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I want to believe but I just can't

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    I want to believe but I just can't (OP)

    Greetings people, Muslims and nons, no offense to the Muslims. I want to get this off my chest for a long time. I'm a closet ex-muslim, 22. Since childhood I had so many doubts about Islam, particularly about the existence of God himself. How can God let really evil things happen? if everything evil meant to happen because God wants to test us and given that the tests given aren't supposed to exceed our limit as humans, why do God let terrible things happen to children? There are cases some children were kidnapped from their houses, was gang-raped, and burnt to death. How was that a test? I may just be really ignorant for not making sense of this, kindly, please enlighten me.

    But then, after all of that, I would repent to Allah and became religious. I found myself always going back and forth. In the past, I used to cry in my sujood, I used to cry when reading the Koran, I used to be very careful with my thinking bcos I feared Allah so much. I loved Ramadhan very much, that's the only time I truly felt connected to Allah by doing extra prayers, learning stuff & taking care of my inner self. Normally people would usually dread bcos of the fasting, but really I loved Ramadhan, it truly made me a better person, but just like every other religion will make people become a better person. My family weren't very religious, so I searched God most by myself. But until I opened myself to the outer world, I started becoming friends with some non muslims, reading forums and articles etc. I changed my views on life, I became very liberal in my thinking, and this wasn't a good thing. I debated with my muslim friends and I just couldn't convince them anything bcos of how conservative they are. I heard religious teachers said on TV that Islam favors blind faith over logical thinking so Muslims shouldn't first and foremost use logic when dealing with religion. I couldn't believe what I just heard. If this is what humans should be, then I don't think the world could have advanced to what it is now.

    There are some controversial verses of Quran and Hadiths that I just couldn't make sense of, especially the part about the prophet's wife Aisha. I've had non muslims asking me about this, no matter how hard I tried to make sense, I know deep in my heart I was just convincing myself, not them. Aisha might be a smart, mature girl for her age, but sorry this is not excuse for pedophilia. Would you marry off your girl to a 50+ old man , just to be fair, assuming the man is not just plain old man, but handsome , looking younger than his actual age, very kind in heart and very religious, even with the girl's consent? Apologists will say this was acceptable at that time, but I thought Islam is supposed to be timeless as I was taught in school. If he is the perfect role model then I think all muslims should aspire to do the same thing as well. Child marriages is still an actual thing happening now and it strips off lives of young girls. Some of these girls suffer complications at childbirth like anal fistula because they are too young to give birth. Some cases girls die of internal bleeding because their sexual organs are not compatible. I understand that the girl needed to be checked whether they're ready to withstand penetration, I say this can be misjudged and girls are not born just to be penetrated.

    I became agnostic several months ago, I stopped praying 5 times. No, no satan is whispering on me. How can I blame the satan for my own actions? Tbh it left a void in me but this is just because I lost something I used to usually keep in my heart. I was like a meat lover who just became vegan. But after some while I felt normal like every other person but sad that I have to pretend to my family all of my life. I'm not really happy not believing in God, I want to believe spiritually, I want to be in heaven with all my loved ones, but with these flaws in religion I just couldn't. If there are anybody here who used to be atheists/agnostic, can you share how did you even make sense of this? I don't want to continuously pretend to everyone. Soo sorry for the length and Tq

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Kazu View Post
    Why do I want to think God is evil, or even hate him, when I don't believe He even exists? It's the suffering that led me to believe a God couldn't have done this. Narrowing it down, I don't believe the Abrahamic religion version of God exists. Why would I make an enemy out of something or someone that I believe, doesn't exists? If he doesn't exist, your justifications of his actions would be irrelevant to me.

    Maybe you're the one who are stupid if you're assuming I think that way. When I was muslim I used to think about every possible explanation that could justify why Allah did what He did to the unbelievers, including what you said in your comment. Obviously everything Allah does must have strong reasons behind them and I would just leave everything to His power. But this is not the case now. I care very much about the people around me, including my non-muslims neighbours who have been very nice to me and the muslim community. I care because I can.

    However now, I couldn't make you, Mr.simpleperson, or any muslim, understand where I'm coming from, as we view things from completely different perspective, and maybe the way I'm describing things may have not made my points across. Muslims just couldn't understand how hard it is for these unbelievers to make sense of this religion if there're not in the appropriate position. Not everyone have the ability and the capacity to think critically, philosophically like the people in this forum. Most people just couldn't care or can't care because maybe they're too occupied with obtaining a living for themselves and their family, particularly the ones living in poverty, for instance, even though they might have heard the message of Islam. These people just resort to whatever they can find solace in in their early life, christianity, buddhism, hinduism, judaism, you name it, brought by their parents, because people always find comfort in prayers. Too bad they're going to hell. But the exceptions are the ones who just happen to be born in a muslim family. Even though they're not promised heaven, at least they'll eventually end up in it if they continue to be muslim. Even though one may not possess critical thinking. How lucky.

    It is up to both of you if you want to call me stupid, insane, lacking logic, lacking rational thinking, lacking philosophical thinking, or whatever. What's important is I am being very honest with myself, and if Islam is really the truth, I really hope I will be back to it someday.
    Sister, nobody being Muslim or non-Muslim even dying as Muslims are guaranteed paradise.

    So your logical is kind of flawed to be honest.

    What Allah wants is your heart, not your mouth or your actions. One might say huh? What about actions? Isn't Islam all about actions/good deeds? No, it is NOT about good deeds, it is about your heart. INTENTION.

    Honesty sister. That is why i have said often that i do not see a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu etc...all i differentiate is HONEST human beings and DISHONEST human beings.

    If you have listened to that video you see that it has NOTHING to die as a Muslim with your mouth or actions. It comes to the ROOT core of all of it. Your heart. Your actions will follow what your heart intended. So saying "la illah ila Allah muhammad rasul Allah" will not benefit you even one bit, if your heart doesn't believe those words. Your good deeds are based on your good actions. You or me might do X and say it is a good actions, but deep down in our heart this was not a good action, rather it was so people might say.."woow what a good person".

    So my advice to you as well as to me is CLEAN your heart. Clean your heart of arrogance, of pride of greed of envy etc. Know that part of arrogance is also acting as if you know better how things are than how they are.

