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busy mind, needs to rest up

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    dovelove's Avatar Full Member
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    busy mind, needs to rest up

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    hi, brothers and sisters, hope ur all good and if your not try not worry urself inshAllah things will be ok, i been doin this positive word thingy its fun, so im fantatsic today well really i am not too bad just off wonderful, but now seriously i got some serious issues here and i really cud do with some friendly advice and support in my life from the dear islamic family.

    so many things go about in my head and im not looking to get scowled at and im grown and do not appreciate bein spoken to like im in preskool, so i write it here and u can scowl at ur pc if u like, bounce ur fingers off ur keyboard or reply in a condesending tone, or simply ignore the post.

    is wrong for me to love, people who are non muslim and non family?

    cos i been chosen by Allah to be muslim, does this mean if i do bad things i am wrongdoer and disobedient?

    if im sorry to do bad things how come i do wrong things again?

    if im a believer there is no God but Allah, he has no partners and nothing worth worshiping but Allah, do this mean i will go to paradise?

    if i know about shirk and know its bad is it wrong of me to listen to anything pronoucing partners? (given i know its not true and the people just confused)

    if i think someone does not understand the truth about Allah being the one and only God is it wrong for me to be close friend if they r another faith?

    if i had no choice but to only be with people of other faiths, i mean non muslims, does this make me not one of the muslims and one of them?

    also i am kinda unsure y i should not listen to music, if it has clean lyrics and is not heavy metal, cos was sent an email to a site for muslim music and some of the music has instrument in it, then i found myself in problem.

    i always feel guilty, thinkin im failing the test of life, i dont think this is how i meant to feel, is this cos im bad muslim??

    aw thanks for reading my post and i hope u hav fabulous weeks ahead
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    ahmed_indian's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: busy mind, needs to rest up

    ur questions are not stupid. its good alhamdulillah that you want to become beloved of Allah. keep it up!

    here are your answers:

    is wrong for me to love, people who are non muslim and non family?
    Ans: how can a muslim love someone who dont beleive in Allah and His prophet. but you can treat them with kindness.

    cos i been chosen by Allah to be muslim, does this mean if i do bad things i am wrongdoer and disobedient?
    Ans: any bad deed (no matter who does) is wrong.

    if im sorry to do bad things how come i do wrong things again?
    Ans: maybe you are weak against lower-self, desires.

    if im a believer there is no God but Allah, he has no partners and nothing worth worshiping but Allah, do this mean i will go to paradise?
    Ans: inshallah yes. but if there are bad deeds which were not forgiven by Allah, maybe one has to stay in Hell for some time before going to Paradise.

    if i know about shirk and know its bad is it wrong of me to listen to anything pronoucing partners? (given i know its not true and the people just confused)
    Ans: it is not wrong if you'll clear their beliefs and it's not affecting ur faith.

    if i think someone does not understand the truth about Allah being the one and only God is it wrong for me to be close friend if they r another faith?
    Ans: muslims are close friends to muslims. you can have good relations with them. joining with non-muslims too much can affect ur faith.

    if i had no choice but to only be with people of other faiths, i mean non muslims, does this make me not one of the muslims and one of them?
    Ans: no, u'll still remain a muslim. alhamdulillah.

    also i am kinda unsure y i should not listen to music, if it has clean lyrics and is not heavy metal, cos was sent an email to a site for muslim music and some of the music has instrument in it, then i found myself in problem.
    Ans: music takes us to unreal world, into desires, makes our faith weak.

    i always feel guilty, thinkin im failing the test of life, i dont think this is how i meant to feel, is this cos im bad muslim??
    Ans: feeling guilty is a good sign of faith

    make dua to Allah for strong faith, do good deeds and try to be with good muslims. may Allah bless u in both worlds.
    Last edited by ahmed_indian; 12-20-2009 at 01:02 PM.
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  4. #3
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Arrow Re: busy mind, needs to rest up

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post

    hi, brothers and sisters, hope ur all good and if your not try not worry urself inshAllah things will be ok, i been doin this positive word thingy its fun, so im fantatsic today well really i am not too bad just off wonderful, but now seriously i got some serious issues here and i really cud do with some friendly advice and support in my life from the dear islamic family.

    so many things go about in my head and im not looking to get scowled at and im grown and do not appreciate bein spoken to like im in preskool, so i write it here and u can scowl at ur pc if u like, bounce ur fingers off ur keyboard or reply in a condesending tone, or simply ignore the post.

    is wrong for me to love, people who are non muslim and non family?
    Islam urges all Muslims to deal kindly and justly with all people. Muslims should have good relations with all people. At school, at work, in your neighborhood, etc., you should be kind and courteous to everyone. Muslims are allowed to have non-Muslims as friends as long as they keep their own faith and commitment to Islam pure and strong.

