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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    I am having doubts about Islam. Every year these doubts grow stronger and I sometimes think of leaving Islam. I studied about Islam in detail, matters relating to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, apostasy, women leadership and I can go on. Stoning sounds like such a horrific punishment, I feel it is too extreme. I feel like a hypocrite when defending the punishments and restrictions prescribed because deep down I find it hard to accept them. I like some parts of Islam but not everything.

    I studied the history of Islam and it is a beautiful religion, I hope Muslims here will not get the impression that I have a deep inner hatred towards my religion because that is not the case. I respect Prophet Peace Be Upon Him deeply.

    As a Muslim you are to accept everything and cannot pick and choose the parts you like. I can leave but at the same I don't want to. I want to be Muslim but I cannot choose the parts I like, I need to accept everything. I don't to feel like a hypocrite either.

    How can Muslim actually come to agree with the punishment prescribed for those offences? Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone. I cannot sit and watch some of these punishments take place because I would not be able to cope with it. How can other Muslims accept these types of punishments? Can anyone truthfully sit down and watch these punishments take place, those homosexuals were harming no one. I understand Islam values privacy and you would require 4 witnesses but I dunno...

    I'm confused and I feel like I'm trapped. I don't want to leave Islam but I'm finding it extremely difficult to accept punishments. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I am not sure why I am even bothered, it does not make any sense...I could leave but I don't and yet I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sorry for the rant, I had to get that off my chest. What would you suggest I do because I don't know anymore...

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Doubts

    Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone.

    Name of Questioner
    Ahmad - United Kingdom
    Death Fall as Punishment for Homosexuality
    Respected scholars of Islam, As-Salamu `Alaykum wa Rahamtu Allah wa Barakatuh. I have read in a newspaper that an Iranian man who was convicted of raping and killing his 16-year-old nephew is to be executed by being thrown off a cliff in sack; and if the man survives the fall down a rocky precipice, he will be hanged. What is your comment on this issue?
    Sexual perversity


    Wa`alykum As-Salaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear brother in Islam, we do really appreciate your question, which shows how far you are interested in getting yourself well-aquatinted with Islam and its teachings. May Allah bless your efforts in the pursuit of knowledge!

    First of all, it should be clear that this man committed two heinous crimes: 1) homosexuality, and 2) murder. Each crime is sufficient to warrant death penalty. In addition, this man has severed ties of kinship by seducing and killing his nephew.

    The Glorious Qur’an is explicit in deciding the Hadd (legal penalty) for the crime of murder, when saying: “O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: …” (Al-Baqarah: 178)

    Homosexuality, moreover, is an abomination and a grave sin. In Hadith, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, clarifies the gravity of this abomination by saying: “Allah curses the one who does the actions (homosexual practices) of the people of Lut” repeating it three times; and he said in another Hadith: “If a man comes upon a man then they are both adulterers.” Here, he considered homosexuality tantamount to adultery in relation to the Shari’ah punishments because it is an abomination on the one hand and the definition of adultery applies to it on the other hand.

    However, death fall is not the sole penalty agreed upon by the Muslim Jurists as a punishment for this crime. The punishment here is controversial due to divergence of views among `Ulama in deducting ruling as regards this case from Shari`ah sources.

    Focusing more on the question in point, the eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh `Abdel Khaliq Hasan Ash-Shareef, states:

    “As regards this case (if genuine), this man committed two heinous crimes, which deserve severe punishment. He is a murderer and homosexual. Besides, he severed ties of kinship by doing such grave sins.

