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How to Overcome Waswasa/OCD in Worship

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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    How to overcome Waswasa/OCD (Shaythans whispers) in worship


    Waswas can become a very serious issue and it may take away the pleasure in worship and instead replace it with constant worry whether a person did Wudu or Salaah properly. It can become a very serious issue as a person will feel overwhelmed by paranoia with regards to their worship and will always feel a sense of inadequacy.

    In worship terms Waswasa means always have doubts about ones worship and not be sure of anything relating to worship as there is always a doubt there and this serious disease and illness is caused by shaythan.

    What are some of the symptoms of Waswasa?

    -You pray and then be not sure if you did.

    - You waste too much water and long time in wudu and ghusl.

    - You pray more than the number of Rakats and do the Sahu sujud every time. Even you pray more than once.

    - you are not sure if your clothes are clean and every moment change your clothes.

    - You follow the tiny things that are not even seen by eyes to clean them and remove them.

    - You worry too much and feel your worship is not complete.

    - You ask strange questions that people feel amazed about and show strange behaviour for example: someone walks with shoes on the carpet until the spot where she prays just because she is not sure if the land is clean.

    - You spend a very long time in the bathroom, just washing.

    - You are not sure of any worship you did is complete.

    And many other strange things that can tell you are suffering form Waswasa.

    Waswasa can become a serious problem especially if a person suffers from it constantly. Shaythan keeps putting doubts in ones mind and keeps telling the person that their prayer or wudu ghusl etc are not valid and that you have missed something out or not done it properly and so you should do it again.

    Your clothes are not clean, wash them again and so on. The person keeps falling for this and by this time shaythan knows that this has become the persons weakness so shaythan is able to attack the person in many different angles.

    Eventually shaythan will go onto more serious matters of faith until he tries to convince a person that "Are you sure Allah exists"? Or shaythan tries to cast doubts in the mind of a person by convincing them that they had shirk thoughts and so they must do the shahada again because they have now become a disbeliever and are out of the fold of Islam.

    Here are some real stories of people having Waswasa problem:

    A woman said: For 16 years, I everyday have shower and take shahada because I suddenly feel I am not sure, I am Muslim.

    A guy said: For years I pray and think I did not until I stopped praying at all.

    A woman said: I used to pray the prayer and keep repeating it until the next prayer.

    The best way's to resolve Extreme cases of Waswas are:

    1. Waswas can occur with pretty much any practising Muslim particularly if they do not have sufficient knowledge of Islam and matters pertaining to Fiqhi rulings.

    They care so much about wanting to worship right and please Allah and get so worried whether their deed has been accepted or not by Allah but the fact is they just do not know enough about Islam especially Fiqhi matters.

    So it is VERY important to learn about Fiqh and various other aspects of Islam. Knowledge is key to eradicating this problem from your life!

    Join some Fiqh classes face to face or online. Learn about other important aspects of Islam to. keep learning, learning and learning and you watch how these evil thoughts disappear inshallah.

    2. JUST IGNORE shaythans whispers. He will keep telling you your worship is incorrect or you have missed out something in your Salah then you must NOT repeat the Salah again.

    When you have done Wudu and something tells you that you have missed out something or have not done it properly then IGNORE those whispers.

    If shaythan tells you to do ghusl again because you never did it properly then IGNORE and NEVER obey these evil and deceptive whispers!

    If shaythan tries to tell you that you have attributed partners with Allah and that you have done shirk then IGNORE IT. He wants you to lose your faith and think that you have committed blasphemy when you have not done anything of the sort. if the mind wanders sometimes then that is fine all of our minds wander.

    Abu Haraira (Ra) narrates that once a group of people came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and asked: “We experience such evil thoughts that it is impossible to bring them on our lips”. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Do you really experience these thoughts? Yes, they replied. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “They are clear signs of faith”. (Sahih Muslim).

    So these are signs of faith and ultimately, we are not held to account for these thoughts. However, we will be held to account if we act on these thoughts.