    But it is better not to spend too much time with them because you are who your friends are and you would inevitabley get influenced by them whether you like it or not. But if you have the intention of wanting to tell the non Muslim about Islam so that they may eventually enter into Islam then it is fine for you to be-friend a non Muslim otherwise treat them the best and show them the beauty of Islam but it is far better for you to be-friend pious and good people of your own gender and remember it is forbidden to be-friend the opposite gender. Pious friends will have a much better effect on you and would naturally encourage you towards goodness and the right path. If you come across Muslims who are not practising and indulge in sin then you should not spend any time with them but give them dawah whenever you can and make much dua for them.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    cos i been chosen by Allah to be muslim, does this mean if i do bad things i am wrongdoer and disobedient?

    if im sorry to do bad things how come i do wrong things again?
    The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "Every son of Adam is a sinner, and the best of sinners are those who repent."

    Allah Most High created us and He knows our natures. He knows that we are weak and prone to error and sin. He knows that we are faced with temptations everyday of our lives.

    Yet, He is the Most Merciful and the Most Clement. In the words of Allah the Most High, "Say: 'O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped." (Az-Zumar, 39:53-54)

    Allah's mercy, compassion and forgiveness are all encompassing and his mercy is one of his most important and significant qualities of the almighty in the Qur’an, as well as in the saying and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).

    In a Hadith Qudsi Allah states: "My mercy prevails over My wrath."

    The Prophet also once said:

    Allah, the Almighty, says: Whosoever does a good deed, will have (reward) ten times like it and I add more; and whosoever does an evil, will have the punishment like it or I will forgive (him); and whosoever approaches Me by one span, I will approach him by one cubit; and whosoever approaches Me by one cubit, I approach him by one fathom, and whosoever comes to Me walking, I go to him running; and whosoever meets Me with an earth-load of sins without associating anything with Me, I meet him with forgiveness like that. (Sahih Muslim)

    Approximately 113 chapters of the Holy Qur’an begin with: "In the name of Allah the Most-Compassionate; the Most-Merciful".

    This is a constant reminder to all who read the Qur’an of the great mercy, compassion and forgiveness of almighty Allah. So do not despair my sister for whatever wrongs we have done if we repent sincerely with the intention to NEVER commit it again then Allah will forgive us.

    Allah Most High gives us countless opportunities to repent. We must avail ourselves before it is too late. Alhamdulillah, you're fully aware of this fact. So why not do something good for your heart and your soul and turn to Allah in true repentance? None of us knows when we will be called back to our Creator. So don't let another minute pass.

    Alhamdulillah, you have the gift of youth. So take advantage of it. According to a saying of the Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him peace, "Take advantage of five things before five others occur. Your youth before you grow old; your health before you become sick, your wealth before you become poor, your leisure before you become busy, and your life before you die."

    A lot of people put off repentance until they are very old or very sick. But no time is better than the present. Every second of your youth is going by and being wasted, will you ever get this precious time back?

    We should be truly repentant for our sins. True repentance is repentance that brings you closer to your Lord and further from the sin. True repentance means that you sincerely and diligently take the means to move away from this sin. You get to the point where even the idea of committing this sin is loathsome. That's what you should strive for. So we should constantly ask for forgiveness every single day.

