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So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

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    AAlhumedy's Avatar Limited Member
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    So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

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    At the same time, I did not mean to sin. I just sinned while being aware that it is Ramadan and Allah is watching me. Before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, I set a goal for this month to be the best of my life thus far, and that I wanted to continue to have better Ramadans INSHALLAH. Anyways, I sinned and sinned and sinned, and am tired of it, very tired. It's more frustration than being tired of what I have been doing for the past few years. I want to know if I can still have a successful Ramadan. What I mean by that is, being cleared of my sins even after messing up for the first week of Ramadan from the past and recently. Will Allah come running to me if I come walking to him RIGHT NOW? I need to know, can I just ask Allah for forgiveness right now and not do it again and once again pick up the Quran and inshallah continue to pick it up for the rest of my life?

    As I'm typing this, I feel very little emotion and have felt very little emotion about my sins for a very long time now (I'm 19 by the way). So, I want to also know how can I revive my feelings and shine as a true Muslim, because I want my heart to turn from black to pure white and I want to restrengthen my faith. I make duaa to Allah for what I want, but at the same time I feel nothing inside me even tho I try to feel something. That is because I have a thought in the back of my head telling me that Allah will not remember this duaa because I continue to sin and am not pure and that I do not know what I am doing. And quite frankly, I think this is true for one reason, I have not obeyed Allah. I know I'm all over the place with this thread, but just understand what i am trying to say and come to me with a clear answer. PLEASE. God BLESS you all brothers and sisters and Ramadan Mubarak.
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    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

    Will Allah come running to me if I come walking to him RIGHT NOW?

    Yes, In sha Allah.

    I need to know, can I just ask Allah for forgiveness right now and not do it again and once again pick up the Quran and inshallah continue to pick it up for the rest of my life?

    Why not bro?
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  4. #3
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

    format_quote Originally Posted by AAlhumedy View Post
    At the same time, I did not mean to sin. I just sinned while being aware that it is Ramadan and Allah is watching me. Before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, I set a goal for this month to be the best of my life thus far, and that I wanted to continue to have better Ramadans INSHALLAH. Anyways, I sinned and sinned and sinned, and am tired of it, very tired. It's more frustration than being tired of what I have been doing for the past few years. I want to know if I can still have a successful Ramadan. What I mean by that is, being cleared of my sins even after messing up for the first week of Ramadan from the past and recently. Will Allah come running to me if I come walking to him RIGHT NOW? I need to know, can I just ask Allah for forgiveness right now and not do it again and once again pick up the Quran and inshallah continue to pick it up for the rest of my life?

    As I'm typing this, I feel very little emotion and have felt very little emotion about my sins for a very long time now (I'm 19 by the way). So, I want to also know how can I revive my feelings and shine as a true Muslim, because I want my heart to turn from black to pure white and I want to restrengthen my faith. I make duaa to Allah for what I want, but at the same time I feel nothing inside me even tho I try to feel something. That is because I have a thought in the back of my head telling me that Allah will not remember this duaa because I continue to sin and am not pure and that I do not know what I am doing. And quite frankly, I think this is true for one reason, I have not obeyed Allah. I know I'm all over the place with this thread, but just understand what i am trying to say and come to me with a clear answer. PLEASE. God BLESS you all brothers and sisters and Ramadan Mubarak.

    "Messed up" "sinned" are a past tense. What matters is what you do about it right now. The best sinners are those that continue to ask for forgiveness and repent to their Lord hopeful of his mercy but at the same time try their best to prevent themselves from committing the same mistakes again and again. Whether one commits the same mistakes again and again is another matter, as long as one tries ones best. But whatever happens know that Allah is most merciful and his mercy overcomes his harshness. Allah loves forgiveness and is always looking for every excuse to forgive his slaves. He waits for his slaves to ask of him and beg of his mercy. He loves forgiving so much that he has declared:

    "Do not despair of God's mercy; He will forgive you of all your sins". Qur'an (39:53).

