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Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

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    seekinjustice's Avatar Limited Member
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    Reaching out for different opinions here. I'm Muslim and just found out that my aethiest girlfriend is 2 weeks pregnant. I'm 37 she's 26, we've only known each other for almost 2 months now and I'm not sure if keeping it is the best thing to do. We barely know each other well enough to make life-changing decisions like that, and there has been a few red flags in conversation too (eg. She wants a ring that costs $25k - $40k before getting married, in her culture the man pays for everything, she has an annoying little dog that means the world to her). On the other hand, there are a few good points too eg. she's open to learning about Islam, I told her the local mosque has an introductory course and she's willing to attend it w/ me, I told her the kid has to be muslim and she's ok with that, and I told her she has to convert to one of the three religions before we get married preferably Islam ofcourse and she hasn't minded that either. So it's all a little confusing and moving a little fast. Is abortion completely haram for an unwanted, unmarried pregnancy that's only 2-3 weeks old? What if she learns a little but still doesn't want to convert? What if she's only looking for someone to take care of her financially? What, according to Islam, is the right thing to do?
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    As a man, if you dare to do something, you should dare to be responsible. You dare to have sex with her, then you should be dare to get married with her.
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    Zina with a non Muslim and she is pregnant. Hmmm since you have not married her and she is a non Muslim and are you sure it is even yours? I don't think you are really responsible as you have done everything wrong anyway. You should see your most trusted Imam about this and get some wise advice.
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by seekinjustice View Post
    What if she learns a little but still doesn't want to convert? What if she's only looking for someone to take care of her financially?
    The "what if..." questions should have been asked before... What if she got pregnant?

    You have gotten yourself into a fine mess and there is no easy way out. You will have to verify the pregnancy first. She could be 'trapping' you as you implied. But whatever the outcome, it is something that has to be dealt with. We all make mistakes, it is how we repent that may be our saving grace. Be prepared for the worse and consider it as part of the absolution process and not be bitter about it.

    format_quote Originally Posted by seekinjustice View Post
    What, according to Islam, is the right thing to do?
    According to islam, the right thing to do was to abstain in the first place. In Malaysia (an islamic country) you would have to marry the girl. (Again related to another post of mine in another thread about my quest to find what is practice and what is culture).

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    Assalaamu alaikum seekinjustice,

    Hmm. What to say? There are so many points...

    Your situation reminds me of a khutbah I heard at our masjid a few months ago. It is apparently a true story. There was a older man who was known at his masjid. Not married. Alone. And he died, apparently in poverty. So the brothers decided to do the decent thing and collect some money and bury him. But at the funeral an older woman and a young man arrived. Apparently, the man had abandoned his pregnant Christian girlfriend some 30 years earlier. She had raised his son all by herself, and done the best she could with him. And apparently, she had done a pretty good job, because here he was, wanting to honour his father. And more… he wanted to forgive and show his love for him. So when the men started to shovel the earth onto the deceased, the young man, in a show of filial love, took the little silver cross he wore around his neck (and which obviously meant a lot to him), and threw it onto his father...

    seekinjustice… the men on this Forum have voiced their opinions of what you have done. (shake my head) Your post shows no remorse for what you have done, just irritation that this situation is upon you. As a Muslim, do you not realize that, by engaging in sexual relations outside of the limits set by Allah, that you have committed a grave sin? You are not a young man, and I'm pretty sure you chose to do what you did with your eyes open.

    On the other hand, this young woman seems to be willing to know about Islam. Do you realize that if she accepts Islam, all her sins will be erased? She would become pure in Allah's Eyes. But this is not the case for you. She didn't know better. But you did.

    You say in her culture, the man pays for everything… but don't you know that in Islam, this is true, also? You are responsible to pay for your wife and your child… Of course, there is no requirement to pay lavish sums for rings and weddings. But I suspect she would be willing to be flexible on this (after all, if she is willing to consider becoming a Muslim, and raising her child Muslim, because you want it, she sounds as if she really cares about, and wants to be with you). You think she's perhaps looking for someone to take care of her financially? Well, if she wants to marry you and bear your children, this is what Allah says men are supposed to do.

    (Sigh) Perhaps you feel everyone is being rather hard on you. And yes, I'd say we are being hard. But on the other hand, I do understand that you must be feeling pretty overwhelmed and shocked. You were looking for a little fun… and now this has happened.

