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Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

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    Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues (OP)

    I am Alhamdulilah 26 years financially well, and educated person. I am Master in the field of Study and my family owns multiple businesses.

    My problems:

    I am too hasty in taking decisions. I want something to finish as quickly as started without thinking about the consequences of my hasty decision making

    I am always confused. I cannot take my decisions and have to overthink about the issues, which has caused me great grief and distress in my life.

    In school, I was a topper, and achieved alot. However, I have little or no confidence left now, and I think everybody just hates me or will make fun of me. This has caused me not to make new friends (I also think that I cannot make new friends)

    Thirdly, my family is looking for a girl for marriage. I have been rejected, and I have rejected some as well. I want my parents to take the decision rather than me. However, I want my family to get over the thinks quickly so that I can focus on new things in life. This seems a distant reality now. I dont think so that I will ever be able to get married because of my attitude and personality (very weak personality and no one seems to like me)

    I have never had bad habit, but I have been continuously in depression, and I believe that Allah is against me. This leads me to think alot against Islam and Allah. However, nothing improves no matter how much I pray or ask Allah and Prophet Mohammad PBUH for help.

    Sometime back I started praying five prayer in congregation thinking that Allah will have mercy on me, but things did not change, and after one month I stopped praying even Jumma prayers. Nothing is improving in my life. It seems that the only thing God has bestowed me is a good family and financial background.

    However, I feel that even if my parents are going to ask some girl for proposal I am going to get rejected because of poor personality, and skills. I remember the times in schools, and college when I could not utter a word in front of girls, Now I feel like my personality has gotten worse.

    I also have a very few close friends, who are as busy in business as I am. I am waiting for a miracle to happen in my life, but Allah (SWT) is keeping me down and out. He does not guide me, doesnot give me any sign, or doesnot improve anything for despite of my prayers. I pray with tears, and true heart but God rejects me everywhere. I tried to invest my money away from my family business so that I can achieve anything on my own, and have something to boast about but failed miserable. In fact, God does not help me in anything. I have a poor poor personality, no achievment despite good educational background, I have no where to go. I feel trapped. But the God is not helping me. May he wants me to suffer. I also have suicidal thoughts sometime, but no one seems to understand me help me or befriend with me.

    Is there any way to end this ? Please dont tell me that God doesnot burden you with more than you can handle, because it very easy for you to say that, and I have been burdened more than I should be. It is easy for Sheikhs and Maulana's to talk about depression, and how Allah helps everyone, however it is very easy for them to say thing because they havent been through any of this.

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

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    format_quote Originally Posted by smallkid View Post
    welldpne both of you. Atleast show some mercy and kindness to a lost cause so that Allah will also be kind to you. I came here to hear some nice words, but shattered by my very own brothers. Jazakallah.
    First show some mercy and kindness to yourself - instead of wallowing in your self absorbed pity - which really is kinda pathetic and you know it bro.

    You keep asking for some kind of divine intervention - and when a wali of Allah tells your parents to find a wife for you - you want to refuse? You're crazy mate. You remind me of the priest who sat on the top of the spire - BIGTIME... you wou;dn't know an opportunity if it hit you flat and square in your face.

    Plenty of people responded here - all with nice and molly coddled posts and you never replied nor thanked them once - instead you preferred to respond to my one harsh post - that's your problem RIGHT THERE - you are an unappreciative and can only see negatives in your life... we can't help you i'm afraid. Allah has given you plenty of opportunities but you can't even see those either - so who is your number one enemy?

    I'll tell you right now.

    YOU ARE.

    Wake up to reality, and see it for what it really is instead of the rubbish you keep telling yourself it is.

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  4. #62
    Alpha Dude's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    format_quote Originally Posted by smallkid View Post
    welldpne both of you. Atleast show some mercy and kindness to a lost cause so that Allah will also be kind to you. I came here to hear some nice words, but shattered by my very own brothers. Jazakallah.
    Believe me, there are no hard feelings and we all want the best for you. We gain nothing out of being mean to you. I sincerely hope you feel better and are able to get your life on track but I feel you don't try as hard as you could do.
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    sir from where to start give me a one month plan and we'll see where I stand. i dont know from where to start if its about changing myself. I mean theres multitude of wrong in me. what what will I fix ?

