Without getting into specifics I just want to share what I am going through right now. Someone close to me has been accused of molesting. As soon as you read that sentence I am certain that a part of you is considering that he did molest the accuser. If that thought crossed your mind then I think it is proof how much fitna/slander can affect a person. I know this person very well and I genuinely believe that he is innocent. To understand what I am feeling right now you may try to imagine a good person you know very well in your life being accused of such things. The accuser on the other hand is a teenage girl who has a reputation of lying, and I also say that genuinely.

Investigations are currently going on and it hurts me so because I do not talk about it because I know that even mentioning such things will bring about thoughts which can damage a person's reputation. This experience I am going through has made me appreciate the dangers of fitna and hopefully I will never do such things or be a victim of it.

As there are no witnesses about this "molestation" the accused has agreed to take a polygraph test. I plead with anyone reading this to please make dua for me and the people around me who are going through this ordeal. May God give us the strength to get through this and may the truth prevail..