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How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

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    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation (OP)

    Asalaamu Alaikum, This thread is devoted to helping us find ways of overcoming porn & masturbation. I hope it is most beneficial to all those affected.

    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

    12 Tips to Help overcome porn & Masturbation

    1. Do not to touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes. Even if you get tempted to do so, just think that Allah is watching you right now. Then finish what you are doing immediately, so that your focus diverts away from the urge.

    2. Try to avoid being alone as much as possible. Being bored and alone are two dangerous combinations. This is because Shaythan plays with the minds of those of us who sit around idle, not doing anything and are "bored". He will make suggestions to you that "no one is around to watch what you are doing and you're bored so why don't you do this or that". So you must try to keep yourself busy and in the company of others if possible. Try to be around family and close ones (Especially not Non mahrams). Find good company and stay in good company. The best company are those who lead you towards good in terms of this life and the next and not with those who may lead you in the wrong direction and path. Don't hang around with those girls/boys who talk a lot about sexual things and the opposite gender etc.

    3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, then you must break off all contact. Never associate with other people having the same weaknesses. Don't think that the two of you will "quit together", especially not on something as dangerous as one's lower desires, as you never will. You must keep away from people like that. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be kept busy and occupied on other more wholesome things.

    4. When you bathe or shower, then do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath or shower for longer than is necessary, just long enough to bathe or shower and then dry and dress. Then get out of the bathroom as soon as possible because we are advised in the Sunnah not to delay getting changed after a bath or being naked. We should dry ourselves and get into doing an act of worship.

    5. Always try to sleep early. This is very important indeed. This problem is much more common in those who sleep late into the night. This is because the shayatheen are more prevalent in the nights and these are the times where one normally sits around watching TV, browsing internet and just sitting around idle. Therefore you must get into the habit of a good consistent early sleeping routine and pattern.

    6. When in bed, then if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your private parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove your clothes. By the time you started to remove your protective clothing then you would have been able to sufficiently control your urges and thinking so that the temptation would leave you. Sleep on your sides and NOT on your front or back. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach and it is Sunnah to sleep on your right side. Do Dua's and remember Allah until you fall asleep. Keep your phone far away from you. Leave it downstairs or somewhere it will be difficult to gain access to it. Do not keep TV or computers in your room. Store them somewhere else. Out of sight out of mind!

    If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, then get out of bed and go into the kitchen and fix yourself a snack, even if it is in the middle of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is to divert your mind onto something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak. If these thoughts come to you in the middle of the night then get up and make Wudu and pray Tahajjud from 2 - 8 Raka'ah. Tahajjud is one of the best prayers we can pray to enable us to overcome our bad habits and addictions, as it enables us to be closer to Allah and develop Taqwa which will make us more aware of him throughout the day and night. It is a very important tool for us to be able to overcome this addiction as well as many other bad addictions and general sins throughout the day.

    After Tahajjud make much Dua and beg of Allah and cry unto him to help increase you in Imaan (Faith) and to help strengthen you to be able to resist your desires and also to help you to get married (if you are not currently married), so that you may have a legitimate outlet to be able to fulfil your desires and even get rewarded for doing so. But when you make Dua then don't just make Dua about this problem, for that will tend to keep it in your mind more so. Make Dua for increase of your iman (faith), Make Dua for understanding of Islam and the Qur'an, Make Dua for your family and ALL Muslims especially the ones that are being oppressed, Pray for the sick and that we all unite as one. Keep the problem out of your mind by not mentioning it ever, not in conversation with others and not too much in your Dua's. Keep it out of your mind because if you keep mentioning it then it will stay in your mind!

    7. Establish what your triggers are and write them down so that you can make a plan around how to tackle and get around such triggers. This will involve trial and error but make sure you learn from your mistakes each time and try not to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Also remember that shaythan is always planning against us, so why don't we plan against him and our lower desires? So establish what your triggers are and the occasions when your most likely to masturbate or touch yourself. When you have established that then you can make a tailored plan on what to do to avoid feeling temptations on those particular occasions.

