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Abusive mother

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    elena.n's Avatar Limited Member
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    Unhappy Abusive mother

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    I'm 17 and live with my mother, but my mother is very abusive both mentally and physically.She has been ever since I was a toddler, she hits me and yells and curses almost everyday.Mostly just yelling, shouting and cursing, I swear I don't even do anything, she would sometimes just call me from my room to swear and curse for no reason.She tells me I'm an ugly nerd, useless, and have no friends because no one can ever love a hideous person like me multiple times a day.I used to be silent and patient, but for the last 2 years, when she starts shouting and swearing for no reason more than 3 times a day, I get really mad and shout back, and I can't really help it.I become like one of those crazy people you see in movies that shout really loud and pull out their hair or hit themselves against the wall.I say really horrible stuff and usually end up hurting myself from the hitting or pulling hair, and then I go and cry for hours because I'm worried I'll go to hell for disrespecting my mother.I read the Holy Quran everyday, many verses at night before I sleep, I pray everyday, but can't control the anger.I can't afford a therapist and my school doesn't offer free counciling. I don't know what to do anymore.I'm afraid I might become crazy if I keep it in, but I'm also afraid of going to hell for disrespecting my parent. I have a brother, she is very nice to him, but he is just like her, and in the past 2 months he has started verbally abusing me too, and constantly yelling at me as well, so everyday I practically get yelled at and cursed all day by my mom and sibling.And sadly,astaghfirullah, I sometimes think of suicide (but I know I will never commit it because it's a sin), and now I'm afraid I'm evil and God hates me? What do you think I should do, to keep the evil thoughts out of my head and not react to my mother's abuse? I am so scared.Sorry this was so long.
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    Muslim Woman's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Abusive mother

    sis , sorry to hear about ur problem . Your mother is rude only with u or with ur father , too ? Do they have a normal married life ? Sometimes when women are unhappy in marriage, their frustration may come out in various ways like shouting at kids .

    Anyway , don't shout back , try to show patience . Keep praying to Allah to bless u all .
    Abusive mother

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    elena.n's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Abusive mother

    She is rude to everybody, parents, sister, cousins, everyone but my brother, but she treats no one the way she treats me, constantly yelling and swearing.
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    Yanal's Avatar
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    Re: Abusive mother


    Islam lays a great emphasis upon us to rever and render services to our parents whole-heartedly, and to be grateful to them because they have spared no pains in bringing us up. Always remember that Islam lays the utmost and highest stress on the affection and service to mother.

    That being said, I pray that whatever issues that confront you in regards to your mother and brother are resolved quickly, may Allaah ease your sufferings and help make you a stronger Muslim and stronger person, ameen. Here is an answer, that may be more of assistance to you, to a similar question asked by a sister on another site:

    I'm sorry that you are having this experience with your mother. Emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse, and maybe more so. The sad fact is that some people are not good parents, and unfortunately you cannot choose your parents. Some people get good, kind, loving, supportive parents, and some people get abusive, neglectful, or simply uninterested parents, and that's the way the ball bounces. It's not up to you. It's your Qadr. This is the first fact that you have to accept.
    Everyone is tested in different ways
    Another way to look at it is that everyone is tested in different ways in life. For some people the test is poverty, or hunger, or a physical handicap. I have a friend who is my age, but he has a disease that is eating away his nervous system. When we were kids together he was very athletic, always riding a bicycle, and later he made his living importing bicycle parts from Europe. Now he is confined to a wheelchair and someone has to help him take care of his bodily needs. He never had a chance to get married and have kids. His life expectancy is short. This is his test, and it's not an easy one, and I would never want to exchange my problems for his. There are so many people whose tests are far more difficult than mine, and when I am feeling sorry for myself I remind myself of this fact.
    It's awful when your test comes in the form of the very person who is supposed to love you, support you, and help you through this life. But there it is.
    Once you have accepted this fact, and are not spending your time wailing against the injustice of life, or resenting the world, you can start to look at some possible ways to not only minimize the damage, but come out of it with your heart and spirit healthy and strong.
    1. Try to get your mom to see a health professional
    Your mother may be clinically depressed, or bipolar, or something similar. It's possible that the right medication could help her tremendously. I realize that she probably won't listen to your suggestion to see a doctor. But is there someone you can talk to who she respects, who could talk to her? A grandparent, or an aunt or uncle, or a good friend of hers? They can present the suggestion as if it's coming from them, not from you.
    2. Realize that it's not about you
    Don't take your mother's abuse into your heart. I'm not saying don't let it affect you; I know that's impossible. But if she tells you - for example - that you are worthless, don't believe that statement or make it part of your self-image. Realize that her behavior is a product of her own illness, or of her own damaging childhood and life experiences. She is taking it out on you because you are the one who is there. But it is not truly about you, and you should not accept the negative statements that she makes about you.
    Don't argue, curse or shout back at your mother, as it will not help. It will only deepen her feelings of victimization, and it will leave you feeling out of control, just as she is.
    3. Write affirmations and practice them
    Affirmations are positive statements that you make about yourself. They are a powerful tool for strengthening your spirit, resisting negative programming, and focusing on who you really are as a human being. Write some affirmations to help fortify your sense of who you are as a person, and to prevent your mother's negativity from dragging you down. Keep your affirmations in a private notebook and read them every day. I really want you to do this. This is a tool that I use myself, and I have found it to be tremendously helpful in my life. I suggest that your affirmations might look something like this:

    • I, Najma, am a good and strong Muslimah. I believe in Allah and turn to Him for guidance and help. I strive for excellence in every way, for the sake of Allah.
    • I define myself.. Other people do not define me. I am a good, kind and honest human being, Insha'Allah.
    • I have power only over myself and the choices I make in life. I cannot force anyone to be kind or respectful to me, but I can respect myself and be kind to others.
    • I am an intelligent young woman. I do well in school and my teachers and peers respect me.
    • I keep my faith in Allah strong, my faith in myself alive, my eyes on the future and my heart full of hope, and that gets me through each day. I take whatever happiness comes my way each day and allow myself to enjoy it fully.
    • I am a dedicated student and a talented writer (or artist, singer, or whatever talents you may have) with a promising future Insha'Allah.
    • I am a good daughter. I am patient and loving with my mother. When speaking to her I maintain a positive, independent and calm spirit, knowing who I am, and confident in my choices.
    • I am constantly improving and becoming stronger spiritually, personally, mentally and physically.
    • I am nutritionally conscious and careful. My body is a gift from Allah and I feed it only what is good.
    • I am at peace with myself and others around me. I forgive myself for the mistakes I've made, and I forgive others for their mistakes as well.
    • I choose my friends well, always basing my friendships on serving Allah. I am a good friend, loyal and forgiving.
    • I am compassionate and generous. I choose to believe in humanity's goodness.
    • I am a part of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. I have a right to be here. My existence has meaning and purpose.
    • I am worthy of joy and love.
    • I am happy, Alhamdulillah.

    4. Tell your mother how you feel in a calm way
    Go to your mother at a time when she is in a good mood. Tell her in a calm, respectful way how sad it makes you feel when she says mean things to you or curses at you. It may help to write it down first, and practice in a mirror what you want to say so that you can keep your cool and stay on point if your mother responds with anger. Be prepared for the possibility that your mother may not react well, and may even heap more abuse on you. If this happens, don't let yourself be provoked. Speak your piece calmly, and thank her for listening. If her response is good, it may help your family get started on the road to some kind of resolution. If her response is poor, at least you will know that you made an effort. There is power in that.
    5. Try to avoid the abuse as much as possible
    If there is a particular time of day when your mother is most volatile, try to schedule other activities, like school or extra-curricular activities, at that time. Join a club at school or do some volunteer work. This will get you out of the house for a while. It will also give you a different perspective on life and may help to keep you balanced emotionally.
    6. See a counselor
    It's important that you talk to someone about the problems you are having at home. You can't just soak up all the abuse like a sponge and not let it out. Does your school have a counselor? That would be a good person to talk to. Is there someone in the Muslim community you respect, who could listen and advise you? Or maybe a teacher, an aunt, or a friend's parent that you respect? That person doesn't have to solve the problem for you, just to listen with a sympathetic ear, so that you have an outlet for your anger and sadness.
    7. . Look for ways to get out of the situation
    You might consider applying for boarding school or school away from home if you have the money, or applying for grants (financial scholarships) if you don't. If there is a relative you could live with, and your mother allows it, this may be a good way to get some relief. If you are getting ready for college, try to get a scholarship so that you can live on-campus or away from home.
    Depending on your age, you might consider marriage as a way of finding a happier home situation. Just make sure you don't grab onto anyone out of desperation. You don't want to make a bad choice and go from the frying pan into the fire.
    The only caveat here is that I do not know your age in comparison to your brothers. If they are younger than you, they may need you around for emotional support. That's a judgment call that you must make.
    8. Break the cycle of abuse
    This may be the most important point of all. It's vital that you try to follow the advice I have given you here, so that you can become an emotionally healthy person of your own. You don't want to grow up, have children, and pass on to them the same abuse you received. Believe me, this happens all the time. The only way to avoid this is to take steps to achieve your own serenity and peace of mind. It doesn't just come. It takes work.
    Last of all, if you cannot find someone in your community that you trust and can talk to, let me know, and I will put you in touch with a good Muslim sister who you can talk to on the phone, Insha'Allah.
    Last edited by Muslim Woman; 07-25-2013 at 07:27 AM. Reason: correct typo error
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    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Abusive mother

