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need help desperately

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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    need help desperately

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    This post might be shocking to some people, but would appreciate only constructive advice.

    I am muslim and in late twenties. I try to be religious go through months when pray4-5 times a day and weeks when I pray 1-2 times or none at all. I fast in ramadan etc.

    However since the age of 19-20 I have been constantly drawn to pornography and masturbation. Feel terrible after the event, but few days later get drawn to it again. I am generally normal person but at that age during university and even now, I was shy when it came to speaking to women and consequently have ended up never having a girlfriend up until today.

    About 5 years ago I started sleeping with escorts roughly once a month. The feeling after is disgusting, and the inability to stop has prompted suicidal feelings. The guilt stems firstly from the sheer haram nature of it, the morality of it and then the fact that I am ruining myself financially.

    This is a short post without too much detail, but I am trying to get rid of this, even though I feel mentally scarred for life. I may have an addiction, but I don't want to hide behind that excuse. Any help would be appreciated.
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    Muhaba's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    I couldn't understand. you're sleeping with prostitutes? this is very low and unislamic behavior. You should stop this immediately, stay away from nonmahram women so you won't be tempted. Stop going altogether to wherever you meet "escorts." Get married, even if you have to marry a christian or jewish woman so you won't fall into sin. A muslim man is allowed to marry Christian and Jewish women as well.

    I heard fasting helps as well. So fast frequently, go to the masjid regularly and meet with other brothers, attend islamic lectures to increase your iman. Remember fornication is a great sin and Allah will punish you for what you're doing. Repent to Allah immediately and never repeat the offense.
    Last edited by Muhaba; 10-18-2010 at 09:53 PM.
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    Cabdullahi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    You've made porn and visiting prostitutes a part of your coping mechanism.....it might be the stress that triggers this urge ....maybe its the loneliness

    See Allah has given us a reward system in our brain .....to help us live ...to be attatched to our wives etc.

    When you watch porn you abuse this reward system ....when you watch the images your brain releases various chemicals which keeps you attached to whatever is visually appealing....you've abused this system using digital images and smelly,crackhead women......

    These assortment of chemicals combined are stronger than any drug thats out there because it is the reason why human life continues and Allah has given us the ability for our brains to produce these powerful chemicals to help us expand but if you abuse it .....then ur in deep trouble
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    Re: need help desperately

    Fasting and marriage are two parts towards a solution, but always keep in mind; true happiness is from Allah, and the heart only finds peace through the remembrance of Allah.

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    tigerkhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    try to change ur company and place.....try be wid good and pious ppl...dont be alone....and marry asap....maybe it helps....
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  8. #6
    Muslim Woman's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: need help desperately


    keep praying and fasting , don't watch porn movies and get married soon.

    Ask Allah for forgiveness.
    need help desperately

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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  9. #7
    Cabdullahi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    you need a routine that you'll follow...porn addiction will not disappear.....I'm going to say something that might upset a few but marriage will not solve this problem

    You are addicted to the chemicals produced in the brain and marriage will not cure that....its a drug addiction of some sort ....it might however help a little

    Marry only when you have this addiction under control
    it will be better for you and your future wife
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    anonymous's Avatar Restricted Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    unfortunately the choice of getting married isn't as easy as people think.
    I would like to meet someone but thats unlikely given the fact that my anti-social nature has left me with a few good muslim and non-muslim male friends.
    Basically Im living a double life, and I guess I agree with the previous person marriage is not an easy solution, I need to resolve these issues myself.

    The other depressing thing is that even if I do purify and become a better person, these memories will be with me forever. I am terrified of people getting to know these past deeds.
    I feel in a vicious cycle of depression and the only thing keeping me alive is the fear of hell and feelings of family.

