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How To Get Through Hardships & Trials!

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    Exclamation How To Get Through Hardships & Trials!

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    Asalaamu Alaikum,


    In the name of Allah most compassionate most merciful

    The way we can get through hardships and difficult tests that we may be going through in life is to firstly internalise in our minds that this life is a test ground and we are in an examination but we do not know when this examination will end but whilst the examination is taking place we are being rigorously tested and at times we are tested until breaking piont just to see whether or not we will turn towards Allah or go away from him.

    We must also internalise that Allah ONLY tests those who he wants close to him. Therefore the tests that we go through in our lives clearly show Allah is wanting us to turn towards him and be closer to him. This is in fact a great privelage. The greater the tests we go through the more Allah is wanting to raise our ranks in the hereafter.

    Therefore if we really want to know the best way to approach huge trials and tests then we should simply realise that the bigger the tests we are going through then the higher Allah is wanting to raise our ranks in the hererafter. Trials are a truly blessing in disguise. All Allah wants from us is for us to turn towards him in meekness and humbleness and for us to be patient and to turn to him in prayer and dua. Picture that fact that Allah loves it when his servant is in desperate need, crying to him for help for Allah tends to those who cry and sob to him immediatley just as a mother tends to its baby promptly when it is crying.

    We should also internalise the fact that tests actually differentiate us believers from one another in terms of ranking in the eyes of Allah and therefore we should know that those who are tested and are patient are forgiven of their sins as sins falls off a person who is patient through trials just. Therefore we should realise that us being tested with trials and tests will NEVER go unrewarded for Allah rewards how much he wants to those who are patient through trials and those who turn towards him in humility and meekness.

    It may be that a person who has experienced great trials in the world faces Allah on the day of judgement with little or no sins. So tests are a way of Allah forgiving a person of their sins so that on the day of judgement they have a much lighter load. Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has called the day of judgement a "terrible" day and surely on this terrible day we would want as less sins as possible in our accounts if we are to be successful. Therefore these trials and tests are very important for us because they enable us to be forgiven for countless sins that would be a huge burden on us if it were in our accounts but due to the huge tests we faced with patience turning to Allah then it may be that we have very little or no sins at all on that day. The greater the trial the more sins fall off us. So know that even a prick of a thorn expiates ones sins.

    We should also approach hardships and tests as in that it is the decree of Allah so we should NEVER ask Allah "Why" has he given us such trials? For questioning Allah why he has decreed something will mean that not only have we gone through so much grief and torment from these trials but that we have actually added to our sins by questioning Allah and we will be accountable for that.

    Patience is one of the greatest attributes a person can acquire and Allah is with those who are patient and the reward for Patience is Paradise!

    If one is patient, and is among the ones described in the following manner in the Qur’an (Baqarah, 2: 256)

    Who say, when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”:-

    Then here are the rewards Allah will give that person (2:157):

    The Rewards of Patience are the folowing:

    1. Blessings from Allah: The patient person is blessed by Allah.

    2. Mercy of Allah: When Allah gives someone His Mercy, He will let him enter paradise with His Mercy.

    3. Guidance of Allah: A patient person will be guided by Allah in this world until he meets Him on the Day of Judgment.

    Referring to those who are tested and endure with Sabr or patience all of the above three rewards are mentioned by Allah Himself in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah (2: 157):

    “They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance.”

    In Surah Hud (11:11), Allah (S.W.T.) again promises to reward those who are patient in adversity.

    Therefore let us realise that patience is the main thing Allah is looking for in us when we are going through trials and tests.

    Here are two wonderful examples of patience through trials in the life of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) :

    ‘Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn ‘Abbas say: “Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?”I said: “Yes, indeed.” He said: “A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: ‘I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ‘ The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?’ The woman said: ‘I will be patient,’ then added: ‘I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ‘ So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her.” [Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1a]

    Story of ‘Urwah Ibn Al Zubair

    ‘Urwah Ibn Al Zubair had an operation, and the doctor amputated his leg. One friend came to visit him. ‘Urwah thought that the fried came to pacify him for the loss of his leg. So ‘Urwah told the visitor: If you came to give me condolence for the loss of my leg, I already submitted to Allah with patience to reward me for its loss. The guest told him, I came to inform you that your son fell down in a stable, and the animals stepped over him, and he died one hour ago. ‘Urwah said: O Allah! You took one child, and left me many…You took one organ from my body, and left me many organs…O Allah! You tested me with my body, and you were kind to leave me with good health. You tested me with the loss of my son, but you were kind in leaving me the rest of my children.

    We should also approach tests as in we should look at those who have less than us. We have clean tap water and food on our plates everyday. We have clean clothes washed regularly and shelter from the harsh weather. Whereas there are those who walk miles just for a sip of water and even then it is dirty. There are those who have the same clothes for years and cannot even wash them. There are those who go days without proper food and even then they have scraps and end up being malnourished. There are those like in the flood disaster recently who have no shelter and are exposed to terrible diseases. Those who have little or no money to buy even basic things aswell as medication for their sick family members. Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) always told us to look at those who have less than us.

    Sometims when we go through great trials we get decieved into thinking that other people that we see around us must be living a life happy and content. We are wrong to think in this way for we do not know what goes on in peoples lives. There are many examples of those who seemed as though they have SO much and seemed so happy but when certain things were revealed then it was clear that those people were living miserable lives full of torment! We may look at a person with a smile on his face but he may be going through trials we can never imagine.

    Therefore when we are going through difficult times and trials then we should not look at others and think they are happy and living fulfilled lives for we do not know what any person on the street is going through on a day to day basis.