    In another verse, Allah says:

    "And He wishes to forgive you" Qur'an (4:146).

    Allah's mercy, compassion and forgiveness are all encompassing and his mercy is one of his most important and significant qualities of the almighty in the Qur’an, as well as in the saying and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).

    In a Hadith Qudsi Allah states: "My mercy prevails over My wrath."

    Islam fully understands the temptations that come in the way of everyone of us, and that which some of us might go for. Only through repentance, that one can wipeout those sins and past misdeeds and gradually get freed from the clutches of the ego.

    Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah the All Mighty. He loves those who repent. Repentance has a status that no other form of worship has. This is why Allah is extremely happy when a servant repents just as a traveller is happy when he finds his lost mount in the desert.

    Feeling Allah's satisfaction has its great impact on the heart of the one repenting. Hence, the repenting person reaches the status of being amongst the beloved through his repentance.

    Moreover, repentance brings about humbleness and a sense of helplessness to the only Creator; Allah, and that is not easily acquired through other forms of worship.

    Allah says in the Qur'an:

    "Except those who repent, have faith and good deeds, those Allah will charge their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is most forgiving and merciful." (Qur'an 25:70)

    This is a greatest glad tiding for those who repent and combine their repentance with deep faith and good deeds.

    Repentance breeds good deeds, whilst sinning (without repentance) can cause deprivation of obedience altogether. It has been said that committing sins regularly will darken and harden the heart and make purifying it once again a difficult mission.

    It may even lead a person to reject Allah completely (Allah forbid) or lead him to commit a bigger sin. There is no recourse for a sinner except to ask Allah for forgiveness and to feel great regret for his actions.

    Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedi ence and to make a firm resolution never to commit the sin again.

    The Benefits Of Sincere Repentance

    Imaam Ibn Qayyim rahmatullahi alaihe mentions certain benefits:

    1. Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah Ta'ala. He loves those who repent and it is because of His love for His creation that He tests them with sins so that He may shower His blessings and favours upon them after they repent.

    2. Repentance has a status that no other form of worship has. This is why Allah is extremely happy when a servant repents just as a traveller is happy when he finds his lost mount in the desert.

    This pleasure (of Allah) has a great impact on the heart of the one repenting. Hence, the repenting person reaches the status of being amongst the beloved through his repentance.

    3. Repentance brings about humbleness and a sense of helplessness that is not easily acquired through other forms of worship.

    4. Allah’s statement, "Except those who repent, have faith and good deeds, those Allah will charge their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is most forgiving and merciful."

    (Qur'aan 25:70)

    This is a greatest glad tiding for those who repent and combine their repentance with faith and good deeds.

    Repentance breeds good deeds, whilst sinning (without repentance) can cause deprivation of obedience altogether. It has been said that committing sins regularly will darken and harden the heart. It may even lead a person to reject Allah completely (Allah forbid) or lead him to commit a bigger sin. There is no recourse for a sinner except to ask Allah for forgiveness and to feel great regret for his actions.

    Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a firm resolution never to commit the sin again.

    The repenting person should remember three facts:

    1. The grave consequence of sins.

    2. The painful punishment for sins and

    3. The helplessness of the servant with regards to these two things.

    What Should I Do After I Have Sinned?

    Someone may ask, "How do I go about repenting from a sin?" Do I just say, "I repent." and that’s it, or is there anything to be done after that?

    Two things should immediately be done. The first is an act of the heart, to sincerely regret the sins of the past. The second is an act of the body, to bring up some good deeds, starting two cycles of prayer of repentance. The following is a hadith in support:

    Hazrat Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu, says, "I heard the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam say, ‘There isn’t a man who, when he commits a sin, rises, makes ablution, and offers two rak’ats of prayers, but Allah forgives his sins.’ Then the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam recited the verse, ‘Those (are the true believers) who, when they commit an evil deed, or wrong their souls, remember Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who but Allah forgives sins? They do not insist upon the sins they have committed, and they know (that Allah is forgiving)."

