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Regarding Halal Meat

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Regarding Halal Meat

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    Alot of restaurants and halal meat producers have been investigated here in the UK, to be untrustworthy and not authentically Halal. Some use wrong methods of slaughter, some don't have muslims present to say 'bismillah' etc. So now there is more awareness by muslims over the authenticity of Halal food/meat, due to a huge lack of information and being repeatedly failed by the Halal food industry.

    Now my mum carelessly buys anything that says 'HALAL', thinking that if it wasn't halal the company would get shut down by muslims and there would be outrage, so these are her reasons for assuming its halal. Everyone knows that 'Halal' is one of the most misused words in the food industry. She doesn't take into account any factors such as: where the meat in these frozen samosas is coming from, how the meat was slaughtered, whether muslims were present, how it was handled etc.

    Now what shall I do about food that I doubt, that my mum keeps buying? I'm sick of having arguments with her and she just labels me as 'extreme'. Where I live there are many HMC approved restaurents, meat suppliers, frozen foods, butchers that can be trusted almost without a doubt due their extensive research and monitoring into it. So there is no lack of Genuine Halal food.

    I have kindly explained to her many times, why certain foods can't be trusted.

    So can I refuse to eat food that I doubt that my mum may have cooked/ bought?
    Regarding Halal Meat

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    Regarding Halal Meat

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    kind of urgent brothers and sisters, since I've got dinner later on
    Regarding Halal Meat

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  5. #4
    qassy!'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post

    Alot of restaurants and halal meat producers have been investigated here in the UK, to be untrustworthy and not authentically Halal. Some use wrong methods of slaughter, some don't have muslims present to say 'bismillah' etc. So now there is more awareness by muslims over the authenticity of Halal food/meat, due to a huge lack of information and being repeatedly failed by the Halal food industry.

    Now my mum carelessly buys anything that says 'HALAL', thinking that if it wasn't halal the company would get shut down by muslims and there would be outrage, so these are her reasons for assuming its halal. Everyone knows that 'Halal' is one of the most misused words in the food industry. She doesn't take into account any factors such as: where the meat in these frozen samosas is coming from, how the meat was slaughtered, whether muslims were present, how it was handled etc.

    Now what shall I do about food that I doubt, that my mum keeps buying? I'm sick of having arguments with her and she just labels me as 'extreme'. Where I live there are many HMC approved restaurents, meat suppliers, frozen foods, butchers that can be trusted almost without a doubt due their extensive research and monitoring into it. So there is no lack of Genuine Halal food.

    I have kindly explained to her many times, why certain foods can't be trusted.

    So can I refuse to eat food that I doubt that my mum may have cooked/ bought?
    You know what seriously your mums right. If anything that says "Halal" and you know it will be like the local fried chicken shop its prob Halal. Seriously I buy anything that says Halal. BUt only if it has the signs up n tht. You shouldt worry because your buying the meet knowlingly its Halal. If its not your not going 2 get in the bad books by Allah? But use yoru common sence as well, seriously if you know the guy is messing around dont buy! simple!
    Regarding Halal Meat

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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    If you are told it is halal and you have no proof it is haram, do not try to make it haram.

    From the Noble Qur'an

    You who believe! Do not make haram the good things which Allah has made halal for you, and do not transgress; indeed, Allah does not like the transgressors. And eat of what Allah has provided for you, lawful and good, and fear Allah, in Whom you are believers. (5:87-88)
    Regarding Halal Meat

    Herman 1 - Regarding Halal Meat

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  8. #6
    Dawud_uk's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow View Post
    If you are told it is halal and you have no proof it is haram, do not try to make it haram.

    From the Noble Qur'an

    You who believe! Do not make haram the good things which Allah has made halal for you, and do not transgress; indeed, Allah does not like the transgressors. And eat of what Allah has provided for you, lawful and good, and fear Allah, in Whom you are believers. (5:87-88)
    assalaamu alaykum woodrow,

    it is not that simple, we know that in the uk there are thousands of tonnes of meat being sold as halal which isn't and the halal symbol isn't even protected in law so even if someone sold something as halal and they knew it wasn't then there is no come back on them.

    some of the ulema have gotten together and formed hmc where they certify if the meat is halal or not.

    personally if i was the person asking this question i would kindly tell my mum sorry i cant eat your food anymore as i doubt it is halal due to the problems in the meat market but that he still loves her and respects her but that whether something is halal or not affects spirtual purity as well as the body.

    assalaamu alaykum,
    Abu Abdillah
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  9. #7
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Dawud_uk View Post
    assalaamu alaykum woodrow,

    it is not that simple, we know that in the uk there are thousands of tonnes of meat being sold as halal which isn't and the halal symbol isn't even protected in law so even if someone sold something as halal and they knew it wasn't then there is no come back on them.

    some of the ulema have gotten together and formed hmc where they certify if the meat is halal or not.

    personally if i was the person asking this question i would kindly tell my mum sorry i cant eat your food anymore as i doubt it is halal due to the problems in the meat market but that he still loves her and respects her but that whether something is halal or not affects spirtual purity as well as the body.

    assalaamu alaykum,
    Abu Abdillah

    Good point.

    Here in the USA if something is labeled as Halal, there has to be a reasonable expectation that it is. Of course errors can occur such as a mix up in labeling at the grocery. However, that can be avoided by shopping at markets that are 100% halal and not the super stores.

    Based on what you just said, there is more chance of error if it is called halal.

    In Austin, I asked a Scholar from Saudi a similar question as the poster did. His reply to me was that if you are told it is halal and do not have proof it is not, consider it halal and if it is a lie the sin is upon the lier.
    Regarding Halal Meat

    Herman 1 - Regarding Halal Meat

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  10. #8
    Ali.'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    If the food says 'halal' then atleast you as a Muslim are trying to distinguish between halal and haram foods. Whether the food is truly halal or not, is to be honest beyond you, and beyond any of us unless we are actually there. If the food that says halal is haram, how can you be blamed? You are buying, from your knowledge, halal foods.

