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Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    I have been praying Salat-ul-Hajat for many months now. 9 months ago I experienced a very difficult emotional heartbreak from which I have not yet recovered. I continue to hurt everyday, and i ask Allah SWT every day for peace and healing, and to bring joy back into my life.

    After all this time, things have not changed.

    Other than constant ibadat, reading nafl, reading the Quran, reading Ya Latif, Ya Mujeeb, Ya Jabar on my tasbeeh, etc, what else can I possibly do to heal, move on, and feel happy again?
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    I don't really know that there is such a thing as salaat al hajaat. That it is recognized.. but Allah swt knows best

    I'd like an answer to that too..

    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    abdussattar's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    Salaatul Hajat is an authentic nafil which is prayed in times of distress to avail help from Allah.

    Precious Star, Always remember, NONE of our prayers go unanswered. They may be answered in this world in our own desired way, of the way decided by Allah's unlimited knowledge, or you get its return in Akhirah.

    93 5 1 - Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat
    And undoubtedly, soon your Lord shall give you so much that you shall be satisfied.

    It is said that a person will come on the day of Qayamah , and he will be in distress.. Then he will be offered mountainous good deeds.. The person will be astonished and will ask what are these deeds for? It will be replied These are your prayers which were not answered in this world.

    It is never right to be displeased with the mercy Of Allah.I know that when you willbe reading this, you would most probably think that I an just a person who is answering your for the sake od answering but its not practical, because that is what one feels when one is under sadness or such. But Ponder over this for some time.

    Prophet Muhammad , (S.A.W.S) was the result of the Dua of a messenger, Allah's friend, Khaleelullah, Ibraheem (A.S). Just Imagine that the dua of a messenger took a large time to be fulfilled, but it was fulfilled in such a manner that one cannot imagine. Even Ibraheem (A.S) had prayed behind him.....
    So do not lose hope That Allah will not answer your prayers.Sabr is the key.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    Assalamu Alaikum sister precious star,

    Just like brother Abdussattar says do not despair, as no one's prayers go unanswered all of us go through trials and we should accept them joyfully as Allah S.W.T often shows His love by giving us problems, to elevate us.
    You should consider yourself blessed and thus be Shukr.
    Not many people have your Istiqama (perseverance) to pray Nafl, you should be proud (in a nice way) sister of your achievement.
    It's all a simple matter of perception and Inshallah soon you will see the Hikmah (divine wisdom) in it all.
    For everything has a purpose, to which some times grief temporary blinds from seeing or realising this Hikmah.
    Like the brother said that these may sound like hollow words to you but sister I speak also from experience as I lost my health and income all at once, but as soon as I accepted it (almost a year later) my life became better than before for Allah S.W.T is most surely Ghafur wa Rahim (most forgiving and most mercifull).
    Have you given thought that maybe you should pray "salatul Istigharah' to obtain a solution to what's troubling you.
    Please keep in touch with us as you honour us with your presence.

    "Seek Allah"s help with patience and perseverance and prayer it is indeed hard except to those who bring a lowly spirit" 2/45 Y.Ali

    May Allah S.W.T strengthen our Iman and patience.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    As the brother said, all our duas are answered, either in this world with the fulfilment of what we ask for or removal of a bad thing from our destiny or as a reward stored for us in the hereafter.

    Our dua can change destiny. Keep perservering.

    Try to be the best muslim you can by avoiding sin, doing many good deeds, all salah on time etc in order to have your duas be more potent.

    Sister, the thing with our life in the world is that it is not meant to be an abode of happiness. Wordly things ought not to make us feel content. Our desire ought to be in attaining paradise.

    The life we experience now is just a test and only accounts for a day or part of a day of the real life in the hereafter. So we should try to change our mindsets such that we don't feel too sad at events we experience now. The state of a mu'min is such that he is content no matter what happens to him.

    We could be the poorest of the poor, the ugliest of the ugly, the unhealthiest of the unhealthy, the lonliest of the lonely, but as long as we retain our iman, that is the most important thing we could ever possess.

    Allah tests those he loves. Consider this - for the past year or so, you have constantly been praying to Allah. Your sole concentration must have been on Allah, trying to please him and hoping for the reward of your prayer being answered. If this pain had not afflicted you, you would not be in this praiseworthy state of having your strong focus on Allah, rather you'd have a more mundane relationship with him. Try to see the blessing behind your pain. Realise it was a necessary suffering in order for you to gain a greater appreciation of Allah.