    Its scary looking at these forums for the first time, with people being afraid of sins like swearing and going to work on eid day! In comparison I feel overwhelmed and have no idea whether I will ever be able to gain forgiveness for these past transgressions which to many people is beyond evil.
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  11. #9
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    Allah is All Forgiving bro. Even the biggest of sins can be forgving, as long as we are sincere.
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    Lonely Gal's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: need help desperately

    i agree marriage is def not the answer.. u cant expect to get involved with someone to cure this and use them... If you really have your heart on changing things then u can do it. Believe in urself and inshAllah with time things will change. It wont be an overnight change so u have to be patient and take time with this.. Its something you have become comfortable in and part of your life. like anythin in life in order to change from what your used to, takes time. If u go Mosque there will be lots of people u can talk to and spent time with so u wont feel lonely. Only u and your sincere duas can help change things..
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  14. #11
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: need help desperately

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    This post might be shocking to some people, but would appreciate only constructive advice.

    I am muslim and in late twenties. I try to be religious go through months when pray4-5 times a day and weeks when I pray 1-2 times or none at all. I fast in ramadan etc.

    However since the age of 19-20 I have been constantly drawn to pornography and masturbation. Feel terrible after the event, but few days later get drawn to it again. I am generally normal person but at that age during university and even now, I was shy when it came to speaking to women and consequently have ended up never having a girlfriend up until today.

    About 5 years ago I started sleeping with escorts roughly once a month. The feeling after is disgusting, and the inability to stop has prompted suicidal feelings. The guilt stems firstly from the sheer haram nature of it, the morality of it and then the fact that I am ruining myself financially.

    This is a short post without too much detail, but I am trying to get rid of this, even though I feel mentally scarred for life. I may have an addiction, but I don't want to hide behind that excuse. Any help would be appreciated.

    Asalaamu Alaikum, My brother jazakallah for sharing your problems with us as it must be hard sharing what you have shared and it must make you extremely ashamed but it does show that you have concern over your imaan and that is why you are feeling so low and in despair because of your actions. You feel like your trapped but my brother there is always a way out and you must be strong and focus on how to rid yourself of these filthy habits. It is not an overnight process but with constant striving and determination you can leave all of this behind you.

    My brother no matter what sins a person does one can ALWAYS gain forgiveness as long as one repents sincerely with remorse and with the intention of never repeating such an act again. Therefore you MUST make this intention NOW and not tomorrow as you may not have a tomorrow. Never be in despair or lose hope because that is what your enemy shaythan wants of you. That is why you feel like you have lost hope and getting suicidal tendancies because shaythan is wanting you to give up and is offering you a way out which is to take your life. But my brother you are stronger than that and I know that you have got it in you to rid yourself of these evil habits. You MUST focus and internalise in your mind that you WILL change and you WILL get rid of these evils from your life because you can't afford to continue doing them incase death takes you.

    You need to continuously think of death and surround yourself with good company. You also need to get rid of your laptop for a while and and take te necessery measures to rid yourself of this evil from your life. You need to think to yourself that what if Allah takes you whilst you are vinvolving yourself with an escort or whilst you are indulging in evil. It is all about internalising these thoughts in your head and building up the determination to really say to yourself that "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND I WILL NOT CONTINUE WITH THIS EVIL ANYMORE AS MY LIFE AND THESE SECONDS ARE WAY TOO PRECIOUS TO WASTE!"

    My brother firstly you need to establish Salaah We need to realise is that Shaythan is always wanting to divert our attention and focus away from our real purpose in life. Therefore we have to continuously remind ourselves as to why we are here and what is our REAL purpose is on this earth. Have we been created to study, work, get married, have kids and then die? Well you could say that this is part of what we have to do in our lives on this earth but Almighty Allah tells us the sole purpose of our creation:

    "I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship" The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 51, Verse 56

    What is the greatest form of worship to Allah? The answer is: Salaah!

    Salaah is the second pillar of Islam and is the most important act of worship after the Shahada (decleration of faith).

    It is the first question we will be asked as Muslims in the hereafter as to whether or not we fulfilled our Salaah or not. Therefore it is the most important act of worship that has been ordained to mankind.

    So until our very last breath we should know what our priorities are and focus on fulfilling all of our Salaah as it is the very purpose of our creation.