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Allah knows best, but the following is just my humble opinion on the things you should do. I'm trying to give advice on a holistic level, both spiritual and physical because we are made up of two parts and each has an effect on our overall well-being.

    To start with, on the spiritual level, starting from now, make it a goal to:

    1. Pray all 5 salah on time and in congregation if you can.
    2. And before you sleep, each night, make a sincere long dua to Allah asking him to help you in every aspect of your life in this world and the akhirah. Cry to Allah for help.
    3. Avoid all the sins as much as possible.

    The goal of the above is to form a proper relationship with Allah. Once you have that relationship and link, you will be mentally stronger in sha Allah.

    Then, on a physical, health related level:

    1. Lessen the amount of cigarettes you take daily until you take none at all.
    2. Go for a run early each morning. Do 5 km.
    3. In the gym, when you go, do heavy lifting: Squats, dead-lifts, bench press and other compound stuff like pull-ups.
    4. Eat healthy food.

    I recommend you do that to start with. Also, ramadan's coming up so it would be a good time to change your life (exercise stuff might be tricky but maybe do it just before iftar).

    I advise the above in the hope that you can gain physical and mental confidence.
    Last edited by Alpha Dude; 06-08-2015 at 09:19 PM.

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    i will probably skip taraweeh this year to give time to workout and gym.

  9. #66
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Assalaamu alaikum,

    (smile) Might I suggest that you might want to change your username to something more positive? Like, for example, NewMan or Grateful or Abd Al-Qawwiy (slave of the Strong)… something to reflect your determination to become someone better, stronger, more at peace with himself, more satisfied with your life, yourself…?

    I'm not sure that skipping taraweeh to go to the gym is quite the best idea. Nor starting an exercise program during Ramadan. Even people who are in excellent health and train regularly tend to ease up a bit during Ramadan. However, cutting back on your tobacco consumption sounds like something that would fit well with Ramadan, and frankly, is not easy to do. I admire anyone who puts in the effort to try to stop. And if they succeed… even if only partially… I consider this a victory. (smile) To build on...

    Break down your efforts to change into little pieces. Too often, people go into major efforts to change something overnight… and end up backsliding, and getting discouraged. But if you break up your changes into little steps… then each small step you accomplish is a small victory that gives you the confidence and satisfaction to try the next step. And the next...

    Perhaps this Ramadan what you can try to do is write out all the things you'd like to change in your life, and then plan your campaign on how you can acheive these changes. Break each goal down into small steps. Research methods to attain them (reading books is useful…). Think about them. Prioritize them. (smile) This will take time. You are not a failure if you are not a muscly Mr Universe after a month. Just doing the research and thought is an achievement. So is writing everything out. So is cutting down from 2 packs a day of smokes, to 2 packs minus 1 cigarette. Every little step acheived is a victory.

    And after the rigours of Ramadan, eating and drinking in more usual patterns ought to give you a boost of energy that you could funnel into an exercise program. A slow and steady increase in exercises. These can also be researched. Push yourself to where you feel a little tired… but not to pain or exhaustion. Time yourself. Count the number of kilometres (or meters), or laps, or repetitions of the exercises you do. They are very little at first? That's ok. We all have to start somewhere. (smile) And each time you can do an extra sit-up, or whatever…it's a small victory.

    (smile) I do wish you the best. And keep us up-to-date in how things are going. (smile) Say every week? Two weeks? Month? (smile) And every time you feel positive about something you've achieved? (smile) We all get a boost from a good news story… can you share with us your small victories? (smile) Our Prophet (SAWS) taught us that even just a smile is a sadaqa… so you could turn your efforts and struggles into a sadaqa for us.

    He also taught us that Allah, the Generous, loves small, but consistent efforts over major, sporadic ones. Every day, take even just 15 minutes to think or do something towards your goals. Set yourself a special time to work on doing something positive for yourself, as an act of worship (smile. What Allah likes us to do is good for us, you know).

