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10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

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    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

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    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    The Prophet Muhammad (S) said: "Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts” (Mustadrak al-Haakim).

    Our Iman is not always as sound and strong as we want it to be as it often fluctuates according to life circumstances. There are several causes for weakening Iman such as deficiencies in our prayers or the insinuating whispers from the Shaytan. Regardless of the cause, it is crucial for all of us to keep a check on our Iman and if we feel it is faltering in any way then we should take measures to restore it. It is our responsibility to know which things decrease our Iman and how to avoid them and those that increase our Iman and how to embrace them.

    What are signs of a weak imaan?

    Signs of weak imaan:

    • Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.
    • Having a hard heart and no desire to read the Quran.
    • Feeling too lazy to do good deeds, e.g. being late for salat
    • Neglecting the Sunnah.
    • Having mood swings, for instance being upset about petty things and bothered and irritated most of the time.
    • Not feeling anything when hearing verses from the Quran, for example when Allah warns us of punishments and His promise of glad tidings.
    • Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.
    • Not feeling bad when things are done against the Shariah.
    • Desiring status and wealth.
    • Being mean and miserly, i.e. not wanting to part with wealth.
    • Ordering others to do good deeds when not practising them ourselves.
    • Feeling pleased when things are not progressing for others.
    • Being concerned with whether something is haram or halal only; and not avoiding makroo (not recommended) things.
    • Making fun of people who do simple good deeds, like cleaning the mosque.
    • Not feeling concerned about the situation of Muslims.
    • Not feeling the responsibility to do something to promote Islam.
    • Being unable to deal with calamities, for instance crying and yelling in funerals.
    • Liking to argue just for the sake of arguing without any proof.
    • Becoming engrossed and very involved with dunya, worldly things, i.e. feeling bad only when losing something in terms of material wealth.
    • Becoming engrossed and obsessive about ourselves.

    Here are 10 ways that we can brighten up our Iman starting from today!

    1. Recognise and Repent

    As humans we all commit sins no matter how hard we try to avoid them because were created to be imperfect. Engaging in evil deeds decreases our Iman. Actions like lying, cheating and stealing, to name only a few, take a toll on the human heart and soul which makes us more susceptible to being lead astray from the Path of Allah. It is important for us to reflect upon our deeds and weed out the ones that are contrary to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S). Allah has gifted us with an innate sense of justice and the ability to reason and make sound judgements. Our fitrah (natural disposition) necessitates that we all know when we are committing a sin. And if we don't know, we certainly have a bevy of resources to find out from!

    Conditions for the acceptance of repentance

    The word tauba which is rendered as repentance in English, is not a simple term as most people believe. It is very rich in meaning and implication, and is not simply a word of mouth after which the sinner continues in his sins. Says Allah, Glorified be He: "Seek forgiveness of your Lord and then turn to Him in repentance." (Hud: 3). Do you notice how turning to the Lord in repentance has been added to the search for His forgiveness?

    It is quite in keeping with its importance, therefore, that repentance should have, as the scholars have stated, conditions attached to it for its acceptance.

    They are as follows:

    First: Giving up of the sin itself.
    Second: Remorse over what has been committed.
    Third: A resolve not to repeat it, and, Fourth: Compensating those who have been wronged or obtaining their forgiveness.

    2. Perform Salah Regularly

    Completing the five daily prayers, on time and according to the Sunnah, is an excellent way to increase our Iman. Not only are we performing an obligatory deed when praying, but by doing so we have a standing audience with the Creator of this world where we can ask for help and mercy. The effect of the salah on the human soul is cooling as Muhammad (S) once said that it cooled his eyes. The salah connects us with our Creator and, along with obedience to Allah, helps us to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.

    Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an:

    "The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses -this Qur’an- are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone); Who perform salah and spend out of that We have provided them. It is they who are the believers in truth. For them are grades of dignity with their Lord, and Forgiveness and a generous provision (Paradise)” (Al-Anfal: 2-4).

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah (RAA) Rasulullah (SAW) said: The similitude of five prayers is like an overflowing river passing by the gate of one of you in which he washes five times daily. Hasan said: No filthiness can remain on him. (Sahih Muslim Book 4, Hadith # 1411)

    Narrated Abu Hurairah (RAA) Rasualullah (SAW) said, "Martyrs are those who die because of drowning, plague, an abdominal disease, or of being buried alive by a falling building." And then he added, "If the people knew the Reward for the Zuhr prayer in its early time, they would race for it. If they knew the reward for the 'Isha' and the Fajr prayers in congregation, they would join them even if they had to crawl. If they knew the reward for the first row, they would draw lots for it." (Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 1, Book 11, Hadith # 688)

    For the people who don’t pray:

    Informing us about the inhabitants of Hell, Allaah (SWT) says "(The people in Hell will be asked What has caused you to enter Hell? They will say: "We were not of those who used to offer their Salât (prayers). Nor did we feed the poor. And we used to talk falsehood (all that which Allaah hated) with vain-talkers. And we used to belie thc Day of Recompense. Until there came to us that which is certain (i.e., death). So no Intercession of intercessors will benefit them. (Sura Al-Muddaththir, ayah 42-48)

    Rasulullah (SAW) said "The covenant between us and them is prayer, so if anyone abandons it he has become a disbeliever." (Agreed upon by Ahmad, Tirmidhee and Nasaa'ee to be authentic)

    In an other Hadith of Rasulullah (SAW) said "What lies between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer."( Agreed upon by Muslim, Abu Dawood and Nasaa'ee as sahih authentic)

    3. Qur’anic Recitations

    Medical studies have shown that simply listening to a recitation of the Holy Qur’an has a physiological effect on our bodies. Research has also proven that the Qur’an has healing qualities on the body, mind and spirit. What better way to increase our Iman than to listen to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an on an audio device! Listen to the melodious rhythm of the Qur’an and while doing so try to reflect upon the meanings of what you are listening to.We should always strive to read as much of the Qur’an as possible as reading the word of allah especially with the meanings will significantly increase our imaan and elevate us in this world and the next!

    Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud radhiyallahu anhu narrates that The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever reads one letter of the Quran receives the reward of one good deed. And one good deed is multiplied ten times.

    Hazrat Abu Huraira radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever listens to one verse of the Book of Allah, a good deed that multiplies continuously is recorded. And one who reads a verse of the Quran, that verse will be a Noor for him on the Day of Judgement."

    Hazrat Anas radhiyallahu anhu reports that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:"Whoever reads the Quran, Allah grants that person ten good deeds for every letter. And for one who hears the Quran being recited, Allah grants a good deed for every letter, and such a person will be resurrected among those who will recite and ascend the stages of Jannat."Hazrat Ibni Abbas radhiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: "He who listens to one letter of the Quran, ten good deeds are recorded for him, ten sins are forgiven, and his status is elevated by ten stages."

    4. Engage in Dhikr

    "…Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (13:28)

    Remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue.(29:46).

    O ye who believe let not your wealth and your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah . (63:10)

    O ye who believe, remember Allah much. And glorify Him morning and evening (33:42-43)

    When the signs of the Gracious Allah are recited unto them, they fall down, prostrating themselves before Allah weeping.(19:59)

    According to these verses the attitude of those who truly remember Allah is the following:

    1. Their hearts are filled with the fear of Allah because they are reminded of the status and the Glory of their God.
    2. Their skins creep, i.e., the hair on their bodies rise due to their state of fear.
    3. Their bodies are softened, their hearts become tender.
    4. They prostrate, i.e., they start worshiping Allah .
    5. They cry or weep.

    Remembering Allah much through acts of dhikr brings much peace and tranquility to the heart. It also gives us a sense of taqwa(fear of allah), a consciousness that makes us realise that Allah Almighty is ever near and that we should always strive to please Him.

    Some beneficial dhikr include:

    Subhan'Allah- 'Praise be to Allah'
    Al-Hamdullilah- 'Thanks be to Allah'
    Allahu Akbar – 'Allah is the Greatest.'
    La ila ha illallah- There is no worthy of worship except allah

    Abu haraira(ra) Narrates: Prophet(saw) said: whoever says: Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi – (I deem Allah free of any resemblances to anything whatever in any repeat, and I glorify his praises) one hundred times a day will have his sins forgiven even though they may be as much as the foam of the sea – (Bukhari,b73:c19)

    Read much of this zikr:

    Subhaan-Allahi walhamdu-lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha illa-la ill-lal-lahu wallahu Akbar, walaa haula wala quoow-wata illa billa hil-Aliyyil-azeem.

    "Glory is for Allaah and all Praise is due to Allah. There is none worthy of worship except Allaah. Allaah is the greatest. There is no power and no strength except with Allaah the Most High, the Great."

    5.Voluntary Fasting

    Fasting can be thought of as a prescription for us, which cures the maladies of the human soul. There are innumerable benefits to fasting nawafil fasts. Fasting helps us be thankful to Allah for His Bounty, control unlawful desires, have compassion for the less fortunate and it weakens the effects of waswas, the insinuating whispers from the Shaytan.

    Here is an explanation of the spiritual meaning of the Islamic Fasting:

    1. It teaches man the principle of sincere Love: because when he observes Fasting he does it out of deep love for God. And the man who loves God truly is a man who really knows what love is.

    2. It equips man with a creative sense of hope and an optimistic outlook on life; because when he fasts he is hoping to please God and is seeking His Grace.

    3. It imbues in man the genuine virtue of effective devotion, honest dedication and closeness to God; because when he fasts he does so for God and for His sake alone.

    4. It cultivates in man a vigilant and sound conscience; because the fasting person keeps his fast in secret as well as in public. In fasting, especially, there is no mundane authority to check man's behavior or compel him to observe fasting. He keeps it to please God and satisfy his own conscience by being faithful in secret and in public. There is no better way to cultivate a sound conscience in man.

    5. It indoctrinates man in patience and selflessness, as through fasting, he feels the pains of deprivation but he endures them patiently.

    6. It is an effective lesson in applied moderation and willpower.

    7. Fasting also provides man with a transparent soul, a clear mind and a light body.

    8. It shows man a new way of wise savings and sound budgeting.

    9. It enables man to master the art of Mature Adaptability. We can easily understand the point once we realize that fasting makes man change the entire course of his daily life.

    10. It grounds man in discipline and healthy survival.

    11. It originates in man the real spirit of social belonging, unity and brotherhood, of equality before God as well as before the law.

    12. It is a Godly prescription for self-reassurance and self-control.

    6.Carrying out Good Deeds

    Doing good deeds for others can be like switching on a light bulb in a darkened room. No matter how awful we are feeling there is just something about offering a helping hand to someone in need that lifts our spirits and brightens our Iman. We should get to the stage where we crave to do good deeds! Because our good deeds are our eternal investment which will benefit us for the rest of eternity rather than investment into this life which is very temporary indeed! So what investment sounds better? Eternal investment which will give us eternal bliss or temporary investment which has a chance of failing even though we spend our whole lives investing in it! You choose!

    Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an: "For those who believe and work righteous deeds is a reward that will never fail(Fussilat: 8).