    My Sister if we don’t keep consistent with our deen then our imaan (faith) will decrease and we will be far from Allah and our deen. So we must repent to Allah as much as we can and do as many good deeds as we can and remember Allah in our hearts no matter what we do throughout the day and night.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    if im a believer there is no God but Allah, he has no partners and nothing worth worshiping but Allah, do this mean i will go to paradise?
    If you abide by all of the commandments of Allah and protect your tongue, don't ascribe any partners to Allah, don't wrong anyone and fulfill the rights of others especially your parents, family and partner in the future, don't slander, backbite, gossip about others, be the best towards others and repent constantly all of the time for Allah's mercy and forgiveness then there is no reason why you should not gain Jannah by the mercy of Allah and remember we can ONLY gain Jannah by the mercy of Allah so ask of him and please him as much as you can and when you commit sin or disobey him then repent sincerely with the intention of never repeating it again.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    if i know about shirk and know its bad is it wrong of me to listen to anything pronoucing partners? (given i know its not true and the people just confused)
    You can't stop others from saying what they like but you can give them dawah in a gentle manner using wisdom and tact. We can only inform others but Allah is the ONLY one who can guide anyone.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    if i think someone does not understand the truth about Allah being the one and only God is it wrong for me to be close friend if they r another faith?
    As mentioned above you can only inform and it is upto Allah to guide but give dawah in a beautiful and gentle manner so that the person sees the beauty of Islam. Don't try to disaprove their religion because that never works but prove to them the truth of Islam. You can continue to be friends with them but as mentioned above don't hang around with them too much as in not all the time but sometimes and try to make them see the truth and make dua for them that Allah unseal their heart and guide them towards Islam.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    if i had no choice but to only be with people of other faiths, i mean non muslims, does this make me not one of the muslims and one of them?
    Of course it does'nt make you one of them but if you constantly surround yourself with Non Muslims then you will definatley get influenced by their thinking, ideas, thoughts and behaviours and you will eventually start to think and behave like they would. That is why you should surround yourself with good and pious Muslims of the same gender so that you can be encouraged to do good and get influenced positively rather than get influenced negatively by non Muslim friends who's values and morals are not necessarily the same as the morals and values which should be held by Muslims. So never surround yourself only with non Muslims and as mentioned above only spend time with them sometimes for the purpose of giving dawah and initing them towards Islam.

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    also i am kinda unsure y i should not listen to music, if it has clean lyrics and is not heavy metal, cos was sent an email to a site for muslim music and some of the music has instrument in it, then i found myself in problem.
    Allah says in the Qur'an: Are you astonished at this recitation (the Quran)? And you laugh and do not cry, (Wasting your time) in vanities (music). So fall in prostration to Allah and worship him (An Najm 59-62)

    Music plays a great role in stimulating one’s emotions, lusts and passions and also leads to various physiological disorders. This is a proven concept in psychology. Our pious predecessors also understood this well….

    Yazeed bin Waleed An Naqidh (rahimahullah) has advised: “Oh Bani Ummayah, save yourselves from music, as it would decrease your modesty, increases your lust and demolish your morality. It would create within you the fondness of wine and it will lead you to do what a drunken person does. If (as a last resort) you really have to listen to music then, at least save your womenfolk from it for verily music leads to fornication.” (Narrated by Ibn Abi ad Dunya in dham al malahi and Al Bayhaqi in Shuab al Iman)

    According to hadith:

    Abû `Amir (or Abû Mâlik) al-Ash`arî (radiyallâhu ‘anhu) mentions that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

    ((Indeed, there will be in my Ummah such people who will regard as permissible for themselves fornication, silk, wine and musical instruments…..)) (Bukhari)

    Nabi (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam) has said: ((Indeed, people will change the name of wine to consume it and play with musical instruments, Allah will cause the earth to swallow them and change them into monkeys and swines)) (Narrated by Ibn Majah in his sunan, Ibn Hibbaan in his saheeh, Al Bukhari in Jami al Kabeer, Al Bayhaqi in his Sunan, Al Aadaab and Shuab al Iman, Ibn Abi Shaybah in his Mussannaf, At Tabrani in Al Mujam al Kabeer and Musnad ash Shamiyeen, Al Baghwi, Ibn A’rabi etc)

    ‘Imrân ibn Husayn (radiyallâhu ‘anhu) narrates that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

    ((In this Ummah there will be [people who will be] sunk into the earth, deformed, and upon whom stones will rain from heaven.))