    Shaythan will then try to make you think that you did act on these feelings when all you did was involuntarily wandered about them in your mind. Even if they did linger in your mind it does not mean you acted on it. Almost all of us have random thoughts and absurdities going on in our minds all of the time it does not mean we necessarily believe what we thought of.

    Do NOT ever give in to these thoughts for shaythan is just trying to be clever but knowledge will give on the upper hand!

    Whenever you get these whispers then just think: IT IS SHAYTHAN TRYING TO DECIEVE ME AND PUT ME OFF MY WORSHIP!

    3. Once you have completed Wudu then move on and ignore whatever shaythan tells you regardless of how serious it sounds. You have completed it and there is no need to think of it anymore. Once you have completed your Salaah then move on and continue with the next one or get on with whatever you are doing with your day or evening. Do not think about it and ignore any thoughts associated with the worship you have just done.

    Whatever you have completed is done and is over and there is NOTHING more you can do about it so do not think back that you could have done this or that or whether you need to repeat it etc. These doubts will not affect the prayer or wudu etc which you have completed so disregard and reject the whispers that tell you otherwise.

    These are all tricks of shaythan and you need to realise what his angles are. You need to play him at his own game and that way you will have the upper hand every time!

    Just think of what you need to do to please Allah and do not be extreme in religion.

    4. Who decides whether your worship will be complete or not? Shaythan or Allah? So by listening to the whispers of shaythan then you are simply obeying shaythan over Allah! Therefore we must ignore his evil whispers and realise that ONLY Allah can accept our deeds so we should obey Allah and ignore these waswas.

    5. If you get waswas then recite the following:

    A'udhu billaahi minashaythanirajeem


    La Hawla Wala Quwatha Illah billahil aliyyil Adheem

    Also recite the four Qul's Morning and evening and Ayatul Kursi Morning, before going to sleep and after every prayer.

    If shaythan whispers to you in prayer then look lft and spittle and recite A'udhu billaahi minashaythanirajeem

    thank Allah, wholeheartedly, for enabling you to overcome your desires and shaytan [saying, Alhamdulillah (‘All praise is due to Allah’)]; this makes shaytan despair, and strengthens one’s resolve.

    The following verse of Surah al-mu’minun may also be beneficial:

    “Rabbi inni a’uzu bika min hamazat ashayatin wa a’uzu bika rabbi an yahdurun”

    Trans: O my Lord! I seek your protection from the instigations of devils and I also seek your protection from that they (ever) come to me.

    6. Why disobey Allah and listen to shaythans whispers? By constantly repeating wudu, Salaah and wasting so much time then we are going against Allah and instead listening to shaythans evil whispers. The fact is Allah wants you to reject the waswas but shaythan wants you to accept them, then who will you listen to? The choice is yours...

    A desert Arab came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and asked him about ablution. He demonstrated (washing each part of his body) thrice, and then said: That is (the method) of the ablution. And he who does more than this has done wrong, transgressed the limit and has oppressed (himself). (Tirmidhi #417 , Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, and Abu Dawud)

    This hadith proves that one does NOT need to keep repeating the wudu over and over for no reason just because shaythan is telling us to repeat it. We would then transgress and oppress ourselves by doing so! Similarly one does not have to repeat the ghusl or prayers again and again for no reason just because shaythan tells us to. We are praying for Allah so shaythan has NO say in it and NEVER has!

    7. It is unlikely that you will not be able to conquer waswas overnight. Shaythan will not give up so easily for he will try and make you feel like you just don't care anymore about your worship or shirk etc but again this is just one of his many tactics that he uses to try and put off Allah's worshippers and so know that you know the different angels then you are now more equipped to fight these evil whispers.

    There are many more different angles that the shaythan will use but they will all be similar in nature, so if you follow these tips then eventually you will be able to eradicate this disease out of your life FOREVER! and start to enjoy your worship of Allah again Inshallah.

    So counteract all of these negative thoughts that you get after worship with positive thoughts and realise that ONLY Allah can accept your deeds and knows what is in your heart not Shaythan for he is just a deceiver!