    May Allah, the Friend, Patron and Helper, Strengthen and Support us all this Ramadan and beyond, and Help us to attain goals that are Pleasing to Him.
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    Our finitude is our distance from Him. His infinitude is His closeness to us. Abdal-Hakim Murad @Contentions

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Thankyou for your long and comprehensive post for a lost cause like me. I cannot thankyou enough.

    Dear sister you said smile is good and a sadqa, but how can you smile or even when you smile your mind wanders off to failures, rejections, mishaps and all those discouraging efforts. What kind of a luck you are born with when you lose despite odds stacked at 80 percent in your favor. Its easy to lose lost battles. but when you are winning battles that are 100 percent in your favor. you tend to ask why. Probably it is self love as one of the brothers scimi above pointed out.

    I want to change myself, but I love my old and defeated self. I do not want to be a show off as some who started praying just because he is not content and not going anywhere. I dont want to embarrass my family as they have done so much for me. I want to change. but not at the expense of my family and just to show thr world that I am changing my self as a result of rejections.

    I am basically all trapped l. and wish only if I had one special traits. talent. or luck.

    Why only me I ask.

    You know I do not shout even at my peon and helpers so that Allah be kind to me. But no results.

    Probably I want everything to change overnight.
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Asalamualykum SmallKid,

    Am sorry to see you're still in the state of mind where you think your a lost cause. The fact that Allah swt has allowed your soul to enter your body today is a blessing, is a gift from Allah swt. You have a CHANCE USE IT!!!

    We ALL have our struggles, pain and difficulty and by FOCUSING on the PROBLEM and not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is having a HUGE negative impact on your outlook on life!

    Many of the members on this thread have urged you to take action and we have all stated only YOU can bring these changes. There's no point complaining if you don't have a strong conviction in your heart to bring changes to your life. It's very simple, if you want to be a different person be that person. If you don't want to bring shame on your family, fix up in the areas where you think you are bringing shame. There's no point talking. Talk and no implementation of words is wasting everybody's time and time is a very valuable asset! Ask anyone who misses they train by one second!!

    We can not reiterate enough YOU NEED TO START BEING THE CHANGE as my username states. I can't stress the importance of this message but it starts from within and when am reading your posts i don't think you sincerely want to make a change (Allah swt knows best) because, people who do want to change, you will be able to see the determination in their actions!!
    Last edited by BeTheChange; 06-09-2015 at 12:35 PM.
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    Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.

  12. #69
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Salaam again bro.

    Change is gotten through effort, and it takes will power. The good news is, "will" is not a static thing, it goes up and down. And it can be built up more than it can be broken down.

    You mentioned you are an indecisive person. Thus, you feel like you do not which change to make first. You mentioned you would prefer to go gym instead of taraweeh - this is very illogical brother, I tell you why.

    Taraweeh is the opportunity for you to get closer to Allah, and be counted amongst those who took their worship to the next level by standing up long hours in worship whilst in a tired state - all for the worship of Allah.

    You don't have to be a genius to work out that the benefits of which far outweigh the benefits of working out in a gym. I'm not saying "don't go gym" - ofcourse you should go... but in Ramadhan, your first priorities should be "RAMADHAN".

    You find it hard to prioritize don't you? I used to be like that when I used to be a weed smoker. I hope you are not smoking that stuff bro.

    You said that you love your old defeated self, this is most likely because you have found it easy to just "give up" and "complain" and "mope about, cry, feel sorry for yourself"... it's a defeatist stance, and one you need to break away from.

    Somewhere deep inside you - you probably feel this world is a messed up place - my guess is that you always felt this way, and couldn't partake in the fun conversations your friends would enjoy. You felt distanced, estranged - right? Drop those friends, and learn to know who you really are, and change those things which you feel are easiest to change first.

    Buildings are built brick by brick, so start building... first things first - rebuild your foundations - make them strong. You're wondering "what foundations?" right?

