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Doubts in Allah

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    stilltrying's Avatar Limited Member
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    Doubts in Allah

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    Hello, I’m trying to believe that there is a greater power out there but I’m struggling.

    Why is the world not eternal?
    Can’t bacteria have evolved into humans?
    Why don’t many people believing in God? Many scientists and people of knowledge don’t. I’m so sad that I believe this. Will Allah ever guide me back? I’ve tried to read the Quran and Hadith but I’m still the same. I don’t want any other religion than Islam. But in order for this to happen I must believe. Why is it so hard? I’ve stopped doing all the stuff I was doing before and wonder if I’ll die like this. Might as well enjoy life since I won’t change back.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    Stay away from atheist and other non Muslims, their books and videos as well. Keep in touch with pious people.
    Doubts in Allah

    Allah (swt) knows best
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    OmAbdullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Hello, I’m trying to believe that there is a greater power out there but I’m struggling.

    Why is the world not eternal?
    Can’t bacteria have evolved into humans?
    Why don’t many people believing in God? Many scientists and people of knowledge don’t. I’m so sad that I believe this. Will Allah ever guide me back? I’ve tried to read the Quran and Hadith but I’m still the same. I don’t want any other religion than Islam. But in order for this to happen I must believe. Why is it so hard? I’ve stopped doing all the stuff I was doing before and wonder if I’ll die like this. Might as well enjoy life since I won’t change back.

    In this state of doubt, you cannot be called a Muslim. If people call you Muslim, it will not help you when Allah puts you among kaafirs.

    you need Islam and Allah for your prosperity in here and in the Here-After but Allah doesn't need you. So leaving Islam is only your loss.

    The scientists of the present era accepted the existence of a Mighty Being Who (according to them) is extremely Wise and Powerful. They have rejected the Darwin's theory and accepted the existence of All-Mighty God. They did this only after they observed the great Wisdom of Allah in the creation of the things. For e.g. they observed the great wisdom inside the human genes and DNA etc. when they showed blocks of proteins and numerous wise commands given for the formation of numerous complicated proteins. So they concluded that all such wise creation cannot be per chance! Rather there is a Highly Wise Creator managing all the affairs of the universe.

    Quraan is such a Book that when some none Muslims studied it for the purpose of history, for e.g. writing chapters on different religions in history book, they turned Muslims. If someone studied it for writing information in encyclopedia, he became Muslim. This is because when any person, with any religion, studies the Holy Quraan with neutral mind, he /she has to accept that this book cannot be written by man. His conscience testifies that Quraan is a Self-Witness Book that it is Divine. That is why Allah has sworn by the Holy Quraan that Muhammad salla Allaho alaihi wa Sallam is a true Prophet of All-Mighty God.

    In view of the above, I cannot accept that you have read /studied the Holy Quraan with sincere and neutral mind.
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    For the translation and short explanation of the surahs / verses of the Holy Quraan go to

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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    I really appreciate your advice. It helps that someone is taking their time to try to explain to me.

    How do I make my heart pure? I have this constant feeling where I can’t breathe when I realise that this is what I’ve become. I want to believe so much. I used to pray and recently started reading the Quran with translation before the doubts and my friends and family would ask me for advice on religious matters. I answered some but not all because I didn’t know.

    I followed blindly and knew with all my heart that Allah is my lord. I felt like he was my best friend. Know I don’t even think he loves me. It’s like there is this barrier preventing me from seeing his signs. I see the sun and moon and nothing. I see animals and a small spark of hope gets ignited in my heart then it goes. I’m trying so hard but there’s a bit of me who thinks that I’ll never be the same as before. In Sha Allah one day I’ll regain my faith but what if I’m on my death bed and loose my faith? That’s what I meant by enjoying life since I’m doomed already.

    I have not studied the Quran but read it. Not all of it. I’ve also started watching Hamza Ztortis I think that’s how you spell it. It helped keep the hope in my heart for a while. I’ve also been watching Muslim to atheist back to Muslim.

