the surface and helping couples over come them. ) If marriage counseling doesn't work, then you need to ask whether you are willing to live your life in such a marriage. do istikhaara and if you aren't happy in this marriage,better to end it while you're still young and can get other husband easily. If you wait many years, then you might not be able to remarry, so you need to take all that into consideration.

    May Allah help solve your problems and make your marriage a happy one!

  11. #48
    Ali_008's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Its an unbelievable scenario. Many people long for a companion for all sorts of reasons and the sister's case sounds tragic to me. As always, I'd say communication is the key. I think, they should just talk it through and stop hurting each other. Others have given quite meaningful advice, I have nothing to add to it. Make loads and loads and loads of Dua. Inshallah, I'll make Dua too for you
    Married Virgin

    If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust.
    Surah Ale Imran : 160

    It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) climbed up Uhud, accompanied by Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan, and the mountain shook with them. He struck it with his foot and said: “Stand firm, O Uhud, for there is no one on you but a Prophet or a Siddeeq or two martyrs.”
    Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3483)

    Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) does not inspire seeking forgiveness in a slave whom he wishes to punish.
    Ali (RadhiAllahu Anhu)

  12. #49
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude View Post
    Wa alaykum salam,

    My reply was toward mathematician, Steve.

    Well, bro. You quoted this:
    if you know your husband and know that he isn't going to harm you in any way, then just go with the flow.
    And said it was bad advice. How is it bad? It's basically saying she shouldn't be afraid of her husband and let him have sex with her. So your reply:
    I think that if the prophet peace be upon him heard of such a situation he would tell the man to divorce the woman if he cannot fulfill the most important part of marriage.
    This is no joke. So to say "just go with the flow" needs much more thinking.
    To me doesn't make sense.
    Barakallahu feek and spot on!

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    if you know your husband and know that he isn't going to harm you in any way, then just go with the flow.
    But im going to add on to my previous advice and say the problem is coming from both you and your husband.

    If you need to get over your shyness, then (and with all due respect here) i also think that his problems need to be addressed also becuase in all honesty i am seeing 2 sides to the problem; From both of you. There seems to be something stopping both of you and you really need to get to the bottom of it. Talk to one another and just be really open and honest because well isn't any way around it.

    And to those who think that love conquers all, im sorry, but love doesn't always cut it People desire kids and if they cant get kids, then whats the next best option?
    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Ok I will post this here. You guys are scaring me out.
    sihr? Do you think sihr is the reason for this sister's situation?
    Is it that powerful? I am not saying that in disdain or scorn upon that idea.
    But if it is true, then that's scary to me.
    What I also wonder is why is it that when someone has some problems here in the West they will look for past experiences like childhood experiences to find the reasons for the current behaviour.
    With us muslims we seem to attribute a lot to sihr. I am not smart in that field. I am a mathematician

  15. #51
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    Re: Married Virgin

    One of the first uses of sihr was to cause harm to the relationship of husband and wife, to break the bond the husband and wife have. Sihr could defeintly be a causal factor in this sister's problem. Sister I would sincerely advise you, like other said, to read ayat ul kursi, and the four quls after fajr, after maghrib and before you go to bed. The last 2 quls are called the mudhatain (i dunno how to spell it) and Insha'Allah it will save you from further magic, and remove any magic from you, (if there is some) as these are the words of Allah. So sis, just recite that, and do lots of dua. Also, like others suggested, go somewhere, even if its just for a weekend, but just go for a vacation Insha'Allah. May Allah ease your burdens, resolve your problems and bless you with beautiful righteous offsprings. Ameen.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    salaams sis

    i just come on after long tym on here and your post brought tears to my eyes, mashallah you have a really decent loving, caring, husband n the qualities that alot of women look for in a man, you shouldn't blame yourself fro anything and don't be scared of your parents asking you and making any decisions for you, you can talk with your mum or dad even ur elder sisters or cousins they may all be able to help you in a way, whoever you feel more comfortable with, and most importantly tawk with your husband even though he is still a virgin he may be more shy than you, you need to both open up your feelings, if he doesnt then start telling him your feelings and tell him to open up to you, this will make it really easy for you both,even if you have a laugh and joke this will help you get close, children are a blessing from ALLAH, but if you don't feel comfortable yet try to, and don't let any1 pressure you into doing this, take the steps together with your partner, just be open with your partner inshallah keep praying and evrything is in ALLAH (S.W.T) hands

    be happy keep smiling, only you and your partner knows what is goin on between you both, don't let anyone ever bring you or your marriage down.
    tcre always and may ALLAH help you through your beautiful life inshallahtaala AMEEN xxxx

  17. #53
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by muhaba View Post
    there may be several reasons for your problem:
    one thing you should acertain is whether your husband is impotent. If he is, then there are medications for that and he should talk to a doctor about it. If not, then it may be that he has a western upbringing and may not believe it is right to make love to an unwilling partner. Since he has repeatedly tried being close to you, it may be that your behavior is causing him to stay away.

    so you need to analyze your behavior. are you responsive or do you freeze up and not do anything? while eastern men might not mind women who just lie there doing nothing, western men are not used to it and want a responsive partner. Therefore, if youre not kissing back, stroking him, telling him you love him and want him, then you are giving him the feeling that you aren't ready which keeps him from proceeding.

