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Should I inform company of wrong doings?

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    surreytj's Avatar Limited Member
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    Should I inform company of wrong doings?

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    I am currently working for this company. They are part of a much larger corporation. They run the business the way they want to. Lots of unfairness where some people can get away with doing things and others are punished. The CEO hires all his friends and appoints them in higher positions. At least 5 people resign every month to go somewhere better. I am leaving the company soon because I was treated unfairly as well and couldn't take it anymore.

    My question is. Should I inform the larger corporation of what is going on or should I leave it? I feel the need to help the employees that are still being treated unfairly and let the bigger corporation know about whats happening.

    What is the Islamic thing to do? Should I leave it or should I try and help the people that are left behind? All I'm scared of is bad duas being put on me if I do this.
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    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

    On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

    If you were to stay at your current position, it would be difficult for you to bring the bad things to the attention of the heads of your company as you'd fear for your own job. Alhamdulilah and Ma sha Allah, you've secured another job and as such have less to worry about in that sense. As the above hadith says, if you are able to do something about this wrong, you should take the step to do it.

    You shouldn't worry about the curses of these evil people. In fact, you'd gain reward from Allah for having the right intention and on top of that also the genuine heartfelt dua of the people you are able to help.

    Still, you could send an anonymous email without identifying yourself or even have a direct one-to-one meeting with the directors but ask them to keep your identity anonymous. I.e. tip them off and ask them do their own independent investigations without the need of you being identified.
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  4. #3
    surreytj's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude View Post
    Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

    On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

    If you were to stay at your current position, it would be difficult for you to bring the bad things to the attention of the heads of your company as you'd fear for your own job. Alhamdulilah and Ma sha Allah, you've secured another job and as such have less to worry about in that sense. As the above hadith says, if you are able to do something about this wrong, you should take the step to do it.

    You shouldn't worry about the curses of these evil people. In fact, you'd gain reward from Allah for having the right intention and on top of that also the genuine heartfelt dua of the people you are able to help.

    Still, you could send an anonymous email without identifying yourself or even have a direct one-to-one meeting with the directors but ask them to keep your identity anonymous. I.e. tip them off and ask them do their own independent investigations without the need of you being identified.
    Shukran brother. Was worried about the consequences and aftermath. I'll take your advice and will go ahead with it when I leave the company.
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    hisnameiszzz's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    format_quote Originally Posted by surreytj View Post
    My question is. Should I inform the larger corporation of what is going on or should I leave it? I feel the need to help the employees that are still being treated unfairly and let the bigger corporation know about whats happening.

    What is the Islamic thing to do? Should I leave it or should I try and help the people that are left behind? All I'm scared of is bad duas being put on me if I do this.

    I am not sure what the Islamic thing to do would be. However, please have a look at the original contract you signed with this company. Did you sign anything to say YOU WOULD NEVER WHISTLEBLOW? If so, you might put yourself in a compromising situation. Also, what if the company you work for have an agreement with the CEO and it's OK for the manager of your company to hire his/her friends for high up jobs?

    I fully understand where you are coming from. I work for the local authority. The operational manager handpicks the normal managers, all are her friends hence being given these high up positions. If a normal person (someone that was not her friend) applied, they would not get the job regardless of their credibility and intellect. May I also add that Asian and Black staff are always kept in low positions and it's only Whites that can become managers and so forth. However, when we signed the contract, we all signed that we would never whistleblow. So if someone left or was sacked and they then whistle blew, there would be consequences.

    Be careful my friend. Also, make sure you have got a reference first from your current place of work. If you "stir up trouble", they may no longer give you a good reference.
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    MuslimInshallah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    Assalaamu alaikum surreytj,

    Really, there are two points here. One, what is the thing most Pleasing to Allah? And two, what could the consequences be of doing what is most Pleasing to Allah?

    Obviously, if there is wrongdoing and people are suffering injustices, a Muslim is called to action. However, every action tends to have its consequences. In the movies, the good guys win big by the end of the movie. But in this life, this is often not true. (smile) We may win big in the Next life, but this one might get pretty hard. And that is to be expected.

    Consider Al-Baqarah 2:214

    Sahih International: Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.

    However ,(smile) If you choose to do what your heart tells you is best, then you can have the comfort of knowing that you are struggling on the Path towards Allah. And that is a wonderful thing!

    By all means, try to do what is best in a way that is least damaging to you. But sometimes, it is necessary to do things that can cause you trouble. Because they are right. Because Allah Sees all. Because you want to get close to Him and learn the lessons He can Teach you through adversity.