    My mind is so confused. Some days I’m like Ya Allah help me I need you and there are others where I think of the planet earth and the vast emptiness of space. Where is Allah? How does he see us? This probably doesn’t make sense but I really don’t want to go to hell because I know the true religion is Islam but my heart believes these doubts. These doubts started after I watched this video about Allah and I heard that he is soooo far away. This was the catalyst for my confusion. I know Allah swt is closer to our jugular veins but I just can’t. I have a friend who loves Islam but doesn’t pray on time- so prays all prayers at home. How can I make friends with pious people? Not many young people are into religion these days.

    I feel like screaming. No one knows this. Funny thing happened is that my dad said I’m going heaven and my sister is going hell. Also my aunties and uncles sometimes get jealous when I teach them things about Islam. Is there such thing as a black magic to Imaan? I don’t want to die in this state. I long for Jannah! I won’t give up. If Allah is there he will see how much I tried to find my way back to him and he is not unjust.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Hello, I’m trying to believe that there is a greater power out there but I’m struggling.

    Why is the world not eternal?
    This shows that there is a Greatest Powerful Creator, the Lord who inspite of giving the weakest born man (weaker than a born Lamb, a kangaroo ) and made him strong through his Allah's given excellent intellect but still kept him under his Power by death and disease and more

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Can’t bacteria have evolved into humans?
    So why has not Man further involved into some other species for the past 100,000's of Years ? has he atleast grown a tail or some sort of extentions ? Nothing happens by itselves when a man with common sense believes that . Soul is not seen but its the essence of Life, So Allah is not seen but all this existence of lives , planets in its orbits without collision , Earth being saved from tons of Cosmic Dust are all the Signs of the Protector of this World , Allah The Creator. Inspite of 10,000 folds of scientific development When Man still can't even solve the puzzle of his own Soul he lives with every day & cant t solve the Mystery of death the billions gone through and millions each and every day , see how ABSURD How he is trying to know who created Allah ?? May Allah forgive us to try things to Know How Allah came into existence its like a 8 year old trying to lift a huge Jumbo Flight. lol.

    The Creator and his Creations are just antonyms. So believe The Creations are so called because they are created and the Creator is so called since he does not have a Creator. Certain things are beyond the reach of Human Mind so accept Allah as he praised about Himself from his various Scriptures though All except The Glorious Quran were corrupted but still bear this fact .

    You have been put into waswas and trials because I see you were practising earlier and now not

    Repent sincerely - taubatun nasuha & Keep trying untill you succeed Inshallah because Allah helps humans in the way he tries http://legacy.quran.com/53/37-40

    If you try inshallah in an appointed time of Allah you would guided by his Rahmaa , but TRY and your worry shows that a least bit of eeman is still in you and Allah likes repenters. Do not loose hope on Allah , loosing so is a trait of Shirk.
    Last edited by talibilm; 01-10-2018 at 11:55 PM.
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    Doubts in Allah

    My Sect : No Sect

    My Aqeedha : Aqeedha of Sahabas as in http://legacy.quran.com/112

    Just a Muslim with Glorious Quran and (hadith) sunnah as my guide as in verse 41:33 '' And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Hello, I’m trying to believe that there is a greater power out there but I’m struggling.

    Why is the world not eternal?
    Can’t bacteria have evolved into humans?
    Why don’t many people believing in God? Many scientists and people of knowledge don’t. I’m so sad that I believe this. Will Allah ever guide me back? I’ve tried to read the Quran and Hadith but I’m still the same. I don’t want any other religion than Islam. But in order for this to happen I must believe. Why is it so hard? I’ve stopped doing all the stuff I was doing before and wonder if I’ll die like this. Might as well enjoy life since I won’t change back.
    I agree with OmAbdullah that you are in a dangerous state. "trying to believe" means, you are not Muslim yet.

    why is the world not eternal?