    8. Never watch any inappropriate images, videos and clips. Especially not pornographic material, whether on the TV, smart phone or computer. That also goes for reading inappropriate material, books etc. These images will end up being stored in your mind and they are they biggest triggers for those who are suffering from addiction to porn and Masturbation which are strongly linked. These things will keep feeding your problem and making you fantasize which will then lead to the act. Therefore you must restrict all forms of media. Stop watching all forms of media at least 1 hour before bed. This also helps with sleep as watching various forms of media negatively impacts upon sleep due to the blue light. Watching media late can also trigger your urges and desires, especially if you are sitting around idle. Keep your computer in a part of the house where others can also use it, if it means it will help you not to watch anything inappropriate. Also put on internet childsafe lock on all devices and do not have the password on you or make it very hard for you to access the password. Many internet companies nowadays put on childsafe locks on the internet as a default, so that the only way to remove it will be to contact them. Also be very mindful and selective about what you watch on the television. Most of what is on the TV nowadays is useless and a waste of time. It also increasingly contains a lot of inappropriate viewing and much of what may trigger urges and desires. So be a mindful consumer of all types of media!

    9. Try not to read too much about your problem. Keep it out of mind as much as possible. Remember -- "First a thought, then an act." The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain in your mind. When you accomplish that, you will soon be free of the act inshaAllah.

    10. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind as much as possible. Read good Islamic books, the life of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and his Seerah, the life after death. Or a good book about self improvement or about any other interesting topics. Make it a daily habit of reading at least one Juz (Chapter) of Qur'an with its meanings. If not then at least a page or two. Reading the Qur'an everyday with its meanings will bring countless blessings and rewards and bring you closer to Allah as well as keeping your mind occupied on the bigger picture and our purpose in life. It will also enable you to get to know Allah which is the greatest blessing we can hope for in this life. Not doing so will be a source of great regret in the Hereafter.

    11. Fast. You may have tried it before and it didn't work but how can it work if you don't change your eating habits? Eat a little just satisfy your hunger so that your fasting will be much more effective to be able to help you restrict your sexual urges and desires. However over eating will have a negative impact upon your desires. Gluttony is never a good think. It can make you weak in other areas of your life too especially when it comes to your lower desires. The purpose of fasting for our health is also to enable us to eat less all other times to. So restrict the amount you eat before and especially after breaking your fast. Just break the fast with a date or two, water and maybe a little fruit. After a while then have a reasonably sized healthy and wholesome meal and you will feel the true benefits of fasting in restricting your urges.

    12. Finally try your best to get married as soon as you possibly can if you are not currently married. Many of us delay our marriages unnecessarily thinking we don't have enough savings or not "ready" whatever that means. As soon as you feel the desire for intimacy then you are ready, its as simple as that. We give ourselves too many obstacles to marrying and if it is not us then it is our families putting the obstacles in the way. If our families are the main issue in delaying you getting married then you must emphasise to them the urgency of you getting married as soon as possible. Tell them of the benefits of getting married early and that it is a Sunnah as the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recommended it, and it will also help to avoid haraam (Forbidden) relations and pre-marital relationships. Getting married earlier will help you to be able to eradicate this problem which means that you can indulge in your sexual urges and desires legitimately as well as receive reward for it. The main reason why there are so many people in haraam relationships out there is simply because they are delaying in getting married after beginning to feel the desire for intimacy. Many men also want to "play the field" before they get married then they wonder why they find it hard to stop doing haraam even during marriage.

    Note: Many of those addicted to masturbation may continue to do so even during marriage. Marriage can certainly help to overcome this issue by providing a legitimate outlet for ones sexual urges and desires. However many may continue to masturbate along with having sexual relations with their partners or in the worst case scenario, masturbation and addiction to porn may also cause serious issues when it comes to intimacy with one's partner. This can even lead to jeopardising the marriage. So married people with such issues must get help immediately. Even if it means going to a therapist to help ascertain and establish the root of the problem. A lot of the times it can be linked to one's past or trauma's. Bad habits and addictions can be a "crutch" or distraction to other issues in one's life. Such a person must also go to a physician for help if necessary, especially if they are physically suffering from being able to maintain sexual relations with their partner. So if you are in such a situation then do not hesitate to get the help you need. There is absolutely no shame in getting help at all. However there is shame in not getting the necessary help especially if it is destroying your marriage and causing you misery in your life. If you have kids involved then do it for them. You are not powerless to do anything about it. It is just about taking action. Don't think about it too much just get the help you need. Not getting the help you need will not only jeopardise your health and marriage, but it will continue to keep you in a detrimental and vicious cycle of addiction, which will eventually ruin every other aspect of your life to, including your Deen, Health and Dunya!

