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Married Virgin

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    Married Virgin

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    This is not easy for me. But I know that I can’t keep this secret hidden forever. I am 20 years old and I am married. When I was 16 I fell in love with an amazing Muslim man and we married each other. When I married him, I was so happy. Nothing on earth, could bring me down, with him I had wings. , He would always make me smile, and he was everything a Muslim should be. I know that no one can match up to rasululah (saw) but to me he was so close in character. We were so attracted to one another; he has beauty, an amazing mind, even wealth. He would practice his Islam to the fullest, never compromised his deen for anything. I would always dream of a man like this before I met him. When I finally met him it was like Allah took him out of my dreams and placed him in my reality. In the Muslim community women would envy me (young & old. Asking me, “how did you find a man like this”? I would just say Alhamdulilah.

    I know that all the good I have in my life came from Allah alone, and all credit is due to Allah. When we first got married we lived together for only 2 weeks, after that due to some immigration issues he had to leave the country. But he was to return once things get sorted. During those 2 weeks, one week of it I had my period. So we couldn’t have been intimate fully. The week after when my period finished, nothing happened. Me being a young virgin I wasn’t really thinking of intercourse too much. If anything it was not really on my mind, mainly just freaking out about it. Was kind of happy that he didn’t approach me as soon as my period finished. I knew that it was going to happen, just be looking forward to it too much. I thought when it happens it will happen InshaAllah. While he was gone we always had contact, we were looking forward to the time we could be together again. We loved each other so much and were sad that we couldn’t be together as much as we would have liked.

    At the same time we stayed patient and kept making allot of dua that Allah allows us to be together soon as husband and wife and to never ever be separated again. Well he would return again, this time he stayed 3 months. I was so happy when he returned, my husband whom I have only known as my husband through marriage for 2 weeks. I was over the moon and so was he.

    During his stay, my love for him increased, we were being very affectionate except there was no intercourse. One night he mentioned that whenever he got too close I would freak out, and he would see fear in my eyes. That he didn’t want to hurt me and would wait until I got more comfortable. I thought that was sweet. A month passed and I am still a virgin. I started to actually think about it, but would never try to show it because of how shy I was. He asked me once, why I freak out? I didn’t know how to answer that. I asked him, have I ever stopped you? He said, no. I thought that would get him to think and show him that I of course want to be intimate with my husband regardless of how much I freak out. I thought, what Girl doesn’t freak out? If men all thought, oh my wife looks scared im not going to touch her, everyone would be virgin? One night he asked me, “why I don’t try to touch him”? I didn’t know how to answer it.

    I have never been with a man before how was I suppose to know? He would tell me how it’s a sign that I don’t feel close to him. That he doesn’t
    want to rape his own wife. Why don’t I act like I want it? I was so
    confused, and started to think that there is something wrong with me. Later he confirmed to me that he’s also very shy and he’s a virgin too. I knew that he was a Virgin, so I began to think maybe he’s also freaking out InshaAllah we will get through this. My sisters would get married and all get pregnant, and I am still a virgin. My mother would ask me, “Are you taking the pill”? By the time my mother asked me this I was already married for a complete year and have lived with him that long too. I just said, yes. I had turned 17 then.

    My mother gave me an earful of how bad the pill is for me, how I should stop taking it and that children are a blessing from Allah. I lied to protect his honor. I didn’t want anyone to think that he’s failing as a Man. Well, another year passed, still we’re virgins. When I turned 18, that night he began to kiss me, and he got close to being very intimate with me, then he stopped. He began to cry in my lap, asking me to forgive him. I told him that there is nothing to forgive. He said, I worry that I will lose you. There is no woman on this earth more beautiful then you, here we are I have you all to myself, and and. He didn’t finish it. I didn’t make him finish it. I just told him to sleep and that I wasn’t mad at him.