    Therefore whenever we are going through difficult times and trials then we should put our full trust, hopes, faith and reliance in Allah for he will NEVER let us down but is only testing us because he wants us to turn towards him in humility, humbleness and meekness and he wants us to get much closer to him. He tests a person because he wants good for them and wants to forgive them and raise their ranks in the hereafter.

    In reality how lucky is a person who is being tested greatly and is still patient and turning towards Allah night and day. How hig must Allah be raising his ranks and forgiving his sins on a daily basis until he is like a new born baby who has little or no sins on him at all. So the way to approach this is to realise that a person who is being tested greatly is in fact lucky but shaythan is wanting one to think opposite.

    Shaythan is our eternal sworn enemy and ONLY wants us to lose hope and faith and to go away from Allah. He wants us tobecome disillusioned and lose all hope so that we go away from Alah and our deen. But we should reject our enemy who only wants our destruction. We should disregard his evil whispers and know that they are only lies and deciet.

    Shaythan will try to make us think that there is no way out of this and this is because he wants us to give in and lose hope. But we must realise that if we continuously strive and keep turning towards Allah and be patient then the final victory WILL be ours! We will taste the sweetness of victory but in order to taste this victory we need to fight and strive through the tests and trials that life throws at us!

    If one who is going through great trials continues to turn towards Allah in humility, meekness and in humblenes then know that the reward one will gain will be unimaginable. On the day of judgement once we see the reward of being patient through great trials turning towards Allah in humility then we would want Allah to have tested us even more so that we could have wreaped the rewards of being patient and turning towards Allah through trials and hardships. It is only on the day of judgement will we truly realise how much we have missed out on and how much more we wished we were tested by Allah so that our ranks were even higher.

    So the Reward of going through terrible trials and hardships immense!

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, when people who have suffered affliction are given their reward, those who are healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world." (Al-Tirmidhi #1570)

    So remember: Victory, relief and ease comes with patience through distress and hardship

    Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress and ease with hardship.” (Reported by Ahmad)

    Never question Allah "Why"?

    We must also realise that whatever Allah has decreed for us is the best for us. Therefore we must put our Full trust in Allah and never question Allah as to why he has given us such trials and hardships. So if we are not patient through tests, hardships and trials - many of which may be due to our own actions - like if we complain to Allah why he tested us, then these tests and hardships will be of detriment to us as the condition for gaining such immense reward is through patience and we risk getting major sins instead of major rewards, as well as rsking going further away from Allah instead of closer to him.

    We must also remember that Allah will never burden us with that which is not in our capabilities:

    “Allah does not burden a soul with more than it can bear.” (Qur’an 2: 286)

    Therefore let us realise that the bigger trials and hardships we go through in this life then the more rewards we will gain in the hereafter as long as we are patient and are constantly turning towards Allah.

    In the hereafter when we see the rewards of going through trials and hardships then we will all wish that we wen through the WORST trials possible for the longest amount of time!

    No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere it will never come your way but if it is yours by destiny from you it cannot flee. (Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu)

    May Allah make us patient through adversity, trials and hardships. Ameen

    Finally: " Do not detest the misfortunes that befall you, for what you detest may be the cause of your salvation and what you like may be the cause of your ruin." Al-Hasan Al-Basree
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 03-22-2022 at 09:31 PM.
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!


    The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Trials will continue to befall the believing man and woman, with regard to themselves, their children and their wealth, until they meet Allaah with no sin on them.”And what is more beautiful than coming before Allaah with all our sins extinguished? Is this life not but a taste and a short term home? Or would we rather live in short luxury for an eternal suffering? If cleansing of all of our sins is not enough then what is?

    The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Worshipping at times of tribulation and confusion is like migrating to join me.” And concerning this hadeeth, Imaam Nawawi (rahimahullaah) said: “The reason why worship at such times is of such great virtue is that people become negligent about worship and are distracted from it, and no one focuses on worship except a few.”

    May Allaah grant us husnil khaatim (a good ending), Aameen.
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Imam Ibn'l Qayyim (Rahimahullah) said:

    The divine decree related to the believer is always a bounty, even if it is in the form of withholding (something that is desired), and it is a blessing, even if it appears to be a trial, and an affliction that has befallen him is in reality a cure, even though it appears to be a disease!

    Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of the worshipper, and his transgressions, he does not consider anything to be a gift or a blessing or a cure unless he can enjoy it immediately, and it is in accordance with his nature. If he were only given a little bit of understanding, then he would have counted being withheld from as a blessing, and the sickness as a mercy, and he would relish the trouble that befalls him more than he relishes his ease, and he would enjoy poverty more than he enjoys richness, and he would be more thankful when he is blessed with little than when he is blessed with a lot.
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    The Comforting words of Allah during hardships and trials

    Verily, with the hardship,
    there is relief
    (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs).
    [ Al-Inshirah 94:6]

    "Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!"
    Excellent indeed is the final home!"
    [ Ar-Rad 13:24]

    "...Do not regard it an evil to you;
    nay, it is good for you...."
    [An- Nuur 24:11]

    "...So put your trust (in Allaah)
    if ye are indeed believers."
    [Al-Maida 5:23]

    "O ye who believe!
    Seek help in steadfastness
    and prayer.
    Lo! Allaah is with the steadfast."
    [Al-Baqarah 2:153]

    "And certainly,
    We shall test you with something
    of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits,
    but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.).
    Who, when afflicted with calamity,
    say: "Truly! To Allaah we belong
    and truly, to Him we shall return."
    [ Al-Baqara 2: 155~156]

    "And He will provide him
    from (sources)
    He never could imagine.
    And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah,
    then HE will suffice him.
    Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose.
    Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things."
    [ At-Talaq 65:3]

    "Verily We have created man
    into toil and struggle."
    [ Al-Balad 90:4]

    Know that when you have problems or in difficulty, then it is by Allaah's permission for HE says:

    "Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us
    except what Allaah has ordained for us.
    He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)."
    And in Allaah
    let the believers put their trust."
    [At-Taubah 9:51]

    "No kind of calamity can occur,
    except by the leave of Allaah
    And if any one believes in Allaah,
    {Allaah} guides his heart (aright):
    for Allaah knows all things."
    [At-Taghabun 64:11]

    "...There did Allaah give you one distress after another
    by way of requital
    to teach you not to grieve
    for that which had escaped you,
    nor for that which had befallen you.
    And Allaah is Well Aware of all that you do."
    [Al-Imran 3:153]
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere it will never come your way but if it is yours by destiny from you it cannot flee. (Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu)
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Hardship as a blessing

    Sufyaan Athawri (RA) says:

    “In our view, a person does not have an understanding of the religion until he thinks of a hardship as being a blessing, and a comfort and luxury as being a hardship.”
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    You think you got it bad?

    Please watch this:

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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Absolute Trust in Allah (swt) (Al-Tawakkul A’lal-Allah)

    Tawakkul is a fundamental part of the Islamic Aqeedah. Tawakkul is translated here as either trust or dependence. Putting our trust in Allah (swt) is a matter of belief and contributes to our view regarding this life. To make this point clear, some of the Ayahs are quoted as below. Allah (swt) says:

    “If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there after that, that can help you? In Allah then, let the Believers put their trust.” [EMQ 3: 160]

    And Allah (swt) says:

    “Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our Protector: And on Allah let the believers put their trust.” [EMQ 9:51]

    And Allah (swt) says:

    “And put they trust on the exalted in Might, the Merciful.” [EMQ 26:217]

    Allah (swt) also says:

    “…Then when thou hast taken a decision put they trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)” [EMQ 3:159]

    All of the above Ayahs order Muslims to wholly and exclusively to rely on Allah (swt) in their lives. It is only Allah who controls the Universe and both good and bad are His decree. The significant element that should always be kept in mind is the omnipotence of Allah (swt). Therefore our actions and the material resources available to us do not guarantee the outcome of any of our undertakings. For example our material and physical strength may deceive us into believing that victory in a battlefield is inevitable. The truth is that our strength or weakness has no bearing on the outcome of the battle, and it is only by the will of Allah that we become victorious or get defeated by the enemy. It was this firm belief that lead a handful of Muslims during and after the time of the Prophet (saw) to fight so valiantly against a formidable enemy over and over again.

    One may ask, why then do we strive to accomplish any task if we cannot influence its outcome? The answer is rather simple. The actions that we take fall into three categories: They are either obligated upon us by Allah (swt), recommended by Him or we are simply allowed to do them. The obligatory actions are taken because Allah (swt) has ordered them as compulsory. The recommended actions are taken to be rewarded in addition to the rewards we get upon accomplishing the fard. In both of these cases we seek to please Allah (swt), Actions falling under the third category are taken to achieve certain objectives we anticipate to fulfil. However, the certainty of accomplishing those objectives is not under our control. Therefore the cause of initiating any action is not whether we control its outcome. It is the anticipated goal we aim to achieve.

    This brings us to an important misconception amongst the Muslims where some of the associate effort with having trust in Allah (swt). For example, it is a popular notion that earning provides rizq (sustainence) and Tawakkul in Allah (swt) should come after one has made a sincere effort to earn a living. Some of the Muslims who hold such a view often present the following Hadith in their defence:

    A man came to the Prophet (saw) and said, “I will not tie my camel and trust in Allah” The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Tie it and trust in Allah.’

    This Hadith does not indicate any prerequisite for trusting Allah (swt). It does not, therefore suggest that somehow there is a link between people tying the camel (an action) and putting ones trust in Allah (swt). However, the Hadith conveys an important lesson to all of us: That while trust in Allah (swt) is absolute being independent of what we do it is our responsibility to act on what we intended to accomplish. In this case tying the camel was a right thing to do if the person feared that the camel would run away. Therefore he should have taken the precaution regardless of his trust in Allah (swt). Tying the camel does not take away from his trust in Allah (swt), irrespective of our efforts and the circumstances surrounding us.

    This belief should help us to this life according to the commands of Allah (swt) even if we face hardships in doing so. Disappointment, hopelessness should not daunt us because we have put our trust in Allah (swt), our Creator and the only Sustainer. Many Muslims indulge in the prohibited actions arguing that it is the only alternative; otherwise they would face disastrous consequences. Avid example is giving riba when buying a house on a mortgage. They regard owning a house as a necessity and we are willing to sacrifice Islam in doing so.

    They fail to realise that it is only Allah (swt) who provides security for them and their off springs and they need only to put their absolute trust in Him.

    Unfortunately the materialistic thought that we have acquired from the Kuffar who depend on material gains for their very survival, has drastically influenced our view towards this life as well… we take pride in our wealth and what we do, and have displaced the trust in Allah (swt) by relying solely on material possessions. May Allah (swt) restore only trust in Him for only then can we truly succeed!

    And Allah knows best in all matters

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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    What does it mean to be patient through trials and hardships?

    What it means to be patient through hardships is to accept the decree of Allah and not to question it saying: "Why me"? to Allah. We should accept that Allah has inflicted this hardship on us in order to test us so that he may differentiate the strong and firm believer to the weak.

    By being patient it also means that we should not complain to others about our hardships trials and misfortunes but we should remain steadfast and thank Allah and ask him to make us patient and fim. We should put all of our trust in Allah and know that he is doing what is best for us.

    Patience through hardships removes sins

    No Muslim is afflicted with harm because of sickness or some other inconvenience, but that Allah will remove his sins for him as a tree sheds its leaves. (Bukhari)
    We should know that these afflictions will disolve our sins like salt dissolves in water and it maybe that on the day of judgement a person who was tested so much that he may little or no sins left.