    A lesson to Muslims is the story of Al-khidr and Musa(as), where he went with him and saw things you and i would also say..woow ..EVIL.. yet we know by what we see. Our understanding is too limited to come to a conclusion of everybody who is not a Muslim goes to hell fire. Which by it self is false. Your neighbors might be more religious than you and i will EVER be in our entire lives, yet they might never have heard the true message of Islam, but still deep down believe in 1 God. You and i might end up in hell fire but they might end up in paradise. The problem so far with you is somebody somewhere has brainwashed you that whoever isn't a Muslim goes to hell fire. But even me telling you this i have the feeling that it will reach deaf ears.

    So your problem is your heart, go and ponder a lot about things. You NEED that very much as i have also done it in my life. The evil on this world is brought by men and you want Allah to clean up the mess? How many Muslims are cowards because they fear the dictator, so rather want to live under a dictator than to sacrifice their lives to unite and fight back.

    Be honest in your life and Allah will open your heart to see things that i am talking about. The reason even that you are having discussion shows some piece of honesty but sadly there are people even though they are Muslims say things that make you and i run away. I have talked to many of such a people. Just 2 hours ago a Christian Jehova witness brother came to my house, Wallahi when he went away i gave him a handshake with true love seeing him as a fellow brother, MORE than MANY Muslims now a days. He was so respectful, we saw many things eye to eye, he thought me even about them being one of the MOST closest to Muslims of All the sects of Christianity as they do not worship Jesus(as). Very honest and loving brother.
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-25-2017 at 06:17 PM.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    In the Qur'an Allah says truth is clear from falsehood. This simple sentence is amazing. You know why? Because there is a lot of wisdom behind it.

    To me it not only says that one should not look at "little details" but just look and you will see. Just like if you look and you see a tree you see a tree ..you do not have to look for details to see a tree. This also is sort of a confirmation that separates people who believe and people who who disbelieve. What I mean by this is in another part Allah says this is for people who reason. I mean sure you have read those ayaat also. What does "people who reason mean?"..atheist say it is just a mixed up something that in the end has became what it has became. However using your mind you say only the mentally ill people come to such a conclusion that it all has come from "chance". Well i should better say, their hearts are ill, as this is even confirmed in the Qur'an. The mind agrees that things cannot become like this by mere chance, the heart however doesn't need logic, rationality or reason. Just follow YOUR truth.

    I have had a friend who was also agnostic you know what agnostic have in common with atheists?..not seeing the tree anymore but looking for details to WANT to see something else. You said earlier why believers always have to put a Creator in the equation..to see such balance in the universe to even atom level..how possible can this come out of chance besides SOMETHING having made all of this. Even looking for details for people who reason they can come to the same conclusions. Scientists are baffled by the behavior of cells.

    So all I see atheists and agnostics look for THEIR truth not the truth of what reality gives them.

    You sister with your mouth and thought says you have already thought about Islam to know and understand Islam. Sister these days we human beings have become retarded and I am NOT kidding you. I am going to be 31 years old soon. Since early 20's at work back then I did not want to mix with guys my age during break. I went and sat next to people who were twice my age. The people my age all what they were talking about was girls, football, money...but ESPECIALLY football. Nowadays people say this is "normal" behavior..no sister this is NOT normal behavior. Now at the age of 30..all people are busy with is work, family and what comes with it. Many people when they start a family become suddenly too serious but still very ignorant and shallow in their thoughts.

    I do not feel special at all. I like certain things and others like other things. However people pondering happened in the past way more often than now. Why? Because people are TOO preoccupied by TV and listening to music. I dare you to stop watching TV and listening music for at least 6 months. Your WHOLE mentality will change. Close your Facebook and all those "social" media accounts or not visit them anymore. Like the body need healthy food, the mind also need healthy things to absorb. Will you able? Do not prove it to me that you are able but instead go and ponder about why I say these things.

    BTW, I became a atheist because I never stood still with reality and search for Islamic knowledge. All I got was atheism propaganda and SUPER SUPER SHALLOW CULTURE Islam. I am seriously DISGUSTED when I think if culture Islam. Sadly I cannot put the exact emotions here about what I feel about culture Islam but they are NOT positieve even in the slightest sense. Nationalism being the cause of this culture Islam. But sheep Muslims being TOO PROUD to stop and ponder about this fact. But yet again sub'han'Allah being born a Muslim doesn't garuantee someone that he or she will also die as a Muslim. This age is a HUGE favor also from Allah that we have internet. Much knowledge I have gotten from the Internet.

    Oh brother....to be honest, Islam is not completely bad at all, there are a lot of wisdom in both the Quran and Hadeeth, back then I looked at them and I read them and I found absolutely EVERYTHING about Islam makes great sense with this world and my inner self (and some still is), I thought how could people not see this? I thought everything that is going on in this world aligns with the teachings of Islam, no way in hell there could be any mistake. But I realized I was only looking at one point of view, I thought that because I believed hard in Allah and was so afraid to cross the line, what about taking the neutral side?

    How am I supposed to know and distinguish what Shaytaan wanted me to believe in, what myself wanted to believe in, what my family, community, government, kuffars, wanted me to believe in? So I just believe in myself. But when something goes wrong, they would say I have given myself to the devils. How am I supposed to buy that?

    Why should we not look at little details? I look at the details because I want to know and understand every possible justifications/explanations that led people to believe why something is wrong or right, or why something is the way it is. I totally get that some people tend to always make effort to make sense of what they WANT to believe in by searching and looking at these little details. Though maybe because you currently believe in Allah who says these kind of people are the people who don't reason, is maybe the reason you are saying so. Aren't you a student before? I'm a science student, and if I say I only see a tree if I look at a tree, then I shouldn't be a science student anymore. A tree is NOT just a tree. If you look at it closely you'll see many combinations of living organisms to it such as fungi of various species and in fact some plants can't survive without them,and also particularly these microscopic eukaryotic and prokaryotic beings which holds the key to human survival. Also some plants if you look closely at them, they're actually animals. Do you really think that the world could have advanced to what it is today if people are only meant to see the 'tree'? Please enlighten me..Even Einstein wasn't religious. How am I supposed to buy that I'm among the people who 'don't reason' if all of my life I've been searching for reasons all over and I know I wasn't lying to myself?

    Though I agree about that whole isolation part. In your mind, I'm just a little kid and you have most things figured out and I don't. Is that what you think? I've been a loner all of my life, I absolutely got that 'isolation' idea, and I think it's very important. I must stress that, even though I left Islam, not everything about Islam instantly became irrelevant to me. If I see the unbelievers insulting my muslim friends, I will still proudly defend them if I think my muslim friends are in the right. If that's what you got from atheism, I have nothing to say..