    The next day, when we were sitting together, I asked him something. He uses to be catholic, although my knowledge was and still is limited in that area, but I use to hear how priests rape the boys in the church. When we met, he did tell me that he use to go to church as a young boy. So that day, I asked him about the time he use to go to church. Were you ever molested as a child, I asked him? He wouldn’t look at me, but he just gave me body language that says, sort of no. I didn’t ask again. I continued cooking, cleaning, doing my wifely duties. My parents visit us and keep asking me why I am not pregnant yet; I have now been married for 4 years. My father occasionally will take me aside, and say things like this to me “don’t worry children are a blessing from Allah, I know that it must have been hard trying for 4 years”. I have always loved my husband; he’s my friend and a very Allah fearing Mu’min. I don’t know how this all happened. I know that he never harmed me; he was always good to me. And although we never had sex, we had so much fun. All these years I have never looked at other men. No living being knows of this life I am living. I have always felt like it would be a betrayal to leave him just because he didn’t do it with me? My parents absolutely adore him and even call him their favourite son in law. I dont know what to do. I know that I have lived such a beautiful life.

    He treats me like I am a princess, he’s so sweet and kind. I don't think that I will ever stop loving him. My mother wants me to get checked and find out why I cant have children. She sees how happy I am with my husband, she once told me in my Dads presence “If me and your father die, We know that we have given you to the best man on this earth”. I dont know what to do.

    I am starting to imagine what a life would be with kids? To be a real wife who experiences every aspect of marriage life? Or will I die as a Virgin? I always get a lot of attention from men, even when we eat out together at restaurants. Whenever men in our Community see me they wonder if I am available for marriage? That's because of my age & my looks "ive been told" and most assume at first hand that I am single. When I have to say I am married, it feels a bit wrong. It’s only at times like that I am reminded of the fact that I am really not married. recently started to cry in my sleep, wondering what I did wrong? I have never hurt people, I have always been the one who everyone came to when they needed anything. Now I am living this life. My husband keeps telling me, that he can’t believe it that I am still married to him. I am now visiting my Family, I’ve been looking at some links and came across this forum while my lil sister was reading here. I have to tell her one day soon...I think she will be so shocked omg, She looks up to me, and looks at me and sees me smile. She has seen so many marriages fall apart, she told me I give her hope. That she wants to have a marriage like mine. I am sorry for the long post.

    If I tell my parents they will make sure that I get divorced I know it in my heart. I need your advice ya muslimeen. I see commercials, talks of intimacy. I can't lie I wonder what thats like. But I am now beginning to accept that it might not happen with my husband, after 4 years of waiting now I think it might never happen. That breaks my heart, but I don't have any control over it...Iwill stop writing, I don't want anyone to come in and see my tears. Pls make dua for me. I don't want to break a heart so beautiful, a heart that would die for me.

    Married Virgin

    Anonymous account

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    Hamayun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Assalamu Alaykum Sister,

    It seems like you are married to a very loving, caring, and noble man Masha'Allah.

    Sister he may be struggling due to things that may have happened to him as a child combined with the fact that he is a shy person.

    You have to remember that he is probably also suffering as much if not more than you. It seems there may be something haunting him.

    The only person in this world who can help him overcome his fears and shyness is you.

    If it has been 4 years then he is afraid to make the first move. Children are the essence of married life sister. If you want children then it is your right to have them from your husband.

    It may sound strange but I think you need to make the first moves here. Gently keep increasing the intimacy and help him feel comfortable. Most importantly you need to show him that is what you want.

    I hope Allah makes things easy for you Sis but be strong and be there for your loving and caring husband.

    Last edited by Hamayun; 11-17-2008 at 08:27 PM.

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    assalamu alaykum,

    That breaks my heart...
    Mine too dear sis.. but inshaAllah Allah's help and blessings will make everything better.

    You're husband is very sensitive mashaAllah, but obviously it's made everything difficult for you both.

    As for you, dear sis, if you can't bring yourself to initiate intimacy then don't force it. You do not want to be merely going through the motions, emotionlessly.