    1) Trust - in Allah the Almighty, for Allah only helps those who help themselves - and HE will help akhi - we are all here saying the same thing.
    2) Change one thing which you don't like about yourself, it's a slow progress. For example, one of the first things you can change is to start to keep your salaah, start with a salaah you can keep always, for example if you feel you can keep Isha salaah then do so - and don't beat yourself up if you miss one salaah and then fall off the bandwagon - no - make up for it, be determined to beat "your self" at your own game... Allah's help is never far away, it is closer to you than your own beating heart. It is you who is failing to know this, and therefore, living in a perpetual state of confusion - you don't have to be like that - you can just tell your own mind to "be quiet - I am working on this"... remember, buildings are built one brick at a time.
    3)... you need a hobby brother - if that hobby is going to be fitness, then plan it. Spend some money and go to a fitness coach - let them weigh you, give you a diet sheet which you fill out - get a FITBIT and the app and start to monitor your self, your calorie intake and all that can be entered in the app and it measures how much you burn off etc - it's a fantastic piece of technology <- this is just an example of a beneficial hobby which you can get involved in - and it will really help you to understand what is going on inside your body.
    4) Charity work, this is key brother... I'm not saying go and join "children in need" or anything, but do contribute financially to those who do and give the money as "sadaqah" - this is going to benefit you more in the long term. Trust me.
    5) meditate, learn how to breathe through meditation techniques, this will help you to calm your mind and body so it can reach an equilibrium state - like in salaah - but do find the time to do it.
    6) "RUN"... I doesn't matter how tall or short your are, how fat or skinny you are - RUN - and run fast, as fast as you can, get the blood rushing around your body, get hyped bro - get those hormones raging around so you can have the energy to not only face the day - but to OWN IT. Running is best done in the morning - after Fajr - bro, you may only manage 15 seconds the first time and then feel like your lungs are going to explode (being a smoker) but within a week, you will have increased your sprinting to double that time - and therefore, increased the amount of beneficial energy within your body by 100%. Joggin is good, but it won't beat frustrations the way sprinting can.
    7) Sauna, steam baths etc - pamper yourself bro - it is not only the women who are allowed to pamper themselves, we men are more than allowed to as well - just, our pampering is way more beneficial to us than the "lipstick powder and paint" culture and stigma attached to the word pampering we find in modern society.
    8) You also need to contemplate and reflect on the 99 attributes of Allah, it is within these that you will learn to know Allah. At the moment you have absolutely hardly any trust in HIM because you do not really know HIS attributes nor have you expended any time or energy in wanting to know - all you did was complain and seek an immediate answer as if miracles will land in your lap - you and I both know this is not how it works. Allah tells us in the Quran that HE is subtle... SUBTLE.
    9) Don't argue with anyone - it's not worth it. If you trust Allah, you will know that argumentation is useless because whatever Allah has willed will come to fruit - so instead of arguing - say instead "I leave my affairs in the hands of Allah, and I will fulfil my obligations to the best of my ability" and be honest and determined in doing so. The peace of mind is in the sanity we preserve... argumentation takes us out of that serenity. SO do not argue.
    10) Always stay in a purified state. Ghusl and Wudhu - at all times.

    Now, of these ten advices, which will you choose first?

    these are ten bricks you can lay in your foundation for the building you will build. This is how I do it, it is a technique taught to me by lots of self help books and they work.

    two words for you akhi:



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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    I would also like to add the below to assist you in sha Allah.

    I just want to say music is haraam and please if anyone is reading this message, am not advising you to listen to the song. Just read the lyrics! In sha Allah the lyrics will give you an uplifting i hope?!