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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person View Post
    Sister, nobody being Muslim or non-Muslim even dying as Muslims are guaranteed paradise.

    So your logical is kind of flawed to be honest.
    Sorry but I never said anyone are guaranteed paradise. But according to Islam, being Muslims even though they go to hell because the sins outweighed the deeds, they'll eventually end up in heaven after the punishment has been done. Unlike the non-muslims, who will burn in hell forever.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kazu View Post
    Oh brother....to be honest, Islam is not completely bad at all, there are a lot of wisdom in both the Quran and Hadeeth, back then I looked at them and I read them and I found absolutely EVERYTHING about Islam makes great sense with this world and my inner self (and some still is), I thought how could people not see this? I thought everything that is going on in this world aligns with the teachings of Islam, no way in hell there could be any mistake. But I realized I was only looking at one point of view, I thought that because I believed hard in Allah and was so afraid to cross the line, what about taking the neutral side?

    How am I supposed to know and distinguish what Shaytaan wanted me to believe in, what myself wanted to believe in, what my family, community, government, kuffars, wanted me to believe in? So I just believe in myself. But when something goes wrong, they would say I have given myself to the devils. How am I supposed to buy that?

    Why should we not look at little details? I look at the details because I want to know and understand every possible justifications/explanations that led people to believe why something is wrong or right, or why something is the way it is. I totally get that some people tend to always make effort to make sense of what they WANT to believe in by searching and looking at these little details. Though maybe because you currently believe in Allah who says these kind of people are the people who don't reason, is maybe the reason you are saying so. Aren't you a student before? I'm a science student, and if I say I only see a tree if I look at a tree, then I shouldn't be a science student anymore. A tree is NOT just a tree. If you look at it closely you'll see many combinations of living organisms to it such as fungi of various species and in fact some plants can't survive without them,and also particularly these microscopic eukaryotic and prokaryotic beings which holds the key to human survival. Also some plants if you look closely at them, they're actually animals. Do you really think that the world could have advanced to what it is today if people are only meant to see the 'tree'? Please enlighten me..Even Einstein wasn't religious. How am I supposed to buy that I'm among the people who 'don't reason' if all of my life I've been searching for reasons all over and I know I wasn't lying to myself?

    Though I agree about that whole isolation part. In your mind, I'm just a little kid and you have most things figured out and I don't. Is that what you think? I've been a loner all of my life, I absolutely got that 'isolation' idea, and I think it's very important. I must stress that, even though I left Islam, not everything about Islam instantly became irrelevant to me. If I see the unbelievers insulting my muslim friends, I will still proudly defend them if I think my muslim friends are in the right. If that's what you got from atheism, I have nothing to say..

    Sister, my specialties are mostly philosophy and human psychology. I ask questions such as what came before the big bang sort of stuff. I do not except "maybe this or maybe that". I look at possibilities. I have pondered a lot about what came before the big bang and ONLY 1 philosophical answer stood firm. Something must have existed before which has NO beginning. This something must have caused the big bang. This answer Islam answers it perfectly.

    You have atheists who say ..multi-verse, you have atheists who say i do not know..you have atheists who say repeated cycle of exploding, imploding..exploding etc. However yet again what came before? This philosophical question is like SUPER annoying fly that doesn't leave you alone. So again, the ONLY answer to this question was something MUST already exist to make sense. Although philosophical answer, somehow science even confirmed this to me. With time and space coming in to existence with the creation of the big bang. So whatever is outside this universe isn't going by the definition of how we see time and space. When this ESSENTIAL question has been answered, the rest of ALL the questions also found their answers. Being Islam.

    From how we look at the world, how we look at ourselves, how we ourselves are and behave and why things are how they are. I do not go by "blind believe" you know. I want to know things and understand things, but i always start with a humble attitude. What is this attitude? To know that what i know isn't everything and there is much more knowledge that i do not know, but willing to learn. To understand what i do not yet understand as there is MORE that i do not understand than what i do understand, and also willing to understand and keep my mouth shut and my ears open and my mind open to process, digest, ingest, be skeptical, ask questions..but always for the sake of being a student. This very simply step i see many of us human beings Muslim, atheist, christian, jew, hindu etc. somehow miss or don't find important.

    I have seen Muslims act all arrogant because they KNOW more then me and just because they know more than me i should keep my mouth shut and not be skeptical by asking questions. Yet they themselves fail to understand that UNDERSTANDING is something COMPLETELY different than having knowledge. There are converts that when they read the Qur'an, they instantly UNDERSTAND a TRANSLATED aya, yet many Muslims being hafiz of the Qur'an and speaking Arabic on high level not having the understanding of the same aya as the converts.

    What sheytan wants you to believe and what you want to believe are rather easy at the end. Ponder about things. Turn off everything and just ponder. Why is this this and why is that that? How come i did this and what happened to me? In the past for example the days i missed fajr prayer, i analyzed those times. When did i wake up? What time did i go to sleep? Why did i went late to sleep? What time did the sun rise and how much time was between me waking up and sun rising? Often i woke up middle in the night without alarm clock..i could do whatever i wanted, but just about 2 hours before sunrise i got very sleepy. The times that i fell asleep i woke up maybe 5 minutes before sunrise or 10-15 minutes after sunrise. The more i kept track of those times i saw a trend. This same behavior happened in the summer as well as winter..so always just around sunrise ..in other words missing the prayer.

    So you see a certain trend and looking at Islamic teaching and the way sheytan works you see it clearly. Or for example, surfing on the net..no feeling of going to the bathroom..but suddenly seeing ooh time is almost up for prayer..better go and pray..suddenly feeling that i need to go to the bathroom. I have even once just out of laziness went back on my laptop suddenly the feeling to go to the bathroom went away. But when i wanted to go to pray again..it again came back that i needed to go to the bathroom.

    So these are very little details but you see something is going on. Or even having the desire to look at something haram, but the moment seeking refuge from sheytan..the desire going away. Some people might say well it is something psychological rather spiritual..

