Hi, recently i have been having doubts about needing to take Ghusl.
If i see white marks, i think i need Ghusl even though i know that those white marks do not mean Ghusl is needed, but i keep having doubts.
Also if i don't remember having a wet dream or anything, and in the morning see something white on my clothes, and it has no smell, can i assume that i dont need to take Ghusl as if it was Mani it would smell like it says in this.

A person who reaches puberty discharges four kinds of fluids:
1- Urine, 2- Mani (sperms), 3- Mazi (fluid during excitement), 4-Wadi (fluid generally after urination)
Among those the only one which necessitates ghusl is mani (sperms). Mani has three qualities:
1- It gushes forth,
2- Satisfaction occurs,
3- When damp, it smells like dough; when dry, it smells like the white of egg.

Thank you.