    Allah Most High has promised,

    “As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.” [Qur’an, 29.69]

    And Allah knows best in all matters
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-07-2022 at 03:50 PM.
    How to Overcome Waswasa/OCD in Worship

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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Assalaamu Alaikum

    Jazakallah khair bro. very beneficial post indeed.

    may Allah(swt) purify our intentions and grant us all tawfiq in all that we do. ameen.
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    ufaq's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship


    Thank you this very important information.
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    Reflections's Avatar
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    - You worry too much and feel your worship is not complete.
    Astagfirullah..Wouldn't have thought that could be a waswasa..May Allah protect us from the whispers of shaytaan..Allahome ameen
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    Nayab's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Asalam o Alikum...
    JazakAllah for sharing.
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  8. #6
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    4 hadith on overcoming waswas

    1. The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has said:

    "Whoever experiences anything of this Waswas, let him say three times,'
    'Amantu billahi wa rasullih' and that will drive the Shaytan away." (Saheeh al-Jami' 6587)

    2. The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:

    "The Shaytan may come to any one of you, and say, 'Who created such-and-such? Who created such-and-such?' until he asks, 'Who created your (Lord) Rabb?' If this happens to anyone, let him seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, and let him stop such thoughts." (Sahih al-Jami' 93)

    3. The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said:

    "The people will nearly ask too many questions, so that one of them may say, 'Allah, the Almighty, created all of creation, but who created Allah, the Almighty?' If they say this, then recite: "Allah is the One, Allah is the Self-Sufficient Master, He begets not, nor was He begotten; and there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him" (Surah 112: 1-4), and spit (drily) to left three times, and seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, from the Shaytan." (Saheeh al-Jami' 8182)

    4. The Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has said: "Think about the signs of Allah, the Almighty, do not think about Allah ( Himself)." (Saheeh Al-Jami' 2975)
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 04-09-2022 at 04:42 AM.
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    How to Overcome Waswasa/OCD in Worship

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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    The Second Station of the Twenty-First Word

    [This comprises five cures for five of the heart's wounds.]

    In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

    And say: "O my Sustainer! I seek refuge with You from the suggestions of the evil ones * And I seek refuge with you, O my Sustainer, lest they should come near me."7

    O one afflicted with the sickness of scruples! Do you know what your scruples resemble? A calamity! The more importance they are given, the more they grow. If you give them no importance, they die away. If you see them as big, they grow bigger. If you see them as small, they grow smaller. If you fear them, they swell and make you ill. If you do not fear them, they are light and remain hidden. If you do not know their true nature, they persist and become established. While if you do know them and recognize them, they disappear. And so, I shall explain only five 'Aspects' which, of the many sorts of these calamitous scruples, are those which most frequently occur. Perhaps it may be curative for you and for me, for these scruples are such that ignorance invites them and knowledge repulses them. If you do not recognize them they come, if you do recognize them they go.


    Satan first casts a doubt into the heart. If the heart does not accept it, it turns from a doubt into abuse. It depicts before the imagination some unclean memories and unmannerly, ugly states which resemble abuse, and causes the heart to declare: "Alas!", and fall into despair. The person suffering from scruples supposes that he has acted wrongfully before his Sustainer and feels a terrible agitation and anxiety. In order to be saved from it, he flees from the Divine presence and wants to plunge into heedlessness. The cure for this wound is this:

    O wretched man suffering from scruples! Do not be alarmed! For what comes to your mind is not abuse, but something imaginary. And like to imagine unbelief is not unbelief, to imagine abuse is not abuse either. For


    7. Qur'an, 23:97-8.
    The Words ( 281 )
    according to logic, an imagining is not a judgement, and abuse is a judgement. Moreover, those ugly words are not the words of your heart, because your heart is saddened and sorry at them. Rather they come from the inner faculty situated near the heart which is a means of Satanic whisperings. The harm of scruples is imagining the harm. That is, it is to suffer harm in the heart through imagining them to be harmful. For it is imagining to be reality an imagining which is devoid of judgement. Also, it is to attribute to the heart Satan's works; to suppose his words to be from it. Such a person thinks it is harmful, so it becomes harmful. That is anyway what Satan wanted.