    I truly believe that this is a psychological issue and think both of you will benefit from receiving psycho-sexual counselling (i think it's called). Both of you should discuss this and see your GP about it. Please do not feel ashamed in seeking help sister. If you do not want to approach GP you can find private doctors inshaAllah. But please don't delay it anymore as you know yourself the longer you leave something the harder it gets.

    I pray Allah helps you both overcome this difficulty and increases His blessings in what already is a blessed marriage. MashaAllah

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    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    I think you two need to communicate with each other about this. You're both young, and really you have a long life ahead of you Insha'Allaah so don't rush things. No marriage is smooth, there will always be issues that come up and they need to be dealt by both you together. Communication is the first step. You two love each other very much [and it's rare to find something like this] and because of that I definitely advise you to take your time and don't do anything rash which you'll regret later - like talking to your parents or outsiders [from either family I mean] - who as you said will make sure you two are separated. Different people have different problems, some couples are intimate but cannot have kids, but that doesn't mean they divorce. This is your private life with your husband and both of you can work on it together and solve it. Believe me, it isn't impossible. Intimacy will come, and it might take some more time and it'll be hard dealing w/ the societal pressures but you need to make it clear that your life is with your husband and things will happen as you two want and decide together as mature responsible adults. You need to be firm on this point. At this point there is no reason to get either family involved. Like Sr. Scents said above, you can even try counseling [there's nothing wrong or shameful with getting help].

    He treats me like I am a princess, he’s so sweet and kind.
    You know, because of that, please don't leave him. By your post it seems that you two have an awesome relationship with each other Masha'Allaah, and really based on that I would hate it if you divorced. Sometimes things need time and patience. Perhaps the past four years you two haven't talked about this subject except in awkward situations. Talk openly now and before you do, assure each other [and you to your husband especially] that you won't leave him - it'll make the conversation go a lot smoother and easier. He won't feel pressured or scared of losing you and will be more open. Believe me, as this is coming from a guy who knows how guys think. You need to let him know that you'll be by his side through the good and bad and this will ease his heart and it'll help the next steps move more smoothly.

    I pray that everything works out for you two and that which you're seeking from each other comes about in the best of manners and that Allaah protects your relationship and love from envy and jealousy of others. Ameen.

    Married Virgin

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Amiin to the adiya above!

    Selam aleykum,

    Wow, subhanAllah, sister I am sorry for what you and your husband have to go through... I gotta say, that relationship you have, sounds nearly perfect to me, mashaAllah.

    Don't shy away to ask help from a doctor. But I too would advise not to talk with parents or your sister for example, see, I honestly believe once this has been solved you will wonder why it bothered you so much, inshaAllah.

    I think you two have to communicte more openly about your desires, thoughts and fears. You still have to grow to know your sexuality and get comfortable with your body. That's why I think you could like some help from an proffessional, an therapist or the like. This seriously isn't that uncommon as it may seem! Many people even suffer a so-called "sexless" marriage after having sex for a time. It is better to you as soon as possible start doing something about this, try another things if the old didn't work out.

    I wish you the best and inshaAllah things will soon get better!
    Married Virgin

    If only I had checked myself
    Guy who wrecked himself

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    Re: Married Virgin

    I trust that the bro srs here have given you excellent advise insha'Allah.. but dear sis can I just say
    Marriage in the beginning and the end is about friendship, companionship, tenderness and mercy between two people.. How lucky it is you found love, do you have any idea how many marry out of obligation and because it is the thing to do rather than having this most precious and noble of all feelings?

    why punish the love of your life for a difficulty he is having?
    and why do you let your parents question you on such intimate details of your personal life?