    No one is granted a gift better and more comprehensive than patience. (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Patience through prayer

    We should ask of Allah to remove our burden as long as it is better for us but those with the firmest of beliefs want to be tested more so that they may gain closeness to Allah because it is trials and hardships which bring a believer closest to Allah.

    It is trials and hardships which cause a person to be the best of the believers and gain the highest ranks of Jannah. It is trials and beliefs which make a person a strong firm believer.
    O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (2:153)

    Seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer. (2:45)
    So when we experience trials and hardships then Allah is wanting us to be patient and persevere and turn towards him in prayer. As well as the 5 daily Salaah we should turn towards him in the latter portions of the night at Tahajjud time for this is a time when Allah showers his mercy the most. We should beg and cry to him and ask of him for forgiveness and also thank him abundantly.

    And during part of the night (also) celebrate His praises and (so likewise) after the postures of adoration. (50:40)

    But man has been created impatient:
    Truly man was created very impatient: fretful when evil touches him, and niggardly when good reaches him. (70:19-21)
    There are two categories of people that we should never fall into regarding trials and hardships:

    1. One is he who asks of Allah when affliction hits him but when the affliction is over then it is as though Allah never helped him and he hows ungrattitude to Allah.
    When trouble touches a man he cries unto Us (in all postures) lying down on his side or sitting or standing. But when We have solved his trouble he passes on his way as if he had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! Thus do the deeds of transgressors seem fair in their eyes! (10:12)
    2. The second is he who when calamity strikes him he breaks down and becomes indifferent to Allah and his commands as if he is owed a comfortale life.
    Among men is he who worships Allah, while remaining on the borderline; if any good befalls him, he is satisfied; but if a trial afflicts him, he utterly turns away. He will incur loss both of this world and the Hereafter. That indeed is a clear loss. (21:11)
    The patience of Yaqub (As)

    The story of Yaqub (As) or Job (As) is a perfect example of the purpose of tests. He was such a firm and strong believer that shaythan asked Allah to test him that is faith may weaken but even after Yaqub (As) lost everything from wealth, health, wife and family he was even stronger in faith and belief.

    Sameway we are tested to see if we will become stronger believers and closer to Allah or whether we will lose our imaan and become closer to shaythan and our nafs (desires).

    The best people are those who are tested the most and come out of their tests stronger in faith. Those who were tested the most were the Prophets because they were the best of people.

    Hardships and Trials are a blessing in disguise

    So if a trial and hardship comes our way then we should see it as a blessing in disguise and should remain patient and steadfast and put our full trust, hopes and reliance in Allah and know that victory will be ours in the end.
    Verily with every difficulty, there is relief. (94:6)
    Verily, the Hereafter will be better for thee than the present. (93:4)
    There are even reward for past trials and hardships:
    If any Muslim man or woman suffers a calamity and keeps it in his memory, even if it happened a long time ago, saying each time it is remembered:

    Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'oon

    'We belong to Allah and to Him do we return,' Allah, who is Blessed and Exalted will give a fresh reward each time it is said, equivalent to the reward when it happened. (Ahmad)

    Life is a test ground

    So we need to view this life as a test ground and tests and calamitys as ways of Allah the main examiner testing us to see how well we will be able to do in this test.

    Imam Ibn'l Qayyim (Rahimahullah) said:
    The divine decree related to the believer is always a bounty, even if it is in the form of withholding (something that is desired), and it is a blessing, even if it appears to be a trial, and an affliction that has befallen him is in reality a cure, even though it appears to be a disease!

    Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of the worshipper, and his transgressions, he does not consider anything to be a gift or a blessing or a cure unless he can enjoy it immediately, and it is in accordance with his nature. If he were only given a little bit of understanding, then he would have counted being withheld from as a blessing, and the sickness as a mercy, and he would relish the trouble that befalls him more than he relishes his ease, and he would enjoy poverty more than he enjoys richness, and he would be more thankful when he is blessed with little than when he is blessed with a lot.
    We should realise that we are only going to be tested for a very short while compared to the eternal rewards that await us as after death we can enjoy the fruits of our patience FOREVER!

    May Allah enable us to be steadfast and patient through trials and hardships and come out firmer and stronger believers. Ameen
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    10 Ways To Overcome Sadness

    1. Live for each new day:

    Know that whatever you have gone through in your past is gone and will never come back: So everyday is a new and fresh day. Yesterday is a distance memory and today is what matters. Therefore live for today and live for each new and fresh day and do not think about yesterday as it is gone and do not think too much about tomorrow for it may never come.

    2. Each second that goes by we will never get back again:

    Know that each second is a true blessing and every second that ticks by can never again be regained so why should we waste our precious time being sad when our sadness will not change anything and will not benefit us in anyway but that which will benefit us in this world and the next is our good deeds.

    So Think to yourself: "Why am i wasting my precious seconds being down when i will NEVER get back these seconds again. So there is NO time to for me to be down for my time is so little and it may end at any second".

    3. Know that our life is pre-destined:

    Whatever will happen will happen so there is no point being down when our sadness will not affect the outcome od our destiny.

    So think to yourself: "Why am i wasting this precious time being upset when everything is pre-destined so whatever will happen will happen so there is NO point me being down about it".

    4. Think of your death:

    Surely death wakes us up into the true reality of our life that we are living to die. Each second that goes by is closer to our death. So why should we be sad when we know our purpose in this life and so we should do EVERYTHING to fulfill that purpose and that means not waste a second on that which will not benefit us in this life or the next.

    Therefore there is NO point being sad and when we are sad then we should remind ourselves of death and that we will end up in the grave with nothing but our deeds so we should do everything to please Allah and prepare for our daths for sadness will just waste our time and hold us back from fulfilling the very purpose of our life and making the best of the life we have.