    May Allah enable us to overcome all of our harmful addictions and habits that are preventing us from being the best version of ourselves.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 02:22 AM.
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

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    Get married.
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    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

    اللي مالوش حد له ربّنا

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    Checkout this blog post it really helps me a lot: http://muslimmatters.org/2007/08/19/...-stories-tips/

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    Thanks a lot all of you. Your guidance would be of great help to me, though what you have all advised is very difficult to practice, but I'll try my best to follow these.

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    How to overcome?

    Wait like a week before doing it.

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    format_quote Originally Posted by humanbeing93 View Post
    Thanks a lot all of you. Your guidance would be of great help to me, though what you have all advised is very difficult to practice, but I'll try my best to follow these.

    Salam u Aleykum akhi

    I have some advices for you In'schaa'allah .

    1. Set a reminder as your background,maybe "Allah is watching you"

    2. Change your habits ,go to sleep earlier, because at night is the time when you get emotional

    3. Lower your gaze

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    Try to control or at least delay it and lessen the frequency

  10. #27
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation


    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 01:53 AM.
    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    Two Amazing reminders to resist our carnal desires and bad habits:

    Are You Interested In Her? This Is Her Price

    What Have You Sacrificed ᴴᴰ - Emotional Eye Opener

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 01:54 AM.
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    I Have Really Bad Habit of Pornography and Masturbation

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 01:55 AM.
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    THE CURE for Porn Addiction - Feed the right Wolf

    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    Practical Steps to Help Cure the Habit of Masturbation

    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-06-2022 at 01:56 AM.

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    How to overcome Porn & Masturbation

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


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    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:



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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    How to overcome Masturbation

    This thread is devoted to finding ways of overcoming the vile sin of masturbation. I hope Insha'Allah you find it most beneficial.

    12 Tips to Help Control the Evil Habit of Masterbation

    1. Never touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes. Even if you get tempted, just think of Allah and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and that Allah is watching you at all times and this urge will go away.

    2. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Shaythan plays with the minds of those who sit around idle and not doing anything. Find good company and stay in this good company. Spend time with your family and close ones (Not Non mahrams). Find good company and stay in this good company. The best company are those who lead you towards good and not those who lead you in the wrong direction. Don't hang around with those girls who talk about sexual things and boys etc.

    3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, you must break off their friendship. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don't suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken out of your mind for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.

    4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath more than five or six minutes -- just long enough to bathe and dry and dress and then get out of the bathroom as soon as possible because we are advised in the sunnah not to delay getting changed after a bath. We should dry ourselves and get into doing an act of worship.

    5. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you. Sleep on your sides and NOT on your front or back. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach and it is sunnah to sleep on your right side. Do dua's and Zikr until you fall asleep.

    6. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, get out of bed and go into the kitchen and fix yourself a snack, even if it is in the middle of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you get your mind on something else. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak. If these thoughts come to you in the middle of the night then go and do wudu and pray Tahajjud and make much dua and cry in your dua's of Allah to increase you in imaan (Faith) and to help you resist your desires and to help you get married ASAP.

    7. Find out when are your weakest times when your most likely to masterbate or touch yourself. When you have established on what times and occassions this occurs then you can plan what to do to avoid feeling temptations on thos particular occassions.

    8. Never read pornographic material especially on the internet as these images will be stored in your head and it will make your problem worse. Try to keep your gaze low at all times. Never read about your problem. Keep it out of mind. Remember -- "First a thought, then an act." The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain in your mind. When you accomplish that, you soon will be free of the act inshallah.

    9. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good Islamic books, the life of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and his seerah, the life after death. There SO many interesting topics to read and learn about. Make a daily habit of reading at least one juz(Chapter) of Qur'an with its meanings.

    Reading the Qur'an everyday with its meanings will bring countless blessings and rewards and bring you closer to Allah as well as keep you busy and occupied therefore keeping your mind off this problem.

    10. Make much dua. But when you make dua don't just make dua about this problem, for that will tend to keep it in your mind more than ever. Make dua for increase of your iman(faith), Make dua for understanding of the Islam and the Qur'an, Make dua for your family and ALL Muslims especially the ones that are being oprressed, Pray for the sick and that we all unite as one. keep the problem out of your mind by not mentioning it ever --not in conversation with others, not inso much in your dua's. keep it out of your mind because if you keep mentioning it then it will stay in your mind!