    It is no body's business why you are or aren't having children.. no one has a right to ask you such intimacies, this is something between you and your husband...

    imagine all the people out there who couldn't have kids, those who have handicapped kids, those whose kids have died?
    Sister you are being tested, pls don't fail this test..
    I have a friend who got married at 16 to a man she hated, when he propositioned her, he sent his mother over, her own mom didn't know which girl he wanted, she had two girls.. his mother referred to her as 'the light one' on the account she had green eyes..imagine being objectified to such a degree-- she couldn't have children, everyone was in her business for yrs and yrs of insults and hurt and doctors she didn't want to go to.. she eventually had a kid at 33 , went into postpartum depression and wanted a divorce, she really lost her mind in ways I can't and don't want to describe to you...

    sis.. may I suggest you go to couple's therapy and try to deal with your issues between you and your husband privately.. and give your family a firm but gentle stay out of my sex life!
    I wish you all the best!

    and Allah swt knows best

    Married Virgin

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    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    wwwislamicboardcom - Married Virgin

    First of all, mashallah to your marriage and bond and friendship. may Allah keep it strong and pure and on going inshallah. it is hard to find good mate these days, you two were made for each other endure such much in this matter and still feel the way you do. Four years of marriage without consumation is a long time. There is clearly something troubling your husband as well as you. In your case, shyness and hayas is all good but there is a time and place for that. You should be more open about your feelings and be able to express them physcially even if it's one night at a time. As for him,he could have a trouble past that is preventing him from take the aggressive or lead position and do anything to you.

    What is lacking the most in your relationship is open communication. Even if you both are shy and don't want to make the first move or what not, it is very very important for you to talk about this issue and have it out in the open. Open communication in a marriage is the key to it's success. I don't think intmacy will be a problem, what is holding you back is what you don't know about eash other on this topic. You two need to find some time alone and sit down and talk about this. Ask what is troubling him, what thoughts and concerns he has and share yours as well. Then discuss those concerns and address them making plans to slowly get over what it is that holds each one of you back.

    You know everyone comes to a wedding, to enjoy in your happiness, but very few comes to a funeral to share your sorrow. The true friends are the ones who share your sorrows and pain. This is kind of how marriage is also in some aspect. You can enjoy the happy days like anyone else but if the storm comes, can you handle it? Unless you know that is troubling each other and understand the low ends of each one, you won't be able to stand as pillar of support of each other. Again, I will stress that open communication is imperative in a successful relationship. Inshallah once you have this and clear things out, the rest will fall in place. Trust me on this, I give this advice you from a professional marriage counselor (not me, my former teacher).

    may Allah make things easy for you inshallah and bless you succes in your marriage. Ameen

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    Re: Married Virgin

    as salaam alaykaaam


    there is much much much much x 9999999999999 more to marriage then sex, seriously,

    you sound like you have a tip top marriage, so why spoil it, try to build it and build it, and make it more stronger, dont let obsticles come in the way innay!!

    also let your family know you dont wana talk to them about your private life, because its none of their business

    all the best

    Married Virgin


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    Surah al Baqarah v214


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    Re: Married Virgin

    If he is the one that stops out of fear then could you not take the 'lead' and see how it goes?

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    Re: Married Virgin

    It may sound strange but I think you need to make the first moves here.

    If he is the one that stops out of fear then could you not take the 'lead' and see how it goes?
    my sis had quick skim read of your post too and the first thing she said was what other people have said above.

    im not too keen on the whole counselling thing, its not good if you take your matters to other people, that should be a last resort.

    You have to sit him down and tell him that you want to talk about this.Make sure hes in a good mood,cook him his favourite food,make the atmosphere nice, clean up the house, make sure hes happy and comfortable.

    Then begin the discussion, follow everybodys tips, tell him you wont leave etc...tell him you will only be discussing this once, so he might aswell tell you everything.Dont cry yourself to sleep every night! Tell him what youve been through in the past 4 yrs! then tell him not to get upset and just tell his reasons.DO NOT end the discussion without getting some results, and let him know this too.

    you should have had this discussion years ago honey, why suffer in silence before a man who you know loves you so much, whats stopping you?

    his reasosn can be;

    1) molestation etc in childhood
    2) something 'physically' wrong that hes embarrassed about
    3) excessive spirituality,i know its sounds strange, but maybe he just sees intercourse as something wrong, as you said he's so practising and god-fearing, so maybe thats whats making him behave so distant.

    unless you dont find out, you can speculate for the rest of your life.So go for it.He's your husband, not some strange man you cant talk to.