    5. Think of the hereafter:

    Think about the time when the sun will be SO close to the Earth. When When you will stand with every creation in the universe and be ready to face Allah with your deeds. This will encourage you to get up and snap out of your sadness and realise that you have to prepare for that day when you will face Allah just you and your deeds! So what point is there being sad? Will it help us when we face Allah on the day of judgement? NO but doing good deeds will!

    6. Look at those who have less than you:

    When you are sad then just look at those who have less than you. Look at what you have been given in comparison to them. You have food on a plate 3 times a day whereas they struggle to get a crumb of flour.

    You drink out of purified tap water when they drink from dirty contaminated water full of disease. Others do not even have a drop to drink for several days.

    You have shelter and heated homes whereas they live in a tent and refuge camp. They have nothing to keep them sheltered whereas you have four walls with a roof.

    You have wealth that you can buy all the luxuries in the world whereas they can only dream of what you have.

    So look at those with less and those who have nothing. Then know how lucky you are so should you really be sad? Instead thank Allah and spend in his path that he may give you more in this world and the hereafter.

    7. Appreciate that you have been given imaan(faith)out of so many:

    You could have been born in any era and in any faith or religion. You could have been of those who were misguided. You could have been of those who were not favoured by Allah but you have been given the most special gift of ALL imaan!

    Therefore appreciate it and thank Allah for it night and day. Why would you be sad when you have been favoured out of countless others?

    8. Make dua to Allah:

    Whenever you are down then make dua to Allah. Turn to him in the latter part of the night when he will attend to you quicker. Turn to him when others are deep in their sleep. Turn to him in humility, meekness and humbleness. Turn to him knowing that he is listening. Turn to him knowing he is the closest to you. Turn to him knowing he cares and he truly loves you.

    Cry to him and beg of him to forgive you. Ask of him to fulfill your needs but at the same time trust in him that he will do what is best for you. If he wants you to be patient then be patient for you will get SO MUCH BETTER IN RETURN!

    Turn to him knowing he WILL answer your prayer, if not now, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow then in the hereafter and that is when we will be rewarded most for our dua's and we would wish that NO dua was accepted so that we recieved EVERY reward for our dua in the hereafter.

    9. Make pleasing Allah the source of your pleasure in this life:

    If we make pleasing Allah the source of our pleasure in this life then HOW can we ever be sad? When we live each day to have a highflying career we will never be fully satisfied no matter where our career is because we always want to have a better career.

    When we live for money then we will never be satisfied because we always want more and will always try new ventures and ways in order to get more and more.

    When we live for other people then they will always let us down in one way or another.

    But if we live to please Allah and do good deeds that will make us feel closer to him then what better pleasure is there in life.

    So when you are feeling sad then think: "Let me get up and do good in order to please Allah for that is my source of true happiness in this life"

    So make EVERYDAY a day when you will want to please Allah more than yesterday. When you are sad then turn to Allah and make him the source of your true happiness. Make the pleasure of pleasing him the means of you NEVER becoming sad again.

    10. RELY ON ALLAH:

    Most of all rely on Allah. Know that he is there for you and closer to you than your jugular vein. Know that he knows you better than you know yourself. Know that he loves you more than any soul ever could. Know that he is there for you when others arent. Know that he will never let you down when others will. Know that whatever you go through in life.

    So put your FULL trust, faith and reliance in him and know that is is ALWAYS there so trust in him.

    May Allah enable us to do everything to please him and to put our full trust in him. Ameen
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Asalam alaikum,

    Masha'Allaah,great reading. I must ask did you write that?
    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    Asalaamu Alaikum,


    In the name of Allah most compassionate most merciful

    The way we can get through hardships and difficult tests that we may be going through in life is to firstly internalise in our minds that this life is a test ground and we are in an examination but we do not know when this examination will end but whilst the examination is taking place we are being rigorously tested and at times we are tested until breaking piont just to see whether or not we will turn towards Allah or go away from him.

    We must also internalise that Allah ONLY tests those who he wants close to him. Therefore the tests that we go through in our lives clearly show Allah is wanting us to turn towards him and be closer to him. This is in fact a great privelage. The greater the tests we go through the more Allah is wanting to raise our ranks in the hereafter.

    Therefore if we really want to know the best way to approach huge trials and tests then we should simply realise that the bigger the tests we are going through then the higher Allah is wanting to raise our ranks in the hererafter. Trials are a truly blessing in disguise. All Allah wants from us is for us to turn towards him in meekness and humbleness and for us to be patient and to turn to him in prayer and dua. Picture that fact that Allah loves it when his servant is in desperate need, crying to him for help for Allah tends to those who cry and sob to him immediatley just as a mother tends to its baby promptly when it is crying.

    We should also internalise the fact that tests actually differentiate us believers from one another in terms of ranking in the eyes of Allah and therefore we should know that those who are tested and are patient are forgiven of their sins as sins falls off a person who is patient through trials just. Therefore we should realise that us being tested with trials and tests will NEVER go unrewarded for Allah rewards how much he wants to those who are patient through trials and those who turn towards him in humility and meekness.

    It may be that a person who has experienced great trials in the world faces Allah on the day of judgement with little or no sins. So tests are a way of Allah forgiving a person of their sins so that on the day of judgement they have a much lighter load. Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has called the day of judgement a "terrible" day and surely on this terrible day we would want as less sins as possible in our accounts if we are to be successful. Therefore these trials and tests are very important for us because they enable us to be forgiven for countless sins that would be a huge burden on us if it were in our accounts but due to the huge tests we faced with patience turning to Allah then it may be that we have very little or no sins at all on that day. The greater the trial the more sins fall off us. So know that even a prick of a thorn expiates ones sins.