    Death penalty (Qisas) is well established by the Qur’an in more than one verse. Allah, Most High, says: “O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: …” (Al-Baqarah: 178)

    As to the issue of how the homosexual person is judged in an Islamic State, the Companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him differed among themselves on this issue, and this led to different views maintained by Muslim Jurists. For example, in the Hanafi school of thought, the homosexual is punished through harsh beating, and if he/she repeats the act, death penalty is to be applied. As for the Shafi`i school of thought, the homosexual receives the same punishment of adultery (if he/she is married) or fornication (if not married). This means, that if the homosexual is married, he/she is stoned to death, while if single, he/she is whipped 100 times. Hence, the Shafi`i compares the punishment applied in the case of homosexuality with that of adultery and fornication, while the Hanafi differentiates between the two acts because in homosexuality, the anus (a place of impurity) may also be involved while in adultery (and fornication), the penis/vagina (which are reproductive parts) are involved. Some scholars hold the opinion that the homosexual should be thrown from a high building as a punishment for his crime, but other scholars maintain that he should be imprisoned until death.

    Based on the above fact, we can conclude that, the judge is invested with full discretion as to whether this man is to be thrown from a high place or not, as a punishment for his crime. However, if the man survives death fall, the judge has the right to sentence him to death.”
    Read more here...


    Bangully: I also agree with you. If we are being rewarded for the good in heaven, then we should also be punished for the bad in Hell but I dont think muslims should punish other muslims. Its not fair. No human is superior to another to punish another human being. I personally dont believe in Heaven/Hell but I do believe in an afterlife.
    This is a serious question; would you hold the same view if your sister/ mother/daughter was raped, or someone you loved was murdered?

    If you don't believe in Heaven/Hell you have disbelieved in al-Quran and Allah's Word. This takes you out of the folds of Islam.
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    Re: Doubts

    If you have firm conviction that Islam is real, which I believe you do based on what you've said, then ANYTHING that makes you question Islam is to be regarded as waswas (shaytanic whispers) and you should seek refuge in Allah from shaytan. That is not an illogical approach at all, because Allah has said the shaytan is an open enemy to you and if you believe Allah is real and then you must also believe that shaytan is too and know that he will do anything to destroy your belief.

    So we submit to Allah's rule, if we believe he exists. It is that simple. We don't impose our own thoughts on what is correct and what is not.

    Ethics and morality is all relative. If we lived at the time of the Prophet SAW, we wouldn't even think twice whether these punishments were barbaric or not. Yet now we live in a supposedly 'enlightened' time that we feel we can judge Islamic law based on man-made attitudes of what constitutes right and wrong. Why?

    It is not logical for a person who believes Allah is real to judge Allah's laws based on mad-made ones. Everything should be judged in light of Islam. Absolute morality belongs to Allah and Allah is most just.


    There's also these dua that have been mentioned for doubts. I advise you read it sincerely from your heart:

    037126 1 - Doubts

    • He should seek refuge in Allaah
    • He should renounce that which is causing such doubt.
    • He should say:
      ‘I have believed in Allaah and His Messengers.’

    break 1 - Doubts

    037127 1 - Doubts

    He should also recite the following verse:
    ‘He is The First and The Last, Ath-Thaahir and Al-Baatin and He knows well all things.’

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    Getoffmyback's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    I am having doubts about Islam. Every year these doubts grow stronger and I sometimes think of leaving Islam. I studied about Islam in detail, matters relating to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, apostasy, women leadership and I can go on. Stoning sounds like such a horrific punishment, I feel it is too extreme. I feel like a hypocrite when defending the punishments and restrictions prescribed because deep down I find it hard to accept them. I like some parts of Islam but not everything.

    I studied the history of Islam and it is a beautiful religion, I hope Muslims here will not get the impression that I have a deep inner hatred towards my religion because that is not the case. I respect Prophet Peace Be Upon Him deeply.

    As a Muslim you are to accept everything and cannot pick and choose the parts you like. I can leave but at the same I don't want to. I want to be Muslim but I cannot choose the parts I like, I need to accept everything. I don't to feel like a hypocrite either.

    How can Muslim actually come to agree with the punishment prescribed for those offences? Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone. I cannot sit and watch some of these punishments take place because I would not be able to cope with it. How can other Muslims accept these types of punishments? Can anyone truthfully sit down and watch these punishments take place, those homosexuals were harming no one. I understand Islam values privacy and you would require 4 witnesses but I dunno...