    I OFTEN when want something or want to know something it is within certain time period exactly given to me. For example, just last week i had the intention to want to know Christian end of times prophecies, suddenly today a Jehova Witness came at my door and i had a very respectful talk with him and he giving me certain information where i could look it up those prophecies. Or knowing something today and suddenly the next week somebody asking me EXACTLY about that thing that i read last week. Once or twice is coincidence one could say, but sister i have had this continues for the last 4 years since i entered Islam. Again coincidence is one thing, but happening again and again and again..is kind of strange don't you think? 2 years ago a woman i talked to she left Islam and she was talking about being possessed once in her life. She said every time i heard the Qur'an being recited i ran out of the house screaming. After some time we just threw all the furniture out of the house and bought new furniture. She said maybe her mother in law had done sihr on her. Yet all these things she was saying and experiencing, she did not believe in the Qur'an or came back to Islam. I find these things remarkable.

    I will not benefit if you come back to Islam or even stay away from Islam. All i know is death is a fact. When we end up in our grave, whatever the truth might be there is NO way to come back. Rather ponder a lot and be skeptical, but all with honesty. Allah often in the Qur'an says about the disease in their heart, why? How? Who is to be blamed? I have had talks with people even with the Christian brother today he said going to some people's houses to spread the message some people are so angry and hateful of God because of a loved one having cancer or some sort. I mean what has logical thinking to do with anger? Nothing..ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It much resides in the heart. The heart is filled with emotion especially with women as they are emotionally stronger than men. That is why you see MORE women converting to Islam than men.

    So live your life, you will see that the words i am saying aren't lies or trying to brand you as something bad, but you will find nothing there that i can PROMISE YOU. As I can say.."BEEN THERE..DONE THAT..". I have tasted the life you think is the life, but it is all emptiness. When you look in the eyes of people..you see emptiness. Their smiles are empty. Their happiness is for a moment..their joy is for a moment..the amount of suicides has been rising continuously in the west. WHY?? People have everything they desire and wish to have, yet emptiness and sadness. People have zina EVERY DAY of the week one guy to another..one girl to another..yet they are sad from within. You see guys and girls surrounded with friends and family but they are empty and lonely and sad from within.

    Sister i am not trying to make things "look" bad i swear, but i have lived that live and i have lived with such people. The STARE they have, I KNOW of that stare because i had the SAME EXACT stare as them. What am i doing? Why am i doing what i am doing? Is this it? I have what i wanted it..why am i not satisfied yet? You see people being all hyped up to go to the disco, the moment they are drunk you hear their sad stories and loneliness. At the gym people are so happy they can have a chat with you that before you know they are keeping you already for an hour from doing exercise because of loneliness and sadness..find meaning in their lives.

    Do what you want to do as you have free will, but you will think about my words in'sha'Allah and in'sha'Allah better soon than late.

    If you want to know or understand something, you are always welcome.


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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kazu View Post
    Sorry but I never said anyone are guaranteed paradise. But according to Islam, being Muslims even though they go to hell because the sins outweighed the deeds, they'll eventually end up in heaven after the punishment has been done. Unlike the non-muslims, who will burn in hell forever.
    Sister the one with arrogance the size of a mustard seed will NOT enter paradise. You think non-Muslims will enter hell forever just because Allah says so? You do not know what is going to happen it seems on the day of Judgement. The people going to hell fire THEY WILL AGREE that THEY DESERVE hell fire. Let me repeat that once again, THEY WILL AGREE THAT THEY DESERVE HELL FIRE!!!! How on earth does somebody who feels treated unjustly will agree that he deserves hell fire? Again, How on earth does somebody who feels treated unjustly will agree that he deserves hell fire? This you do not ponder about. If i die as a non-Muslim and i agree that i deserve hell fire, this MEANS that indeed i have gotten the message of Islam or even 1 Creator, but DELIBERATELY ignored it. So the person who KNOWS Islam is the truth, but on PURPOSE did not follow. This is arrogance. So again, the people who go to hell fire WILL AGREE THEY DESERVE HELL FIRE!! No soul will be treated unjustly, yet you seem to miss this point and i am not sure how come.

    Could you please explain this to me?


    "Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize it as they recognize their [own] sons. Those who will lose themselves [in the Hereafter] do not believe." Qur'an 6:20

    Allah confirms here for example the ones who recognize the truth as they recognize their sons. With this i will say for sure the scholars among them who are learned, yet did not accept the Qur'an. So PONDER about things sister there is MUCH that you it seems to refuse to see and think people will just be kicked in hell fire without any judgement or justification because they were not Muslims =_=!.
    Last edited by Simple_Person; 04-25-2017 at 07:53 PM.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Kazu View Post
    Sorry but I never said anyone are guaranteed paradise. But according to Islam, being Muslims even though they go to hell because the sins outweighed the deeds, they'll eventually end up in heaven after the punishment has been done. Unlike the non-muslims, who will burn in hell forever.
    Yes, so? That is an a priori requirement to be a Muslim. If you cannot accept that outcome or it does not fit in with your personal views of how things ought to be, then sorry, you are not really looking for religion, as your own personal views are most important to you and it seems you are quite satisfied with them. So, then, what is the big deal if you left Islam? You should be satisfied that your personal views are the right ones and you should be at peace with yourself. But are you?

    And sorry, there is no philosophical proof or mathematical theorem to show why unbelievers should burn in hellfire forever. It is just the way Islam says it is. So what is your purpose on these forums, if I may ask?
    I want to believe but I just can't

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    I also ask myself, why do people who have had terrible things happen to them still believe in God and become much stronger in their faith? If you've lived as a Muslim, then you should know that this worldly life is ephemeral. Yes we do get tested, but it's not always with pain and it's not always with ourselves. All of us are tested in very different ways. It's through certain tests that we gain experiences and strength that we otherwise would not have had. But I understand what you mean, the fact of the matter is that our focus is the afterlife and our good deeds. So if someone dies or is in pain, be it a child or an adult, the purpose for it is individual and that knowledge is with Allah solely.

    You're right, during that time things were different in regards to the mindset of the people. Does it mean that these days it is unacceptable islamically if the circumstances are very similar as you had pointed out?? No.

    But if we are going to go by definition here, pedophilia is characterized by any 16 year old or older who is attracted to prepubescent kids. That means that if a 16 year old boy is attracted to a 13-year old girl, he is a pedophile. To be honest, this definition doesn't make sense because girls these days look much older than they really are and considering the age gap between them, it's only 3 years.

    You could argue that you're talking about a 50 year old man wanting to marry a 9 year old girl, but it's not really that different because honestly guys are attracted to females point blank. If the girl is attractive, a guy will be attracted to her regardless of her age. There are 70 year olds who are married to 18 year olds, that's a 52 year difference. There are 13 year olds married to 14 year olds; both being "underage" and pubescent. If you want to follow a western ideology, then when it comes to marriage, age shouldn't matter, right??

