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Help - Drugs.

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    Bilal090's Avatar Limited Member
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    I'm here to ask for some advice as i have lost my ways.
    I'm am 15 - for about a year now to making wrong choices and also influence of my friends I have consumed alcohol and also smoked cannabis very heavily. I am now regretting making these choices and I feel my imaan is very very weak - I want to get my head straight and back on the straight path and want to regain my imaan. I feel lost and I don't know what to do.I'm ashamed of what I'm done.
    I'm going to start college soon and I know if I reach college still with a corrupt mind. I will mess up everything for my future as drugs and such will be very easy to access and I know I won't be able to avoid it.
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    ardianto's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help - Drugs.

    - Do you have a hobby ?, start to active in your hobby, you need a positive activity.

    - Leave your Wrong Friends and get more Right Friends. Don't worry, there are many Right People who would accept you as their friend.

    - Bring yourself closer to Allah. Do salah sunnah beside salah wajib, recite Qur'an, learn about Islam.

    - And, don't ever thinking you won't be able to avoid drugs. Remember, the drugs did not come to you, but you came to the drugs and took it. So, you can avoid drugs if you always stay away from drugs.

    Last edited by ardianto; 05-12-2011 at 09:52 AM.
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    Innocent Soul's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help - Drugs.

    ^ I agree with you bro. First think to do is leave your wrong friends it's better to be alone then with wrong people. I am not saying that you should be alone, try making new friends. See what they do and how they do then try to become friends. If you feel your imaan is weak do more ibadah pray more, more dua, recite Quran and it's translation. About the drugs part I think first you should lessen the amount of drugs you consume daily then slowly you will be able to quit it. I think it depends on your determination and will power. Make your self busy with some useful work.
    Help - Drugs.

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    'Abd Al-Maajid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help - Drugs.

    Thank you for sharing your issue with us. Brother, first thing you need to do is leave all your friends who influence you to do such haraam things. You know what, some of my friends drink alcohol, smoke weed and chase harlots. They always used to invite me, and I was fed up declining their requests. Now after realising that I should leave them for good, it makes me feel good. I am now happy that I left them and they can influence me no more.

    Also make yourself busy with something. I'd say being busy is a blessing from Allah SWT
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Help - Drugs.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bilal090 View Post

    I'm here to ask for some advice as i have lost my ways.
    I'm am 15 - for about a year now to making wrong choices and also influence of my friends I have consumed alcohol and also smoked cannabis very heavily. I am now regretting making these choices and I feel my imaan is very very weak - I want to get my head straight and back on the straight path and want to regain my imaan. I feel lost and I don't know what to do.I'm ashamed of what I'm done.
    I'm going to start college soon and I know if I reach college still with a corrupt mind. I will mess up everything for my future as drugs and such will be very easy to access and I know I won't be able to avoid it.
    Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, jazakallah khayran for sharing your issues with us. It is clearly apparent that you want to take this evil out of your life forever so that you may go towards Allah.

    Firstly my brother we must know that in Islam all intoxicants are forbiddenand are a test for mankind just like the apple was a test for Adam (As). Therefore when a person intoxicates themself then imaan (faith) cannot stay in the body and so it goes out of the body meaning that when one is intoxicated then they are in disbelief until they are sober that is if Allah wills.

    Therefore anyone who intoxicates themselves are in fact risking dying in disbelief. A person who dies in disbelief will NEVER enter Jannah or even smell the scent of Jannah. The way a person dies that is the way they will be raised up therefore a person who dies whilst intoxicated will be raised up intoxicated and Allah will not even look at him but ask the angels to throw him into the fire.

    So can anyone who intoxicates themselves guarantee that they will not die whilst they are ion the state of intoxication? We all have a 50 % chance of dying at any moment therefore when one is intoxicated then they are actually taking a 50% risk of eternal doom. Is it really worth it for a short and pointless artificial buzz? You can be the judge of that...

    Allah Ta’ala has described intoxicants amongst other things as being appalling, despicable and hateful acts of Satan and he has commanded us to abstain from them, Allah thereafter states in the next verse: -

    Satan’s plan is to sow hatred and enmity amongst you with intoxicants and gambling, and to hamper you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not give up? (5:91)

    Ibn Majah reported from Abu HurairahRZ that the Prophet (SAW) said:
    “An addict of intoxication is like a worshipper of an idol.”.”

    My brother can you imagine dying whilst in the state of intoxication and having to face Allah in that state? We will be raised the way we die so one who dies whilst in the state of intoxication will be raised in that state. The one who is raised in that state will be like an idol worshipper for they will not have died a Muslim. May Allah save us from such a TERRIBLE event.