    It is this: when meanings arise in the heart, they enter the imagination stripped of form; it is there that they are clothed in an image or form. The imagination, always affected by some cause, weaves images of a sort. It leaves on the way the images of the things to which it gives importance. Whatever meaning passes through it, it either clothes it, or wears it, or taints it, or veils it. If the meanings are pure and clean, and the images, dirty and base, there is no clothing, but there is contact. The man with scruples confuses the contact with being clothed. He exclaims: "Alas! How corrupted my heart has become. This lowness has made me despicable!" Satan takes advantage of this vein of his. The cure for such a wound is as follows:

    Listen, O you unfortunate! Just as outward cleanliness, which is the means to the correct conduct of your prayers, is not affected by the uncleanness of the inside of your inner organs, and is not spoiled by it, so the sacred meanings being close to unclean forms does not harm them. For example, you are reflecting on some Divine signs when suddenly you feel ill, or an appetite, or a stimulation like a need to pass water. Of course your imagination will see whatever is necessary to cure the ill or answer the need, and will look at it, weave lowly forms appropriate to them, and the meanings that arise will pass between them. But there is no harm in their passing, nor soiling, nor error, nor injury. If there is any mistake, it is in paying them attention and imagining the harm.


    It is this: there are certain hidden connections between things. There are even the threads of connections between things you least expected. They are either there in fact, or your imagination made them according to the art with which it was preoccupied, and tied them together. It is due to this mystery of connections that sometimes seeing a sacred thing calls to mind a dirty thing. As stated in the science of rhetoric, "Although opposition is the cause of distance in the outer world, it is the cause of proximity in the imagination." That is, an imaginary connection is the means of bringing together the

    The Words ( 282 - 283 )
    images of two opposites. The recollection which arises from this connection is called the association of ideas.

    For example, while performing the prayers or reciting supplications before the Ka'ba in the Divine Presence, this association of ideas takes hold of you and drives you to the furthest, lowest trivia, although you are reflecting on Qur'anic verses. If your head is afflicted with association of ideas in this way, beware, do not be alarmed. Rather, the moment you come to your senses, turn back. Do not say: "I've done a great wrong," and keep playing with the trigger, lest through your attention, that tenuous connection strengthens. For the more you feel regret, the more importance you give it and that faint memory of yours becomes ingrained. It becomes an imaginary sickness. Do not be frightened, it is not a sickness of the heart. This sort of recollection is mostly involuntary. Especially in sensitive, nervous people it is more common. Satan works the mine of this sort of scruple a great deal. The cure for this wound is as follows:

    The association of ideas is mostly involuntary. One is not answerable for it. In association there is proximity; there is no touching or intermingling. Therefore the nature of the ideas do not pass to one another and do not harm one another. Just as Satan and the angel of inspiration being in proximity to one another around the heart, and sinners and the pious being close to one another in the same house cause no harm, so too, if at the prompting of the association of ideas, dirty imaginings come and enter among clean thoughts, they cause no harm. Unless it is intentional, or by imagining them to be harmful, one is over-occupied with them. And sometimes the heart becomes tired, and the mind occupies itself with anything it encounters in order to entertain itself. Then Satan finds an opportunity, and scatters dirty things before it, and eggs it on.


    This is a scruple arising from searching for the best form of an action. Supposing it to be fear of God, the more rigorous it becomes, the more severe the condition becomes for the person. It even reaches the point that while searching for even better forms of action, he deviates into what is unlawful. Sometimes searching for a Sunna makes him give up what is obligatory. He says: "I wonder if my act was sound?", and repeats it. This state continues, and he falls into terrible despair. Satan takes advantage of this state of his, and wounds him. There are two cures for such a wound.