    Think it, dream it, plan it, pray on it
    Will it, build it, focus, stay on it
    See it, chase it, believe it, channel it
    Picture yourself with it before you physically handle it
    Grab it, watch it, feed it, nurse it
    Guard it from anyone who might attempt to curse it
    Frequently treat it while never showing no weakness
    Hold it and never leak it, keep your vision a secret

    Work for it, no time for crying and debating
    Understand patience doesn't mean lying round and waiting
    It's a long road but you'll accomplish it if it's meant

    If you running a marathon why would you practice for a sprint
    Gotta build up your strength. through the pain and the suffering

    If you train to fight fifty rounds, twelve ain't nothing
    No gaining if you're complaining, no advancement if you're napping
    Anything you tryna do, it's up to you to make it happen

    We gotta learn that blessing don't fall from the sky
    If you want something, be willing to do all that applies
    Gotta get your hands dirty, persevering through the test
    Say a prayer, get to work and let the God do the rest

    Blessings waiting but impatience is running them away
    Nothing happens overnight except the coming of a day
    I heard a lot of people say they gotta see it to believe it
    But believing in the unseen is the best way to achieve it
    Gotta move on your vision, disregard what dollar said
    God wants to raise you up but He can’t help you if you scared <<(Allah swt will help you in sha Allah even if you're scared but you need to believe in HIM first without a doubt in your heart or mind!!)
    So I wheeze through the distracting, the slander and the laughing
    While wearing spiritual vests to protect me from dream assassins
    “Now what’s a dream assassin?”, I appreciate you asking
    That somebody you tell your goals and then they start blasting
    Shooting at your dreams and tryna knock them off the radar
    Tryna discourage you and make you miserable like they are
    But a weak thinker can never conquer a strong mind
    Keep pushing even if you think it might take you a long time
    If you run into a couple of setbacks and then quit
    That means you never had belief to begin with

    The world is yours, you walking impassively with fear
    You expect your problem’s solution to magically appear
    Don’t be bathing in depression, you destined to be a great one
    You need some money, stop begging for a job and make one
    Never envy one's talent, go to the real source
    Don’t be jealous of them, just ask God to reveal yours
    Gain from your losses, whatever happened was meant to
    Don’t let no felony, no drug habit or hate prevent you
    Focus on your life several hours a night
    You can’t fight the power till you gain the power to fight
    “I ain’t finished school.” So what? “I had a child.” So what?
    God makes a way out of nothing, punks fold up
    Degrees and diplomas don’t guarantee dollars
    I done seen drop out millionaires and homeless scholars
    Like a said many times, my objective is to help you
    ‘Cause everything I’m saying, I’m telling it to myself too

    Last edited by BeTheChange; 06-09-2015 at 12:55 PM.
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    Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest

    (Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.)
    (Qur'an 13: 28)

    Truthfulness is beloved by Allah and is purifying soap for the heart. And there is no deed that gives such pleasure to the heart, or has greater reward, than the remembrance of Allah.

    "Therefore remember me, and I will remember you"(Qur'an 2: 152)

    Remembrance of Allah is His paradise on earth, and whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise of the Hereafter. Remembrance is not only a safe haven from the problems and worries of this world, but it is also the short and easy path to achieving ultimate success. Read the various revealed texts that refer to the remembrance of Allah, and you will appreciate its benefits.

    When you remember Allah, clouds of worry and fear are driven away, and the mountains that make up your problems are blown away.

    We should not be surprised when we hear that people who remember Allah are at peace. What is truly surprising is how the negligent and unmindful survive without remembering Him.

    "[They are] dead, lifeless, and they know not when they will be raised up." (Qur'an 16: 21)

    O' whosoever complains of sleepless nights and is in shock over his misfortune, call out His Holy Name.

    "Do you know of any that is similar to Him! [There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearer; the All-Seer]"
    (Qur'an 19: 65)

    To the degree that you remember Allah, your heart will be calm and cheerful. His remembrance carries with it the meaning of total dependence upon Him, of turning to Him for aid, of having good thoughts about Him, and of waiting for victory from Him. Truly, He is near when supplicated: He hears when He is called and He answers when He is invoked, so humble yourself before Him and ask of Him sincerely. Repeat His beautiful blessed name, and mention Him as being alone worthy of worship. Mention His praises, supplicate to Him, and ask forgiveness from Him: you will then find - by the will of Allah- happiness, peace, and illumination.

    "So Allah gave them the reward of this world and the excellent reward of the Hereafter" (Quran 3: 148)


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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Here you go bro SK, this is a nasheed which inspires me a lot. It has a beautiful message in it, watch thru to the end, and be inspired to make that change in your life my brother - it inspires me to do the same.