    From your previous threads, you are sad at having lost someone and your hopes at having a baby and family went with him. Move on - keep trying to find someone else to marry if you are not already doing so.

    The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, "Strange is the affair of the Mu'min (the believer), verily all his affairs are good for him. If something pleasing befalls him he thanks (Allah) and it becomes better for him. And if something harmful befalls him he is patient (Saabir) and it becomes better for him. And this is only for the Mu'mmin." [Muslim]
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    With regards to the salaatul haajah itself, it is based on weak hadeeth, and there is an opinion that acts of worship should not be based on weak ahadeeth:


    It is better to pray to Allah for needs in ways from the saheeh ahadeeth, such as in the last third of the night before fajr starts, praying tahajjud:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    Allah's Apostle said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 21, Number 246).

    But remember, that although we can ask Allah, and hope that we see a visible answer to our du3as, we cannot force Allah to give us what we want. Maybe we'll get something far more important and better than we asked for. I know this won't be much consolation, but what if it is the case that Allah is pleased with your constant remembrance of Him, and that through your 3ibaadah you could be accumulating huge rewards for the hereafter... And what greater good fortune could there be than to have Allah pleased with you...

    Please do read Du'a, Weapon of the Believer, downloadable from here: http://www.dhikrullah.com/knowledge/...-the-believer/ It is a very good read, and hopefully you'll find it beneficial with regards to making du3a inshaa'Allah.

    And Allah knows best in all matters.

    Last edited by Insaanah; 05-08-2011 at 12:24 PM.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    I understand everything you are saying. I also understand that the payoff may come in the hereafter. That is wonderful. But surely Allah SWT gives us happiness in this life, too? We have two lives -- this one, and the next. Why shouldn't I hold out hope for happiness in tihis life, too? When I was a young university student, and if I did not achieve success in my exams, my mother would say: try harder and it will happen. She did not say, "it doesn't matter- what matters is the akhirah".

    I am only 40. I find it disheartening to just sit and wait for death so my prayers can be answered in the hereafter. It means that in this life I will be lonely and sad, regardless of how many prayers I make.

    I was worried about salat ul hajah, that it is based on a weak hadith. Sometimes, I also pray nafl, and yes I have done istikharah just for guidance. I also talk to Allah during my quiet moments and ask him for help. Lately, in my dua, I have been asking Allah "please, please Ya Allah, don't let the answer be 'no'".
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    Nobody is saying to just give up and wait for death sister. Keep trying to get married.

    It means that in this life I will be lonely and sad, regardless of how many prayers I make.
    You need to be fully convinced and optimistic when making dua that what you ask for will be granted to you, whilst submitting to the wisdom of Allah and trusting it to be in your ultimate benefit when what you ask for is not given to you immediately.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Precious Star View Post
    Lately, in my dua, I have been asking Allah "please, please Ya Allah, don't let the answer be 'no'".
    Assalamu alaikum Sister,

    After further reading what you posted and based on personal experience of how we are supposed to see ourselves in situations where we seek Allah S.W.T's help, I wish to relate to you what I'm sure would be the last thing that you want to hear right now and that is critique.
    Sister you need to re examine your understanding of the sixth principle of Iman for therein lies the best understanding of servant and Master relationship that exists between us and Allah S.W.T.
    The best I can do is recommend to you a book which changed and helped me to understand what may well be the hardest thing to accept in Islam.
    The book's name is Al Ubudiyyah being a true slave of Allah by Ibn Taymiyah (info:Ta-Ha Publishers 1 Wynne Road London SW9 0BB)
    I'm not quite computer literate so I don't know if it's available on the Net.
    As each person's relationship is unique with Allah S.W.T one can only advise to a point the rest must be done by us individually.
    This book Inshallah should help you to best understand your relationship with His will.
    I apologise for not being of much help to you.