    The First Cure: Scruples like this are worthy of the Mu'tazilites, because they say: "Actions and things for which a person is responsible are either, of themselves and in regard to the hereafter, good, and because of this good they were commanded, or they are bad, and because they are bad they were prohibited. That means, from the point of view of reality and the

    The Words ( 283 )
    hereafter, the good and bad in things is dependent on the things themselves, and the Divine command and prohibition follows this." According to this school of thought, the following scruple arises in every action which a person performs: "I wonder if my action was performed in the good way that in essence it is?" While the true school, the Sunni School, says: "Almighty God orders a thing, then it becomes good. He prohibits a thing, then it becomes bad." That is, goodness becomes existent through command, and badness through prohibition. They look to the awareness of the one who performs the action, and are established according to that. And this good and bad is not in the apparent face which looks to this world, but in the face that looks to the hereafter.

    For example, you performed the prayers or took the ablutions and there was a cause that of itself would spoil them, but you were completely unaware of it. Your prayers and ablutions, therefore, are both sound and acceptable. However, the Mu'tazilites say: "In reality it was bad and unsound. But it may be accepted from you because you were ignorant and did not know, so you have an excuse." Therefore, according to the Sunni School, do not say about an action which is conformable with the externals of the Shari'a: "I wonder if it was sound?"; do not have scruples about it. Say: "Was it accepted?"; do not become proud and conceited!

    The Second Cure: This is: There is no difficulty in religion.8 Since the four schools of law are true; and since realizing a fault which leads to the seeking of forgiveness is preferable -for the person afflicted with scruples- to seeing actions as good, which leads to pride, that is, it is better if such a person sees his action as faulty and seeks forgiveness, rather than considering it to be good and falling into pride; since it is thus, throw away your scruples and say to Satan: "This state is a difficulty. It is difficult to be aware of the reality of things. It is contrary to the ease in religion expressed by: There is no difficulty in religion. It is contrary to the principle, Religion is facility. Certainly such an action is conformable with a true school of law. That is enough for me. And at least by admitting my inability to perform the worship in a way worthy of it, it is a means of taking refuge with Divine compassion through humbly beseeching forgiveness, and to meekly supplicating that my faulty actions be accepted.


    In matters of belief, what occurs to one in the form of doubts are scruples. The unhappy man suffering from scruples sometimes confuses conceptions in his mind with imaginings. That is, he imagines a doubt that has occurred to his imagination to be a doubt that has entered his mind, and supposes that


    8. Bukhari, i, 16; Ibn Hibban, Sahih, i, 280; Kanz al-Ummal, iii, 33, 36, 47; vi, 42, 47.

    The Words ( 284 - 285 )
    his beliefs have been damaged. Sometimes he supposes a doubt he has imagined to have harmed his belief. Sometimes he supposes a doubt he has imagined to have been confirmed by his reason. Sometimes he supposes pondering over a matter related to unbelief to be unbelief. That is, he supposes to be contrary to belief his exercising his ability to reflect in the form of understanding the causes of misguidance, and his ability to study and reason in impartial fashion. Then, taking fright at these suppositions, which result from the whisperings of Satan, he exclaims: "Alas! My heart is corrupted and my beliefs spoiled." Since those states are mostly involuntary, and he cannot put them to rights through his faculty of will, he falls into despair. The cure for this wound is as follows:

    Just as imagining unbelief is not unbelief, neither is fancying unbelief, unbelief. And just as imagining misguidance is not misguidance, so too reflecting on misguidance is not misguidance. For both imagining, and fancying, and supposing, and reflecting, are different from confirmation with the reason and submission of the heart, they are other than them; they are free to an extent; they do not listen to the faculty of will; they are not included among the obligations of religion. But affirmation and submission are not like that; they are dependent on a balance. And just as imagining, fancying, supposing, and reflecting are not affirmation or submission, so they cannot be said to be doubt or hesitation. But if they are repeated unnecessarily and become established, then a sort of real doubt may be born of them. Also, continually taking the part of the opposing side calling it unbiased reasoning or being fair reaches the point that the person involuntarily favours the opposing side. His taking the part of the truth, which is incumbent on him, is destroyed. He too falls into danger. A state of mind becomes fixed in his head whereby he becomes an officious representative of Satan or the enemy.