    Time in Islam is more than gold or any precious material thing in this world. Of all religions, only Islam guides mankind not only to the importance of time but also how to value it. Allah I the Almighty and His Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad r, very clearly tell us the value of time, why we must not waste it and how we can make use of our time wisely to increase our iman (faith) and thus attain success, especially eternal success in the life Hereafter.

    Bin ‘Abbas narrated t that Allâh’s Messenger r said,“There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good.” (Bukhari 8/421)

    Abdullah Bin Mas’ud t narrated: “I asked the Prophet, ‘Which deed is the dearest to Allah?’ He replied, “To offer salaat (the prayers) at their early fixed times.” I asked, “What is the next (in goodness)?” He replied, “To be good and dutiful to your parents.” I' again asked, “What is the next (in goodness)? “He replied, “To participate in jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s Cause.” (Bukhari 1/ 505)

    Abu Qatada, Bin Rab’i t narrated that the Prophet , said, "Allâh the Exalted said: ‘I made five times (daily) prayers obligatory on your people. And I took a guarantee that if anyone observes them regularly at their times, I shall admit him to Paradise. If anyone does not offer them regularly, there is no such guarantee of Mine for him." (Abu Dawood 430)

    If we fear Allah for His wrath and hope for His rewards in the eternal world to come, time has come for us to give due value to the importance of time. We should try not to waste most of our time seeking worldly pleasures. It is for our guidance that we must take admonition from the following authentic hadîth:

    Abu Hurairah t narrated that Allâh’s Messenger r said, Be prompt in doing good deeds (before you are overtaken) by turbulence which would be like a part of the dark night. During (that stormy period) a man would be a Muslim in the morning and an unbeliever in the evening or he would be a believer in the evening and an unbeliever in the morning, and would sell his faith for worldly goods.” (Muslim 213)

    Abu Hurairah t narrated that Allâh’s Messenger r said,“Hasten to do good deeds before six things happen: the rising of the sun from the west, the smoke, the Dajjal, the beast and (the death) of one you or the general turmoil.” (Muslim 7039)

    “Call then upon Allâh with sincere devotion to Him even though the Unbelievers may detest it.” Qur'an 40:14

    Verily, time is very important for our success both in this temporary world and the eternal world to come. If we waste time, if we abuse it, then we waste and abuse our lives. In the Life Hereafter we will be among the losers, who will suffer the torments in the Hell-Fire, if Allah I the Almighty will not forgive us. Therefore, if we really give value to our lives then, we must give due value to the importance of time.

    7.Remembering Death

    Every soul shall taste death

    Allah has said in the Qur’aan:"Every soul will taste death.”

    From this verse we know that death is such a thing that you can’t escape from even if you are in a house, which is built with metal walls, and has a massive padlock. Death will not only come when hair and the beard turn white, but it can come at any time, even when you are a baby, or an old person or a teenager or of middle age. Even if you are a king, a Prime Minister or a leader of one of the tribes.

    Merits of the Remembrance of Death

    Know that the person, who is engrossed in the world and cheated by its charming coquetries, is unmindful of the remembrance of death. They do not remember death and when they are reminded of it, they do not like it. Allah has said regarding such a man:“The deaths from which you flee away will meet you. Thereafter you will be led to the Knower of the world seen and unseen. You will then be informed of what you did.”

    Hazrat Bilal bin Masood and Umar bin Abdul Aziz Radiallaho Anho said, “O People! You are not created for being destroyed”. You will travel from one home to another home. For a believer, death is a gift.

    Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam has said, “The gift for a believer is death".

    Due to the hardship which the believer goes through in this world, death becomes easy for him and all of his anxieties disappear. Therefore, it is described as a gift in the Hadith.

    Hazrat Mahmood bin Labeed says that the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam said, “Mankind likes two things very much. One of these things is life, though death is much better for him, and the second is wealth though poverty makes accounting easy.

    Hazrat ibn Umar Radiallaho Anho says, “This world is paradise for the non-believers (they are engaged in their worldly desires and aspirations). This world is a jail or prison for the faithful (momins). They are bound by the laws of Shari at in every matter. Therefore, when the soul of a momin leaves his body (at the time of death), it is as if a captive has been freed from the cell. He cleans himself by turning in the dust.

    8.Gaining knowledge

    To seek knowledge is a sacred duty, it is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female. The first word revealed of the Qur’an was "Iqra" READ! Seek knowledge! Educate yourselves! Be educated.

    Surah Al-Zumr, ayah 9 reveals: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?"

    Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah 269 reveals: "Allah grants wisdom to whom He pleases and to whom wisdom is granted indeed he receives an overflowing benefit."

    Ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: The position of only two persons is enviable; the person whom Allah bestowed wealth empowering him to spend it in the way of righteousness, and the person whom Allah gave wisdom with which he adjudges and which he teaches to others

    According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: A single scholar of religion is more formidable against shaytaan than a thousand devout persons.

    Islam is our greatest gift. We have to be thankful for this gift. We have to render to Allah His due. Allah has given us so much by making us a part of the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (S) so we must totally commit ourselves as followers of the Prophet (S). We must become true Muslims.

    A person without knowledge is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. Most likely his steps will wander aside and he easily can be deceived by shaytaan. This shows that our greatest danger lies in our ignorance of Islamic teachings and in our unawareness of what the Qur’an teaches and what guidance has been given by the Prophet (S). But if we are blessed with the light of knowledge we will be able to see plainly the clear path of Islam at every step of our lives. We shall also be able to identify and avoid the dangerous paths of Kufr, Shirk and immorality, which may cross it. And, whenever a false guide meets us on the way, a few words with him will quickly establish that he is not a guide who should be followed.