    Surround yourself with things which benefit and inspire within you to conquer the very things you feel are mountainous and impossible. I told you before, difficult takes a day impossible takes a week. I honestly believe this and live it.

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  17. #73
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Dear brother Scimi and others,
    I told you I am hasty. I was once working in projects, I couldnot sleep untill I had finished it whether it meant working 48 hours straight without sleeping and food. Similarly, I want my life to change in a jiffy. There is nothing impossible for Allah, then why he isnt helping me ? Why did he make me like this in the first place ?

    I have seen people indulged in all sorts of worldly vices, drinking, womanizing etc and yet they enjoy a great life. I am stuck. Especially when you all your nightmares coming true in front of your very own eyes what will you do and say. I have seen baddest of things happen to me word by word as I predicted. I think bad and it comes true word by word or scene by scene. There is never any luck or any exception. I have never experienced any lucky escape in the recent times. All my nightmares are hitting the target (bullseye !)

    Even when I work hard and try to avoid my nightmares, they happened. There's no escape from them at least.

    How would you explain this ?

  18. #74
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    format_quote Originally Posted by smallkid View Post
    Dear brother Scimi and others,

    I told you I am hasty. I was once working in projects, I couldnot sleep untill I had finished it whether it meant working 48 hours straight without sleeping and food. Similarly, I want my life to change in a jiffy. There is nothing impossible for Allah, then why he isnt helping me ? Why did he make me like this in the first place ?
    If Allah wanted, HE could have created the universe in a second also - but HE chose 6 periods of creation instead. So do not mock your own understanding when you have not even understood the subtleties of Allah's modus operandi at all... why should HE miraculously fix your life? You got two arms and legs that work, a heart that works and a mind that works - a roof over your head, meals given to you - you are really quite the ungrateful person now that I consider all the hungry and homeless who are sufferring in the thrid world... what have you done to ease their situation? And why should Allah magically fix you up? You've been your own enemy since, well, however long it has been - and you cannot reconcile this with stupid and ridiculous logic - if logic is even the right word...

    ...the bottom line is - what have you done to change your situation? You want us to feel sorry for you? Bro - grow up. You aint no child anymore so stop talking like an idiotic 9 year old - and believe me that is exactly how you sound. Conquer your emotions maaan, be firm and BELIEVE with all your heart mind and soul... you strike me as the blue jeans jamaat type who only visits masjids on a Friday and then wonders why his life is so phucked. Get a grip of your own hypocrisy, there is no escaping the questions of your own life when Allah accounts all creation on the day of judgement.... cars came and went, hovercarft came and went, boats came and went, even a helicopter arrived but you my dear brother - are as spiritually blind as dajjal - you are only deceiving your own self with such self absorbed westernized dumbed down pity - it's ridiculous and does not suit Muslim men... if I didn't know any better, I'd have guessed I was responding to a 9 year old girl who belongs in a mental asylum. That's the truth.

    We've given you just about all the adivse we can give - and I do not wish to waste my time on this any more since I know everything I write here always falls on your deaf ears and self absorbed stupidity.

    format_quote Originally Posted by smallkid View Post
    I have seen people indulged in all sorts of worldly vices, drinking, womanizing etc and yet they enjoy a great life. I am stuck. Especially when you all your nightmares coming true in front of your very own eyes what will you do and say. I have seen baddest of things happen to me word by word as I predicted. I think bad and it comes true word by word or scene by scene. There is never any luck or any exception. I have never experienced any lucky escape in the recent times. All my nightmares are hitting the target (bullseye !)

    Even when I work hard and try to avoid my nightmares, they happened. There's no escape from them at least.

    How would you explain this ?
    I would explain this very simply... you have let yourself feel comfortable in the grip of shayateen. But you are not beyond hope. This is all we've been trying to tell you. BUT NO... you prefer the company of the waswasa you have become accustomed to... go see a mufti who can do ruqya on you.