    I'm confused and I feel like I'm trapped. I don't want to leave Islam but I'm finding it extremely difficult to accept punishments. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I am not sure why I am even bothered, it does not make any sense...I could leave but I don't and yet I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sorry for the rant, I had to get that off my chest. What would you suggest I do because I don't know anymore...

    man you are not trapped ....islam is a religion,,religion is a matter of faith...leaving a religion will be caused by lack of belief....and i'm with you that a bad experience will lubricate the lack of faith.
    but i wonder how do the african american feel towards lynnching them....there is bad everywhere.

    me too i have lack of faith..but i hope i will regaind my trust and my love to my religion...and for sure i never ever will become an "atheist"...the word and idea is so vulgar to me.

    a month ago i started reading about the history of islam "the golden ages" wow i was impressed...i thought islam was "only by the sowrd " but it turned out its "tolerence".
    just hope the good for the future.take care.
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    Muslim Woman's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    .. Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. ....
    never heard of such punishment. I heard of death penalty if they refuse to repent .

    They were not harming anyone....
    yes , they are . They are rebelling against God Almighty and encouraging others to do so . If society does not punish the sinners , then sin will be wide spreaded and there will be unrest in the society.

    Moreover , u should feel sorry to think what punishment they will get on the final day rather than what they get now. Any punishment is temporary here but some/many sinners will get severe punish for ever in hereafter.

    So , don't shed all tears for them here , reserve some ...they will need it badly later unless God guides them.

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    Re: Doubts

    How are you going to punish homosexuals while they have rights in many other countrie?
    A little bit of freedom? No?
    Scholasticism is declining the image.
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    CosmicPathos's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback View Post
    How are you going to punish homosexuals while they have rights in many other countrie?
    A little bit of freedom? No?
    Scholasticism is declining the image.
    What do you mean? If other countries have rights, does it mean we follow those countries too? Are you suggesting me to betray my Prophet?

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    How can Muslim actually come to agree with the punishment prescribed for those offences? Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone. I cannot sit and watch some of these punishments take place because I would not be able to cope with it. How can other Muslims accept these types of punishments? Can anyone truthfully sit down and watch these punishments take place, those homosexuals were harming no one. I understand Islam values privacy and you would require 4 witnesses but I dunno...

    I'm confused and I feel like I'm trapped. I don't want to leave Islam but I'm finding it extremely difficult to accept punishments. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I am not sure why I am even bothered, it does not make any sense...I could leave but I don't and yet I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sorry for the rant, I had to get that off my chest. What would you suggest I do because I don't know anymore...
    In the Quran, Allah warns, warns, and warns. You say how can Muslims accept these types of punishments?? How can a MUSLIM accept committing a sin (sinning publicly none the less) in front of Allah, the two angels on each of his shoulders recording his sins, and a second/third party, with no shame when he knows what he's doing is wrong? Furthermore, how can a MUSLIM reject the only way for its expiation? This world's worth has amounted to nothing due to the actions of people who choose to continue their sins.

    Adultery doesn't ruin the life of one individual, it ruins FAMILIES and it ruins the purity of a people and their innocence. And the act of homosexuality is forbidden because essentially its unlawful. Allah is most merciful and most wise. If He doesn't give us a reason for why we shouldn't commit something, then He gives us a warning and we must take heed of it. A Muslim submits..his whole body submits, down to every last action...it's not just a "believe in your heart" religion; Your heart submits, and your body submits. If you do something wrong then there's an expiation for it in dunyaa so that you won't have to suffer from Allah's punishment in the afterlife which is far more severe.