    Shaythan is very well aware that Salaah is our biggest obligation and so therefore is forever trying to divert mans attention away from fulfilling this obligation to Allah.

    He whispers every excuse possible into our eyes and unfrotunatley a lot of the times we fall victim to his whispers.

    Unfortunatley a lot of us are "Eid Muslims" as in we pray every Eid but what we don't realise is that Eid is only Waajib(compulsory) and not even Fard(obligatory) even though waajib is close to Fard but do yuo see the point? We are Muslims twice a year and the rest of the year just Muslims by name.

    The there are the "Ramadan Muslims" who are just Muslims in Ramadan. They will make the effort to pray in Ramadan and even make the effort to pray Tarawee but the day Eid comes then Eid Salaah is the last Salaah they will read until next Ramadan.

    There are also MANY of us who are "Jummah Muslims" who are only Muslims for Friday prayers and the rest of the week are only Muslims by name. We chase this world as if we will be here forever but what we don't realise is that NOTHING that we chase in this world will be of any good to us in the hereafter. So are we chasing after the wrong thing? Should we not be chasing after the hereafter?

    I'm not saying don't do anything for this world because obviously we have been created to earn our sustanaince with our own hands but where should we put most of our efforts into? Where do investors make their investments? In long term or short term gains? Obviously long term gains. So using this analogy let us think where we should most of our investment into. If we compare where we will spend more time then is it in this world or hereafter? Obviously the hereafter because the hereafter is forever whereas this world can end for us ANY moment.

    Therefore we MUST put most of our efforts into investing good deeds into the hereafter for that is what will truly benefit us FOREVER and the gains of this world will only benefit us for a very short while because we will not be able to take our wealth with us. We will leave EVERYTHING we have invested into this world here. So we can work SO hard all of our lives but then we can die the next day and all that would have gone to waste.

    Many of us have also become "Convenience Muslims" as in we only pray when it suits us best or "when we have time". We must leave this concept of only being Muslims for Eid, or in Ramadan, Jummah or convenience whenever it suits us best.

    There is NO such thing as being a part time Muslim. We CANNOT be Muslims when we want to be now and again. We CANNOT be Muslims only by name and not action. Therefore let us be proper Muslims and be proud of the fact that we are Muslims and that we have been given imaan but if we neglect our imaan then we may risk losing it and destroying ourselves.

    Allah tells us In the Qur'an to enter fully into our deen and not partly:
    O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy. If you falter after receiving the clear-cut message, then keep in mind that Allah is Mighty, Wise. Are they waiting for Allah to come down to them in the shadow of clouds, along with the angels, and make His decision known? Ultimately all matters will be presented to Allah for decision. (Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 208-210)

    Allah does not expect us to be perfect angels but he will judge us on what efforts we made throughout our lives. When you hear a person say "I try to read Salaah or i try to do what i can". Do you think they are really trying? Or are they just saying they are and decieving themselves? If we really tried we can do anything.

    We can decieve ourselves but we cannot decieve Allah. Allah knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows what we are capable of and praying 5 times a day is not impossible for any of us.

    If we calculate how long it would take to pray 5 times a day then you could sum it upto around 40 minutes a day. Now there are 1440 minutes in a day and 40 minutes out of 1440 of our day is ONLY 3% of a day and we still can't manage that? Many of us spend that much time eating, excreting or in front of a mirror and we can't even spend it praying and fulfilling the very purpose of our creation? We spend hours on end in front of the television or listening to Music or playing our playing the latest play station games or seeing who's poked us on facebook but we can't spend a few minutes praying to the one who has given us EVERYTHING we can possible imagine and far more? We are truly at loss!

    Many of us work full time jobs having to work almost everyday of the year having to get up at early hours in order to do so. If we can do this then can't we pray Salaah 5 times a day for a few short minutes that it takes to pray them? If we really did try then we would not fail in praying our 5 prayers but we decieve ourselves and we end up wasting our lives decieving ourselves and then regret it later on when it is too late! Let us not be of those who will regret it forever!