    We need to realise is that Shaythan is always wanting to divert our attention and focus away from our real purpose in life. Therefore we have to continuously remind ourselves as to why we are here and what is our REAL purpose is on this earth. Have we been created to study, work, get married, have kids and then die? Well you could say that this is part of what we have to do in our lives on this earth but Almighty Allah tells us the sole purpose of our creation:

    "I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship" The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 51, Verse 56

    What is the greatest form of worship to Allah? The answer is: Salaah!

    Salaah is the second pillar of Islam and is the most important act of worship after the Shahada (decleration of faith).

    It is the first question we will be asked as Muslims in the hereafter as to whether or not we fulfilled our Salaah or not. Therefore it is the most important act of worship that has been ordained to mankind.

    So until our very last breath we should know what our priorities are and focus on fulfilling all of our Salaah as it is the very purpose of our creation.

    Shaythan is very well aware that Salaah is our biggest obligation and so therefore is forever trying to divert mans attention away from fulfilling this obligation to Allah.

    He whispers every excuse possible into our eyes and unfrotunatley a lot of the times we fall victim to his whispers.

    Unfortunatley a lot of us are "Eid Muslims" as in we pray every Eid but what we don't realise is that Eid is only Waajib(compulsory) and not even Fard(obligatory) even though waajib is close to Fard but do yuo see the point? We are Muslims twice a year and the rest of the year just Muslims by name.

    The there are the "Ramadan Muslims" who are just Muslims in Ramadan. They will make the effort to pray in Ramadan and even make the effort to pray Tarawee but the day Eid comes then Eid Salaah is the last Salaah they will read until next Ramadan.

    There are also MANY of us who are "Jummah Muslims" who are only Muslims for Friday prayers and the rest of the week are only Muslims by name. We chase this world as if we will be here forever but what we don't realise is that NOTHING that we chase in this world will be of any good to us in the hereafter. So are we chasing after the wrong thing? Should we not be chasing after the hereafter?

    I'm not saying don't do anything for this world because obviously we have been created to earn our sustanaince with our own hands but where should we put most of our efforts into? Where do investors make their investments? In long term or short term gains? Obviously long term gains. So using this analogy let us think where we should most of our investment into. If we compare where we will spend more time then is it in this world or hereafter? Obviously the hereafter because the hereafter is forever whereas this world can end for us ANY moment.

    Therefore we MUST put most of our efforts into investing good deeds into the hereafter for that is what will truly benefit us FOREVER and the gains of this world will only benefit us for a very short while because we will not be able to take our wealth with us. We will leave EVERYTHING we have invested into this world here. So we can work SO hard all of our lives but then we can die the next day and all that would have gone to waste.

    Many of us have also become "Convenience Muslims" as in we only pray when it suits us best or "when we have time". We must leave this concept of only being Muslims for Eid, or in Ramadan, Jummah or convenience whenever it suits us best.

    There is NO such thing as being a part time Muslim. We CANNOT be Muslims when we want to be now and again. We CANNOT be Muslims only by name and not action. Therefore let us be proper Muslims and be proud of the fact that we are Muslims and that we have been given imaan but if we neglect our imaan then we may risk losing it and destroying ourselves.

    Allah tells us In the Qur'an to enter fully into our deen and not partly:

    O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy. If you falter after receiving the clear-cut message, then keep in mind that Allah is Mighty, Wise. Are they waiting for Allah to come down to them in the shadow of clouds, along with the angels, and make His decision known? Ultimately all matters will be presented to Allah for decision. (Surah Al-Baqara, Ayah 208-210)

    Allah does not expect us to be perfect angels but he will judge us on what efforts we made throughout our lives. When you hear a person say "I try to read Salaah or i try to do what i can". Do you think they are really trying? Or are they just saying they are and decieving themselves? If we really tried we can do anything.

    We can decieve ourselves but we cannot decieve Allah. Allah knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows what we are capable of and praying 5 times a day is not impossible for any of us.

    If we calculate how long it would take to pray 5 times a day then you could sum it upto around 40 minutes a day. Now there are 1440 minutes in a day and 40 minutes out of 1440 of our day is ONLY 3% of a day and we still can't manage that? Many of us spend that much time eating, excreting or in front of a mirror and we can't even spend it praying and fulfilling the very purpose of our creation? We spend hours on end in front of the television or listening to Music or playing our playing the latest play station games or seeing who's poked us on facebook but we can't spend a few minutes praying to the one who has given us EVERYTHING we can possible imagine and far more? We are truly at loss!