    (smile) But perhaps it is a Gift from Allah. A wake-up call. What are you doing with your life? You are 37…not married, no children, losing yourself in hedonism, perhaps? Whatever happens with this woman and this child… this could be a wonderful opportunity for you to turn to Allah in sincere repentance and make some important changes in your life. Changes that may bring you a wealth of goodness, both in this life and the Next...

    You say this young woman would be willing to attend classes at the masjid with you…well, I'd suggest that you go…in order that you could reconnect with Allah. You can't control what she choses to do (though she sounds like she's open to being positively influenced by you), but you have a lot of power in what you chose to do.

    Regarding abortion. I find that the judgements on this vary with time and culture. It seems that before the fetus is ensouled (at 120 days), there is some debate. After this time, it is considered haraam, except if there is a compelling reason of greater harm (such as the life of the mother being at risk). I found this link on the debate: http://www.religiousconsultation.org..._Shaikh_p4.htm I'm sure you could find other sources with a quick google search.

    From a medical perspective…I'd consult with a pharmacist immediately about getting a folic acid supplement while you decide what to do. I'd also suggest you get an appointment with a midwife or doctor (these can take a while to get; the sooner you call, the better).

    From a legal perspective…I don't know where you are, or what your laws say, but where I live, you can't deny paternity. If she can prove the child is yours (and this is not hard), you must pay child support for the next 18 years after his or her birth, whether you marry her or not.

    From a perspective of what's right…well, this is only my opinion, but it seems to me that you should take responsibility for your actions. Repent. Guide this young woman (if she is willing to be guided). Call her to Islam. Look after her and your child (twinkle. they're a bit inseparable right now…). Whatever your future relationship with the woman, understand that your child is an innocent and sweet little person, just waiting to be loved and taught (twinkle. And waiting to teach you some important lessons in life!!!).

    (smile) And as for the dog…well, if you find it annoying, please realize that human children can test your patience and fortitude like few other things can! (laugh) particularly at 2 am after you've had a busy week, and the poor little mite keeps crying and throwing up all over you… Anyway, this is another thing you need to discuss with your (future wife?). If I were you, I wouldn't say bad things about the dog. I suggest that you emphasize that you are uncomfortable with it for religious reasons, and because you have some safety concerns for the child. You could even suggest that the dog might not get a proper level of care if everyone is busy with the child. Perhaps it would be happier with another loving person?

    (smile) So those are my 2 cents. I will pray for you all, inshallah. And I would suggest that you consult Allah on these important decisions, and pray the istikhara prayer after you've gotten the information and advice you can get from various sources. This is a full explanation of the istikhara, which I personally found very helpful http://www.islamicity.com/articles/A...ef=MM1201-4985

    May Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful, Gift you both with opportunities to get closer to Him, and Bless you all with the best in this life and the Next.
    Last edited by MuslimInshallah; 12-03-2014 at 11:56 AM. Reason: Mixed what another member posted in reply with what OP said regarding questioning the paternity of the child. Sorry!
    Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    Salamu alaikom,
    Masha2allah I didn't realize beautiful souls like you still existed. Thank you for your kind words and wisdom, you are by far the most sincere and comforting advice I've gotten since reaching out online. Sometimes God offers a soothing and truthful opinion and guidance for us in times of need and I truly think He is making that apparent through you. I have taken everything you said to heart and it has offered me a little comfort in a time of distress and re-assured me that keeping the child and trying to guide this girl to Islam is the right thing to do. I might have not sounded remorseful in my original post but I am. I have always maintained an on/off relationship with God but I truly believe in Him and feel His presence and immediate rewards when I do follow and have no doubt this religion and the kindness shown in accepting me back in every single time I reach out sincerely is something beautiful and honest to believe in and worth passing on to future generations if possible. Thanks again and may God bless you as well with any and all of your wishes and beyond
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

    Thank you for your feedback and kind words. (smile) And if you have any joyful news in the future…do let us know! And if you would like to come back and share your ideas and opinions on this Forum, please don't be shy! This world is a better place when we connect and support one another, I find. (smile) And building community is pleasing to Allah, I think.

    May God, the Gracious and Kind, Reward you for your good actions and intentions.
    Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    Our finitude is our distance from Him. His infinitude is His closeness to us. Abdal-Hakim Murad @Contentions

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by seekinjustice View Post
    What if she's only looking for someone to take care of her financially? What, according to Islam, is the right thing to do?
    80 lashes on your back, leaving you with bleeding welts - is a first step! You naughty naughty boy! You got yourself into a world of problems and decided to come here when the SHTF... and expect to get advice?