    We should also approach hardships and tests as in that it is the decree of Allah so we should NEVER ask Allah "Why" has he given us such trials? For questioning Allah why he has decreed something will mean that not only have we gone through so much grief and torment from these trials but that we have actually added to our sins by questioning Allah and we will be accountable for that.

    Patience is one of the greatest attributes a person can acquire and Allah is with those who are patient and the reward for Patience is Paradise!

    If one is patient, and is among the ones described in the following manner in the Qur’an (Baqarah, 2: 256)

    Who say, when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”:-

    Then here are the rewards Allah will give that person (2:157):

    The Rewards of Patience are the folowing:

    1. Blessings from Allah: The patient person is blessed by Allah.

    2. Mercy of Allah: When Allah gives someone His Mercy, He will let him enter paradise with His Mercy.

    3. Guidance of Allah: A patient person will be guided by Allah in this world until he meets Him on the Day of Judgment.

    Referring to those who are tested and endure with Sabr or patience all of the above three rewards are mentioned by Allah Himself in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah (2: 157):

    “They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance.”

    In Surah Hud (11:11), Allah (S.W.T.) again promises to reward those who are patient in adversity.

    Therefore let us realise that patience is the main thing Allah is looking for in us when we are going through trials and tests.

    Here are two wonderful examples of patience through trials in the life of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) :

    ‘Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn ‘Abbas say: “Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?”I said: “Yes, indeed.” He said: “A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: ‘I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ‘ The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?’ The woman said: ‘I will be patient,’ then added: ‘I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ‘ So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her.” [Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1a]

    Story of ‘Urwah Ibn Al Zubair

    ‘Urwah Ibn Al Zubair had an operation, and the doctor amputated his leg. One friend came to visit him. ‘Urwah thought that the fried came to pacify him for the loss of his leg. So ‘Urwah told the visitor: If you came to give me condolence for the loss of my leg, I already submitted to Allah with patience to reward me for its loss. The guest told him, I came to inform you that your son fell down in a stable, and the animals stepped over him, and he died one hour ago. ‘Urwah said: O Allah! You took one child, and left me many…You took one organ from my body, and left me many organs…O Allah! You tested me with my body, and you were kind to leave me with good health. You tested me with the loss of my son, but you were kind in leaving me the rest of my children.

    We should also approach tests as in we should look at those who have less than us. We have clean tap water and food on our plates everyday. We have clean clothes washed regularly and shelter from the harsh weather. Whereas there are those who walk miles just for a sip of water and even then it is dirty. There are those who have the same clothes for years and cannot even wash them. There are those who go days without proper food and even then they have scraps and end up being malnourished. There are those like in the flood disaster recently who have no shelter and are exposed to terrible diseases. Those who have little or no money to buy even basic things aswell as medication for their sick family members. Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) always told us to look at those who have less than us.

    Sometims when we go through great trials we get decieved into thinking that other people that we see around us must be living a life happy and content. We are wrong to think in this way for we do not know what goes on in peoples lives. There are many examples of those who seemed as though they have SO much and seemed so happy but when certain things were revealed then it was clear that those people were living miserable lives full of torment! We may look at a person with a smile on his face but he may be going through trials we can never imagine.

    Therefore when we are going through difficult times and trials then we should not look at others and think they are happy and living fulfilled lives for we do not know what any person on the street is going through on a day to day basis.

    Therefore whenever we are going through difficult times and trials then we should put our full trust, hopes, faith and reliance in Allah for he will NEVER let us down but is only testing us because he wants us to turn towards him in humility, humbleness and meekness and he wants us to get much closer to him. He tests a person because he wants good for them and wants to forgive them and raise their ranks in the hereafter.

    In reality how lucky is a person who is being tested greatly and is still patient and turning towards Allah night and day. How hig must Allah be raising his ranks and forgiving his sins on a daily basis until he is like a new born baby who has little or no sins on him at all. So the way to approach this is to realise that a person who is being tested greatly is in fact lucky but shaythan is wanting one to think opposite.

    Shaythan is our eternal sworn enemy and ONLY wants us to lose hope and faith and to go away from Allah. He wants us tobecome disillusioned and lose all hope so that we go away from Alah and our deen. But we should reject our enemy who only wants our destruction. We should disregard his evil whispers and know that they are only lies and deciet.

    Shaythan will try to make us think that there is no way out of this and this is because he wants us to give in and lose hope. But we must realise that if we continuously strive and keep turning towards Allah and be patient then the final victory WILL be ours! We will taste the sweetness of victory but in order to taste this victory we need to fight and strive through the tests and trials that life throws at us!

    If one who is going through great trials continues to turn towards Allah in humility, meekness and in humblenes then know that the reward one will gain will be unimaginable. On the day of judgement once we see the reward of being patient through great trials turning towards Allah in humility then we would want Allah to have tested us even more so that we could have wreaped the rewards of being patient and turning towards Allah through trials and hardships. It is only on the day of judgement will we truly realise how much we have missed out on and how much more we wished we were tested by Allah so that our ranks were even higher.

    So the Reward of going through terrible trials and hardships immense!

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, when people who have suffered affliction are given their reward, those who are healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world." (Al-Tirmidhi #1570)

    So remember: Victory, relief and ease comes with patience through distress and hardship

    Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress and ease with hardship.” (Reported by Ahmad)

    Therefore let us realise that the bigger trials and hardships we go through in this life then the more rewards we will gain in the hereafter as long as we are patient and are constantly turning towards Allah.

    In the hereafter when we see the rewards of going through trials and hardships then we will all wish that we wen through the WORST trials possible for the longest amount of time!