    The prophet pbuh taught us to be moderate in our religion. We aren't told never to get married or to never get divorced, and in contrast we aren't told to commit adultery or fornication, but rather subhanallah, we are told to lower our gaze, remain chaste, get married young if we are able, and to treat our spouses with utmost respect. If it doesn't work out, we don't go out and commit adultery, we try to work it out as much as possible..and if still that has no effect, we get divorced and remarried if we wanted. So just as Allah has given us punishments and drew us lines which we shouldn't cross..He has also given us examples on how to live in the most content and beautiful of ways.

    You can't make the punishments of Islam seem to be a flaw, especially when every Muslim should know his mere existence is a mercy from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    I am having doubts about Islam. Every year these doubts grow stronger and I sometimes think of leaving Islam. I studied about Islam in detail, matters relating to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, apostasy, women leadership and I can go on. Stoning sounds like such a horrific punishment, I feel it is too extreme. I feel like a hypocrite when defending the punishments and restrictions prescribed because deep down I find it hard to accept them. I like some parts of Islam but not everything.

    I studied the history of Islam and it is a beautiful religion, I hope Muslims here will not get the impression that I have a deep inner hatred towards my religion because that is not the case. I respect Prophet Peace Be Upon Him deeply.

    As a Muslim you are to accept everything and cannot pick and choose the parts you like. I can leave but at the same I don't want to. I want to be Muslim but I cannot choose the parts I like, I need to accept everything. I don't to feel like a hypocrite either.

    How can Muslim actually come to agree with the punishment prescribed for those offences? Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone. I cannot sit and watch some of these punishments take place because I would not be able to cope with it. How can other Muslims accept these types of punishments? Can anyone truthfully sit down and watch these punishments take place, those homosexuals were harming no one. I understand Islam values privacy and you would require 4 witnesses but I dunno...

    I'm confused and I feel like I'm trapped. I don't want to leave Islam but I'm finding it extremely difficult to accept punishments. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I am not sure why I am even bothered, it does not make any sense...I could leave but I don't and yet I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sorry for the rant, I had to get that off my chest. What would you suggest I do because I don't know anymore...
    Sorry to say but it does not seem that this is an intellectual doubt. More of an emotional doubt?

    I think there is a narration in which a homosexual man was thrown off a cliff by the companions. I dont mind capital punishment in Islam cuz Allah made them obligatory. Not only that, nature kills us all, I dont doubt nature's existence. If Islam allows homosexuals to be killed, why should I doubt Islam?

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    Re: Doubts

    Oh I should have made myself clear, I do view homosexuality, fornication and adultery as a sin. I just think the punishment is harsh. I do agree to some extent they can harm relationships. The odd thing is I find the concept of hell and forever punishment very easy to accept and they are supposed to be worse. I don't get it.

    @ Alpha Dude

    Probably it could be whispers, I used to get them a lot when I was a kid, however I'm not sure if that was me or my brain. I used to get whispers or voices saying not to believe in Allah. I got scared when I was close to accepting those whispers, now however as years went by that is not the case. I am not scared anymore.

    Thanks for the dua, I hope something good comes out of it.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Getoffmyback View Post
    How are you going to punish homosexuals while they have rights in many other countrie?
    No but I am supposed to support it. I am supposed to accept everything and feel fine about it, though I am having difficulty achieving that.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist
    Sorry to say but it does not seem that this is an intellectual doubt. More of an emotional doubt?
    Yes I am not thinking objectively. That is how I felt. I have no one to talk to and I just wanted to finally express myself. Hate keeping things bottled up.

    Right now I feel just confused. I hope I can get back to trusting Islam. It is the only religion that makes sense to me. I was raised as a Muslim and I was very happy back when I was a kid but now my faith has gotten weak. Not sure what I am to do but I will read the Dua. I hope something happens, I feeling very awkward and confused...

    Thanks everyone for the replies, I'm not sure what I am supposed to do now...feel lost.

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    Stoning sounds like such a horrific punishment, I feel it is too extreme. I feel like a hypocrite when defending the punishments and restrictions prescribed because deep down I find it hard to accept them. I like some parts of Islam but not everything.