    When the Sahâbî enquired as to when will that be, Rasûlullâh sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam replied:

    ((When singing girls and instruments of music will appear (become prevalent), and wine will be drunk.)) (Narrated by Tirmidhi, Ad Dani, Ibn Abi ad Dunya, Ruyani and others. This hadith is narrated with numerous chains)

    Anas bin Malik (radiyallâhu ‘anhu) mentions that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said:

    ((Two voices are cursed in this world and the hereafter; Music at the time of happiness and wailing at the time of calamity)) (Narrated by Al Bazzar, Adh Dhiyaa al Maqdisi, Ibn Murduyah, Al Bayhaqi, Abu Nuaim and others. Allama Haythami and Allamah Mundhiri both said: “The narrators are reliable” i.e. this hadith is authentic)

    Abu Muawiyyah (radiyallâhu ‘anhu) narrates that Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said:

    ((Verily Allah azza wa jall has sent me with guidance and as a mercy to mankind and (inspite of this) he ordered me to obliterate musical instruments, idols, the cross and things of ignorance)) (Narrated by At Tayalisi, Ahmad, At Tabrani in Mujam al Kabeer, Ibn Abdul Barr, Hassan Bin Sufyaan, Ibn Munda, Abu Nuaim, Ar Ruyani, Al Harith, Al Ashyab, Al Haythami, Al Ajuri, Ibn An Najjjar, Ibn Adi and others. This hadith is hasan li ghairihi (good because of a few corroborating chains)

    Therefore: (1) The impermissibility of music has been established from Quran and Ahadith.

    (2) This is the verdict given by the most senior Scholars of all four madhabs. The Scholars of those who don’t follow a madhab have given the same ruling. Thus, it has become the official ruling of the vast majority of the Ummah.

    (3) In addition to the numerous spiritual harms, music is also dangerous for ones psychology, health and worldly life.

    (4) Due to the great amount of Ulama who passed the verdict of disbelief on a person who regards music as permissible, many senior Ulama thought there was total consensus on this issue.

    (5) To adopt singing as ones profession or means of income e.g selling music cassettes etc is totally forbidden

    So there is the evidance against Music according to the Qur'an, hadith, salaf and the four schools of the Mujtahid Imams, then will we still not abstain from it?

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    i always feel guilty, thinkin im failing the test of life, i dont think this is how i meant to feel, is this cos im bad muslim??
    It is good to feel guilty over our sins but at times shaythan may also mess around with our heads and try to confuse us and slow our progress. We must abide by all the commandments of Allah, protect our tongues and be the best towards others and fulfill their rights particularly our parents, family and neighbours and make the best use of every second doing as much as we caa to please Allah and repent for our sins.

    Make the best of your youth as this time is so precious and we will be questined for how we spent our youth. Learn as much as you can about Islam, I would recommend that you join Islamic classes and make the best of your fresh mind as it is easier to learn when younger than when older.

    Waste not a second more in remembering Allah as much as you can and glorifying him in doing dhikrullah and reciting the Qur'an with its meanings and acting upon what you learn.

    Give dawah as much as you can to the same gender and invite them towards Islam. Most of all turn to Allah as often as you can in dua and ask of him and repent to him.

    Have FULL hope, trust, faith and reliance in him and you would never feel let down and when you are tested then know that Allah tests those he wants closest to him and when he wants good for a person then he tests them. When you are tested then be patient for the pleasure of Allah as Allah is with those who are patient and the reward for patience is Jannah!

    format_quote Originally Posted by dovelove View Post
    aw thanks for reading my post and i hope u hav fabulous weeks ahead
    Your dua's will suffice. I also have these very beneficial links for you to make the best use of:

    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)


    Signs of Weak Iman and How to Increase It


    Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!


    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

    http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

    My Daily Ibadah(worship) check


    Overcoming tests from Allah


    25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety VERY GOOD THREAD


    The translation of salat (namaz)- learn what your reading in namaz


    Overcoming laziness and Procrastination


    Advice from a sister on hijaab


    The Role of Women in Islamic Society-Very good article by revert sister


    Hijaab and the Freedom of Women


    Very Inspiring Experiences Of Recently Converted Woman




    The Best Role Models for All Muslim Women


    [ Every Thing ] About .. " Woman Rights in Islam " ..


    A party in Paradise, A party in Hellfire


    The Ultimate Motivation for Muslims


    The State of the People of Paradise in this World


    Major Signs before the Day of Judgement


    Signs before the Day of Judgement


    The Life of this World and the Hereafter


    Beautiful Description of Paradise in Islam


    Practising az-Zuhd in the Dunya


    Everything about Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)


    For those wanting to look more into Islam

    busy mind, needs to rest up

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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    Re: busy mind, needs to rest up

    Alhamdulliah, fantastic, jazakallahukhairen

    inshallah 2day i will try harder and inshallah be better
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