    So let us internalise these changes in our heads and immerse ourselves into our beautiful way of life and not let ourselves stop practising as soon as Ramadan is over for the best way to know if our Ramadan has been accepted or not is if we actually make changes to our lives after Ramadan is over. If we go back to how we were before Ramadan started then how can we except for our Ramadan to be accepted.

    I'm not saying that we should become saints overnight but what i am saying is that we should at least fulfill our obligations to Allah and that is to establish our 5 times prayers and to keep away from that which Allah has forbidden. If we can't pray the Sunnah and Nafil then we MUST at least pray the Fard as a minimum.

    Rather than moulding our life around our Salaah we mould our Salaah around our life so whenever we are sitting around at home then we decide to pray.

    We must remember that it is an act of kufr(disbelief) to neglect the Salaah beyond its correct time and this is for missing one Salaah but how many Salaah do we continuously miss day in and day out? Some scholars even say missing Salaah intentionally takes one out of the fold of Islam. This is how serious missing Salaah really is!

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "What lies between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer." (Muslim)

    It is a major sin to miss even one prayer and leaving even one Salaah without a valid excuse is said to cause one to spend tens of thousands of years in Jahannam and on top of that every Salaah missed is VAST rewards missed out which we will never be able to gain back.

    Therefore it is incumbant on us that we fulfil ALL of our Salaah and not make excuses as to why we cannot fulfill it because Islam has been made easy for us but it is us who makes it hard upon ourselves and because of the amount of sins that we committ we find it hard to do even simple acts of worship.

    Allah has made it so easy for us so let us not make it hard for ourselves and let us not listen to the lame excuses that shaythan and our desires gives us.

    Let us not waste a second more for death can approach us at ANY moment and believe me death does not wait for ANYONE! It comes not a second ahead or before its appointed time and if our Salaah is not right then surely we are doomed to destruction.

    So let us fulfill our very purpose in this life which is to worship Allah. We need to keep reminding ourselves of death and the hereafter and also the greatness of Allah. We need to always remember our time is too short and can go at any second. So let us never leave another Salah and when we pray then let us imagine we can see Allah and he is watching us pray so it is best to learn the meanings of what we are praying in our Salaah.

    Try to establish Salaah in the Masjid as much as you can and involve yourself with good and pious company. Sit with learned people and scholars and with the pious and those who remember Allah. Involve yourself with Islamic Ilm and courses and learn as much as you can about Islam especially about death and the hereafter. Increase yourself with nafil prayers and busy your tongue with the remembrance and glorification of Allah.

    You should always keep your tongue moist with glorifying the name of Allah and you can do this wherever you are and whatever you are doing apart from when you are in the toilet. Increase in the recitation of the Qur'an and read its meanings so that you can understand what Allah is telling us.

    Try and perfect your character as much as you can and be the best towards your parents and serve them as much as you can for serving ones parents is the greatest of deeds. Keep the ties of kinship and make much dua to Allah as dua is the weapon of the believer. Ask of Allah to help you to become strong and to guide you to the straight path. Cry to him because Allah tends to those who cry quicker just as a mother tends to its crying baby.

    Put your full hopes and faith, trust and reliance in Allah and always imagine him watching you because he is watching you all of the time because he actually is. Therefore we should be ashamed when we do any sin in secret because we should realise that Allah can see and is watching all that we do and he has more rights over us than anyone else so therefore we should not be doing shameful deeds in secret thinking that no one can see us because Allah sees all that we do and knows what we are thinking for he knows us better than we know ourselves.

    So my brother never give up hope for you CAN do this! Be determined more than EVER to conquer this and think to yourself that you have not a second more to waste because your life can end at any second. Also realise that these seconds we have are too precious to waste and we will regret so much on the day of judgement all of the seconds that we wasted so we CANNOT afford to waste these precious seconds especially by doing sin.

    My brother you must NEVER despair in that Allah WILL forgive you for ALL of your sins if you sincerely repent with remorse and with the intention of NEVER repeating such acts again. Allah says in the Qur'an that ONLY the disbelievers despair in the mercy of Allah so NEVER despair but repent and make the necessery changes.