    Marriage should not be something that strips away from a person's life, it's something that is a blessing. Anything that makes it feel otherwise is poisonous. It's not something that should happen in secret or as a business transaction (like some cultures make it where they "sell off" their daughters). It's a celebration of two people who believe they are compatible for the rest of their lives, who will balance one another in faith, and who are following the laws ordained by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That being said, the majority of scholars believe that is preferable for girls to marry once they reach the age of puberty (sexual maturity), and not before. But for the rare cases that it does happen, then it depends on the interests of the girl first and foremost. Girls these days are sexually curious and having intercourse at 9 years old. I personally think marriage is much more suitable and safer for them than in a culture that condemns "child marriages" but does very little in preventing a sexually geared atmosphere where they can easily be raped, molested, and pregnant. So there's really nothing that says that it's unsafe for girls to get married or be in a relationship at that age unless the marriage is unhealthy and destructive in nature which is unislamic. And when it comes to pregnancies, there are complications in every pregnancy whether the woman is an adult or a child. Some women die too..so really that's not a strong argument. The child marriages you imagine are the ones that come out of poverty, backward cultures, and ignorance. The pedophiles you think about are the ones where men can be attracted to boys just as well as girls, who are a danger to children, and who victimize them. None of this is allowed in Islam.

    Now with your comment regarding why shouldn't all men emulate the prophet pbuh and marry children? Because the prophet did not marry for the sake of his desires and he married a range of different women and he treated them all very well and they loved him to death. Marriage in general is sunnah. It's not obligatory. Marrying children isn't obligatory either. It's just something that is allowed if something of that case happened where a man finds himself interested in a girl and she is of a certain age. In the US there are many states which have no age minimum for marriage. Isn't that crazy? But the difference with the westernized world and Islam is that Islam has universal rules. It's not based on the whims and desires of people where it changes ever so often. The connotation of pedophilia often comes with a lot of perversions that are not allowed in Islam, and there is no exception to it whether the man who wants to marry is 13 or 70.
    What 9 year olds do you know are having sex in this day and age?????! I mean, I understand back then, it was not pedophilia as it was common at the time, but this line:

    You could argue that you're talking about a 50 year old man wanting to marry a 9 year old girl, but it's not really that different because honestly guys are attracted to females point blank. If the girl is attractive, a guy will be attracted to her regardless of her age. There are 70 year olds who are married to 18 year olds, that's a 52 year difference. There are 13 year olds married to 14 year olds; both being "underage" and pubescent. If you want to follow a western ideology, then when it comes to marriage, age shouldn't matter, right?

    There are so many things wrong with this line. First, an 18 and 70 year old is different because an 18 year old is soooooo much more mature than a 9 year old! A 9 year old is a child! You cannot compare the two. And second, I myself don't agree with 13 year and 14 year old dating or sex, but at least it's between two of them similar in age. And you're line about men being attracted to females regardless of age is absurd! I will never, ever, find myself attracted to a child who is 9 or 10! Men are not sex-crazed pigs who will sleep with any female. For a majority of men, they are not attracted to children.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    I also ask myself, why do people who have had terrible things happen to them still believe in God and become much stronger in their faith? If you've lived as a Muslim, then you should know that this worldly life is ephemeral. Yes we do get tested, but it's not always with pain and it's not always with ourselves. All of us are tested in very different ways. It's through certain tests that we gain experiences and strength that we otherwise would not have had. But I understand what you mean, the fact of the matter is that our focus is the afterlife and our good deeds. So if someone dies or is in pain, be it a child or an adult, the purpose for it is individual and that knowledge is with Allah solely.

    You're right, during that time things were different in regards to the mindset of the people. Does it mean that these days it is unacceptable islamically if the circumstances are very similar as you had pointed out?? No.

    But if we are going to go by definition here, pedophilia is characterized by any 16 year old or older who is attracted to prepubescent kids. That means that if a 16 year old boy is attracted to a 13-year old girl, he is a pedophile. To be honest, this definition doesn't make sense because girls these days look much older than they really are and considering the age gap between them, it's only 3 years.

    You could argue that you're talking about a 50 year old man wanting to marry a 9 year old girl, but it's not really that different because honestly guys are attracted to females point blank. If the girl is attractive, a guy will be attracted to her regardless of her age. There are 70 year olds who are married to 18 year olds, that's a 52 year difference. There are 13 year olds married to 14 year olds; both being "underage" and pubescent. If you want to follow a western ideology, then when it comes to marriage, age shouldn't matter, right??

    Marriage should not be something that strips away from a person's life, it's something that is a blessing. Anything that makes it feel otherwise is poisonous. It's not something that should happen in secret or as a business transaction (like some cultures make it where they "sell off" their daughters). It's a celebration of two people who believe they are compatible for the rest of their lives, who will balance one another in faith, and who are following the laws ordained by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That being said, the majority of scholars believe that is preferable for girls to marry once they reach the age of puberty (sexual maturity), and not before. But for the rare cases that it does happen, then it depends on the interests of the girl first and foremost. Girls these days are sexually curious and having intercourse at 9 years old. I personally think marriage is much more suitable and safer for them than in a culture that condemns "child marriages" but does very little in preventing a sexually geared atmosphere where they can easily be raped, molested, and pregnant. So there's really nothing that says that it's unsafe for girls to get married or be in a relationship at that age unless the marriage is unhealthy and destructive in nature which is unislamic. And when it comes to pregnancies, there are complications in every pregnancy whether the woman is an adult or a child. Some women die too..so really that's not a strong argument. The child marriages you imagine are the ones that come out of poverty, backward cultures, and ignorance. The pedophiles you think about are the ones where men can be attracted to boys just as well as girls, who are a danger to children, and who victimize them. None of this is allowed in Islam.