    The most important of this sort of scruple is this: the person suffering from it confuses something that is actually possible with something which is reasonably possible. That is, if he sees something which is of itself possible, he imagines it to be reasonably possible and reasonably doubtful. Whereas one of the principles of theology (kalâm) is that something which is of itself possible is not opposed to certain knowledge and does not contradict the demands of reason. For example, the Black Sea sinking into the earth at this moment is of itself possible, but we judge with certainty that the sea is in its place, and we know this without doubting it, and that possibility which is actually possible causes us no doubt and does not damage our certainty. And, for example, of itself it is possible that the sun will not set today or that it will not rise tomorrow. But this possibility in no way damages our certainty that it will rise and gives rise to no doubt. Similarly, unfounded suspicions arising from possibilities of this sort about, for example, the setting of
    The Words ( 285 )
    the life of this world and rising of the life of the hereafter, which are among the truths of belief, cause no harm to the certainty of belief. Furthermore, the well-known rule, A possibility that does not arise from any proof or evidence is of no importance is one of the established principles of both the sciences of the principles of religion and the principles of jurisprudence (fiqh).

    If you say: "What is the wisdom and purpose in scruples being visited on us, which are thus harmful and an affliction for believers?"

    The Answer: On condition they do not lead to excess or overwhelm a person, essentially scruples are the cause of vigilance, lead to seeking the best way, and give rise to seriousness. They banish indifference and repulse carelessness. Therefore, in this realm of examination and arena of competition, the Absolutely Wise One put them in the hand of Satan as a whip of encouragement for us. He strikes it at our heads. If it hurts excessively, one must complain to the All-Wise and Compassionate One, and say: I seek refuge with God from Satan the Accursed.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    I was terribly suffering from waswasa almost 15 years ago. One brother read the book I pasted related part above. It cured my hearth Al Hamdulillah, This is a translation. It is not a calamity peculiar to worshiping only.
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  11. #9
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Combatting the whispers of shaythan:

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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Nor is this related to Muslims. Shaytan whispers to me constantly, telling me I will never be good enough to take shahada and I won't be able to pray correctly and I should just give up now, my parents will hate me, etc. I admit, sometimes it gets me down, but I keep praying to Allah to guide me, and I still feel like I am being led toward Islam. It goes against everything I have ever known, yet there it is. I only know that I feel more at peace with this decision the more I think about it.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy View Post
    Nor is this related to Muslims. Shaytan whispers to me constantly
    lol. If Shaytan is doing that, then it's a sure sign that you have faith. By your interest in Islam you have made Shaytan really busy.

    If you accept Islam and start praying, believe me his whispers are going to increase even more. But it's worth it to fight him off and persist in your prayer. There's a sweetness in salat that cannot be found anywhere else.... it's the sweetness of getting close to Allah, being connected to Allah.

    Suggestion: Keep Shaytan busy. Keep him worried. Keep him dancing.

    He's our enemy..... trying to get us all to face the worst punishment we can possibly get in Hell.

    Benefit of fighting Shaytan: An improved character. Cool, calm and collected.
    How to Overcome Waswasa/OCD in Worship

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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flame View Post

    lol. If Shaytan is doing that, then it's a sure sign that you have faith. By your interest in Islam you have made Shaytan really busy.

    If you accept Islam and start praying, believe me his whispers are going to increase even more. But it's worth it to fight him off and persist in your prayer. There's a sweetness in salat that cannot be found anywhere else.... it's the sweetness of getting close to Allah, being connected to Allah.

    Suggestion: Keep Shaytan busy. Keep him worried. Keep him dancing.

    He's our enemy..... trying to get us all to face the worst punishment we can possibly get in Hell.

    Benefit of fighting Shaytan: An improved character. Cool, calm and collected.
    Ironically, it was a Christian friend of mine who recently pointed out to me that when I was content to wallow in my self-misery, Satan/Shaytan was content to let me. I never really had any issues in my life other than what I perceived with my inflated sense of self-worth. Sure, I was lonely and felt like nobody really cared, and I was angry about everything, but that was it.