    Every one of us, young or old, man or woman, should at least acquire sufficient knowledge to enable ourselves to understand the essence of the teachings of the Qur’an and the purpose for which it has been sent down. We should also be able to understand clearly the mission, which our beloved Prophet (S) came into this world to fulfil. We should also recognize the corrupt order and system, which he came to destroy. We should acquaint ourselves, too, with the way of life which Allah has ordained for us.

    No great amount of time is required to acquire this simple knowledge. If we truly value Iman, it cannot be too difficult to find one hour every day to devote for our Iman.

    Hadith states:

    "He who acquires knowledge acquires a vast portion." AND "If anyone going on his way in search of knowledge, God will, thereby make easy for him the way to Paradise."

    May Allah (SWT) give us strength to behave and act just as He likes us to do and be pleased with us, and that should be the purpose of our lives. Rabbi zidnee ilma (O Lord, increase us in knowledge). Aameen.

    9.Making much dua(supplication)

    Dua is defined as any invocation or prayer addressed to Allah (SWT). In our times, we find many reasons why people do not make Dua; we forget, don't know how, or just do not think it will be answered. Fundamental to this is the loss of dependence and trust upon Allah. As Muslims there is something very wrong when we believe our Duas won't be answered.We do not turn to Allah in our times of need and instead put our trust, dependence and hopes on worldly things that we think willhelp us. Although these temporal things are the means through which our Duas can be answered, the root of our being should be trained automatically to turn to Allah and not anything or anyone else. Through Dua, we strengthen our Imaan and our relationship with Allah, as well as heighten our awareness of cause and effect that can help inspire and motivate us to be closer to Islam in our lives.

    We find many reassurances throughout the Quran for those who make Dua. Allah the Exalted, has said: "And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will hear your prayer" (Quran 40:60), "Call upon your Lord Humbly and in secret" (Quran 7:55),
    "When My servants question thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me" (Quran 2:186), "Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering." (Quran 27:62)

    Aisha radhiallaahu anha said, "No believer makes Dua and it is wasted. Either it is granted here in this world or deposited for him in the Hereafter as long as he does not get frustrated."

    In fact, it is even wrong to never make Dua, "Whosoever does not supplicate to Allah, He will be angry with Him."[Saheeh Jaami`as-Sagheer #2414]

    We can and should make Dua in every condition, i.e. in hardship and in prosperity.

    There are also some special times to make Dua where it is more likely to be accepted:

    1. When one is oppressed
    2. Between the time of Athan and Iqama
    3. At the time of the call for prayer
    4. At the time of fighting when warriors are engaged with each other
    5. When it is raining
    6. When one is sick
    7. The last third of the night
    8. Ramadan (especially Lailatul Qadr)
    9. After the Fard part of prayer
    10. When traveling
    11. When breaking fast
    12. In Sujood
    13. Fridays, some say on Friday after Asr prayer
    14. While drinking the water from the well of Zamzam
    15. At the start of prayer (Dua of Istiftah)
    16. When one begins the prayer, i.e. with "all praise be to
    Allah, the Pure and the Blessed one"
    17. While one recites al-Fatiha (which is a Dua)
    18. When Ameen is said in the prayer (also relating to Fatiha)
    19. At the time of raising the head after the Rukoo
    20. In the last part of the prayer after conveying blessings unto the Prophet (SAW)
    21. Before finishing the prayer (before Tasleem (saying the Salaam to the angels))
    22. At the end of Wudu
    23. On the day of Arafah
    24. On waking up from sleep
    25. At times of adversity
    26. Prayer after the death of a person
    27. Dua when someone's heart is filled with sincerity and when it is focused on Allah
    28. Dua of the parent against or for his children
    29. When the sun moves from its meridian but before the Dhuhr prayer
    30. The Dua of a Muslim for his brother without the latter's knowledge
    31. At the time the army advances to fight in the way of Allah.

    Dua can be beautified and perfected by certain actions:

    1. Have Wudu, face Qibla, be neat and clean
    2. Raise both hands up to the shoulder with palms open facing up
    3. Use words of Allah and Muhammad (SAW)-i.e. Duas found in Quran and Hadith
    4. Ask by Asma alHusna- Allah's Beautiful Names
    5. Ask Allah by your good deeds
    6. Be insistent-repeat (i.e. 3x's)
    7. Glorify Allah and recite Durud for the Prophet (SAW) at both the beginning and end
    8. Show humility, entreaty, desire and fear while making Dua
    9. Repent and try to make amends where one has wronged
    10. Confess mistakes, shortcomings, and sins
    11. Keep voice between a whisper and speaking aloud
    12. Show the need for Allah's help and implore Him for release from weakness, hardship and tribulation.
    13. Seize the opportunity of time, situation and circumstance in which prayers are answered
    14. Avoid rhymed prose to keep concentration
    15. Crying when making Dua
    16. The Dua of Dhun-Nun (Yunus) by which he invoked Allah from within the belly of the whale was:
    "LAa ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka innee kuntu min aDH-DHaalimeen."

    No Muslim ever makes Dua with it but Allah answers it." [at tirmidhi in his sunan, ahmad and hakim reported it and hakim declared it authentic and adh dhahabee agreed]

    17. End with "Alhamdulillah rabbil alameen"

    Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

    "When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on me." [2:186] The place of duaa is so high to Allah, that the Prophet had said: "Nothing is more honourable to Allah the Most High than du`a."
    [Sahih al-Jami` no.5268].