    Do let us know what happens honey, My Duas are with you, hope everything works out!

    Married Virgin

    My heart, so precious,
    I won't trade for a hundred thousand souls.
    Your one smile takes it for free.Rumi

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    Re: Married Virgin

    your story is very unique and heartbreaking....

    take everyone's advice here sis, and not let your emotions get the better of you... all u need is to talk to him and let him talk to you...openly...

    there is no relationship without communication and that is all you seem to be lacking... a marriage like yours is very rare... to have so much love and understanding and trust is so beautiful and you both are very lucky to have one another....

    i think because of the fact you guys dint discuss this problem in the early days of your marriage you both just got really shy and felt it wasn't a necessity... im not married and prolly like you would be freaked out at first, but all my friends who r married have a wonderful and open relationship with their husbands... and you should too....

    don't make any rash decisions honey, and especially don't involve other people until you have at least talked to your husband.... mayb he feels the same way and is too shy to discuss it with you...

    he is the love of you life, as you have said.... and lemme tell you, not all of us get the chance to marry whom we want... i pray for both you and insha'allah insha'allah may Allah bless you and solve all your problems.....Ameen
    Married Virgin

    Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.

    Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue... and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    I have to question the closeness of your relationship, clearly if you've been unable to raise this issue in four years then sex isn't the only thing missing.
    You need to come to terms with the fact that you've been living with a stranger, can you really love someone you barely know? Your husband should've raised these issues before you got married, what on earth does he think about this whole situation? Does he really expect you to never question him...or to stick around?

    I'm sorry but the whole thing's a bit iffy to me...

    Methinks calling it quits now would be best.
    Married Virgin

    It is Allah, except Whom there is no God; the King, the Pure, the Giver of Peace, the Bestower of Safety, the Protector, the Most Honourable, the Compeller, the Proud; Purity is to Allah from all what they ascribe as partners (to Him)! Al-Quran 59:23

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    Re: Married Virgin

    I'm sorry...but i agree with sis Hawa on this...

    I'm sorry but the whole thing's a bit iffy to me...
    The best best way is for you both to have an open heart to heart conversation. Ask him... in the nicest way so that he will spill out everything...

    If he says... there is no problem or anything...

    Set a date...go for a honeymoon. Tell him to proof...that everything will be going to be alright. (and don't think that one honeymoon will proof everything...lol... make sure it is a few honeymoons...without stress)

    You have to remember...everything has to have a limit. Be wise and gentle (think about yourself and others too)...and ask yourself until when you are going to wait.

    You have to think about yourself too hun... and try to solve this in the bestest manner. and don't just leave it to solve itself on its own.

    you will be in our doa... Remember Tawakallahu Alllah...

    and don't worry too much... Just be wise and know what you want.
    Married Virgin

    heart 1 - Married Virgin

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.

  17. #14
    Afraa's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Assalama caleykum sister,

    I a deeply sorry to hear that you are going through. Manshallah for being a bride and having a devoted husband.

    However i do agree with all the other brothers and sister here. If it is a problem to you then you need to communicate with your husband, and secondly i think you need to bring intamacy to him.

    Am sure both of you guys are comfortable with each other and you should feel shy about doing certain things.

    I think one problem us women have is we wait for the first approach. Sometimes it works to our advantage and sometimes it doesn't however he is your husband.

    Honestly i wouldn't suggest divorce because it seems like your happy except for that part, but it's your duty to make him forget (atleast for the moment) about his past and focus on you.