    11. Fast. You may have tried it before and it did'nt work but how can it work if we don't change our eating habits? If we eat little just to satisfy our stomachs then our fasting will be effective and restrict our sexual urges and capability's. But if we carry on over eating after our fasts then that food will impact on the stomach which will impact on our desires. So restrict the amount you eat before and after fasting and you will feel the benefits of fasting to stop your urges.

    12. Finally the best solution of all- GET MARRIED. Give some urgency to your family about the need for you to get married sooner rather than later. Tell them of the benefits of getting married early and that it is a sunnah as the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) recommended it as it will help avoid haraam(Forbidden) relations with non mahrams and getting married early will help eradicate this problem and mean that one can indulge in their sexual urges and desires legitamatley as well as recieve reward for it. The main reason why there is so many haraam relations out there is for the fact that our families are not getting their children married early enough as the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advised.

    May Allah keep us away form anything that angers and displeases him. Ameen
    Also, you can use this wazifa to stop having bad habits:

    to eliminate bad habits. recite ya khabiru (the aware) several times, daily this will help get rid of your bad habits.

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    very good brother,you have been continuing this thread for almost 5 years,really helpful,i agree to them all....but i wanted to add that i dont think getting married is best solution to stopping masturbation....yes,it sounds crazy but it is not....the majority of those who masturbate watch porn too or at least dont watch porn but have done it for a long time....now this is like a drug,its stuck in their mind as a source of dopamine and they go back to it,they keep thinking of it even if they dont feel desires,just looking or thinking of a half naked woman will trigger it,and they dont have much self control over this,if they did they would have stopped....what i mean is,someone who is addicted to masturbation/porn after getting married may stop for some time,but then will get ''bored'' with his wife and will slowly start getting back to masturbating or watching porn....it is very easy for their brain to get bored with one woman because they have been used to go video to video,always looking for ''better''......and in islam we dont even watch her without hijab before getting married so imagine a porn addict who keeps looking at these ''perfect'' girls everyday,and what he sees isnt like in porn,he would eventually go back to porn.......i hope i am wrong but i think its better to develop some self control first,a new outlook on life,and get married when masturbation happens veryyy rarely
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    format_quote Originally Posted by RisingLight View Post
    very good brother,you have been continuing this thread for almost 5 years,really helpful,i agree to them all....but i wanted to add that i dont think getting married is best solution to stopping masturbation....yes,it sounds crazy but it is not....the majority of those who masturbate watch porn too or at least dont watch porn but have done it for a long time....now this is like a drug,its stuck in their mind as a source of dopamine and they go back to it,they keep thinking of it even if they dont feel desires,just looking or thinking of a half naked woman will trigger it,and they dont have much self control over this,if they did they would have stopped....what i mean is,someone who is addicted to masturbation/porn after getting married may stop for some time,but then will get ''bored'' with his wife and will slowly start getting back to masturbating or watching porn....it is very easy for their brain to get bored with one woman because they have been used to go video to video,always looking for ''better''......and in islam we dont even watch her without hijab before getting married so imagine a porn addict who keeps looking at these ''perfect'' girls everyday,and what he sees isnt like in porn,he would eventually go back to porn.......i hope i am wrong but i think its better to develop some self control first,a new outlook on life,and get married when masturbation happens veryyy rarely
    That's basically what I've been saying all along. Simply saying "get married" is setting that person up for a disastrous marriage. Not only that, but if you're only intention to get married is for the sake of fulfilling your desires, not only will it fail, but you're also ruining the other persons life by forcing your problems on them. The purpose of marriage in Islam has more meaning than that as well. There are many threads on this forum where the poster is asking for advice regarding their spouse's porn addiction. Not just on here, but people in general. Here in the US, married people openly talk about looking at porn as if it's something to be proud about, sometimes they even talk about looking at it with their spouses.