    Now that I am actively seeking Allah, I have a lot more going on. Money issues, health issues, family issues. I'm not used to having to deal with all of this and I admit it is a little scary sometimes. It seems like life is piling crap on me right now right when I am trying to get my life straight and find Allah and become a better person.

    I decided the other night that I don't want to sit on the sidelines forever. I know I don't know how to pray salat yet, but I want to participate anyway. I can't learn if I'm always sitting idly by. There is a lot I don't know about Islam still, but only by making mistakes am I going to learn. And if my effort is an honest one, Allah will forgive any mistakes I make.

    With that in mind, I have decided to take shahada. I don't know if I will do it tonight or tomorrow, but I feel like it has to be soon.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy View Post
    With that in mind, I have decided to take shahada. I don't know if I will do it tonight or tomorrow, but I feel like it has to be soon.
    You do know how angry Shaytan will be, don't you?

    I teach my kids to do things to make Shaytan angry. lol. The angrier, the better.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    format_quote Originally Posted by Flame View Post

    You do know how angry Shaytan will be, don't you?

    I teach my kids to do things to make Shaytan angry. lol. The angrier, the better.
    Well, I live for making people angry, so that's perfect for me.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Greetings Just a Guy,
    format_quote Originally Posted by Just a Guy View Post
    I decided the other night that I don't want to sit on the sidelines forever. I know I don't know how to pray salat yet, but I want to participate anyway. I can't learn if I'm always sitting idly by. There is a lot I don't know about Islam still, but only by making mistakes am I going to learn. And if my effort is an honest one, Allah will forgive any mistakes I make.

    With that in mind, I have decided to take shahada. I don't know if I will do it tonight or tomorrow, but I feel like it has to be soon.
    This is really wonderful to hear. Please do let us know how it goes. May Allaah (swt) guide you and help you in every step, Aameen.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Waswas (Insinuating Thoughts) from Shaytan

    A person asked: "I am suffering from many insinuating thoughts (waswas) about the nature of Allah, the Almighty, may He, the Almighty, be glorified. There are thoughts going around in my mind that I cannot utter because they do not fit Allah, the Almighty, and they keep coming back to me, when I am praying and at other times. it is so bad that I doubt my faith, and wonder if I am even a real Muslim or not. What is the cure for this problem?"

    A number of hadiths have been reported from the Prophet, peace be upon him, which contain the answer to this problem, Al-hamdu Lillah (praise be to Allah). The Messenger, peace be upon him, said:

    "The Shaytan may come to any one of you and say, 'Who created Allah, the Almighty?' If any one of you experiences this, let him say, '
    'Amantu billahi wa rasulihi ' [I believed in Allah, the Almighty, and His Messenger, peace be upon him], and that will drive him away."
    (Saheeh al-Jami' 1657)

    The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, also said: "The Shaytan may come to any one of you and ask, 'Who created the heaven?' and he will say, 'Allah, the Almighty' then the Shaytan will say, 'Who created Allah, the Almighty?' If any one of you experiences this, let him say, '
    'Amantu billahi wa rasulih.'"
    (Sahih al-Jami' 1656)

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, also said:

    "Whoever experiences anything of this Waswas, let him say three times,' 'Amantu billahi wa rashullih' and that will drive the Shaytan away." (Saheeh al-Jami' 6587)

    The Prophet, pece be upon him, said: "The Shaytan may come to any one of you, and say, 'Who created such-and-such? Who created such-and-such?' until he asks, 'Who created your (Lord) Rabb?' If this happens to anyone, let him seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, and let him stop such thoughts." (Sheeh al-Jami' 93)

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "The people will nearly ask too many questions, so that one of them may say, 'Allah, the Almighty, created all of creation, but who created Allah, the Almighty?' If they say this, then recite: "Allah is the One, Allah is the Self-Sufficient Master, He begets not, nor was He begotten; and there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him" (Surah 112: 1-4), and spit (drily) to left three times, and seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, from the Shaytan." (Saheeh al-Jami' 8182)

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: [COLOR="#FF0000"]"Think about the signs of Allah, the Almighty, do not think about Allah ( Himself)." [/COLOR](Saheeh Al-Jami' 2975)

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Think about the creation of Allah not think about Allah (Himself)." (Saheeh al-Jami', 2976)

    Form these texts we may summarize the following six ways of overcoming these insinuating thoughts:

    1.The person who is experiencing such ideas should say," 'Amantu billahi wa rasulihi [I believe in Allah, the Almighty, and His Messenger, peace be upon him.]."