    Now with your comment regarding why shouldn't all men emulate the prophet pbuh and marry children? Because the prophet did not marry for the sake of his desires and he married a range of different women and he treated them all very well and they loved him to death. Marriage in general is sunnah. It's not obligatory. Marrying children isn't obligatory either. It's just something that is allowed if something of that case happened where a man finds himself interested in a girl and she is of a certain age. In the US there are many states which have no age minimum for marriage. Isn't that crazy? But the difference with the westernized world and Islam is that Islam has universal rules. It's not based on the whims and desires of people where it changes ever so often. The connotation of pedophilia often comes with a lot of perversions that are not allowed in Islam, and there is no exception to it whether the man who wants to marry is 13 or 70.
    Also, you're claim about complications in pregnancy is incorrect as well. It's more dangerous for a younger person to give birth as their bodies are not as developed as a grown woman!!!!!!, their bodies are at a higher risk. I;m sorry if I come across as harsh, but learn about biology and human anatomy before you say things. Again, I'm sorry for saying this, but this is the post is just one of the most ridiculous and absurd things I have read in a while.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    What 9 year olds do you know are having sex in this day and age?????! I mean, I understand back then, it was not pedophilia as it was common at the time, but this line:

    13% of students reported ever having had sexual intercourse (10% of sixth graders, 13% of seventh graders, and 17% of eighth graders).
    46% of sexually active students reported having had sexual intercourse with three or more partners (44% of sixth graders, 43% of seventh graders, and 46% of eighth graders).
    62% of sexually active students reported using a condom at last sexual intercourse (61% of sixth graders, 58% of seventh graders, and 66% of eighth graders).
    25% of sexually active students reported having had a sexually transmitted disease (33% of sixth graders, 23% of seventh graders, and 20% of eighth graders).
    31% of sexually active students reported drinking alcohol or using drugs before last sexual intercourse (26% of sixth graders, 38% of seventh graders, and 28% of eighth graders).


    This concerns children between the ages of 11-13. If 13% are sexually active at 11 years old with 62% being with multiple partners, then there's no doubt that it began earlier than that age.

    Besides that report, kids were promiscuous at my school growing up too and that was years ago. I don't even want to know what they are like now.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    Also, you're claim about complications in pregnancy is incorrect as well. It's more dangerous for a younger person to give birth as their bodies are not as developed as a grown woman!!!!!!, their bodies are at a higher risk. I;m sorry if I come across as harsh, but learn about biology and human anatomy before you say things. Again, I'm sorry for saying this, but this is the post is just one of the most ridiculous and absurd things I have read in a while.
    I have a pretty good science background considering I wanted to go to medical school, so I know a good amount of biology and human anatomy, so thanks.

    But here's a biology lesson for you, a girl who has not hit puberty cannot get pregnant. If it happens, it's rare. Puberty is the marker that says a girl's body is ready to conceive. With that comes other body changes such as wider hips for giving birth and the formation of breasts for nursing. Every pregnancy can potentially have complications, it doesn't matter the age. Islam takes in the welfare of the girl before anything else. so if a girl has not yet hit puberty, she should not be touched or even married off which I've already mentioned. I'm unsure what you are arguing here.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    13% of students reported ever having had sexual intercourse (10% of sixth graders, 13% of seventh graders, and 17% of eighth graders).
    46% of sexually active students reported having had sexual intercourse with three or more partners (44% of sixth graders, 43% of seventh graders, and 46% of eighth graders).
    62% of sexually active students reported using a condom at last sexual intercourse (61% of sixth graders, 58% of seventh graders, and 66% of eighth graders).
    25% of sexually active students reported having had a sexually transmitted disease (33% of sixth graders, 23% of seventh graders, and 20% of eighth graders).
    31% of sexually active students reported drinking alcohol or using drugs before last sexual intercourse (26% of sixth graders, 38% of seventh graders, and 28% of eighth graders).


    This concerns children between the ages of 11-13. If 13% are sexually active at 11 years old with 62% being with multiple partners, then there's no doubt that it began earlier than that age.

    Besides that report, kids were promiscuous at my school growing up too and that was years ago. I don't even want to know what they are like now.

    I have a pretty good science background considering I wanted to go to medical school, so I know a good amount of biology and human anatomy, so thanks.

    But here's a biology lesson for you, a girl who has not hit puberty cannot get pregnant. If it happens, it's rare. Puberty is the marker that says a girl's body is ready to conceive. With that comes other body changes such as wider hips for giving birth and the formation of breasts for nursing. Every pregnancy can potentially have complications, it doesn't matter the age. Islam takes in the welfare of the girl before anything else. so if a girl has not yet hit puberty, she should not be touched or even married off which I've already mentioned. I'm unsure what you are arguing here.
    1. These grades are not 9 years old as you claim, their ages range from 13-14, so your claim at 9 years old having sex is ridiculous as 9 year olds are usually 3rd-4th graders.

    2.Ok even if they are having sex, looks, it's a very small minority and that doesn't make it ok. And even though I am strongly against people that age having sex, they are at least having it with each other rather than as you said, someone who is much older, like a man in his 50s.

    3. Again, it doesn't back up your absurd claim that men are attracted to women regardless of their age. I'm sorry, that is not true at all. Most men are not attracted to 9 year olds today

    4. Yes, I know, a girl who has not reached puberty cannot get pregnant. But as I was saying, pregnancy at an earlier age(13 for example) opposed to 30, is more risky as their bodies are still developing. Just because a girl can be having babies, doesn't mean she should.

    5. Again, back then, I wold like say, I am not saying the prophet was not pedophilia as his other wives were much older and it was common back then.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    1. These grades are not 9 years old as you claim, their ages range from 13-14, so your claim at 9 years old having sex is ridiculous as 9 year olds are usually 3rd-4th graders.
    Since when were 6th graders 13 years old?? Lack of evidence doesn't mean it's not happening, it means that ethically students are not questioned without the parent's permission, which I assume is the case. There are cases where 10 year olds are pregnant.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    2.Ok even if they are having sex, looks, it's a very small minority and that doesn't make it ok. And even though I am strongly against people that age having sex, they are at least having it with each other rather than as you said, someone who is much older, like a man in his 50s.
    loool what's the difference??

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    3. Again, it doesn't back up your absurd claim that men are attracted to women regardless of their age. I'm sorry, that is not true at all. Most men are not attracted to 9 year olds today
    Are you a girl? Do you have any idea how much girls get hit on and harassed by older men? Do you realize how big of a problem human trafficking of girls is?? Of course not, because you aren't one. So this claim is not absurd at all, especially when a young girl is developed.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    4. Yes, I know, a girl who has not reached puberty cannot get pregnant. But as I was saying, pregnancy at an earlier age(13 for example) opposed to 30, is more risky as their bodies are still developing. Just because a girl can be having babies, doesn't mean she should.
    I agree, but it happens whether we agree with it or not.