    Many of us work full time jobs having to work almost everyday of the year having to get up at early hours in order to do so. If we can do this then can't we pray Salaah 5 times a day for a few short minutes that it takes to pray them? If we really did try then we would not fail in praying our 5 prayers but we decieve ourselves and we end up wasting our lives decieving ourselves and then regret it later on when it is too late! Let us not be of those who will regret it forever!

    I'm not saying that we should become saints overnight but what i am saying is that we should at least fulfill our obligations to Allah and that is to establish our 5 times prayers and to keep away from that which Allah has forbidden. If we can't pray the Sunnah and Nafil then we MUST at least pray the Fard as a minimum.

    Rather than moulding our life around our Salaah we mould our Salaah around our life so whenever we are sitting around at home then we decide to pray.

    We must remember that it is an act of kufr(disbelief) to neglect the Salaah beyond its correct time and this is for missing one Salaah but how many Salaah do we continuously miss day in and day out? Some scholars even say missing Salaah intentionally takes one out of the fold of Islam. This is how serious missing Salaah really is!

    Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihu Wasallam) said: "What lies between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer." (Muslim)

    It is a major sin to miss even one prayer and leaving even one Salaah without a valid excuse is said to cause one to spend tens of thousands of years in Jahannam and on top of that every Salaah missed is VAST rewards missed out which we will never be able to gain back.

    Therefore it is SO important that we fulfil ALL of our Salaah and not make excuses as to why we cannot fulfill it because Islam has been made easy for us but it is us who makes it hard upon ourselves and because of the amount of sins that we committ we find it hard to do even simple acts of worship.

    Allah has made it so easy for us so let us not make it hard for ourselves and let us not listen to the lame excuses that shaythan and our desires gives us.

    Let us not waste a second more for death can approach us at ANY moment and believe me death does not wait for ANYONE! It comes not a second ahead or before its appointed time and if our Salaah is not right then surely we are doomed to destruction.

    My brother the BEST time to turn towards Allah is in ones youth so turn towards Allah now or regret it FOREVER! NOW is your chance. Choose the right path for that will help you in this life and the next but choose the wrong path and you will suffer in this world and the next.

    Think of your parents who raised you up as their beloved son. Will you also ruin their dreams, hopes and aspirations for you? Will you also hurt their hearts for they raised you up from birth until now and you are their everything. So if you choose the wrong path not only will you suffer in this world and the next but you will make your parents suffer with worry and pain and most of all you will incur the anger and wrath of Allah.

    So think to youreself VERY carefully which path you are going to take. Choose the path that will help you in this world and the next. Choose the path that will make everyone around you so happy. Choose the path that will make you closer to the one who created you!

    Choose your friends VERY wisely for you are who your friends are. NEVER hang around with company who commit evils for those evils will eventually influence you and you will end up doing the same. Stick with good and pious friends or those with good characters as they will be your true friends. A friend who commits evil will NEVER be your true friend you mark my words but they will only be poison for you in this world and the next.

    So my brother let us fulfill our very purpose in this life which is to worship Allah. We need to keep reminding ourselves of death and the hereafter and also the greatness of Allah. We need to always remember our time is too short and can go at any second. So let us never leave another Salah and when we pray then let us imagine we can see Allah and he is watching us pray so it is best to learn the meanings of what we are praying in our Salaah.

    Establish close contact with the Masjid and make friends there. NEVER cut off links with the Masjid for you will be safe in the house of Allah from the evil and bad influences of society and bad friends.

    Make the best of your youth and NEVER think that you will make it until old age because our death can come at ANY second and you or me could be next.

    So this short life is our ONLY chance to make our hereafter for if we waste this life then we will have nothing in the hereafter and the hereafter is eternity and this life is only a very short time. So is it worth ruining the hereafter for only a short time in this world?

    Allah has questioned the user of intoxication:

    “Then, will you end it?”

    Watch this brilliant lecture on intoxication

    Sheikh Ahmed Ali talk on intoxication - Part 1


    Sheikh Ahmed Ali talk on intoxication – Part 2


    In regards to waking up for Fajr Salaah then you must take the following steps:

    1. Try to sleep as early as possible if you do not need to do anything imortant after Isha Salaah because the earlier you sleep the easier it will be to wake up for Fajr

    2. Try not to have any heavy meals in the evening as this will make it harder for you to wake up for Fajr

    3. Try to encourage your family to also wake up for Fajr and tell them of the importance of Salaah as well as the fact that it is the purpose of our creation. If your family wakes up for Fajr then it will also be easier for you as they would also wake you up. If one or two of your family members do wake up for Fajr then tell them to also wake you up.