    Sister be strong and inshallah with your effort everything is going to be alright. There is nothing to be ashamed of HE IS YOUR HUSBAND, and what you guys do remains between you two.

    best of luck inshallah.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Greetings anon

    Whilst I agree that you and your husband seem to have a beautifully loving and caring relationship with each other, I also have to say that for a young healthy married couple not to have sex for such a long time is highy unusual, to say the least.

    It is fine to say that there is more to marriage than sex. Of course that's true. But sexual desire is one of the strongest human instinctive urges, and within the context of a marriage there should be no reason to suppress it.
    Having a sexual realtionship is also a wonderfully bonding act between a husband and wife.

    How do you truly feel about losing your virginity?
    When your husband says that 'you freak out when he comes close', what does he mean by that?
    Is he right? Do you freak out? Or was this just the case at the beginning of your marriage?

    Have you told and /or shown your husband that you would like him to make love to you? That you physically desire him? That he needs not be afraid of hurting you?
    With the loving and caring relationship you two have, are you able to sit down and openly speak about these things?

    Like everything else, sex requires a little practice. The first attempts will seem a little awkward and clumsy ... just like learning anything else new!
    People have all kinds of fears about it. You are not the only ones!
    Perhaps you both need to relax about it. Try and have a laugh about it. Have a go, take a risk, experiment!
    You will get better with time.

    I would suggest that you and your husband try to seek some relationship counselling. It could help you to express your own feelings and desires. It could help your husband to explore his own fears and barriers.

    PM me if you like.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Married Virgin

    glocandle ani 1 - Married Virgin

    Here I stand.
    I can do no other.
    May God help me.

    Come, let us worship and bow down •
    and kneel before the Lord our Maker

    [Psalm 95]

  20. #16
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    Re: Married Virgin

    asalam Alykom wa rahmat allah sister
    your story did really affect me, you are in my duaa. May allah keep things easy for you two

    there is no better advice I can come up with than what have been written above . I think its something psychological in why he fear coming close, and the best thing to do is asking for counseling, but the most important thing to do before that is how you can tell him about your need to seek help without hurting him. I don't know but there are some men who feel like this is hurting their pride as men. So be wise when talk to him about that and do it in an indirect way that will not affect his feeling, because as I understand from your post that he is sensitive, so this might destroy him and lose his confidence in himself.
    I also think that when two shy persons get along together, it might makes things harder to manage......... this might be one of the reasons sister

    May allah guide you both to the right path ..... and ease your affairs and bless you with good children ...ameen
    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Four years is a very long time for a couple who are attracted to and love each other. Judging by what you have told us, it seems unlikely that it is (just) a matter of lack of communication.

    As for going through child abuse, that could be the cause. But many people get over that when they get married and have a good and happy relationship with their spouse.

    There could be a possibility that your husband or/and you are under the influence and effects of Sihr (Magic) which is making him unable to have marital relations. As well as what others have told you, I would advise you to consult a righteous person with a sound aqeedah who has knowledge and expertise in the field of dealing with the Jinns and find out. Just incase the problem is being caused by a shaytaan Jinn. Because if your problem is being caused due to interference from magic, then no doctor or counselling will help it go away, even if they were top in their field. They don’t have the complete cure because they reject the reality of Jinn and their effects in our lives proven and confirmed in the Qur’aan and Ahadith.

    And it is because of this reality of magic and shaytaans forces, that the Prophet has told us many invocations to read, in order to protect ourselves and our families from the harm caused by it. Such as al-mu’awwizaat (Chapters 112, 113, 114 in Qur’aan), Ayaat al Kursi etc. I don’t know if u read them already, but if u don’t, I would strongly advise that you start to.

    I pray that everything works out for you two and that which you're seeking from each other comes about in the best of manners and that Allaah protects your relationship and love from envy and jealousy of others. Ameen.
    Aameen. And it is due to the jealousy and envy of others that they try to harm man and his wife, but no harm can they do except what Allaah wills.