    Every individual case is different. What the prophet pbuh allowed doesn't mean that it should be widespread as common practice especially with changing times. So I am not advocating for every little girl to get married off. However, if it happens to be that being married off to someone is better for her then I don't see any issue with it so as long as no law is broken and the girl is well taken care of. We do not know the circumstances today in which a family would get to the point where they feel that their daughter is better off married. Our opinions don't matter in the end, what is allowed is allowed as long as no oppression is present.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    Since when were 6th graders 13 years old?? Lack of evidence doesn't mean it's not happening, it means that ethically students are not questioned without the parent's permission, which I assume is the case. There are cases where 10 year olds are pregnant.

    loool what's the difference??

    Are you a girl? Do you have any idea how much girls get hit on and harassed by older men? Do you realize how big of a problem human trafficking of girls is?? Of course not, because you aren't one. So this claim is not absurd at all, especially when a young girl is developed.

    I agree, but it happens whether we agree with it or not.

    Every individual case is different. What the prophet pbuh allowed doesn't mean that it should be widespread as common practice especially with changing times. So I am not advocating for every little girl to get married off. However, if it happens to be that being married off to someone is better for her then I don't see any issue with it so as long as no law is broken and the girl is well taken care of. We do not know the circumstances today in which a family would get to the point where they feel that their daughter is better off married. Our opinions don't matter in the end, what is allowed is allowed as long as no oppression is present.
    1. It said 6th, 7th and 8th graders, around ages of 12-14, my mistake. Also, just because it does happen does not mean it is ok. Also, with 10 year olds, those are rare case. Most children do not have sex. Again, it is a minority

    2. Are you serious? You can't see the difference between two people who are similiar in age, maturity and physical development having sex between a grown man sleeping with someone much younger? The latter is more risky

    3. Yes, there are pedophiles out there, but to say that men in general are attracted to women regardless of age is just absurd and completely ridiculous. Are you a man? do you know how we think? Also, how about the countless of men who speak up against this? As well, there are women sleeping with younger men as well...does that mean women are attracted to young men.

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    1. It said 6th, 7th and 8th graders, around ages of 12-14, my mistake. Also, just because it does happen does not mean it is ok. Also, with 10 year olds, those are rare case. Most children do not have sex. Again, it is a minority
    Actually 6th grade starts with 11 year olds. So lower it another year. And who said it was ok for kids to be sexually active?? Again I don't know what you are arguing??

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    2. Are you serious? You can't see the difference between two people who are similiar in age, maturity and physical development having sex between a grown man sleeping with someone much younger? The latter is more risky
    Please enlighten me. What risks are you talking about here?

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    3. Yes, there are pedophiles out there, but to say that men in general are attracted to women regardless of age is just absurd and completely ridiculous. Are you a man? do you know how we think? Also, how about the countless of men who speak up against this? As well, there are women sleeping with younger men as well...does that mean women are attracted to young men.
    This isn't about pedophiles, these are normal men. Women are attracted to younger men if they are attractive, just as older men are attracted to younger women if they are attractive. What is so difficult to comprehend about that? If a girl looks older than she is (which isn't uncommon considering girls hit puberty at 8 and 9 years old!), guys will find them attractive.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    One thing that is not being considered in this young girls discussion is the fact that humanity as a whole HAS BEEN DUMBED DOWN. The 9 year old of 1400 years ago is nothing at all whatsoever like the 9 year old of today (especially in western countries). Women are maturing psychologically slower and slower even if their bodies develop sooner. A baby ready body doesn't equal to a baby ready mentality. There are 25 year old women who behave like 15 year olds. This behavior is relatively new as well and this goes for males too by the way.

    Children that have sex today are usually children who are not cared for properly or who have freedoms they should not have at that age. Before institutionalized school (not that long ago!) boys usually went to work with their fathers (or took over father's duties if fathers were away) and girls stayed home with the mothers, so there was generally no real mixing of genders or unsupervised children. Compare that to my little pony and minecraft minds of today. Kids no longer do chores (generally speaking) and parents drop them off to be educated by somebody else for 8+ hours per day while they are away totally clueless of their children's daily interactions.

    Child marriage shouldn't be considered or accepted in any way shape or form in modern age in my estimation. Just because people of yester year did it, does not make it okay today. Not long ago, women were being married off at ages 15-18 (both of my grandmothers married off at this age), but again, maturity levels were vastly different. The youth of today lack basic life and home making skills.

    So really, what I'm saying is that both sides have a valid point. As for the childbirth stuff, Maryum was about 12 years old when she gave birth to Isa (as) if I'm not mistaken. If a body is mature enough to bare a child, it will manage just fine both at 12 years of age or even 50! The complications come from poor health, not from an inability to give birth.
    Last edited by Umm♥Layth; 05-14-2017 at 12:06 AM.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by Umm♥Layth View Post
    One thing that is not being considered in this young girls discussion is the fact that humanity as a whole HAS BEEN DUMBED DOWN. The 9 year old of 1400 years ago is nothing at all whatsoever like the 9 year old of today (especially in western countries). Women are maturing psychologically slower and slower even if their bodies develop sooner. A baby ready body doesn't equal to a baby ready mentality. There are 25 year old women who behave like 15 year olds. This behavior is relatively new as well and this goes for males too by the way.

    Children that have sex today are usually children who are not cared for properly or who have freedoms they should not have at that age. Before institutionalized school (not that long ago!) boys usually went to work with their fathers (or took over father's duties if fathers were away) and girls stayed home with the mothers, so there was generally no real mixing of genders or unsupervised children. Compare that to my little pony and minecraft minds of today.

    Child marriage shouldn't be considered or accepted in any way shape or form in modern age. Just because people of yester year did it, does not make it okay today. Not long ago, women were being married off at ages 15-18 (both of my grandmothers married off at this age), but again, maturity levels were vastly different. The youth of today lack basic life and home making skills.

    So really, what I'm saying is that both sides have a valid point. As for the childbirth stuff, Maryum was about 12 years old when she gave birth to Isa (as) if I'm not mistaken. If a body is mature enough to bare a child, it will manage just fine both at 12 years of age or even 50! The complications come from poor health, not from an inability to give birth.
    Yes that's all true and I completely agree. However, considering that for whatever reason a scenario occurs where a young girl does get married due to being the exception of what you've just said, it's still not haram. It's just not the norm.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    Actually 6th grade starts with 11 year olds. So lower it another year. And who said it was ok for kids to be sexually active?? Again I don't know what you are arguing??

    Please enlighten me. What risks are you talking about here?