    Don't listen to the whispers from Shaytan brother, hold fast to emaan, remember this is not only this life but also the Afterlife at stake.

    Adultery is a most serious offence, & stoning is the fitting punishment for it.

    The Jews also had it, but they abandoned it almost 2000 years back, as seen from this Sahih hadith. Our Prophet(pbuh) made them carry out the Torah's punishments & stone.

    Volume 8, Book 82, Number 809:
    Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

    A Jew and a Jewess were brought to Allah's Apostle on a charge of committing an illegal sexual intercourse. The Prophet asked them. "What is the legal punishment (for this sin) in your Book (Torah)?" They replied, "Our priests have innovated the punishment of blackening the faces with charcoal and Tajbiya." 'Abdullah bin Salam said, "O Allah's Apostle, tell them to bring the Torah." The Torah was brought, and then one of the Jews put his hand over the Divine Verse of the Rajam (stoning to death) and started reading what preceded and what followed it. On that, Ibn Salam said to the Jew, "Lift up your hand." Behold! The Divine Verse of the Rajam was under his hand. So Allah's Apostle ordered that the two (sinners) be stoned to death, and so they were stoned. Ibn 'Umar added: So both of them were stoned at the Balat and I saw the Jew sheltering the Jewess.

    As they turned away from God's laws, we see the perverse sexuality which now characterizes what used to be the Judeo Christian civilization.

    Islam does not allow us to make it a convenience religion, to "change" with times, as its the final word of Allah(swt), we have to accept everything.

    My brother had married a British woman, they divorced & she got custody of the children, she didn't raise them Islamically, & I feel so sorry when I see my nephews & nieces call themselves ex Muslims. My nephew was telling me the other day that he's joined some online Council of ex Muslims.

    I pray for their souls everyday that they turn back to Allah(swt), please remain steadfast for your Afterlife.
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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by Maysan View Post

    My brother had married a British woman, they divorced & she got custody of the children, she didn't raise them Islamically, & I feel so sorry when I see my nephews & nieces call themselves ex Muslims. My nephew was telling me the other day that he's joined some online Council of ex Muslims.

    I pray for their souls everyday that they turn back to Allah(swt), please remain steadfast for your Afterlife.

    Sorry to hear that, I would not go as far as joining a cult of ex-Muslims. I still have loyalty towards my religion. Ex-Muslims like Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish really annoy me. So I still have loyalty towards Islam, I just feel like I'm losing my faith and trying to gain back the trust that I once have back when I was a kid.

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post

    Sorry to hear that, I would not go as far as joining a cult of ex-Muslims. I still have loyalty towards my religion. Ex-Muslims like Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish really annoy me. So I still have loyalty towards Islam, I just feel like I'm losing my faith and trying to gain back the trust that I once have back when I was a kid.
    Can you pinpoint any reasons due to which you might be loosing your faith? It seems that you do not doubt God's existence. But if you do then we have to start from there.

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post

    Sorry to hear that, I would not go as far as joining a cult of ex-Muslims. I still have loyalty towards my religion. Ex-Muslims like Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish really annoy me. So I still have loyalty towards Islam, I just feel like I'm losing my faith and trying to gain back the trust that I once have back when I was a kid.
    Do you watch the Western media a lot? Could that be playing a role?
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    Re: Doubts

    sometimes our faith waxes and wanes.. you can't be one hundred percent all the time.. what don't you simply keep the basic rituals and ask Allah swt for understanding and guidance, and surely it will come to you when the time is right..

    I say this from personal experience, though I grew up in a very religious household and spent the early years of my life in Saudi Arabia, I didn't even do the basics which is to pray to keep my relationship with Allah swt.. change came because I wanted it, and then Allah swt put things in my way whenever I had doubts or questions..

    sometimes our faith is deep of a superficial, sometimes it is just superficial, sometimes is is superficial of deep and sometimes very deep.. I am not sure I have come across anyone, even the most religious who didn't fluctuate here and there .. I know one deeply religious person, who once got into a car accident and when he found his sister unconscious thought of taking his own life too because he couldn't bear the burden of knowing he was the cause of her death, but al7mdlillah she recovered shortly after, and that experience taught him something about his own faith or lack of it...

    try to take it one day at a time and approach all your queries one at a time so you are not overwhelmed?