    He also said: "The most excellent worship is du`a."
    [Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1133];

    In order to warn those who are arogant, or careless in making duaa, the Prophet said: "The most incapable person is the one who does not make du`a, and the most miserly person is the one who does not give salaam."
    [Sahih Al-Jami` no. 1055],

    And let not there be anyone who says: "... my Lord won't answer my prayer, because of this and that.. or because of so and so..". No! Indeed Allah is the Most Generous King. Is there anyone who met a king, and praised and glorified him, and then asked, yet the request was not granted? So what about Allah, the King of the Heavens and the Earth - who has total control over your life, your wealth and your future. Why would He not grant you your request? I

    Indeed, our beloved Prophet had said: "Verily your Lord is the One modest and Generous, and when His servant raises his hands to Him in supplication, He is diffident (in some wordings, shy or hesitant) from returning them empty."
    [Ahmad, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi - Hasan]

    10.Having Trust in Allah

    The best way for us to increase our Iman is to completely submit our will to Allah and have full trust in him and we can do this by doing out utmost to follow every command in the Qur’an and Sunnah. We should live our life according to them and we will find success around every corner of our lives inshallah. If we turn to Allah in happy times then he will help us in times of distress and anguish. We should have patience in Allah's Decree and accept it that it is for the best and is meant to happen because he is the knower of all things and the almighty and always remember that no matter what trials or tribulations we do face in this World, one day we will be called to account for our deeds which were hopefully sent forth with much goodness and patience.I pray that inshallah on qiyamah we be given our good deeds in our right hands and allah has mercy on us and gives us Jannatul Firdaus.[B] Ameen[/B]

    In Surah At-Tauba: 51, Allah (SWT) says "Say: 'Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector': And on Allah let the Believers put their trust."

    In Surah Ash-Shu'araa:217 Allah (SWT) says "And put thy trust on the exalted in Might, The Merciful."

    In Surah Al-Imran:159, Allah (SWT) says "...Then, when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)."

    If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? In Allah, then, Let believers put their trust. 3:160

    It does not matter what you do, obey or disobey, the result will be that you will receive what Allah has ordained for you. You can not add to it or subtract from it. What you do is either benefit yourself with the blessings of obedience or harm yourself with the fruits of your disobedience. We have been told that what is for us can't miss us and what is not for us can't hit us.

    We have to learn to trust that Allah will take care of us when we obey Him and that He wills withdrawal His Great Mercy when we disobey. Every morning the bird goes out to seek the provision Allah has given him, and every night he comes home with it. Allah has promised us our provision.

    Umar Ibin Al Khattab narrated that he heard Allah's Messenger say, "If you were to trust in Allah genuinely, He would give you provision as He does for the birds which go out hungry in the morning and come back full in the evening. Tirmidhi and Ibin Majah (sahih).

    Trusting in Allah means that when we hear a command, we obey it. We recognize that we are limited and that Allah has no limits. He knows what we do not know. We do not try to explain away the commands of Allah by saying that it is for another time or another people. We don not say that what Allah has commanded for us is oppressive. We accept and obey. This is faith and trust.

    There is much reward in trusting Allah, paradise. There is sin in distrusting Him. We need to stop relying on our desires our minds our version of logic and realize that Allah is the one who knows while we know not. Allah is the Wise, and His judgements are wise by default. Allah is the Just and His verdicts are Just by default. We can not see everything in every issue as Allah can, so why do we insist on believing that our minds can be trusted before or instead of Allah?

    I pray to You, O Allah, to make us trust you and only you. May you make us of the Trusting and keep us from trusting or worshipping our minds before you. Ameen.

    Finally let’s have full hope in Allah, for verily Allah the All Mighty says:
    “Be not deceived by the [uninhibited] movement of the disbelievers throughout the land. [It is but] a small enjoyment; then their [final] refuge is Hell, and wretched is the resting place.” [Aal-Imraan 196-197]

    Sources: Islam qa.com
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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    WOW! Very nice, thank you.

    I've always had a question in mind...Can you make tauba for all your sins at once? Like say to Allah: I'm sorry for not obeying you, I will stop comitting sins starting now, and ask for his forgiveness? Or do you have to make tauba for every type of sin seperately?
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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    Excellent. Jazak'Allah khair for sharing this with us. May Allah give you khair in this world and the hereafter.

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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    Jazakallah for sharing,
    It was just the type of post I was looking for...
    May Allah accept all our duaa's ..Ameen
    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    wwwislamicboardcom - 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

    Wow, this is an amazing article!!! SubhaanAllah!!!!

    May we all make beneficial use of this. Ameen

    JazakAllah Khair

    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    format_quote Originally Posted by mohsen1985 View Post
    WOW! Very nice, thank you.

    I've always had a question in mind...Can you make tauba for all your sins at once? Like say to Allah: I'm sorry for not obeying you, I will stop comitting sins starting now, and ask for his forgiveness? Or do you have to make tauba for every type of sin seperately?
    Asalaam wr wb, Allah the most merciful and forgiving loves his slaves to ask of him for forgiveness! It is said that if the world was perfect he would destroy it and create one that is full of sinners so that they may ask of him for forgiveness!

    Hadith Qudsi: Allah, the Almighty, has said:

    O Son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins as great as the earth, and were you then to face Me ascribing no partners to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.

    "Say: 'O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of God: for God forgives all sins (except shirk): for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'" (39:53)

    "And it is He who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons the evil deed and knows what you do." (42:25)

    In order for forgiveness to be accepted, these conditions should be met:

    (1) The crime is committed out of ignorance, not with the intention that, "Let us go ahead and commit this crime as Allah is forgiving, so He will forgive us.";

    (2) Quickly turn into shame and repentance after committing a crime out of ignorance;

    (3) After asking for forgiveness, make a promise or pledge to "mend one's ways", and to stick to his promise. Let us examine verses of Quran.