    No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere it will never come your way but if it is yours by destiny from you it cannot flee. (Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu)

    May Allah make us patient through adversity, trials and hardships. Ameen

    Finally: " Do not detest the misfortunes that befall you, for what you detest may be the cause of your salvation and what you like may be the cause of your ruin." Al-Hasan Al-Basree
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal View Post
    Asalam alaikum,

    Masha'Allaah,great reading. I must ask did you write that?
    Asalaamu Alaikum, yes brother i write my own articles only by the will of Allah. May he make them most beneficial for all and make them a cause for our salvation. Ameen
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    Exclamation Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    The House of Praise built for those who are patient when great affliction hits them:

    It is narrated in the Hadith that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "When a man's child dies, Allah, may He be exalted, says to His angels:

    'Have you taken the soul of the child of My slave?'

    They say, 'Yes.'

    He says, although He knows best, 'Have you taken the apple of his eye?'

    They say, 'Yes.'

    He says: 'What did My slave say?"

    They say: 'He praised You and said

    "Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji'un"

    (Verily to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return).'

    Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says: 'Build a house for My slave in Paradise and call it the house of praise.'"

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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Saying "Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi Raji'un"and asking Allah to give you something better in retun for loss:

    Umm Salamah (RA) said: I heard the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say:

    "There is no person who is afflicted with a calamity and says:

    'Verily to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return. O Allah, reward me for my affliction and compensate me with something better'

    - but that Allah will reward him for his affliction and compensate him with something better."

    She said: When Abu Salamah died, I said: Who is better than Abu Salamah, the companion of the Messenger of Allah? Then Allah caused me to say it and I said it.

    She said: Then I married the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

    Subhanallah Allah truly does give a person better in return!
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    Exclamation Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Do not despair

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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Always be hopeful of Allah's mercy

    The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited
    island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him.

    Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.
    Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to
    protect himself from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But
    then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little
    hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.

    The worst had happened , everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and
    anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried. Early the next day,
    however, he was wakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the
    island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the
    weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

    It's easy to get discouraged sometimes when things appear to be going badly.
    But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in
    the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is
    burning to the ground, it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace
    of God.

    For all the negative things, we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive
    answer for it. Pass this on, you never know whose life may be in need of
    this today. Believe me, there are some days when we all feel that our huts
    are burning.
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    Lessons Learned from the Story of Prophet Ayoub / Job (As)

    Prophet Ayoub (Alaihi-salam – May be peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was one of Allah’s very sincere worshippers. We find in his story many lessons that we can reflect upon to assess our relationship with Allah. This story especially should make us question whether all our sincerity and worship for Allah is dependent on His blessings on us.
    The following story was documented by Ibn Kathir.
    Prophet Ayoub (A) was Allah’s thankful, repentant, patient and steadfast worshipper. Allah the Almighty has praised Him in the Quran thus:

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    "Truly! We found him patient. How excellent a slave! Verily, he was ever oft-returning in repentance to Us" (Saad 38:44).

    Ibn Kathir narrates that once Iblis (satan) heard an angel praising Ayoub (A) to other angels, extolling his noble character, patience and remembrance of Allah and describing him as “the best creature on earth today, and an excellent model for the worshippers of Allah.” The angel also added that Allah had blessed him with long life and plenty of riches, yet he was never haughty or selfish. His family, servants, the needy and the poor, all had a share in his good fortune. He bought slaves to set them free and made those who received his charity feel as if they were doing him a favor.

    Overhearing all this, Iblis became annoyed and planned to tempt Ayoub (A) and lead him to disbelief. First, he tried to distract him from his prayers by whispering to him about the good things in life, but as a true believer, Ayoub would not let evil thoughts tempt him. Iblis, then tried to attribute ulterior motives to his constant glorification of Allah, projecting his worship as being motivated from greed to safeguard his wealth. Iblis thus said to Allah, "If You deprive him of his wealth You will find that he will no longer mention Your name and his praying will stop."

    Allah told Iblis that Ayoub (A) was one of His most sincere devotees whose worship stemmed from his heart and had nothing to do with material gifts or favors granted to him. To prove His devotee’s depth of sincerity and patience, Allah allowed Iblis to do whatever he wished with Ayoub (A)’s wealth.

    Delighted, Iblis gathered his helpers and set about destroying Ayoub (A)’s cattle, servants and farms, depriving him of all his possessions. Then in the guise of a wise old man he approached him and said:

    "All your wealth is lost. Some people say that it is because you gave too much charity and that you are wasting your time with your continuous prayers to Allah. Others say that Allah has brought this upon you in order to please your enemies. If Allah had the capacity to prevent harm, then He would have protected your wealth."

    Steadfast in his faith, Ayoub (A) replied: "What Allah has taken away from me belongs to Him. I was only its trustee for a while. He gives to whom He wills and withholds from whom He wills,” and he prostrated before his Lord.

    Frustrated with his failure, Iblis again addressed Allah:

    "I have stripped Ayoub (A) of all his possessions, but he still remains grateful to You. However, he is only hiding his disappointment, for he places great store by his many children. The real test of a parent is through his children. You will then see how Ayoub (A) will reject You."

    Allah again granted Iblis authority, but warned him that it would reduce neither Ayoub (A)’s faith in his Lord nor his patience.

    Iblis gathered his helpers and brought the house in which Ayoub (A)’s children were living, crashing down, killing all of them. Disguised as a man who had come to sympathize with him, he said:

    "The circumstances under which your children died were sad. Surely, your Lord is not rewarding you properly for all your prayers."
    The faithful believer of Allah replied, disappointing Iblis once again:

    "Allah sometimes gives and sometimes takes. He is sometimes pleased and sometimes displeased with our deeds. Whether a thing is beneficial or harmful to me, I will remain firm in my belief and remain thankful to my Creator."