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    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    I am having doubts about Islam. Every year these doubts grow stronger and I sometimes think of leaving Islam. I studied about Islam in detail, matters relating to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, apostasy, women leadership and I can go on. Stoning sounds like such a horrific punishment, I feel it is too extreme. I feel like a hypocrite when defending the punishments and restrictions prescribed because deep down I find it hard to accept them. I like some parts of Islam but not everything.

    I studied the history of Islam and it is a beautiful religion, I hope Muslims here will not get the impression that I have a deep inner hatred towards my religion because that is not the case. I respect Prophet Peace Be Upon Him deeply.

    As a Muslim you are to accept everything and cannot pick and choose the parts you like. I can leave but at the same I don't want to. I want to be Muslim but I cannot choose the parts I like, I need to accept everything. I don't to feel like a hypocrite either.

    How can Muslim actually come to agree with the punishment prescribed for those offences? Throwing off two homosexuals off the tallest building is scary. They were not harming anyone. I cannot sit and watch some of these punishments take place because I would not be able to cope with it. How can other Muslims accept these types of punishments? Can anyone truthfully sit down and watch these punishments take place, those homosexuals were harming no one. I understand Islam values privacy and you would require 4 witnesses but I dunno...

    I'm confused and I feel like I'm trapped. I don't want to leave Islam but I'm finding it extremely difficult to accept punishments. I just don't want to be a hypocrite. I am not sure why I am even bothered, it does not make any sense...I could leave but I don't and yet I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sorry for the rant, I had to get that off my chest. What would you suggest I do because I don't know anymore...
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, my brother do not despair. It is only knowledge that you lack and that is where confusion can creep in. Why do you think it is so important to gain knowledge? It is incumbant that we gain as much knowledge as possible in order to realise that EVERYTHING in Islam is makes proper logical sense.

    My brother Allah has given us Prophets as a mercy on mankind and our beloved Rasulallah(Pbuh) came with the shari'ah which encompasses every aspect of our lives and not only is it best for us but societies have taken a lot of lessons from the Shari'ah.

    Look at the societies we live in today. It is going from bad to worse where crime is becoming ever more rampant and widespread. Murder rates are going up. Rape is going up. Homosexuality is becoming the 'normalised' in society.

    My brother even behavorial psychologists confirm that man needs rules and harsh penalties in order to restrain themselves. Without rules there would be chaos in society. Where im from in the UK prison has become more like a university campus. There are better meals available than most people recieve at home. There is sports activities, clean room and bed. Is this a deterrant? That is why crime is rising all the time and will continue to rise.

    Allah has set laws that are best for mankind. He has set these laws which may seem to you harsh but they are not just meant for punishment but their purpose is that they are a deterrant. Just like when we were younger we were scared to step over the limit incase we were rebuked by our parents. The same way if man has a fear that if they cross the limits then they will recieve a punishment then they will think twice before committing the crime.

    The type of punishments that are given in the UK for example are not deterrants at all. That is why most people who come out of prison re-offend. How many times have rapist and child mollestors come out of prison to commit the very same crimes again? This would not be the case if there was harsh enough rules in order to act as a deterrant to put people off committing heinious crimes.

    My brother the widespread fornication in todays society has far worser implications than you may think. A person i know works in a hospital laboratory and he tells me that there are so many Muslim girls who come in for abortions because of fornication. On top of that ask any doctor about the sexually transmitted diseases that are rampant in todays societies. If those people had the fear of a punishment then surely they would desist in commiting such crimes.