    If someone is suffering from an addiction to porn, they need to fix their problems first and foremost before ever thinking about marriage. It isn't a matter of taking periodic breaks from it but rather to permanently stop the act all together. The images or videos one looks at won't easily be forgotten, if at all, and if that person spent years or even decades of their lives looking at that stuff, it'll most likely be burnt into their memories forever. This is both a test and a punishment for that person because if they are genuine in wanting to change, then they will have to show it by acting against their urges. That and, depending on their environment, they could be surrounded by people who dress immodestly thus making the urges even worse. It truly is a test of patience that is very rewarding for the person who passes it, both in this life and the next.

    Having said that, the only advice I can give to people with these types of problems is to focus on the akhira and be patient. Time spent in the dunya is insignificant relative to our permanent homes in the hereafter. Wasting hours of your life on a daily basis looking at a stranger on your computer for temporary pleasure is not worth it..

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    format_quote Originally Posted by keiv View Post
    That's basically what I've been saying all along. Simply saying "get married" is setting that person up for a disastrous marriage. Not only that, but if you're only intention to get married is for the sake of fulfilling your desires, not only will it fail, but you're also ruining the other persons life by forcing your problems on them. The purpose of marriage in Islam has more meaning than that as well. There are many threads on this forum where the poster is asking for advice regarding their spouse's porn addiction. Not just on here, but people in general. Here in the US, married people openly talk about looking at porn as if it's something to be proud about, sometimes they even talk about looking at it with their spouses.

    If someone is suffering from an addiction to porn, they need to fix their problems first and foremost before ever thinking about marriage. It isn't a matter of taking periodic breaks from it but rather to permanently stop the act all together. The images or videos one looks at won't easily be forgotten, if at all, and if that person spent years or even decades of their lives looking at that stuff, it'll most likely be burnt into their memories forever. This is both a test and a punishment for that person because if they are genuine in wanting to change, then they will have to show it by acting against their urges. That and, depending on their environment, they could be surrounded by people who dress immodestly thus making the urges even worse. It truly is a test of patience that is very rewarding for the person who passes it, both in this life and the next.

    Having said that, the only advice I can give to people with these types of problems is to focus on the akhira and be patient. Time spent in the dunya is insignificant relative to our permanent homes in the hereafter. Wasting hours of your life on a daily basis looking at a stranger on your computer for temporary pleasure is not worth it..
    exactly,thats what i said in another post too..getting married for the sake of fulfilling your desires is not a good thing at all...those desires are satisfied in the first night and then in then in the morning what are you left with? a huge responsibility that you arent even capable of holding

    i think its extremely hard to stop the act permanently alone,and there is no assurance if you will go back or not...i remember a guy once who was desperate because he did it again once after 530 days....sometimes the urges are so big that is extremely hard to stop...it is really a challenge

    may Allah help every one who wants to be saved from doing this act and make porn disgusting for them

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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    I do agree that marriage does not necessarily "cure" the problem with being addicted to masterbation and porn because as you have correctly stated one may continue to get ones dopamine fix from watching porn and masterbating even whilst married which can negatively impact upon ones sex life during marriage.

    However being married can certainly help one to cure this problem far better than someone who is not married because whilst being married it is far easier to be "fap free" and not turn to porn than if one was not married as being married gives one a permissible means or an "outlet" to be able to fulfill ones desires and therefore far easier to help one to be able stop these haraam addictions. But I think it is important to internalise before hand that one will not turn to these haraam means again and to make the necessary effort and be consistent in refraining from turning to these haraam means of fulfilling ones desires.

    After a period of time of refraining from these haraam addictions and getting used to fulfilling ones desires in the permissable way ones brain will eventually "rewire" itself again and then one will only be able to enjoy ones desires in the natural and permissable ways.

    Of course as with any addiction there is always a danger of "relapse" and so therefore as it is stated throughout this thread, one must always be aware of the "triggers" that may cause a relapse and do ones best to ensure that one does not get triggered and to keep ones imaan topped up as much as possible so as to help ensure one does not go back to these haraam means. Even if one trips or falls then one must get back up and ensure that they do not allow these addictions to once again "rewire" the brain back to being used to fulfilling ones desires in the impermissible unnatural way.

    I think everyone has certain triggers that are unique to oneself but of course there are triggers that are consistent in most people which have been stipulated in the articles in this thread such as lowering gaze at all times whether out and about and online and Television. As well as avoiding being alone and keeping oneself busy etc.

    Of course it goes without saying that we must always do our best to ensure we have Taqwa at all times not only to prevent these addictions but to prevent all public and private sins.