    format_quote Originally Posted by elena.n View Post
    She is rude to everybody, parents, sister, cousins, everyone but my brother, but she treats no one the way she treats me, constantly yelling and swearing.

    Firstly my sister as has already been mentioned to your our parents are deserving of our utmost honour and respect regardless of how they treat us. This means that we must not even raise our voices or even say "uff" to them. What I can say is that this is your test which means that each and every time you are patient through any abuse then you will be rewarded accordingly. Subhanallah. Which means that your reward account will keep getting topped up with reward each and every time you are patient through this. You must remember that you are being patient for the pleasure of Allah and your reward is with him.

    Every time she has a go at you then it will not solve anything by you doing the same back in return. It will only make things worse. Each and every time she does begin shouting just think about the positives your mother has done for you in raising you etc. and do not let shaythan make you feel anger towards her. Just think to yourself that she cannot control herself right now and does not know what she is saying as most of the time people who are angry do not mean what they say. So when she ridicules you then surely she does not mean any of that stuff.

    How about your father? What does he say about this? Has anyone else in your family noticed this behaviour of your Mothers?
    Abusive mother

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    elena.n's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Abusive mother

    My father does not say anything,he is always at work and pays no attention to me,I really try hard to not react,but it has become impossible.I once even blacked out, completely forgetting what I have done or said,apparently(as said by my brother) I sat down and yelled,cried and hit myself.My legs were bruised and I broke a finger.It's like I have no control over my brain anymore,and I'm very scared.I also constantly have nightmares of my mother hitting me and trying to kill me and therefore,I talk and scream in sleep.I'm just very afraid,I don't know what to do.I don't want to yell back at her,I just can't anymore,I try,I swear I do.
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    tango92's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Abusive mother

    Assalamu alaikum Sister,

    your situation is exactly the same as my older sister, i dont think your mum is gonna kill you though.

    I recommend you just leave the room when shes having a tantrum - not leave the house, just go upstairs or something
    Abusive mother

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  10. #8
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Abusive mother

    format_quote Originally Posted by elena.n View Post
    My father does not say anything,he is always at work and pays no attention to me,I really try hard to not react,but it has become impossible.I once even blacked out, completely forgetting what I have done or said,apparently(as said by my brother) I sat down and yelled,cried and hit myself.My legs were bruised and I broke a finger.It's like I have no control over my brain anymore,and I'm very scared.I also constantly have nightmares of my mother hitting me and trying to kill me and therefore,I talk and scream in sleep.I'm just very afraid,I don't know what to do.I don't want to yell back at her,I just can't anymore,I try,I swear I do.

    My sister as brother Tango has said just leave the room or try to avoid being around your mother when she goes into a tantrum. If she does come to you with a tirade of abuse then straight away think to yourself "My mother has been given much honour by Allah, she raised me from birth and I must look at my own weaknesses. So i will be patient and keep quite in order to please Allah".

    So your being quite in such situations will gain immense reward sister. Every time it happens and you are patient then you will gain much reward. Just think of your bank balance of the Hereafter increasing and Allah being pleased with you as it is him you are being patient and quite for. Remember when Allah wants something good for someone then he tests them. When he tests us then we should straight away think of our own downfalls and weaknesses and never say "Why me"? etc. Rather we should look at ourselves.

    You must concentrate on the positives of your Mother like her raising you from birth which is an extremely difficult task and the fact that she must be going through some mental illness to be acting like this constantly. So it is not her being like this wilfully.

    Also if you can try and ask an elder of the family to speak with your Mother. Someone who will have influence with your Mother.

    Do much worship and make much Dua in the next blessed 10 days and nights to beseech Allah for his mercy and forgiveness and to help you with this situation. Ask of him and he will never ignore your call.

    May Allah alleviate the difficulty of your situation and through patience make it a means of great reward for you. Ameen
    Abusive mother

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