    From the past few years i have seen COUNTLESS cases in the UK of women and some men getting killed by their partners after finding out they were cheating. Just recently a middled aged man stabbed his wife several times after finding out she cheated on him. Only a person who went through the terrible ordeal of finding out their partner cheated on them would they realise how excruciating the pain is. If it happened to you only then would you realise what it feels like. Look at the divorce rate in the UK and America. Mainly because of cheating partners. The implications this has on society are terrible. Children growing up without mothers and fathers and having psychological and social development problems. Sexually transmitted diseases going off the scale. A promiscious society where the words 'till death do us part' have become meaningless where people are following their desires. Its going to get much worse. Theres no more bashfulness in people anymore. The implications of fornication and adultrey are far more deeper than you think and the punishments are a deterrant at a societal level don't just think on an individual level. The Islamic laws would eradicate these terrible problems.

    Homosexuality where same sex civil marriages have now become a fashion. Even science proves that no one is born homosexual but they aquire these feelings. If it becomes more and more accepted then more and more people are likely to act on these homosexual feelings. You would have a society of same gender marriages and what would that do to the amount of population? It would have terriible affects for our societies.

    Islamic law would deter people with these feelings to act upon their desires. Just like it would deter those who want to committ fornication and adultry to act on their desires. Islamic law is a deterrant for society to restrain themselves from following these evil desires and would eradicate the many problems faced by our societies today particularly the MASSIVE alcohol problem which is draining resources of every western society.

    In regards to apostacy then know that an apostate can ONLY be killed if they purposley try and defame the name of Islam as many apostates have done. Those who are peaceful are not harmed by Shar'iah except those who incite hate against Islam and try to defame it. It is only them who are killed.

    If you have anymore questions then please don't hesitate to ask as we are here for you.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 01-04-2010 at 05:47 AM.

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    Re: Doubts

    @ Hamza81

    Thank you. I'm going to copy that post, as a reminder. Society has gotten worse a years go by...

    format_quote Originally Posted by Wa7abiScientist View Post
    Can you pinpoint any reasons due to which you might be loosing your faith? It seems that you do not doubt God's existence. But if you do then we have to start from there.
    I sometimes doubt God's existence but that is unintentionally. I try to correct myself when I get doubts about God's existence.

    I started to lose my faith back when I was 8/9. I visited family in Leeds and when I came back, I was not interested in reading the Qur'an. I did read but when I had to, not because I wanted to. When I was 11 my sister died and after I became more aware of Islam. 11 to now, I have been praying and stopped. One day I feel religious and the next day I get fed up. It is like market shares, one minute their up and the next minute their down.

    When I had access to the internet (last two years ago), I started to see what ex-Muslims, non-Muslims and Muslims had to say about Islam. Too much exposure to anti-Islam material. This lead me to start looking at what Islam states and I started to clear up the misconceptions but they do come back to haunt me.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zarmina
    Do you watch the Western media a lot? Could that be playing a role?
    Yes I think.

    I know they're lying but indirectly it has had some sort of impact. Does not help living in the UK. I don't listen to music, gives me a headache. I'm getting bored of playing computer games, I rarely bother playing anymore. I barely watch movies. I barely do anything but be on the internet 24 hours, I'm so bored being alone. All I do is study and internet...

    format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
    try to take it one day at a time and approach all your queries one at a time so you are not overwhelmed?
    It is actually laziness. I get tired too easily and that too has an impact on my religious commitments. I feel constantly sleepy. Trying to look for a job, hoping not to fail my exams.

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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    @ Hamza81

    Thank you. I'm going to copy that post, as a reminder. Society has gotten worse a years go by...

    I sometimes doubt God's existence but that is unintentionally. I try to correct myself when I get doubts about God's existence.

    I started to lose my faith back when I was 8/9. I visited family in Leeds and when I came back, I was not interested in reading the Qur'an. I did read but when I had to, not because I wanted to. When I was 11 my sister died and after I became more aware of Islam. 11 to now, I have been praying and stopped. One day I feel religious and the next day I get fed up. It is like market shares, one minute their up and the next minute their down.