    Ask Him to help you, especially during the last part of the night because that is when He descends to the lowest of Heavens and responds to those calling out to Him .

    And Allaah alone grants success.

    Last edited by anonymous; 11-20-2008 at 08:02 AM.
    Married Virgin

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  22. #18
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hawa View Post
    I have to question the closeness of your relationship, clearly if you've been unable to raise this issue in four years then sex isn't the only thing missing.
    You need to come to terms with the fact that you've been living with a stranger, can you really love someone you barely know? Your husband should've raised these issues before you got married, what on earth does he think about this whole situation? Does he really expect you to never question him...or to stick around?
    I'm sorry but the whole thing's a bit iffy to me...
    Methinks calling it quits now would be best.
    format_quote Originally Posted by syilla View Post

    I'm sorry...but i agree with sis Hawa on this...
    I disagree. It may be you can't fully comprehend how people's experiences affect them mentally and physically. This doesn't make it 'iffy'. The human mind is very complex and what affects one person may not mean anything to another. It's impossible to pinpoint what the problem can be without delving deeper into it.

    It is not unheard of men cutting off intimate relations with their wives for fear of hurting them, especially after childbirth. I've heard some stories of why some couples never consummated their marriage for various reasons, but I don't feel it's relevant to share. However there are people who've been brought up to believe that sexual intercourse is such a dirty thing that they cannot see it in any other way. Another thing could be excessive spirituality where the person no longer receives fulfilment from physical pleasures. Allahu alim.

    I also disagree with the sister who said the matter should remain between husband and wife. It did for four years. If they were able to sort it out it'd been done sooner when the desire to consummate the marriage is stronger. It is harder when people become settled in their ways. Perhaps both want that but are afraid to rock the boat? I can see no harm in getting professional help but only benefit.

    If a man/woman can't have children they seek medical help knowing full well what 'having a baby' entails. No one feels ashamed to get checked out. Then why does the issue of sexual psychological problems have such a stigma attached to it. To advise someone of keeping it private is exactly why people feel ashamed and embarrassed to seek help in the first place. An illness is an illness, whether it's of the mind or body. God forbid it's something that cannot be resolved. At least it will be out in the open, and the sister will be able to decide what she wants to do next.
    Last edited by Snowflake; 11-21-2008 at 08:52 AM. Reason: eek: massive typoOoOoOoOo :p

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    Re: Married Virgin

    WOW sis ur strong, however sis u have to do something about it. The advices above were good so i have nothing to add only that i totally agree with sis Hawa. if ur relationship was really close then he should have opened up to u by now i mean its been 4 years!!!

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    Re: Married Virgin

    brothers and sisters

    I am currently not living with my husband as I am visiting my sick mother. During my time away from him: I come to realise that I can't live without him. I really love him too much to ever leave him. There's some things going on at the moment that are causing me pain in my heart. My extended family deliberately introducing me to other men, in hopes to get me to leave my husband. They are doing it in a sneaky way, everytime I try to speak against it they manage to make it look harmless. Making me look paranoid.

    Before I married my husband almost everyone was against me marrying. Except my parents who always stood by me. My aunties, uncles were shattered when my marriage was taking place as they wanted me for one of their sons. I am now starting to think that maybe I have their evil eye. This thought never really occurred to me, but the possibility is there. May Allah shield me from their eyes ameen.

    They keep suggesting sinister things to my parents 'He's infertile, your daughter should have had 4 children by now' they don't realise that there is more to life besides children and that only whatever Allah wants happens in the end.

    I feel like everywhere I look someone is trying to ruin our marriage. As the years pass by, the fact we dont have children is becoming public news in my Family circles, I am basically households best gossip. People try to put doubts in my heart every chance they get. Make duas for us brothers sisters.

    Me & my husband have been talking about the issues in our marriage alot, he wants us to go to Morroco away from everyone. He finished Uni, has now a great Job. jazkaAllahukhayran for making us duas.
    Married Virgin

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