    You're beyond my help. And that is because you WANT TO BE BEYOND HELP - it's bloody well stupid of you.

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    you are right bro, I went to masjid and prayed only on jummas, ramadan and eids. However from last few weeks I am not being able to drag myself to masjid on Jummas also. I am surely beyond help. I need a ruqya and maybe riddance from some sort of magic that is common these days.
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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Good stuff brother.

    I used to have the same problem. I woke up one Sunday crying, thinking that I am beyond hope. IN my state I made dua to Allah to help because HE says that if we take one step towards HIM, HE takes two towards us... I thought about that bro... and you know what I discovered?

    Check this out.

    How seemingly small and insignificant is our 1 step towards HIM - and how immeasuraby large is HIS one step towards us? Imagine that bro... and then prepare for that WOW moment - HE doesn't stop there - HE takes another step towards us also - imagine that? TWO HUUUUUGE STEPS towards us...

    ....go to masjid bro. Look, do this tonight brother, have a shower, wear some clean clothes, do wudhu, and go to masjid, and just sit there - just sit there and do nothing, observe what goes on, how Muslims greet each other, how they smile, how they have time for one another - and then wonder, wouldn't you like to be in that company too? And then do this - go up to those brothers, introduce yourself and say "I have been watching you brothers, you captured my heart in the way you greet each other, I really wish I had company like yours - may I be your companion so I may learn from you?"

    Beleive it or not, I did this. And it worked And I have a baaaad reputation in London - if they can accept me bro, you have nothing to fear.... in the process of getting to know these brothers, you will find yourself going to Masjid more often also - double benefit. We are the company we keep huh bro?

    I see that you want to fix these issues, and though I sound harsh brother - believe me - the one reason I was unable to fix up was because people were too nice to me, without being firm enough with me - I had to learn to be firm with myself, harsh with myself, so I could break the patterns which I had made in my own life.

    Today, I do not even recognize my old self anymore, and cannot believe I did those horrible things in my old life - I've been given a new lease of life and I have learnt to take each day, each hour and each minute - as it comes. I no longer waste time on useless thoughts such as the past and the fture - I know what needs to be done, I just do it now... sure some days I will get lazy but then, in panic and regret, I make up for it.

    Life is a journey bro, so take that first step... please akhi - go to the masjid, and just sit there ok?

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    you could handle because Allah made you strong on the other hand i am too weak mentally to handle my problems. sorry but thats truth.

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    i can feel your pain screaming out of your post bro

    If you pull out the teeth of someone who cant comprehend why he may hate you (the dentist) for causing him such pain, but if you could see why he is pulling out that teeth... you would love him...
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    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Bro's all of you have been spot on. Allah is the most kind, but in my case it seems I will get no where in life, and will end up a failure due to my faults. Am I wrong in praying for death ?

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    Re: Eerie Personality and Confidence Issues

    Make yourself strong then brother... go for the ruqya ok? and go to masjid... one step, following another step. It's really only as easy or as difficult as you make it - no excuses bro - JUST DO IT

    I believe you can. No one is beyond hope - for you to say such nonsensical things, you are denying Allah, for HE says:

    Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." - Al Quran, Surah Az-Zumar 39:53

    So do not despair - be strong.

    Yes, you got yourself into this mess - so now you have to do something to get yourself out of it.

    And wishing for death is stupid and illogical as well as selfish - no parent should have to burden the wieght of their childs coffin - for if they do - the parents also die, a living death - is that what you want? Is that how selfish you've become? is that how self absorbed you really are? You don't care for no one but your own pathetic miserable self? Get a grip bro - your educated apparently - so show it.

    Signor made an excellent post about the effort you put into your educations - but now you have a loser mentality ???? how does that make sense? Bro - fix up lol you freaking idiot.

    We are not going to molly coddle you anymore - now you need stiff words directed at you - so stop being a crybaby loser fool and fix up already... don't you ever get angry at your self for being such a coward? Grow some balls dammit. Or do you enjoy being the shame of your family?

    Last edited by Scimitar; 06-09-2015 at 06:49 PM.
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