    May Allah enable us to avoid doing anything that may harm ourselves and our imaan. Ameen
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    Re: How to overcome Masturbation

    The following are just a few general ways we can help ourselves to change a bad habit:

    1. Quit caffeine. This maybe surprising for many but caffeine is a highly addictive substance. You only need one cup a day to be addicted. If you don't think you are then go without it for 3 days and you will realise. Caffeine causes one to become weaker to other addictions as it plays with the bodies hormonal and adrenal system. Some are more sensitive to it than others but you will certainly find that quitting caffeine will help you to quit other addictions and increase you in will power as well as clearing one's mind as consistent caffeine use can cause brain fog and loss of focus. Quitting helps one to become more stable minded and calmer and less agitated, fatigued and short tempered. Most importantly It allows one to have a much better and deeper sleep as caffeine affects sleep, even if you've only had one in the morning. Caffeine does not increase focus and productivity in the long term. It hampers it. Allah created us perfectly without the need of external substances to help us operate optimumly on a daily basis. So try quitting for 30 days and you will see the benefits in every aspect of your life. This also includes other addictive drugs such as nicotine and even prescribed drugs such as opioids.

    2. Correct sleep pattern. It goes without saying that the most important thing we can do for our health is to correct our sleep pattern. This effects every aspect of our mind, body and soul. If our sleep pattern is not consistent then it will have a detrimental affect in every aspect of our lives including our Deen. We can never be the best versions of ourselves if we do not correct our sleep patterns. Therefore we must sleep early and awaken early. The earlier we sleep the less time we will have in the evenings for our desires to become ignited.

    3. Eat smaller portions of food, reduce red meat and Fast. Eating large portions of food has a hugely detrimental effect on our health as well as our desires. Reduce food portion sizes, reduce red meat to once a fortnight and fast the Sunnah days twice a week on Monday and Thursdays as well as the 3 white days (13th, 14th and 15th of each Islamic month) and you will reap the rewards and benefits to your health in terms of mental, physical and spiritual well-being. It will also help significantly to control one's desires and increase in will power.

    4. Quit TV, movies/Dramas, control internet usage. It goes without saying that Television, movies, dramas etc are significantly detrimental to our conscious and subconscious minds. This is because most of what is showed is opposite to what our Deen conveys and propagates. It is full of propaganda and indoctrination both directly and subconsciously. If we cannot totally quit then at least be very selective in terms of what we feed our minds and always appoint specific times that we will watch certain programmes and be on the internet. Try to avoid totally from 8pm onwards as the desires weaken as the evening sets in. If we don't schedule our time then we will just browse and watch without measure and that is what is likely to ignite passions and desires. Put a internet block on adult websites and hide password somewhere so it is an effort to find it.

    5. Occupy yourself with good things in the evenings. Feed your mind Islamic knowledge and schedule remembrance of Allah and pondering over Allah from 8 pm onwards so you spend the evening occupied with good so that evil and desires cannot set in. Read, read and read. Reading has declined significantly in our times only to our detriment. Schedule in to read a minimum of one page of a good Islamic book and one page of the Qur'an with it's meanings. Start off small and gradually increase.

    6. Organise and schedule your time. This is very important in order to be more selective about how we spend our time. If we don't schedule and organise our precious time then shaythan and our Nafs certainly will. You can use many tools nowadays to schedule time whether on outlook, phone apps or on paper. Whatever works best for you.

    7. Pray Tahajjud. This has a profound effect on one's overall level of Imaan. Awaken even 15-20 minutes before Fajr begins and Pray 2 - 8 Rakah whatever you can manage. Afterwards connect with Allah through Dua. Ask of him and beg of him to help you in every aspect of your life especially when it comes to overcoming detrimental addictions. The amazing thing about Tahajjud is that you will continue to feel that special feeling throughout the day and you will feel your imaan on a high. You will be more inclined to do good deeds and less inclined towards sin. Try it and you will see! However to enhance this special feeling ensure that men in particular try and pray Fajr with congregation. Connecting to the Masjid is essentially connecting with Allah and has a hugely positive effect on helping keep us at bay with our desires and also connect with other Muslims.

    I hope the above tips help. May Allah enable us to overcome all habits and addictions that are holding us back from getting closer to him and being the best versions of ourselves. Ameen
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