    2.He should seek refuge with Allah, the Almighty, from the accursed Shaytan, and say three times, "A 'udhu billahi 'l-Sami' il-'Alim min al-Shaytan il-rajim, min hamzihi wa nafkhihi wa nafathih [ I seek refuge with Allah, the All-hearing, the All-Knowing, from the accursed Shaytan, and from his slander and evil insinuations]."

    3.He should spit (with little saliva) to his left three times.

    4. He should stop thinking about these things, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Let him stop." This is an important tactic, because continuing to allow the Shaytan to influence one in this way will only make it worse. The Muslim must stop these thoughts, as much as he can, and keep his mind busy with something useful and beneficial.

    5. He should recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Qul huwa Allahu ahad), because it describes attributes of the All-Merciful and is considered to be equivalent to one-third of the Qur'an. Reciting this great Surah will guarantee an end to these insinuating thoughts.

    6.He should think about the creating and blessing of Allah, the Almighty, not about His nature, because his weak human mind can never comprehend the nature of Allah. Allah, the Almighty, said: "..... but they never compass anything of His Knowledge." (20:110)

    (Ref: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid. Problems and Solutions. IIPH, Riyadh, KSA)
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Shaythan CANNOT decide if your worship is accepted or not, ONLY ALLAH CAN!

    Imprint this in your minds whenever you get any type of paranoia about worship. Surely shaythan does not know what is in our hearts. He cannot decide if our purification or worship is accepted or good enough or not. To him nothing good that we do will ever be good enough because he hates it when we do good. Therefore ignore shaythan who is our sworn enemy and know that he has NO say in whether our wudu, ghusl or any worship we do is good enough or accepted or not. He is decieving us into think it is not good enough and will not be accepted. Who is he to tell us this? NO ONE! So ignore him and do not listen to him. Know that as long as we try our best to do a good wudu and ghusl and worship him in the best way that we can then that is good enough for Allah. After that get on with making the best of each second of our lives and IGNORE YOUR ENEMY SHAYTHAN!
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    jazakallah khair for this. I did have an extreme case of waswas before, but I got over it alhamdulillah but I still get thoughts that my wudu and my salah wasn't correct.
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    Re: How to overcome Waswas (Shaythans whispers) in worship

    Jazak Allaho khair

    I didn't read it all but seems beneficial. especially the part about ignoring shaytan's whispers when it tells you you didn't do something right or missed something.

    i remember one imam talking about a man who said that he knew he had done the pyarer right but he was worried he had missed something. so the imam told him that he was insane and the pen stops writing when a person is insane so the man has nothing to worry about since his deeds are not being written. it's true that some people have shaytan's waswas to the point that they may be regarded insane. A teacher of fiqh said that you should wash yourself three times in ghusl up to a maximum of seven times. and if even after 7 times you still feel you are not clean, then you are crazy.

    I have heard ppl repeating parts of prayer because they felt they hadn't done them. If you are worried you haven'tprayed right because you really haven't been paying attention, then the prayer should be repeated. We should be aware of your prayers and what we are reciting in them and should even be aware of the meaning. In the prayer we should feel that we are standing before Allah because it is direct communication with Allah and Allah is watching us. So if the mind wanders here and there, then the prayer should be repeated because really one hasn't prayed if one isn't attentive. I have seen that repeating the prayer or reciting the part again (for example, Surah Al-Fatiha) when one is inattentive makes shaytan go away and the next time you are more attentive.

    If on the other hand one knows he has done the prayer right but still gets such thougths that he hasn't, then those thoughts should be ignored.
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