    (Smile) But don't worry about people's evil wishes (“bad duas”). They just rebound back onto them. Do you think they are stronger than Allah? Do you think that your Lord would not Protect His servant from these "prayers"? If you have faith... nothing can touch you.

    (smile) This doesn't mean that you wouldn't have trouble finding a job, or that you wouldn't be sued, or whatever. But it does mean that other people's evil intentions are just black marks on their own souls. They can do no harm to yours.

    (smile) Whatever you decide to do, know that your caring about these injustices and wanting to help others is a very admirable thing. It beautifies your heart, and opens it to Our Lord, inshallah.

    May Allah, the Source of all strength and justice, Guide you and Make your way easy for you. And may He Reward you for your good intentions and actions.
    Should I inform company of wrong doings?

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    surreytj's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    format_quote Originally Posted by hisnameiszzz View Post

    I am not sure what the Islamic thing to do would be. However, please have a look at the original contract you signed with this company. Did you sign anything to say YOU WOULD NEVER WHISTLEBLOW? If so, you might put yourself in a compromising situation. Also, what if the company you work for have an agreement with the CEO and it's OK for the manager of your company to hire his/her friends for high up jobs?

    I fully understand where you are coming from. I work for the local authority. The operational manager handpicks the normal managers, all are her friends hence being given these high up positions. If a normal person (someone that was not her friend) applied, they would not get the job regardless of their credibility and intellect. May I also add that Asian and Black staff are always kept in low positions and it's only Whites that can become managers and so forth. However, when we signed the contract, we all signed that we would never whistleblow. So if someone left or was sacked and they then whistle blew, there would be consequences.

    Be careful my friend. Also, make sure you have got a reference first from your current place of work. If you "stir up trouble", they may no longer give you a good reference.
    I don't need a reference because I'm starting my own business. Will do it anonymously anyway. There is nothing in contract about whistle blowing so should be fine
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    Your not alone. I work for a global international company and the injustice, favoritism you see is disgusting and appalling. We have spoken up about this collectively as a group as people are not stupid and pick up these things and no action was taken. You can always try but your voice will fall on deaf ears in my opinion. The people who are in the high positions have got there with manipulation, deceit and the close network that they have. Obviously they aware of these ill practices in thier company but choose to do nothing because it jeopardize thier position & career. We're not living in a just world so don't expect justice. Do what you can do - look after yourself and practice the good morals which have been taught to us. There's only so much influence and change we can bring to companies. I don't know if you have a union at your workplace but if you wish you could get in touch with them and they can voice your opinion. All the best :-)
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    Should I inform company of wrong doings?

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    ahsankhan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    i think it will be better that you help your fellow brothers and sister who are working in the company and treated un-ethically. if you are afraid of punishment and such do inform the big corporation in a way that conceal your identity.
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    format_quote Originally Posted by surreytj View Post
    What is the Islamic thing to do? Should I leave it or should I try and help the people that are left behind? All I'm scared of is bad duas being put on me if I do this.
    Salaam brother ...

    Could you explain in a bit more detail why are you afraid that they will give bad duas? Is there someone working there who you think might loose their job after you complain because they got in through a reference from CEO and they are really in need of this job?

    Also a word of advise, sometime I might want to do something that is in accordance to Shariah, and which might make my Nafs happy, but did I do it because I wanted to set things right or because I was wronged and now I want to teach them a lesson.
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    Assalamu Alaikum

    Collectively, you and those who are no longer working there, as well as those who are (maybe they can be anonymous) should get the attention of the corporation. You by yourself may not cause much stir in the company. They may need more evidence, and even some kind of media attention that will place the company in the hot seat. Maybe even get clients to sign a petition against unfair treatment. Otherwise, you could also write a letter and make phone calls describing the incidents of injustice that have been going around. It just depends on how strongly you feel about the situation and how much power you're able to achieve.

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    Should I inform company of wrong doings?

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  14. #11
    Eshai's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Should I inform company of wrong doings?

    Forgive me, as I do not know your situation fully, but is what you perceive as injustice and unfairness truly injustice and unfairness?

    If you run your own company, would you ever hire a friend opposed to a more qualified stranger? And if you did, would you truly be wrong in doing so? When you build a company, or rise through the ranks of an existing company, is it really wrong to make decisions which favor those employees you like?

    Also, those employees which are favored may be favored for a reason. Perhaps what they do is truly good for the company, and so retaining them is better for the company? If a company and its leaders collectively make poor decisions, the company will inevitably fail. Are they failing? And if not, perhaps it would be wise to consider that they are doing something right. Perhaps it is just not right for you?
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