    This isn't about pedophiles, these are normal men. Women are attracted to younger men if they are attractive, just as older men are attracted to younger women if they are attractive. What is so difficult to comprehend about that? If a girl looks older than she is (which isn't uncommon considering girls hit puberty at 8 and 9 years old!), guys will find them attractive.

    1. It is more risky, considering the bodies of a 50 year old and 9 year old are developed greatly, it can hurt the girl. Also, the 50 year is more mature, 9 year old is far from it, can lead to emotional manipulation

    2.No, normal men are not attracted to 9 year olds!

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    1. It is more risky, considering the bodies of a 50 year old and 9 year old are developed greatly, it can hurt the girl. Also, the 50 year is more mature, 9 year old is far from it, can lead to emotional manipulation
    So two promiscuous sexually active kids, who are at risk of
    teen pregnancy,
    potential sexual abuse,
    potental mental health problems,
    and not to consider the haram in it

    are less at risk than

    a girl who marries an older guy in a halal matter,
    who follows the sunnah,
    who will take care of the girl

    just because her body may not match her husbands (because when does it ever?) and she might feel pain??
    And this is considering that the girl can absolutely be sexually mature at that age.

    Right..makes so much sense.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    2.No, normal men are not attracted to 9 year olds!
    I beg to differ. But again..opinions here don't matter.
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma* View Post
    So two promiscuous sexually active kids, who are at risk of
    teen pregnancy,
    potential sexual abuse,
    potental mental health problems,
    and not to consider the haram in it

    are less at risk than

    a girl who marries an older guy in a halal matter,
    who follows the sunnah,
    who will take care of the girl

    just because her body may not match her husbands (because when does it ever?) and she might feel pain??
    And this is considering that the girl can absolutely be sexually mature at that age.

    Right..makes so much sense.

    I beg to differ. But again..opinions here don't matter.
    1. All of what you said above can apply to the the older men marrying a women. Bottom line, 9 years old having sex is just wrong regardless if it's another 9 year old or 50 year old.

    2.Seriously? I don't know why you think that men are sex crazed pigs who are attracted to children. So you're telling me, that normal men are attracted to this:


    I'm just sorry, but you thinking normal men are attracted to children is just absurd ridiculous and borderline asinine.

    Let's ignore the human EVOLUTIONARY drives to bond and form meaningful relationships.
    That from forming these meaningful relationships, our brains produce chemicals that boost our sexual attraction to our partner.
    Let's ignore that sexual preferences age as we age.
    Let's also ignore that many women don't even hit puberty until 14, and that, purely biologically speaking, they're considered high risk in terms of carrying offspring in the same way as a 50 year old would be, since their cycles have probably not even stabilized yet.

    It's actually well known that carrying a child below the age of 16 is extremely dangerous. If we're going to assume that we're all cavemen, it actually doesn't make sense to be attracted to a woman until her hips have spread, since it's likely that her narrow pubescent hips will result in her and your child's death. Remember that doctors and hospitals are an invention and not part of all these caveman theories terpers love.
    Under sixteens are still considered very high risk pregnancies and that's in a society with advanced medical care.

    Last edited by TDWT; 05-14-2017 at 01:33 AM.

  24. #39
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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    1. All of what you said above can apply to the the older men marrying a women. Bottom line, 9 years old having sex is just wrong regardless if it's another 9 year old or 50 year old.
    But we aren't talking about men marrying older women?? So I don't understand your point?

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    2.Seriously? I don't know why you think that men are sex crazed pigs who are attracted to children. So you're telling me, that normal men are attracted to this:


    I'm just sorry, but you thinking normal men are attracted to children is just absurd ridiculous and borderline asinine.
    Your link isn't working, but if you believe that all 9 year olds can be depicted in one picture you are in for a rude awakening. Also don't twist my words, men are attracted to attractive girls. If a 9 year old has the body of a 14 year old, then where's your argument?? Because these girls exist. Please expand your knowledge. Not all 9 year old girls look alike here. Secondly, if it's a rare thing for a man to be attracted to a 9 year old girl as you say, then what's the problem? If it's a rarity then you don't have to worry about it considering the cases would be quite individual and it wouldn't be your place to judge when you don't know all the details.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    Let's ignore the human EVOLUTIONARY drives to bond and form meaningful relationships.
    That from forming these meaningful relationships, our brains produce chemicals that boost our sexual attraction to our partner.
    Let's ignore that sexual preferences age as we age.
    Let's also ignore that many women don't even hit puberty until 14, and that, purely biologically speaking, they're considered high risk in terms of carrying offspring in the same way as a 50 year old would be, since their cycles have probably not even stabilized yet.
    Don't make me laugh...loooool "evolutionary drives." Go tell those who are having premarital sex that their "evolutionary drive" is failing them when they hit it and quit it. Where is the emotional and rational connection you speak of during those times?? looool subhanallah.

    format_quote Originally Posted by TDWT View Post
    It's actually well known that carrying a child below the age of 16 is extremely dangerous.
    No, it's not "extremely" dangerous. It just has some risks. Teen pregnancy is VERY common. Also if the hips are too small they can have a c-section.
    I want to believe but I just can't

    D e a t h

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    of all things before it

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    Re: I want to believe but I just can't

    I don't think anyone on this thread is a scholar who is well learned on exactly what was the situation with Aisha (ra) and there are different takes on her age and consummation of the marriage (and no, I don't mean the apologist take). I don't think there is a man alive today who can even come remotely close to how fair, just and God fearing our prophet was. I truly don't believe there are any exceptions to marrying off a 9 year old in this age. Allahu Alim.

    Even if a girl is an early developer (I was one and so is my daughter), getting your first period doesn't mean you are fully developed. It takes years of menstruation and hormone fluctuations to get a fully developed womanly shape. I still had not developed a real womanly shape even 3 years after my first period. Also, early onset menstruation is actually a hormonal imbalance and girls with more adipose tissue than muscle tend to menstruate earlier. Adipose tissue stores hormones.

    In modern days, early onset menstruation it is known to be caused by the hormones and steroids in conventional dairy and meat products. Girls 100 years ago were starting to menstruate at about 14/15 years of age, imagine earlier times.

    And don't get me started about modern "medicine" and their lack of faith in Allah and how perfectly he created the human body. A pregnant body WILL ADAPT. There is no such thing as "hips that are too small". There are women who never get wide hips and give birth to very big babies. If we take care of the body properly, it will behave as it should.
    Last edited by Umm♥Layth; 05-14-2017 at 02:46 AM.
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