    4. Make firm intention in your heart that you will wake up for Fajr no matter what and ask of Allah in your dua to make it easy for you to wake up for Fajr prayer.

    5. Put on two or even three alarms and put them on 5 minutes apart and put them in places in your room where you know it will be a struggle getting to them. This way you will have to be wide awake to get to the alarms. As there will be three of them this will prevent you going back to bed again.

    6. Most importantly when you awaken for Fajr then do NOT say to yourself i'll lay for a bit and then get up. This is the biggest trick of shaythan to make us fall asleep and miss Fajr prayer. As soon as the eyes are open then go straight to the bathroom.

    Here are some very beneficial lectures which you should listen to, to increase your imaan and fear of Allah:

    Remembrance: ask Allah for his forgiveness


    AMAZING short speech -"The Goodly Life"


    Angel of Death!!! - Sheikh Ahmed Ali


    HARD HITTING Lecture on HELLFIRE & the Day of JUDGEMENT! يوم القيامة والجحيم


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 1/3


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 2/3


    Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 3/3


    Islam - Punishment of the Grave by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq


    Death and the Grave by Murtaza Khan


    How can we not appreciate what we have after watching this?


    If you need any help, advice or anything at all then please do not hesitate to ask. Please remember me in your duas.

    and Allah knows best in all matters
    Help - Drugs.

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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    Bilal090's Avatar Limited Member
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    Wink Re: Help - Drugs.

    Thanks for the advice everyone - Clearly I should leave the company of those who are influencing me so i have stopped going out with them.I have also changed my mind on the college i am going to as they will not be there.

    I have avoided drug use for a few weeks now - Im very hopeful that i will never re-visit my experience with drugs,

    I am also going to start some part time work with my dad so i can occupy myself in my free time which will also help to fund my time in college (instead of standing around in corners doing drugs and whatnot.)

    Inshallah - Im going to start reciting the quran and praying my namaz

    Anyways thank you all for the advice
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    ardianto's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Help - Drugs.


    Okay young brother, do your positive activities. But when you have a time, don't forget to visit Islamicboard.
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  10. #8
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Help - Drugs.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Bilal090 View Post
    Thanks for the advice everyone - Clearly I should leave the company of those who are influencing me so i have stopped going out with them.I have also changed my mind on the college i am going to as they will not be there.

    I have avoided drug use for a few weeks now - Im very hopeful that i will never re-visit my experience with drugs,

    I am also going to start some part time work with my dad so i can occupy myself in my free time which will also help to fund my time in college (instead of standing around in corners doing drugs and whatnot.)

    Inshallah - Im going to start reciting the quran and praying my namaz

    Anyways thank you all for the advice
    Asalaamu Alaikum, My brother there is no doubt that you will be tested as in your ex-friends when they see you they will try and lure you towards evil like drugs etc but you must NEVER fall for the trap of shaythan. You should always read what i have written to you and listen to those lectures on intoxication i pasted in my last post.

    My brother do not waste this precious time because when you are older(if you are still alive by then) you will regret the time you wasted in your youth which is the BEST time for worship to Allah because the youth is the time when one has the most desires and so the youth who resists these desires and temptations will taste the sweetness of their abstainance from that which is forbidden and displeasing to Allah in the hereafter.

    So my brother make the hereafter your purpose in life. Live everyday for the hereafter and meeting Allah in Jannah. This life is such a short while but Jannah is for eternity so work for Jannah but know that it is an uphill struggle whilst Jahannam is easy and is downhill.

    So my brother you must start praying all of your Salaah immediatley as every salaah missed is severe loss for us as well as severe punishment. Repent for your past mistakes with remorse and intention never to repeat such acts again and you will find Allah most merciful.

    Establish a close connection with the Masjid and attend your prayers there and you will find good brothers to be-friend and for company. Be the best towards your parents and serve them as much as possible for serving ones parents is the best of rewards. Keep ties with your family and treat everyone the best. Anyone who is a bad influence is a poison so you must keep away from poison at all costs. If they ask then say you are going towards Allah so will not do what you used to do. Be firm in this and NEVER give in to temptation to do any evil.

    So spend everyday doing EVERYTHING to please Allah and refrain from anything which angers or displeases him.

    My brother if you ever need any help or advice on any matter then please do not hesitate to ask. Now start a fresh new start in your life and NEVER wait for tomorrow to change for tomorrow NEVER comes but today could be your last.

    And Allah knows best in all matters
    Help - Drugs.

    How to get through Hardships & trials in life:


    How to overcome Waswas (insinuating whispers of shaythan) in Worship:


    10 Steps to Increasing Imaan & getting closer to Allah:


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