    May Allah S.W.T protect us from ourselves.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    salam,when ever we make dua ask Allah to give what is khair.everyobjecet has khair and sharr.ie.good and bad.two people buy cars at the same time.one man uses it happily formany purpose.the other man running in the newcar meet with an accident dies at the spot.so you see for one man it is khair and for the other it was sharr.for moosa(as)crossed the sea that gave path to him and his followers according to the orders ofAllah.it was khair for them.but firown and his folloers were drawned in the same sea which was sharr for them.if our children ask anything what will we do.we,ll give them only if it is good for them.othere wise we,ll say abig no.children willnot no what is good for them.it is their parent decide.likewise only Allah nos what is good and badfor us.so sis whe n we make dua we should always ask for khair in it .and if we r delayed or if our duas r not accepted we should firmly believe there is no khair in it.and Allah will give us happiness in some other way.this belief is what called Iman.if our iman is strong nothing can shake us.may Allah fulfil ur wishes.aameen
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  14. #11
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Precious Star View Post
    I understand everything you are saying. I also understand that the payoff may come in the hereafter. That is wonderful. But surely Allah SWT gives us happiness in this life, too? We have two lives -- this one, and the next. Why shouldn't I hold out hope for happiness in tihis life, too? When I was a young university student, and if I did not achieve success in my exams, my mother would say: try harder and it will happen. She did not say, "it doesn't matter- what matters is the akhirah".

    I am only 40. I find it disheartening to just sit and wait for death so my prayers can be answered in the hereafter. It means that in this life I will be lonely and sad, regardless of how many prayers I make.

    I was worried about salat ul hajah, that it is based on a weak hadith. Sometimes, I also pray nafl, and yes I have done istikharah just for guidance. I also talk to Allah during my quiet moments and ask him for help. Lately, in my dua, I have been asking Allah "please, please Ya Allah, don't let the answer be 'no'".
    Asalaamu alaikum, i think we would be able to try and help you a bit more if you were to tell us exactly what your loss was. If you dont feel comfortable in sharing such a thing then you will only get generalised answers which wont really help you directly.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    sister i suggest u
    1. try to strength ur eman on qadar. thats help u to forgot what had happened and never came bcak.
    2. Patience (sabr). surely allah swt listen us but we human are "zaloman jahoola" (impatient).
    3. dua and salat
    (i am saying 2&3 form quran bcz allah swt says in quran that seek HIS help by sabar and salat)
    4. if u are mature (+20) and unmarried, do marry asap.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah View Post
    With regards to the salaatul haajah itself, it is based on weak hadeeth, and there is an opinion that acts of worship should not be based on weak ahadeeth:
    Allah swt in quran said that ask for His help through salat and sabar. and Prophet PBUH also pray salat and seek Allah SWT help when He PBUH feel any difficulty (its in hadith by Anas bin Malik). on ocassian of Badar prophet PBUH pray for all night. All Previous Prophet PBUT also pray salat when they are in need of help (hadith by Hazarat Sohaib Romi RA). in quran Allah SWT tell about the Zakriay AS that he pray salat and ask for a child and allah swt accept this.
    so based on above i dont think salat ul hajah is something that has no base. im not a aalim nor its a fatwa. just my thinking. am i right ?
    also the fatwa above by QA tell about that specific salat of 12 rakhas named as salat ul hajah. but i mean we can pray nafal salat 2,4, 6 as we wish and then ask allah swt for help. is that ok?
    Last edited by tigerkhan; 05-09-2011 at 08:09 AM.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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  17. #14
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan View Post
    also the fatwa above by QA tell about that specific salat of 12 rakhas named as salat ul hajah. but i mean we can pray nafal salat 2,4, 6 as we wish and then ask allah swt for help. is that ok?
    Yes, we are encouraged to pray nafl and make du3a, and to seek help through sabr and salaat, as mentioned in the Qur'an and shown in the authentic sunnah. The fatwas are referring to a couple of specific types of salaat mentioned in weak ahadeeth, with a specific way of performing it, that is especially referred to as salaatul haajat.

    And Allah knows best.

    Last edited by Insaanah; 05-09-2011 at 07:15 PM.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

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    This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One God, and that those of understanding may take heed (14:52)

    Indeed Allah knows, and you know not (16: 74, part)
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    As lowlife mentioned, I experienced heartbreak over the loss of someone many months ago. While I accept that there was a reason for that, the reality is that I am now 40 and no one in my family has tried to help me get married. I am alone in the world, and sad that I do not have a family of my own.