    (Qur'aan 3:135)

    There are other reports that describe more in detail how these two cycles of prayers of repentance must be offered.

    For instance:

    1. There isn’t a man who makes ablution (and does it well, but sins fall off the limbs of the body with the last drop of water. And doing the ablution well includes saying the Bismillah in the beginning, and some other prayer words after it such as:

    "I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah , the one, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and messenger."

    "O’ Allah! make me of the repenting, and make me of the purified."

    "O’ Allah! with praises to you I bear witness that there is no deity but you. I seek your forgiveness and turn to you in repentance."

    2. Offer two rak’ats of prayer. Performs them in full presence of mind and heart. Commits no mistake within the prayers. Does not speak to himself within them. Recites the prayer-words in them well and in humility. Then seeks Allah’s forgiveness.

    The Result

    1. His past sins are forgiven.

    2. He is assured paradise.

    Then, as these things have been achieved he should now increase his good deeds to the extent possible. Don’t you see what Umar radiyallahu anhu did when he had committed the mistake of arguing with the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam, at Hudaibiyya. He used to offer special acts of worship, (like fasting, almsgiving, etc.), to atone for that sin. The following hadith should also be considered.

    "He who commits some evil deeds, and then turns to doing good deeds is like the man who had on him a tight-fitting coat of mail made of steel, so tight, it would almost choke him. Then he did a good deed and it opened up a little more until it became so loose as to fall off to the ground."

    So you see how good deeds release a man from the clutches of past sins and liberate him from the tension that they cause. Let me at this point offer you the abridged version of an incident, which is laden with lessons.

    Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu says a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam and said, "O Apostle of Allah. I found a woman in a garden and did everything to her except having intercourse: I kissed her and hugged her and so on, but I didn’t go beyond this. So judge me as you wish." The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said nothing in reply and the man went away. Upon this Umar radiyallahu anhu remarked, "Allah would have kept it a secret if he had kept it a secret." The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam in the direction the man had gone and said, "Call him back." When they called him back, he recited to him the following verse, "Establish Prayers at the two ends of the day and early part of the night. Indeed good deeds wipe out evil ones. And this (Qur’aan) is a reminder unto the mindful."

    (Qur'aan 11:114)

    Upon hearing this, Mu’adh radiyallahu anhu (and according to another report Umar radiyallahu anhu) said, "O’ Apostle of Allah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), is this for him alone or is it (this ruling) common?" he replied: "No, it is common."

    So my brother you must increase your good deeds to replace the bad ones. You must use the remainder of this blessed month to get closer to Allah. Whatever is causing you to commit these sins then keep away from that which causes it to happen and if there is a solution to it then you must work towards that as much as possible.

    If you need anymore help and advice then please do not hesitate to ask.
    So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

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    Re: So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

    It's never too late till we die bro :-)
    So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Muhammad's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: So, I messed up intentionally during Ramadan...

    format_quote Originally Posted by AAlhumedy View Post
    That is because I have a thought in the back of my head telling me that Allah will not remember this duaa because I continue to sin and am not pure and that I do not know what I am doing.
    It seems to be shaytan who is putting these thoughts in your mind. Shaytan wants us to despair of Allaah's Mercy, and yet Allaah has told us never to despair, as mentioned in brother Hamza's post.

    No matter how many sins you have done, never despair of Allaah's mercy. The following statement has been attributed to Sufyaan ibn Uyaynah, and Allaah knows best: “Let none of you think that his du`a’ will not be answered because of (the sins) that he knows of himself. Indeed, Allah responded to the du`a’ of the worst of the creation, Iblis (the devil), may Allah curse him, when he said:

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    “He said, ‘My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.’ [Allah] said, ‘So indeed, you are of those reprieved.’” [Qur’an, 15:36-37]

    If Iblis’ du`a’ can be answered, surely the du`a’ of a sinner has more precedence than his!
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