    Am I harsh? Dude, you're 37 (i'm 39) and you're still "playing the field" ????? what's wrong with you man?

    You know what you should do - repent BIGTIME, and come back to the way of peace, security and submission - Islam. Barring that, whatever advice you seek on forums is not going to cut it for you. You will have to repent, repent and repent again and again, humbling and shaming yourself before your Creator. You'll never truly feel forgiven, but use that to never make the same mistake again - fix up!

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    80 lashes on your back, leaving you with bleeding welts - is a first step! You naughty naughty boy! You got yourself into a world of problems and decided to come here when the SHTF... and expect to get advice?

    Am I harsh? Dude, you're 37 (i'm 39) and you're still "playing the field" ????? what's wrong with you man?

    You know what you should do - repent BIGTIME, and come back to the way of peace, security and submission - Islam. Barring that, whatever advice you seek on forums is not going to cut it for you. You will have to repent, repent and repent again and again, humbling and shaming yourself before your Creator. You'll never truly feel forgiven, but use that to never make the same mistake again - fix up!

    Are you getting off with your sadism like the inquisitors of the Inquisition? LOL. Are you any relation to Mel Gibson? Lighten up.
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    80 lashes on your back, leaving you with bleeding welts - is a first step! You naughty naughty boy! You got yourself into a world of problems and decided to come here when the SHTF... and expect to get advice?

    Am I harsh? Dude, you're 37 (i'm 39) and you're still "playing the field" ????? what's wrong with you man?

    You know what you should do - repent BIGTIME, and come back to the way of peace, security and submission - Islam. Barring that, whatever advice you seek on forums is not going to cut it for you. You will have to repent, repent and repent again and again, humbling and shaming yourself before your Creator. You'll never truly feel forgiven, but use that to never make the same mistake again - fix up!

    There are men who force their girlfriends to do abortion when their girlfriends got pregnant. There are men who choose to run and leave their responsibility. But the OP is different. He still has sense of responsibility of what he has done. That's why he came to this forum to seek an advice.

    You don't need to be harsh to him, bro. Yes, he is a naughty guy. But it doesn't mean he will always be naughty. Bad guy can turn into good guy, just like good guy can turn into bad guy. So it's better if we try to guide him to back to the right way and be a better guy, rather than just scold him that can make him feel that the door of repent has been closed for him.
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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    I agree with sister MuslimInshallah couldn't have offered better advise.

    All i want to add is your unborn child or fetus has a right to live. Don't add to the sin by encouraging your girlfriend to have an abortion. Am not sure where you stand in terms of marrying your girlfriend (whether islamically you have to or not) but i would like to say whichever road you do take - please do not neglect your duties as a father. Your child has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserved to be neglected by you because of the 'mistake' you have made. Don't let your child suffer because of your actions.

    Like many of the brothers & sisters have said ask for forgiveness - maybe your family will treat you in a different way, maybe you will perceive and view yourself in a different light, maybe society will treat you differently etc - us humans are quick to judge, assume & speculate - Allah swa is listening and you have an opportunity - your still breathing ask for forgiveness - keep asking for forgiveness until your time comes to an end.

    Don't use this to go down the road of depression or torture yourself. Use this as a motivation. Make the most of this situation and promise yourself sincerely i will have more self-respect for myself. I will not go down this evil path unless the act is authorised by Allah swa.

    I would advise you to think about what you want and whether you want to marry the girl you have been seeing. If yes, if you feel as though you are both compatible - read isthikhra prayer and in sha Allah get married. There's no point delaying the inevitable & letting shaytaan win.

    One more thing which may help you make a decision - when your home alone - lie down on the floor, close your eyes and pretend your in your grave. Your on your own. You only have good deeds and your bad deeds. If you was to meet Allah swa right now in this state where do you think you see yourself going? heaven or hell? Think about what would help you to go jannah. Think about the situation you are in now and do the right thing for yourself, for the girl and your unborn child.

    With every action comes consequences - we need to live with hope and fear of Allah swa.

    May Allah swa help you and guide you Ameen.
    Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto View Post
    Bad guy can turn into good guy,
    I was forced to stare into that mirror when I read the above quoted, thank you bro Ardianto

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    Re: Pregnant girlfriend (too soon?)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    I was forced to stare into that mirror when I read the above quoted, thank you bro Ardianto
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