    When I had access to the internet (last two years ago), I started to see what ex-Muslims, non-Muslims and Muslims had to say about Islam. Too much exposure to anti-Islam material. This lead me to start looking at what Islam states and I started to clear up the misconceptions but they do come back to haunt me.

    Yes I think.

    I know they're lying but indirectly it has had some sort of impact. Does not help living in the UK. I don't listen to music, gives me a headache. I'm getting bored of playing computer games, I rarely bother playing anymore. I barely watch movies. I barely do anything but be on the internet 24 hours, I'm so bored being alone. All I do is study and internet...

    It is actually laziness. I get tired too easily and that too has an impact on my religious commitments. I feel constantly sleepy. Trying to look for a job, hoping not to fail my exams.
    How old are you?

    I understand your concerns. What do you study? Do you have other responsibilities? I've seen many Muslims leave Islam after they start with "debating with atheists." They start with good intentions but within 6 months to 1 year, things become opposite. They become the most vehement enemies of Islam. I do not know how they die but I've read that one Muslim became atheist and then he died and his friend was asking a sheikh if he could attend the janaaza of this dude.

    If internet creates these doubts, stop "wasting" too much time on the internet. I am not telling you to stop inquiring about your doubts. Lets say if you have doubt about evolution, study what evolution has to say and study what Islam says. Talk to sheikhs and scientists. Come to terms with what makes sense to you. Islam does not negate the fact that evolution occurs. I personally have come to the conclusion that there is not enough evidence for me to accept emergence of man from lower animals just based on evolution. I do however accept micro-evolution which happens within species all the time as I can observe it. Seeing is believing.

    Regarding the existence of something called God, it becomes a domain of philosophical arguments and metaphysics. Science does not deal with God. Just like how learning about for example farming does not deal with showing God exists. Farming is learning about realities. It, however, does not mean we can directly study the existence of God through it. I've listened to counter-arguments of God's existence. I now find them to be of insufficient intellectual worth. They are more like arguments made by one who does not believe in God. They are biased. They try to explain natural phenomenon by ways of nature. If the assumption is atheistic, the outcome will be atheistic. If the assumption is neutral, the outcome will be that of belief.

    Once you find answers to the issues, stop going back to that issue again and again. Life is not meant to debate on youtube with atheists. Life is meant to worship God and increase in faith. Thats just my 2 cents. If you want to have proofs for existence of God, listen to debates of Hamzra Andreas Tzortzis with atheists on youtube.

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    Re: Doubts

    this is all a result of the dajjal system. what appear like heaven ie fornication homosexuality (4 sum) alcohol, once you get trappd in it its actually a hell.

    and islam is made to look like hell. when really iman is the only way to achieve heaven in your heart.

    its crazy, just yesterday this civilised society were lynching people for the colour of their skin and enslaving them. but when it is no longer economically viable then its a human rights violation. brother wake up to this propaganda.

    your own flesh and blood brothers are being opressed and masacred for oil, and yet the americans have us justifying the rights of the gays.

    if God doesnt decide what is right and wrong then leave it to man to corrupt the land with his greed.

    time for operation ninja Islam
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    Re: Doubts

    format_quote Originally Posted by tango92 View Post
    this is all a result of the dajjal system. what appear like heaven ie fornication homosexuality (4 sum) alcohol, once you get trappd in it its actually a hell.

    and islam is made to look like hell. when really iman is the only way to achieve heaven in your heart.
    I completely in agreement about current situation being very-dajjal like.
    Sometimes I wonder if Dajjal is actually a metaphor and not actual person.
    If we analyse our current situation, everywhere in the world we can see that anything prohibited by Islam is actually getting more popular while anything encouraged by Islam are shunned by society or considered "not cool".

    May Allah SWT saves us from the trial of Dajjal.
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