    However, if you knew for a fact, i.e. had seen the animals being slaughtered wrongly, then you know not to eat it, and you have the knowledge that it is wrong.

    Allahu a'lim.
    Regarding Halal Meat

    Should I seek a source of law other than God, when it is He Who has sent down unto you the Book (Qur'an) fully explained? And those whom We have given them the Book know that it has been sent down from the Lord with truth, so be not of those in doubt.

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    This if for all the brothers who carelessly give such advice without knowing the importance of eating halal, and how it is our responsibilty to make sure we do

    from HMC http://www.halalmc.co.uk/

    Consuming Halal is an order of Allah and an essential part of the Islamic faith. Allah has repeatedly emphasised the consumption of Halal in His book. The following are some examples of such verses:
    “O Messengers, eat from the pure foods and work righteousness”
    (Holy Quran 23:51)

    “O you who have believed, eat from the pure things which we have provided you” (Holy Quran 2:172)

    “O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth (that is) lawful and pure”
    (Holy Quran 2:168)

    “So eat of that (meat) upon which Allah's name has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses” (Holy Quran 6:118)

    “And do not eat that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed it is a grave disobedience”. (Holy Quran 6:121)
    By being careless about the dietary laws of Islam a believer puts himself in harms way both in this world and the world hereafter. In this world, due to in taking such a product he deprives himself from having any of his good deeds and duas accepted by his creator while in the hereafter he suffers the greatest loss ever imaginable i.e. refusal from being admitted to Paradise . All this is confirmed in the following traditions:

    Abu Hurairah RA related,” Allah's Messenger PBUH said: Verily Allah is pure and He accepts only what is pure and indeed Allah has given those orders to the believers, which he has given to the Messengers. He has said, “O Messenger, eat from the pure foods and work righteous”. He -also- has said: “O you who have believed, eat from the pure things which we have provided you.” Then (the Prophet PBUH) made mention of a man who undergoes a lengthy journey in a state that he is dishevelled and dusty. He spreads his hands towards the sky (calling), “O my lord, O my lord”, however his food is Haram, his drink is Haram, his clothes are Haram and he has been nourished with Haram! So how will his call be answered?” (Muslim)
    S'ad RA relates: Allah's messenger PBUH said “O S'ad purify your food (and as a result) you will become one who's supplications are accepted. I swear by He in whose hands the soul of Muhammad PBUH lies, verily a servant (of Allah) tosses a Haram morsel in his stomach (due to which) no deed is accepted from him for 40 days” (Tabarani)
    Abu Baker RA narrated that Allah's Messenger PBUH said “That body will not enter Paradise which has been nourished with Haram” (Baihaqi)
    Ka`b Ibn Ujrah relates that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said, “a body nourished with Haram will not enter Jannah”. (Tirmidhi)
    Jabir RA reported, Allah's Messenger PBUH said, “That flesh will not enter Paradise which has grown from Haram, and all that flesh which has grown from Haram, the fire (of hell) is more worthy of it.” (Ahmed, Darimi, Baihaqi)
    Abu Hurayrah (RA) reports that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said, “a time will come upon the people wherein a man will not bother what he intakes; whether from Halal source or Haram.” (Bukhari)
    In our times, it becomes even more important to ensure the meat and poultry consumed is genuinely Halal due to the execessive deceit, cheat and false labelling of Halal in the industry.

    Regarding Halal Meat

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    aadil77's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    assalaamu alaykum woodrow,

    it is not that simple, we know that in the uk there are thousands of tonnes of meat being sold as halal which isn't and the halal symbol isn't even protected in law so even if someone sold something as halal and they knew it wasn't then there is no come back on them.

    some of the ulema have gotten together and formed hmc where they certify if the meat is halal or not.

    personally if i was the person asking this question i would kindly tell my mum sorry i cant eat your food anymore as i doubt it is halal due to the problems in the meat market but that he still loves her and respects her but that whether something is halal or not affects spirtual purity as well as the body.

    assalaamu alaykum,
    Abu Abdillah
    Regarding Halal Meat

    33 43 1 - Regarding Halal Meat
    He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. [Quran {33:43}]
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  14. #11
    ~Taalibah~'s Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Regarding Halal Meat

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post

    Alot of restaurants and halal meat producers have been investigated here in the UK, to be untrustworthy and not authentically Halal. Some use wrong methods of slaughter, some don't have muslims present to say 'bismillah' etc. So now there is more awareness by muslims over the authenticity of Halal food/meat, due to a huge lack of information and being repeatedly failed by the Halal food industry.

    Now my mum carelessly buys anything that says 'HALAL', thinking that if it wasn't halal the company would get shut down by muslims and there would be outrage, so these are her reasons for assuming its halal. Everyone knows that 'Halal' is one of the most misused words in the food industry. She doesn't take into account any factors such as: where the meat in these frozen samosas is coming from, how the meat was slaughtered, whether muslims were present, how it was handled etc.

    Now what shall I do about food that I doubt, that my mum keeps buying? I'm sick of having arguments with her and she just labels me as 'extreme'. Where I live there are many HMC approved restaurents, meat suppliers, frozen foods, butchers that can be trusted almost without a doubt due their extensive research and monitoring into it. So there is no lack of Genuine Halal food.

    I have kindly explained to her many times, why certain foods can't be trusted.

    So can I refuse to eat food that I doubt that my mum may have cooked/ bought?
    If you are doubtful of the meat, you can.
    This is happening here in SA the moment (the halaal label mislead) And its really sad.
    Regarding Halal Meat

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