    Just think to yourself that whatever has happened has happened now and you cannot change the past but what you can do is learn from it and take lessons from it and do the best you can now and the future. Shaythan only wants you to think about your past so that you can continue to despair and lose hope but will you listen to your enemy? Then learn from the past and take lessons from it and move on and do the best you can now and the future.

    You came on here for a reason and this post has now made you realise that it is by the will of Allah that you came here to read all of this and know that you must NEVER lose hope but you CAN gain forgiveness for EVERY sin and you CAN become a good Muslim who will spend his life pleasing Allah. It is in your ability but you must take action NOW and not wait for tomorrow because tomorrow will never come. Allah is wanting you closer to him so will you not go towards Allah? Or wil you listen to your enemy shaythan and despair and lose hope?

    You know what to do now and all that there is left for you to do is turn towards Allah and ask of him for forgiveness sincerely with remorse and with the intention of NEVER repeating such acts again and then you can move forward with your life doing everything to please Allah and refraining from displeasing him.

    Make the best of eevry second that you have left my brother and let us not waste this one chance that we have in this life otherwise on the day of judgement we will be at such a huge loss and shaythan will be laughing at us saying how patretic we are for listening to him when we could have pleased Allah and been of those who gained high ranks of Paradise. We CAN gain these high ranks but it will take hard work, effort and continuously striving. We can do whatever we want to do so NEVER think you can't because you CAN!

    Here is some advice and help in giving up masterbation:

    12 Tips to Help Brothers and Sisters Control the Evil Habit of Masterbation

    1. Never touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes. Even if you get tempted, just think of Allah and the Prophet (Saw) and that Allah is wathcing you at all times and this urge will go away.

    2. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Shaythan plays with the minds of those who sit around idle and not doing anything. Find good company and stay in this good company. Spend time with your family and close ones(Not Non mahrams) Find good company and stay in this good company.The best company are those who lead you towards good and not those who lead you in the wrong direction. Don't hang around with those girls who talk about sexual things and boys etc.

    3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, you must break off their friendship. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.

    4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath more than five or six minutes -- just long enough to bathe and dry and dress and then get out of the bathroom as soon as possible because we are advised in the sunnah not to delay getting changed after a bath. We should dry ourselves and get into doing an act of worship.

    5. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you. Sleep on your sides and NOT on your front or back. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach and it is sunnah to sleep on your right side. Do dua's and Zikr until you fall asleep.

    6. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, get out of bed and go into the kitchen and fix yourself a snack, even if it is in the middle of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you get your mind on something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak. If these thoughts come to you in the middle of the night then go and do wudu and pray Tahajjud and make much dua and cry in your dua's of Allah to increase you in imaan (Faith) and to help you resist your desires and to help you get married ASAP.

    7. Find out when are your weakest times when your most likely to masterbate or touch yourself. When you have established on what times and occassions this occurs then you can plan what to do to avoid feeling temptations on thos particular occassions.

    8. Never read pornographic material especially on the internet as these images will be stored in your head and it will make your problem worse. Try to keep your gaze low at all times. Never read about your problem. Keep it out of mind. Remember -- "First a thought, then an act." The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain in your mind. When you accomplish that, you soon will be free of the act inshallah.

    9. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good Islamic books, the life of the Prophet(Saw) and his seerah, the life after death. There SO many interesting topics to read and learn about. Make a daily habit of reading at least one juz(Chapter) of Qur'an with its meanings.
    Reading the Qur'an everyday with its meanings will bring countless blessings and rewards and bring you closer to Allah as well as keep you busy and occupied therefore keeping your mind off this problem.

    10. Make much dua. But when you make dua don't just make dua about this problem, for that will tend to keep it in your mind more than ever. Make dua for increase of your iman(faith), Make dua for understanding of the Islam and the Qur'an, Make dua for your family and ALL Muslims especially the ones that are being oprressed, Pray for the sick and that we all unite as one. keep the problem out of your mind by not mentioning it ever --not in conversation with others, not inso much in your dua's. keep it out of your mind because if you keep mentioning it then it will stay in your mind!