    "...if any of you did evil in ignorance, and thereafter repented and amended (your conduct), lo! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (6:54)

    "Forgiveness is only incumbent on Allah towards those who do evil out of ignorance and then turn quickly (in repentance) to Allah. Toward them will Allah turn in mercy; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (4:17)

    "Forgiveness is not for those who do ill until death faces one of them, who then says, 'Lo! I repent now, nor for those who die as disbelievers, for such we have prepared a painful doom.'" (4:18)

    It is also narrated by Ahmad that Abu Bakr said that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

    ‘No Muslim commits a sin and then performs ablution, prays two rak’ahs and begs Allah for forgiveness for that sin, but He forgives him.’

    As long as we repent sincerely for all our minor and major sins and with the full intention not to sin again then inshallah we will be forgiven all our sins! ONLY Allah knows whats in our hearts!
    I think its good to mention our major sins individually whever we remember them whilst doing our dua's and ask Allah to pardon them and for help NEVER to repeat them again! Because the fact they were major and at least Allah will think that we feel bad about our transgressions! Thee best repentance is if we cry for our sins in the latter part of the night at tahajjud time for that is the time Allah readily accepts all dua's!Please make dua for me to! Allah hafiz
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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    How Does the Iman Increase and Decrease?

    Every child is born knowing that his or her Lord is Only One, Allah, regardless of what faith his or her parents may practice. But just because a child is born with this fitra, or natural belief, does not necessarily mean that the child will grow up to be what truly makes a person Muslim, which is ones iman. A Muslim must have belief and iman in the following:

    1) One must belief in Allah as One God without any partners and without denying His Names and Attributes and without directing any form of worship to any other than Allah.

    2) One must believe in all of Allahs noble angels without doubt and without associating any non-Islamic belief regarding them, such as them being females or human-like.

    3) To be considered a believer, one must have faith in all of Allahs chosen messengers and prophets, named and unnamed without attributing to them any falsehoods or flaws.

    4) One must have faith in the Divine Scriptures, but taking only the Quran as the one true guidance, preserved by Allah for all of eternity and for all of mankind.

    5) One of the most important beliefs, which illustrates the purpose of life, is the belief in the Hereafter without denying any of the events told in the Quran or by the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam).

    6) Finally, one must believe in Divine Preordainment, more commonly known as fate or destiny. One must believe that Allah has knowledge of the future and that everything has been preordained with its due measure.

    When a person accepts the above beliefs with his heart and affirms it with his tongue, he is considered as one who has iman. Iman requires acknowledgement of these beliefs through action. The Quran constantly connects ones iman with ones deeds in the phrase, Innalladhina amanu wa amilussaalihaat, which translates to those who believe and do good deeds. It is the actions a person chooses to do that both increase the iman and act as evidence of ones iman or decreases it and proves the weakness of the iman.
    The Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said, Iman wears out in ones heart just as the clothes (one wears) wears out. Therefore, ask Allah to renew iman in your hearts. Unfortunately, iman will not increase by only making dua and asking Allah to increase it, but it also takes effort from the believer. Allah states:

    Lo! Allah does not change the condition of a people until they (first) change that which is in their hearts. (Surat ar-Rad 13:11)

    There are three main causes for the decrease in ones iman. A persons iman is sure to take a fall when he loses certainty in the above six beliefs. These beliefs when properly settled into the heart play an important role in a believers life. When a person says, performs, or believes something, which is Islamically known as kufr (disbelief), their iman will be effected in a very negative way. And the final reason for the downfall of iman is performing any type of shirk. These three things all lead to sin, which is what prevents the iman from increasing.

    It is a duty of every Muslim to keep his or her iman in check. This means one must constantly guard his or her iman and observe whether it has increased or decreased and for what causes. If it has decreased, one must work to increase it before it falls low enough to destroy the heart. There are many ways to increases ones iman and it involves increasing in righteous deeds and refraining from sins, as well as staying away from sinful activities and people who encourage such activities.

    The first thing one should do is renew his or her faith by reciting La ilaha illallah, the meaning of which is: There is no deity except Allah, as the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) advised. A person must also believe in all the aspects of La ilaha illallah and this is done through gaining knowledge. Knowledge is one of the most essential key factors in increasing ones iman. It leads to certainty in the heart, assurance in the mind, and peace felt by the soul. Allah has said in His Holy Revelation:

    It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah. (Surat al-Malaaikah 35:28)

    An increase in knowledge leads to acknowledging Allah in every moment of ones life through taqwa, which leads to a firm iman. The type of knowledge we are discussing is knowing that Allah is One and has no partners, wives, children, or equals. It is knowing Allah through His beautiful Names and Attributes; that Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that it contains. He is the Preserver, as well as the One Who destroys. He gives life and takes it whenever He wills. His knowledge encompasses all things and nothing can ever be hidden from Him.

    And with Him are the keys of the invisible. None but He knows them. And He knows what is in the land and the sea. Not a leaf falls but He knows it, not a grain amid the darkness of the earth, nor anything wet or dry but (it is noted) in a Clear Record. (Surat al-Anaam 6:59)

    He hears the cries of His servants all at once and is not confused by the countless different number of voices and languages and He is Ever Responding. He is the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Giver of Bounties. He forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills. He is the Just, the Merciful, and does no wrong to His creation. He sees all things. Not a black ant on a black stone on a black moonless night is hidden from His sight. To Him belongs all praise and glory! He is the Most Great, the Incomparable!

    A person who has knowledge of Allah is no way like a person who simply states La ilaha illallah and knows nothing else about its meaning and its impact in the life of a true believer.