    Maybe it is my qadar to be alone. Maybe in the hereafter I will not be alone. But between now and the hereafter, I don't know how to be happy and joyful. My heart isn't just cracked its broken in many pieces. I pray EVERY SINGLE dua THAT I come across.

    I thought, surely Allah will answer ONE of my prayers? I have been praying for a family of my own for 15 years now. Instead, my parents and siblings abandoned me and they get mad at me if I don't pay attention to them because I am trying to find ways to get married. I have tried to explain things to them but they think I am selfish for wanting a husband and children. So they leave me alone. I don't think I am being selfish at all. But I have now run out of options, and because I am sad and alone, it is hard for me to find options. Trust me, there is so much I tried on my own, but when you don't have support, things backfire very badly.

    I really believed, maybe still believe, that praying nafl and reading Quran will bring a miracle into my life.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    When u say lost do u mean you lost your husband through his death?
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81 View Post
    When u say lost do u mean you lost your husband through his death?
    Husband??? No, brother Hamza, I have never been married -- as I have said in my post, I have been praying for 15 years for a husband and children, and my family has not tried to help me. When I said heartbreak, i was referring to someone I once hoped would be my husband, but things did not work out that way.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Precious Star View Post
    Husband??? No, brother Hamza, I have never been married -- as I have said in my post, I have been praying for 15 years for a husband and children, and my family has not tried to help me. When I said heartbreak, i was referring to someone I once hoped would be my husband, but things did not work out that way.
    So you were in a relationship before marriage hoping that it would lead to marriage but it didn't?
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    I don't know what you mean by relationship. As i said in my post, there was a man I wanted to marry but it did not work that way. The reason I have posted, brother Hamza, is not because "I was in a relationship before marriage", as you have insinuated. The reason I have posted is because i have been discouraged that despite constant ibadat and constant praying for a husband over 15 years, I have not achieved that, and I wonder if Allah will be answering my requests that this sadness, loneliness and abandonment by my family goes away.
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    Re: Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    format_quote Originally Posted by Precious Star View Post
    I don't know what you mean by relationship. As i said in my post, there was a man I wanted to marry but it did not work that way. The reason I have posted, brother Hamza, is not because "I was in a relationship before marriage", as you have insinuated. The reason I have posted is because i have been discouraged that despite constant ibadat and constant praying for a husband over 15 years, I have not achieved that, and I wonder if Allah will be answering my requests that this sadness, loneliness and abandonment by my family goes away.
    Asalaamu Alaikum, No sister i just wanted to find out the facts of your case that is why i asked some probing questions. My dear sister a few years ago one of my close friends wife had died at quite a young age and she was also pregnant with his child at the time of her death. He mourned her death for a long time but remained patient for a number of years and had continued to ask Allah for a good and pious partner even though at times he wanted to lost hope. He made some very strong dua's to Allah begging of himj to help him esepcially in Ramadan and whilst he was sat in I'thiqaaf.

    You have come here for a reason and that is for you to know that whatever is best will happen for you as long as you never question Allah "why" but accept his decree and continue to be patient for his pleasure alone. Also continue to try every avenue possible in order to find a marriage partner and at the sametime have FULL hope, trust and faith in Allah that he will find you the right partner.

    The man whom you wanted to get married to and things did not go right then surely it was because he was not best for you even though you thought he is. I think i have come across this issue before where someone was in the same situation as you but the man was not Muslim and was not willing to convert but not sure if it was you or someone else. Anyhow my sister there are countless examples of marriages that did not go ahead and in return the person getting MUCH better in return and being lucky that the mariage did not go ahead simply because it was not best for that person to marry such a person. NO doubt you will get MUCH better in return and you will look back and think how lucky you are that it did not go ahead and that you are married to the person you ended up marying.

    I know you have gone through a lot with the lack of support from your family and that you have been waiting for a long time in order to get married but maybe it was for the best that you did not find a partner until now because of the fact that things may have gone horribly wrong and Allah knows best but in life we think we know what is best for us but in reality we don't.

    It is only shaythan your sworn enemy that wants you to lose hope and be angry at Allah and your famiuly but you must realise in your heart that whatver has happened until this point was always meant to happen. Find forgiveness in your heart for your familys actions as i am sure they never meant to treat you in this way. By you showing forgiveness for them you will get compensated with MUCH better in return.

