Salaam everyone hope you are all well

Im trying to submit In Sha Allah 100% to Islam but struggling in the sense that my younger sister is quite far from deen.

No Salah no nothing
and I think the biggest issue is my Mother giving her to much freedom, Iv'e advised, argued and objected many times to both my Mothers acceptance and to my sisters attitude but I always get ignored and told that its non of my business.

Iv'e shouted, Iv'e also tried to be nice but it never works, but now I am going to stay quiet In Sha Allah and try to change my self and hope fully
In Sha Allah.... In Sha Allah .. I will give off some positive energy.

But then Im worried, its going tot take a good while for me to change and in that good while she may just go down a very bad road.. too be honest she already has been down many bad roads but has sworn to sort her self out but I cant see any changes.

But even after being caught having relationships, using drugs an getting up to no good, My mother buys her the latest Iphones, revealing clothes, freedom to come home from late from college etc.

and the only way a person truly changes is through deen Alhamdulilah.

So do you think its a good idea for me to just completely not object at all.. although it kills me to see my younger sister, wear jeans and leggings showing her complete figure because I am a man and her brother and she dosent seem to understand, maybe she does but just dosent care? Again it comes down to fear and submitting to Allah Most highs will.

So what should I do?
Also can you explain to me possibly what the following Hadith of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him means

May Allah Most High forgive me but its something to do with a women being made out of the rib? what do they mean by this?

and that its bent and cant be straightened so be kind ?