    Likewise, a person who has knowledge about Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) and his life, noble characteristics, truthful teachings, and exemplary actions and has faith in what he informed his Ummah concerning the torment and bliss in the grave, the Last Day, the Reckoning, the questioning of ones deeds, the scale, the bridge, the rewards of Paradise, and the torments of Hellfire is unlike the person who has no such knowledge or belief. A person with this knowledge will have a purpose and goal in life, which is to obey Allah to the best of his ability and remind himself of the rewards and punishments he may earn depending upon his iman and his deeds.

    There is no doubt that knowledge plays a big role in increasing the iman of a weak heart and Allah says it beautifully:

    Are those who know, equal to those who know not? (Surat az-Zumar 39:9)

    The second key factor, which affects the iman are ones deeds. They can either decrease the iman and weaken the heart and soul or increase it, as well as strengthening the heart and soul. Once a person gains knowledge about something, he should accept it and put it into practice. If a person accepts the forbidden as forbidden and the permissible as permissible, but refuses to act upon it, thereby disobeying Allah and committing sin, not to mention hurting his own soul, he has suppressed his iman. The basis of iman is to accept and practice.

    By increasing good deeds and obedience, one nears himself to Allah, increases his iman, and purifies himself. He is less likely to fall into his base desires and worldly pleasures, keeping himself safe from the evils of society by strengthening his soul and weakening his nafs.

    A person with low iman should begin by performing the obligatory duties imposed on him, such as performing the five daily prayers at their fixed times and fasting. He should stop committing major sins and eventually begin performing more voluntary and permissible acts of worship and obedience and refrain from minor sins and disliked acts to the best of his ability. When a person refrains from as many sins as possible and does as many good deeds as he can, most importantly his obligatory duties, he weakens Satan against him, which gives him a bigger chance of success. Allah says:

    O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not make your deeds vain. (Surah Muhammad 47:33)

    One should make sure that everything he does will only benefit him both in this world and in the hereafter. There is no point in doing something that will cause hurt to ones soul and add more weight to ones evil deeds. It is very important and beneficial to follow the Sunnah. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) was the best of mankind and Allah chose him to show us our ways. If we follow him, we are sure to succeed in both worlds, Insha Allah. But if we reject his way and follow our own lusts or the way of the kuffar, we will only destroy ourselves. To be sure that ones deeds will increase the iman, one should do only that which Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) have taught and in that way, one can be safe from bidah and misguidance.

    The third key factor to increasing ones iman is remembrance and contemplation. Remembrance refers to the remembrance of Allah, His Names and Attributes, His Greatness, Power, and Majesty, and the fact that He is the Most High. He is the Only One Who deserves to be worshipped, thanked, and depended upon. Allah is the Lord of Kindness and the Most Generous. He should be praised and glorified constantly as a part of remembrance. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said that the most beloved and weighty phrases of dhikr (remembrance) are La ilaha illallah Subhannallah, Alhumdulillah, and Allahu Akbar. There are many others like these, which should also be recited. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said, The difference between a person who glorifies his Lord and the one who does not remember his Lord is like that between the living and the dead. The remembrance of Allah increases iman and brings peace into the heart. There is none more truthful than Allah in speech and so Allah confirms:

    Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! (Surat ar-Rad 13:28)

    Along with praising and glorifying Allah, one should be regular in reciting His
    Holy Speech, the Quran, and ponder upon their meanings and use them as a guide and a healing in ones life.

    And we reveal of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (Surat al-Isra 17:82)

    The Quran contains the Truth about monotheism, Allahs promises of success to the true believers and warnings of punishment to the hypocrites and disbelievers. It contains commandments and prohibitions, inspiring stories of the previous prophets and their nations, and codes of the best conduct and behavior. The words of the Quran bring hope into a persons life. They enlighten the heart and open up a path of righteousness for those searching for the truth.

    Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity. (Surat an-Nisaa 4:82)

    The iman will increase when one connects with Allah through His Holy Revelation and this should lead one to acting upon his Lords Word.

    They only are the (true) believers whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned, and when the revelations of Allah are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord. (Surat Al-Anfaal 8:2)

    Remembering the Hereafter is also a cure for weak iman. When one is one hundred percent certain of the Last Day, Paradise, and Hellfire and feels fear of the mere thought of standing before the All-Powerful Creator and be questioned and judged for each of his thoughts, sayings and deeds, he is bound to think twice before committing an act of disobedience. One should remember the Day of Judgement often, which is repeatedly mentioned in the Quran to remind mankind that he will surely be returned to his Lord.

    When we look at the night, full of bright glittery stars, the shining moon and the sunset, as well as the mountains standing firm and the flowers blooming, we should feel Allahs Power and Majesty and contemplate over His creation. It is absolutely amazing and unimaginable as to how Allah created every single thing in existence and how the universe runs so smoothly by the will and control of its Creator. Contemplating over the creation is another way a person can increase his iman and grow closer to Allah.

    Such as remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! You created not this in vain. Glory be to You! Preserve us from the doom of Fire. (Surah Ali Imran 3:191)

    Abu Hurairah (radiyallahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wa sallam) said, Allah, the All-Mighty says, I treat my slave according to his expectations from Me and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart. If he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a better and more noble gathering (i.e. of the angels). If he comes close to Me by one span, I go towards him a cubits length. If he comes toward Me a cubits length, I go towards him an arms length. And if he walks toward Me, I run toward him.