    Saying this he prostrated to his Lord. Extremely vexed, Iblis again called on Allah:

    "O my Lord, Ayoub (A)’s wealth is gone and his children are dead, but he is still healthy in body, and as long as he enjoys good health he will continue to worship You in the hope of regaining his wealth and producing more children. Grant me authority over his body so that I may weaken it. He will surely stop worshipping You and will thus become disobedient."

    Allah granted Iblis his third request but placed a condition:

    "I give you authority over his body but not over his soul, intellect, or heart, for in these places reside the knowledge of Me and My religion."

    Armed with this new authority, Iblis afflicted Ayoub (A)’s body with disease, reducing it to mere skin and bone. He suffered severe pain yet remained strong in faith, and patiently bore all the suffering without complaints. Hopeful of Allah’s Mercy, he neither despaired nor turned to others for help. Although he had lost all his children and was deprived of his wealth and physically afflicted, he still continued to glorify Allah the Almighty day and night. His disease lasted for a long time. His friends felt disgusted and his close relatives deserted him. The sole companion and comforter through many years of his suffering was his kind and loving wife.

    Iblis became desperate. He consulted his helpers but they asked him:

    "How is it that your cleverness cannot work against Ayoub (A), yet you succeeded in misleading Adam, the father of man, out of paradise?"

    Iblis went to Ayoub (A)’s wife in the form of a man. "Where is your husband?" he asked her.

    She pointed to an almost lifeless form crumpled on the bed and said: "There he is, suspended between life and death."

    Iblis reminded her of the days when he had enjoyed good health, wealth and children. The painful memory of years of hardship overwhelmed her. She burst into tears and asked her husband:

    "How long are you going to bear this torture from our Lord? Are we to remain without wealth, children or friends forever? Why don’t you call upon Allah to remove this suffering?"

    Ayoub (A) sighed, and replied softly:

    "Iblis must have whispered to you and made you dissatisfied. Tell me, how long did I enjoy good health and riches?"

    She replied, "For eighty years."

    Then he asked, "How long have I been suffering like this?"

    She said, "Seven years."

    Then he told her: "In that case I am ashamed to call on my Lord to remove the hardship, for I have not suffered longer than the years of good health and plenty that I enjoyed. Your faith seems to have weakened and you are dissatisfied with the fate decreed by Allah. If I ever regain health, I swear I will punish you with a hundred strokes! From this day, I shall not eat or drink anything from your hand. Leave me alone and let my Lord do with me as He pleases."
    Crying bitterly, with no other choice, she left with a heavy heart. In his helpless state, Ayoub (A) turned to Allah, not to complain but to seek His mercy:
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    "And (remember) Ayyub (Job), when he cried to his Lord: ‘Verily, distress has seized me, and You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.’ So We answered his call, and We removed the distress that was on him, and We restored his family to him (that he had lost) and the like thereof along with them as a mercy from Ourselves and a Reminder for all those who worship Us” (Al-Anbiya 21:83-84).
    Almighty Allah further says in the Quran:
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    "And remember Our slave Ayyub (Job), when he invoked his Lord (saying): ‘Verily Shaitan (Satan) has touched me with distress (by ruining my health) and torment (by ruining my wealth)!’ (Allah said to him): "Strike the ground with your foot: This is (a spring of) water to wash in, and a cool and (refreshing) drink." And We gave him (back) his family, and along with them the like thereof, as a Mercy from Us, and a Reminder for those who understand (Sad 38:41-43).

    Ayoub (A) obeyed Allah’s instructions, and almost immediately his good health was restored. Meanwhile, his faithful wife who could no longer bear to be parted from her husband returned to beg his forgiveness, and to serve him. On entering the house, she was amazed at the sudden change she saw. Ayoub (A) had regained his health! She embraced him and thanked Allah for His mercy.

    Ayoub (A) was now worried about the oath he had taken to punish her with a hundred strokes if he regained health. He did not wish to hurt her but could not break a promise to Allah. Therefore, Allah in His wisdom and mercy, came to the assistance of His faithful servant, and instructed him:

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    "And take in your hand a bundle of thin grass and strike therewith (your wife), and break not your oath" (Sad 38:44).
    Thus Allah the Most Merciful rewards His faithful and grateful servants.

    Source: Ibn Kathir
    This story should remind us that we should never make our worship and sincerity toward Allah contingent on our perceived blessings. Allah tests us in many ways and we should, therefore, be steadfast in His worship constantly.

    Source: http://www.iqrasense.com/islamic-his...oub-job-a.html
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    Re: The Solutions Of How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!

    The similtude of a believer when trials and calamities disturb him

    Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

    Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "The example of a
    believer is that of a fresh green plant the leaves of which move in
    whatever direction the wind forces them to move, and when the wind becomes
    still, it stands straight. Such is the similitude of the believer: He is
    disturbed by calamities (but like the fresh plant he regains his normal
    state soon). And the example of a disbeliever is that of a pine tree (which
    remains) hard and straight till Allah cuts it down when He wills."

    Bukhari Vol. 9 : No. 558
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    Re: How To Get Through Hardships & Trials in life!

    From patience comes victory!

    When you are going through something very hard and you start wondering where Allah is, then just remember, the teacher is always quite during a test - Nouman Ali Khan

    Therefore let us realise that Almighty Allah knows everything that what we are going through and the pain and anguish that we are feeling but he is quite for a while in order to see how we will react. Will we be patient and remain patient for his pleasure and get closer to him or will we become restless and impatient and go further away from him.

    Know that Allah is with those who are patient though they may not know it. Therefore we must fully trust and rely on him and know that after much patience will certainly come victory for this is the promise of Allah and Allah ALWAYS keeps his promises!
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