    11. Fast. You may have tried it before and it did'nt work but how can it work if we don't change our eating habits? If we eat little just to satisfy our stomachs then our fasting will be effective and restrict our sexual urges and capability's. But if we carry on over eating after our fasts then that food will impact on the stomach which will impact on our desires. So restrict the amount you eat before and after fasting and you will feel the benefits of fasting to stop your urges.

    12. Finally the best solution of all- GET MARRIED. Give some urgency to your family about the need for you to get married sooner rather than later. Tell them of the benefits of getting married early and that it is a sunnah as the Prophet (Saw) recommended it as it will help avoid haraam(Forbidden) relations with non mahrams and getting married early will help eradicate this problem and mean that one can indulge in their sexual urges and desires legitamatley as well as recieve reward for it. The main reason why there is so many haraam relations out there is for the fact that our families are not getting their children married early enough as the Prophet (Saw) advised.

    Haraam Fantasizing

    by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum)

    There is no shortage of complaints when it comes to giving up sins and the struggle which ensues between individuals and their nafs, as well as Shaytaan.

    This battle is inevitably on-going – till our dying day. There is no other way out, except to show the courage and bravery that every Muslim does have – when it comes to Pleasing Allah Ta’ala.

    Yet another widespread weakness is that of Haraam fantasizing. Young and old, married and unmarried – thousands upon thousands, succumb to their runaway imagination when it comes to fantasy world and this in turn leads to even graver sin.

    Allah Ta’ala granted us the power of Imagination for a beautiful purpose; but most people today utilize this imagination in filthy thoughts. The following is actually drawn from my Malfoozaat. It is an extract from one of the kitaabs. It is a prescription which I have given to many who have complained of the same. Alhamdulillah, it has been a means of cure for many. May Allah Ta’ala make it a means of cure for all that have this ailment.

    “Haraam fantasizing is the spiritual disease of almost every person. It is abuse of the great, wonderful and amazing gift of imagination.

    Why did Allah Ta’ala give us this gift of imagination ?

    The imagination has been given to us so that it may be used to ponder over the Qur`aan Sharif, which entails stories of past nations and verses upon verses of Jannat and Jahannum and accountability. This is imagination was to be used for the purpose of taking lesson and strengthening our Imaan. It was to be used as a catalyst towards ‘Aml’ (action).

    The imagination was not given to us so that we may indulge our nafs in filthy thoughts.

    One of the main reasons why both men and women have this problem plaguing them, is due to their indulgence in lustful gazing.

    After having cast filthy gazes at ghair-mahareem , or watching porn movies or paging through porn magazines, or reading explicit romance novels, there is desire and craving for more. Since ‘more’ is generally not possible … since the person may be married, or the object of one’s desire is a film star or supermodel or a Miss Universe or Mr. Universe, and there is zero chance of meeting the person, the person tries to satisfy these shahawaat (desires) by fantasizing.

    But fantasizing is not going to satisfy desire. It will only increase desire. The person’s sickness will increase. His physical health will inevitably also suffer.

    When the desire to indulge in Haraam fantasizing comes into the heart, then take your imagination to the Day of Judgement; stand before Allah Ta’ala’s Seat of Judgement and begin accounting for all your actions in this world. Think of how you will account for and what you will say to Allah Ta’ala when all these filthy thoughts will be presented to you.

    Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur`aan Sharif :



    Even though Allah Ta’ala is All-Knowing and well aware of all our actions, He has established a law whereby every action and every detail of every action be recorded and thereafter presented to us on the Day of Reckoning – in favour of us or witness against us.

    Otherwise take your imagination for Haj : Picture yourself at the Multazam, making Tawaaf, making Sa`ee; picture yourself at the Raudha Mubarak, conveying Salaam to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), or take your imagination to your Qabr and the events which unfold in the grave after death. …Insha-Allah, this will a means of defeating nafs and Shaytaan as well as obliterating a filthy habit.