    So before you blame his past, you need to seriously analyze your behavior. You can also read some western romance novels to see how women act in bed. One website is http://www.eharlequin.com/articlelis...85A906693025A2 with romance stories written by real published authors. you can read http://www.eharlequin.com/articlepag...1423&chapter=5 to see what how one virgin acts and i'm only suggesting this to put light on your problem. I am in no way encouraging ppl to read romance .

    another thing that may be affecting your marital life is sihr, since you already said that people wanted you to marry their relatives, so they may have done sihr so the marriage would be unsuccessful and you would end up getting divorced.

    it seems like sihr is the likely reason, as your family don't seem to suggest treatment for the infertility. did theyask whether youwent to a doctor or not? why are they putting the blame on your husband, the woman can also be infertile, not just the husband. So why are they looking for ahusband for you?

    The solution to this is reading the various surahs and verses to protect you and your husband as well as all your belongings from the effects of sihr and evil eye.
    Another thing you can do is to go to another city for a few days and stay in a hotel to see whether your behavior changes there. Try to take only newly bought items (clothes, bags, shoes, etc) with you as the ones in your house may have had sihr done on them.

    If these don't work and the problem really lies with your husband, then you need to seriously tell him that you want to consummate the marriage right now and he should make love to you even if you seem afraid. (might be a good idea to do it in the dark so he can't see your face.) Tell him that if he doesn't then you will have to go to a marriage counselor (who have helped by digging up the past and bringing fears to the surface and helping couples over come them. ) If marriage counseling doesn't work, then you need to ask whether you are willing to live your life in such a marriage. do istikhaara and if you aren't happy in this marriage,better to end it while you're still young and can get other husband easily. If you wait many years, then you might not be able to remarry, so you need to take all that into consideration.

    May Allah help solve your problems and make your marriage a happy one!
    i agree with muhaba, i have heard things like relatives or some 1 close to you use black magic etc to make the relationship not work or similler, go on a holiday just the 2 of you and you must make the first move.
    Married Virgin

    Imagination is more important than knowledge

  18. #54
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Does the sister know if her husband has an anatomical problem or genetic problem? perhaps there is a very good reason things are the way they are.. I think the thread is evolving in a strange fashion and I am not sure I like all this talk about black magic.. I think there is a very logical explanation for all of this, but there are intimate details that we don't know and we really shouldn't know..

    only the sis can answer this to herself. Has she ever seen her husband fully and vice versa? if not then I think there are a few viable and logical medical explanations for this, and many of them can be remedied in fact.. even genetic factors like Kleinfelter's or (PMD) syndrome.. if the problem is neither genetic nor anatomical but psychological, then that too can be remedied.. Marriage is for better or for worst, and if she loves this man, then there is no reason she should be honest with him and ask him his reasons armed with the three choices above( anatomical/ genetic/ psychological), and then they can take it from there...

    insha'Allah khyer and Allah swt knows best

    Married Virgin

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - Married Virgin

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  20. #55
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye View Post

    Does the sister know if her husband has an anatomical problem or genetic problem? perhaps there is a very good reason things are the way they are.. I think the thread is evolving in a strange fashion and I am not sure I like all this talk about black magic.. I think there is a very logical explanation for all of this, but there are intimate details that we don't know and we really shouldn't know..

    only the sis can answer this to herself. Has she ever seen her husband fully and vice versa? if not then I think there are a few viable and logical medical explanations for this, and many of them can be remedied in fact.. even genetic factors like Kleinfelter's or (PMD) syndrome.. if the problem is neither genetic nor anatomical but psychological, then that too can be remedied.. Marriage is for better or for worst, and if she loves this man, then there is no reason she should be honest with him and ask him his reasons armed with the three choices above( anatomical/ genetic/ psychological), and then they can take it from there...

    insha'Allah khyer and Allah swt knows best

    i was going to say the same thing b4 but i tought the sister wont like it or not a good thing to say its possible he may have anatomical problem or genetic problem but what is the main thing that they have been together for very long time if there was something like that the sister would have known and if not then she should ask him,dont wait sister its already been so long im shy person iswell but if i spend some time with some 1 then im open about everything, please let us know.
    Married Virgin

    Imagination is more important than knowledge

  21. #56
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye View Post
    only the sis can answer this to herself. Has she ever seen her husband fully and vice versa? if not then I think there are a few viable and logical medical explanations for this, and many of them can be remedied in fact.. even genetic factors like Kleinfelter's or (PMD) syndrome.. if the problem is neither genetic nor anatomical but psychological, then that too can be remedied.. Marriage is for better or for worst, and if she loves this man, then there is no reason she should be honest with him and ask him his reasons armed with the three choices above( anatomical/ genetic/ psychological), and then they can take it from there...

    insha'Allah khyer and Allah swt knows best

    very true
    Married Virgin

    ” إن الأمة التي تحسن صناعة الموت توهب لها الحياة”


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    Re: Married Virgin

    salaam sister

    you sound like a very pious sister mashallaah...

    but can i ask you did he actually tell you something of this serious nature happened to him as a child? or is he just making you think things.. please forgive me but people are not always as they seem and i don't like thinking the worst of people

    but this is just to odd like its just kind of surprizes me that how you can be shy infront of his own wife after all this time..... and how he can't open up unless hes hiding a more serious thing that would actually hurt you... its just your description of your husband seems almost to good to be true. i can see that you got married very young and you still are very young but because of your age, people can take advantage of you, its easy for that person to pull the wool over your eyes and lie to you and you will believe because you are just young........

    and have you not tried to touch him and make him hot? hahaah i got sexually activ at 17 and when i got married, lets just say there was alot of action

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    Re: Married Virgin

    hope it all works out for you guys

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    Re: Married Virgin

    sister i honestly feel this post should have been placed in the sisters section

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    Re: Married Virgin

    While I agree with you, not all sisters have access to the sisters section, and hence anonymous accounts were created (I believe) for that purpose though I maybe mistaken...

    Married Virgin

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    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - Married Virgin

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