    In regards to Salatul Hajaat then continue to pray it because although the hadith has some weakness, it is slight and such hadiths are acted upon for virtuous deeds (fada’il al-a`mal) by general agreement of Sunni scholarship even though some scholars may not agree they are entitled to their difference of opinion as are scholars who agree that such hadith can be acted upon foir the purpose of virtuous deeds.

    The hadith regarding it: Abullah ibn Abi Awfa (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions well and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah and send blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). After this, let them say,

    لا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ الْحَلِيمُ الْكَرِيمُ
    سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ

    الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين
    أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ وَعَزَائِمَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَالْغَنِيمَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ بِرٍّ وَالسَّلامَةَ مِنْ كُلّإِثْمٍ
    لا تَدَعْ لِي ذَنْبًا إِلا غَفَرْتَهُ وَلا هَمًّا إِلا فَرَّجْتَهُ وَلا حَاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضًا إِلا قَضَيْتَهَا يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ

    There there no god but Allah the Clement and Wise.
    There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty.
    Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous Throne.
    All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
    I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin.
    Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful!”

    [Related by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja)

    Here is the dua after praying 2 rakat salaatul hajaat:


    Aswell as continuing to pray salaatul Hajaat everyday also do the following:

    1. Give as much Sadaqa as possible for the pleasure of Allah

    2. Make much strong dua to Allah particularly in the latter portuion of the night after praying Tahajjud prayer. Cry to Allah if you can for Allah tends the slave who cries and weeps faster than a mother tends its baby.

    3. Leave major sins for this gets in the way of duas being accepted.

    4. Thank Allah as much as possible for how happy would Allah be with his slave who is thankful to him even though they may be going through difficult trials.

    5. Make dua as much as possible in the following situations where dua is more likely to be accepted:

    - After every fardh salaat and before going to bed, and after making wudhu(after the wudhu dua), while raining, while azzan is in progress(time when the muezzin pauses during the azaan), after azaan, between azaan and iqmah, when the cock crows, in a religious gathering, while travelling to masjid or on the way to meet a sick person etc

    There is also an hour on Jumma where duas are definatley accepted so do as much dua as possible during Jumma.

    6. Do plenty of durood before and after dua.

    6. Increase the avenues you are currently exploring in order to find a suitable marriage partner like:

    1. Ask around for those who have contacts for marriage because in most areas where there are Muslims there are usually women who have contacts which they pass on to people and if it gets to marriage then you just pay them a small fee.

    2. Goto marriage events with a mahram

    3. Join some Muslim marriage sites where a mahram is involved like purematrimony.com

    4. Ask around your local area in al of your local masjids. You can phone them and they will be more than willing to put you in touch with the right person who sets up local marriages.

    5. Ask close friends or relatives.

    6. Recite the following:

    Rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer

    136x's everyday

    [My lord, I am in absolute need of the good You send me]

    Source: http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.a...D=1908&CATE=10

    7. a) Be in the state of Tahaarah (Wudhu)
    b) Praise and glorify Allah
    c) Have faith that Allah Ta'ala is All-Hearing and your Du'aas will be
    d)Read durood shareef upto 500 times a day. (Read the Duroode-Ibrahimi, which we read in Salaah, at least 500 times a day, the great Hadhrat Sheikh Zakariyya has written this in his letters).

    Source: http://www.islam.tc/cgi-bin/askimam/...=8597&act=view

    My sister NEVER give up hope because whatever is best will happen for you because with hardship comes ease. There are so many of us who are going through different kinds of hardships and trials but we should realise that if we are patient then we will be compansated in the hereafter. But you must have full beleif that your dua will be accepted and do NOT let your enemy shaythahn make you lose hope.

    Also my sister go about marriage in the right way as in get to know him through mahram or in front of family if need be but not alone because that is when feelings will be created for it is best to go about marriage in the way that is permissable for Allah will put blessings in it otherwise shaythan will be third party.

    Please read through this thread as it will help you to try and understand the trials and hardships which you are facing:

    How To Get Through Hardships, Stresses and Problems in life!


    If there is help you need then please do not hesitate to ask.

    May Allah find you the best partner so that you may start a pious family with him. Ameen

    And Allah knows best in all matters
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 05-09-2011 at 07:17 PM.
    Purpose/Success of Salat-ul-Hajat

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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