    If you find yourself still weak against the demands of nafs and whisperings of Shaytaan, then immediately occupy yourself in that which is ‘mubaah’ (permissible). Begin conversation with your parents, or with brothers and sisters, or phone a good, pious friend, or listen to some Qiraat or Deeni talk… Occupy yourself in that which is Halaal and mubaah; otherwise nafs will ravage your heart and destroy your peace of mind and lead you to even suicidal tendencies.

    Added to this, consider filthy thoughts as pigs. Just as we show aversion and absolute disgust on seeing a pig, so should we be disgusted with dirty thoughts – which fall in the same category as pigs. Both are Haraam (forbidden).

    Furthermore, Haraam fantasizing leads to the evil habit of self-gratification, because there is no Halaal avenue to satisfy one’s desires. This is a rather disastrous weakness amongst the youth and one should ponder over the various harms which are too many, and these harms are spiritual, physical and psychological harms.

    Satisfying one’s desires by masturbating is not permissible even if a person does not have the means to marry. Allah Ta’ala mentions that those who do not find the means to marry should remain chaste.

    “And those who do not find the means to marry, should remain chaste until Allah gives them resources by His Grace.”

    Remaining chaste is thus a Divine command which is compulsory to comply with – therefore we will find the Ahadith presenting prescriptions to remain chaste (lowering the gaze, fasting, etc.).

    As a prescription, the following harms should be read and re-read if need be, until it is understood that the harms long term are not worth the gratification that comes with the sin.

    Some Spiritual Harms :

    1. Taufeeq of doing good deeds is taken away. The person is deprived of Tahajjud, of Tilawat of the Qur`aan Sharief, of associating with the pious, etc.
    2. The person is deprived of knowledge and finds an aversion to people
    3. The most dangerous is that the person will not be able to remain steadfast on Deen. (Allah Ta’ala protect).
    4. Besides this, a person who satisfies his evil desires in this manner is cursed according to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

    Some Psychological Harms :

    It leads to

    1. agitation and irritation over trivial matters,
    2. lack of confidence,
    3. disinterest in studying
    4. and desire for isolation.

    Much more can be stated in respect to the harms of this sin. So contemplating the above, should give every incentive to give up the sin. No one would like to contend with any one of the above problems and yet just one evil deed and the person has invited waves of calamities upon himself.

    If evil desires still get the better, then Nikah is a simple solution. Where the evil desires are so difficult to suppress that the person engages in Haraam then Shariah says that it is Fardh for the person to marry. This is, of course, for those who the ability.

    Also download this brilliant PDF file called:



    Sorry for such a long post. Hope all of this advice has helped. Please feel free to ask whatever questions you like for i am always here for you. Take the necessery steps now my brother as our life is too short. Take small steps towards Allah and he will take big steps towards you. Do not miss out on this opportunity in getting closer to Allah because you DO have this opportunity now but you may not do tomorrow.

    Here are some very beneficial lectures to increase your imaan and fear of Allah:

    Remembrance: ask Allah for his forgiveness


    Angel of Death!!! - Sheikh Ahmed Ali


    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 1/4]


    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 2/4]


    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 3/4]


    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - Death (The Destroyer of Pleasures) [part 4/4]


    Imam Anwar al-Awlaki - The Journey of the Soul


    HARD HITTING Lecture on HELLFIRE & the Day of JUDGEMENT! يوم القيامة والجحيم


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 1/3


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 2/3


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 3/3


    Islam - Punishment of the Grave by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq


    Death and the Grave by Murtaza Khan


    How can we not appreciate what we have after watching this?


    AMAZING short speech -"The Goodly Life"


    Here are some very beneficial articles for you to help you on your journey to Jannah and to make best use of every second of your life in this world:

    10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)


    30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!


    Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!


    My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!


    10 steps to getting closer to Allah


    Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!


    Not praying Salaah 5 times a day? Here's the solution!


    VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!


    Please remember me in your dua's

    And Allah knows best in all matters
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 10-22-2010 at 12:53 AM.
    need help desperately

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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