    One of the most important things a person should be aware of when trying to increase his iman and at all times, is the vastness of Allahs mercy, compassion, and love. One should put hope and trust in Him. Remembrance of Allah is a key factor in increasing the iman, as are increasing ones Islamic knowledge and good deeds. Allah says:

    Then, as for those who have faith and do good deeds, He will pay them fully their rewards and give them more out of His grace and as for those who disdain and are proud, He will punish them with a painful doom. And they shall not find for themselves besides Allah any guardian or helper. (Surat an-Nisaa 4:173)

    In the following verse, Allah emphasizes the importance of iman and doing good deeds along with ones belief:

    There shall be no sin unto those who believe and do good deeds for what they may have eaten (in the past); so be mindful of your duty (to Allah) and do good deeds and again be mindful of your duty and believe and once again, be mindful of your duty and do good deeds. Allah loves the good! (Surat al-Maidah 5:93)

    The life of the dunya is only a test for the creation and one day this test will end. It is the responsibility of each human and jinn to prepare oneself for the final scoring of the test by being mindful of ones duty towards Allah by following the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah and keeping ones iman high. A weak iman will lead one to the Hellfire, while a strong one will lead one to the Gardens of Delight. The reason is because it is the iman that determines the actions of a person. A person with weak or even no iman will commit sin and cause Allah to be displeased, causing him to be thrown into the Hellfire to be punished. But a person with a strong faith will refrain from sins and perform good deeds, which will be the cause of Allahs pleasure and his entrance into Paradise.

    In conclusion, Shaykh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid wrote in his book, Some of our righteous Salaf said, It is a sign of the slaves fiqh (knowledge of the religion) that he concerns himself with enhancing the status of his iman when it experiences a decrease. Also, it is a sign of the slaves fiqh to know if his iman is on the increase or the decrease. Furthermore, it is a sign of ones fiqh that he knows why and where the evil whispers of Satan are coming from.

    Source: http://quranicverse99.tripod.com/islamicways/id5.html
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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    Causes of Increase in Iman

    1. Praying to your Lord, Glorified and Exalted, in secret, supplicating a lot to Him, hoping in His reward, and engaging in much remembrance of Him.

    2. Contemplating His Book, for nothing helps the recovery of the heart except the Book of Allah Mighty and Sublime. There are many youth who busy themselves even with sciences of the Shari`ah at the expense of reciting the Qur'an until their hearts eventually harden. So if this happens with acts of obedience, what about one who occupies his heart with sins?

    3. Regularly performing your obligatory prayers in congregation, for Allah guaranteed the one who guards his obligatory prayers in congregation that he will neither abandon him, nor humiliate him, and that He will guard him in this world and the next.

    4. Regularly performing as-sunan ar-rawatib (acts of Sunnah that were stressed and regularly performed by the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), and doing plenty of them, for whenever you prostrate to Allah with a prostration, He raises your level.

    5. Accompanying and loving the righteous. "The person is with one he loves." [Al-Bukhari] "Do not befriend except a believer, and let no one eat your food except a taqiyy (a pious, God-fearing person)." [Hasan, related by Ahmad, At-Tayalisi, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and others]

    6. Knowing that Allah al-Wahid al-Ahad watches over us, and knowing that He is with you: "Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?" [al-Mulk (67):14]

    Knowing also that He knows what you hide and what you make apparent: "Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? There is no private conversation of three but that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them - and no less than that and no more except that He is with them [in knowledge] wherever they are. Then He will inform them of what they did, on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, of all things, Knowing." [Al-Mujadilah (58):7]

    Our Shortcomings in the World of Iman

    1. Taking oneself to account as the Salaf (Pious precessors) used to do; they used take themselves to account in detail prior to sleep: What did we put forth from good so that we thank Allah? What did we do from evil so that we repent to Allah?

    2. Seeking guidance and advice from the people of knowledge and callers to Allah.

    3. Visiting graves, for it is a means of remembrance of death and the hereafter, and it guides a slave to the Straight Path.

    4. Praying upon Allah in secret and supplicating to Him in the last third of the night.
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    Remembering the Destination of Mankind in the Hereafter – a Cure for Weak Iman

    Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

    Madaarij us-Saalikeen Quoted in "The Weakening of Faith – Its Symptoms, Causes and Cure" of Shaykh M. S. al-Monajjid

    When one’s mind is clear, he will be able to see clearly, thus giving such a person a light in his heart that will allow him to almost witness the Warning and the Promise, Paradise and Hell, and what Allah has prepared in this (Paradise) For His Awliyaa` (loyal friends) and in that (Hell) for His enemies. He will then witness people rushing out of their graves following the call of the Truth (Resurrection). The angels in the heavens will the descend and will surround them (creation). Allah will then come to judge (between creation) and His Kursi (literally a footstool or chair) will be raised. The earth will shine with the Light of its Lord (Allah, when He comes to judge between His creation), the Book (of Records) will be opened and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward. The Mizan (Scale) will then be established, the books of (individual) records will fly around and the foes will converge, each holding to its foe. Al-Houdh (the pool that runs outside the gates of Paradise from a river inside it) will then appear and its cups will appear close by. Thirst will intensify, but those who are allowed to drink are few. Al-Jisr (the bridge over Hell that everyone must pass over into Paradise) will then be laid (over Hell) so that (mankind and the Jinn) can pass over it (as for the disbelievers and those whose sins outweigh their good deeds, they will fall into Hell, where only the disbelievers will reside for eternity). People will then be gathered in its direction. The Fire (Hell) will appear, each part harshly consuming the other parts beneath it. Those who fall into it are far more than those who are saved from it. Then, an eye will be opened in his (the man who is thinking about these scenes) heart with which he will be able to see clearly. His heart will then witness some scenes of the Last Life, along with imagining the various stages of the Last Life which will last for eternity, as compared to this Dunya (the life of this world) and its briefness.
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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    JazakumAllah Khair
    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    Learn Patience from Asiyah, Loyalty from Khadijah, Sincerity from Aisha and Steadfastness from Fatima.

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    Re: 10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

    jazakallah brother, may Allah guide us all inshallah.
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