    What do you mean? you want to live on this miserable Earth for all eternity?

    About the bacteria...and evolution...
    believing in evolution does not mean automatically there is not a Creator. like said, nothing happens on its own.
    even when evolution is real, then Allah used the method of evolution to create all life.
    Allah may have used the "old design" and redesigned that as the next species..or He continously does that which we experience as evolution.
    I believe that evolution was the tool Allah used to create all life.
    Humans are made out of clay dust and dirt...when we die...our bodies decompose and become dust and dirt again...it goes back to being a part of Earth...
    but then again...so do all animals...they too decompose when they die and their bodies become dust and dirt...
    so they also must be made from clay, dust and dirt.

    many scientists an people of knowledge are God fearing people. as you may know a lot of knowledge and science like Algebra astronomy and even the western Alphabet come from the Muslim world.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    I got the biggest shock when guys said I’m not a Muslim. It hurts my heart so much. I want to be a Muslim. I am one! How can I go about this? Where do start? I’ve been binge watching videos about Islam and from atheist to Islam videos and I’m still the same. I would often wonder how dumb atheists/ agnostics are because there was a God and now I see. Faith is treasure. I see many ex Muslims on the internet and feel disgust. How could they leave this religion? It’s the best religion. I agree that Islam is for me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I would always feel Allahs presence. Not physically but just this feeling that Allah had my back when I would walk in the dark. Now I don’t understand. How does he see us all? Or people in their houses? You guys are lucky. You have a chance to enter Jannah. All my family and friends won’t be with me and I can’t take it! It’s not fair! How can I make Allah make me believe? It’s like when I picture the earth I see no one around because it’s just our world. I’m following all the pillars of Islam except for the first. I’m sorry if I don’t make sense
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    I got the biggest shock when guys said I’m not a Muslim. It hurts my heart so much. I want to be a Muslim. I am one! How can I go about this? Where do start? I’ve been binge watching videos about Islam and from atheist to Islam videos and I’m still the same. I would often wonder how dumb atheists/ agnostics are because there was a God and now I see. Faith is treasure. I see many ex Muslims on the internet and feel disgust. How could they leave this religion? It’s the best religion. I agree that Islam is for me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I would always feel Allahs presence. Not physically but just this feeling that Allah had my back when I would walk in the dark. Now I don’t understand. How does he see us all? Or people in their houses? You guys are lucky. You have a chance to enter Jannah. All my family and friends won’t be with me and I can’t take it! It’s not fair! How can I make Allah make me believe? It’s like when I picture the earth I see no one around because it’s just our world. I’m following all the pillars of Islam except for the first. I’m sorry if I don’t make sense
    Sorry, it was not my intention to hurt your feelings. I did not say you were a Muslim or not...I am not the judge of that. I only said you are in a dangerous state...somewhere on the edge...meaning, please be carefull.

    you said, you were trying to believe in a greater power out there...this means, you do not believe that yet.
    so somewhere in your point of view...there is some information missing or not correct causing you to doubt this.
    so ask yourself what the reason for this doubt could be...do the puzzle pieces not fit together? are you misinterpretting something? or maybe you don't understand something?

    for example, whether or not I believe something depends on:
    does is sound plausible? or highly unlikely?
    does the information cover your questions about it?
    source where this information comes from can be trusted?
    can it be confirmed? if yes, is there a confirmation of it?

    if one of these questions can be answered in negative...that would be a reason for me to doubt.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    (Peace be upon you)

    Dearest Sister:

    You are a Muslim, which is why I have greeted you with salaam. However, I do agree with others that you are on a dangerous precipice and need to make the right choices in order to not fall into the abyss of disbelief. So, the thing is that like you I've been undergoing a spiritual crisis, but it is not my habit ever to sit complacent but to introspect as to where I've went wrong in my past thoughts or behavioral pattern. Therefore, before advising you here, I'm advising myself also; that is because the reminder helps and strengthens us as believers. So, please introspect, understand, and InshaAllah (God-willing) subsequently implement what you learn from these 7 points:

    1) You are suffering from waswas, Satan's whispers. There are Muslims who pray five times a day, fast, and are the best Muslims they can be, yet every time, for example, they go to do ablution, they'll have the thought that they're a polytheist or some such nonsense. This is a Satan's way of making believer's heart distressed: Therefore, please never listen to or trust waswas. Instead, say to yourself, "Amantu billahi wa rasulihi." The evidence of suffering from some waswas and doing this lays in the following hadith (prophetic tradition):
    The Messenger, peace be upon him, said: “The Shaytan may come to any one of you and say, ‘Who created Allah, the Almighty?’ If any one of you experiences this, let him say, ‘‘Amantu billahi wa rasulihi ‘[I believed in Allah, the Almighty, and His Messenger, peace be upon him], and that will drive him away.”(Saheeh al-Jami’ 1657)
    To better understand waswas, read the PDF "Combating the Whisperings of Shaytaan."

    2) Examine where you might have done that is bad or sinful and correct yourself. For example, my personal spiritual crisis has to do with the fact that I've been making sins here and there, and it seems that they've caught up to me so that I feel like Satan has an easier time overpowering me with waswas. So, I have made a commitment to do istighfar (asking forgiveness of Allah) from now onward at least 100 times a day. There is evidence in prophetic tradition of how sins work to blacken our heart and we must be constantly seeking forgiveness to overcome the blackness that might be covering our hearts as a consequence of our sins:
    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, when the servant commits a sin a black spot appears upon his heart. If he abandons the sin, seeks forgiveness, and repents, then his heart will be polished. If he returns to the sin, the blackness will be increased until it overcomes his heart. It is the covering that Allah has mentioned: No, but on their hearts is a covering because of what they have earned.” (83:14) (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3334)
    3) Ask Allah to again grant you closeness and to Him and renew your faith. Every Muslim must do this regardless of whether he is the biggest alim (scholar) in the world or a layperson with almost no knowledge. The evidence for this is the following hadith:
    Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the faith of one of you will diminish just as a shirt becomes worn out, so ask Allah to renew faith in your hearts.” (al-Mustadrak 5)
    4) Ask Allah to make you live and die as a Muslim. A lot of people think that faith is a guarantee, especially born Muslims, but it is not. It is a grant. That means that there is always a possibility that today's Muslim might die tomorrow as a non-Muslim and today's non-Muslim might die tomorrow as a Muslim. Therefore, never look down upon any human being regardless of their outward personality as defined by faith. If you have done so, apologize to Allah because so doing is both an act of arrogance and usurping the role of Allah in acting as Judge who also has only committed to judge human beings on Judgment Day. The evidence for asking Allah to make us die a Muslim is in the Qur'an (12:101), specifically Prophet Yusuf alayhis salaam (peace be upon him) supplication:
    Creator (of) the heavens and the earth, You (are) my Protector, in the world and the Hereafter. Cause me to die (as) a Muslim, and join me with the righteous.
    5) Treat Islam always as the most precious gift, the biggest treasure, the best prize, and the pinnacle of success. If we get a new car or a new house or new clothes or a new job, we take often more care and practice more delicate handling and do our due diligence and commitment required to maintain that worldly possession than iman (faith), which is the best grant anyone of us has ever been granted through no real effort on our own but through bestowal upon us of Allah's Mercy. So, it behooves us to be the one to keep renewing and bettering ourselves against the yardstick of what it means to be the best Muslims inwardly and outwardly in our lives. There will always be times when you're not able to be at your highest iman (faith) because you might feel bad due to a personal situation or because you're busy because of worldly responsibilities and professional burdens or because you're chasing after this or that desire or because you're falling into temptation of sin due to Satan having beautified this or that sin. You mustn't at that point give up and think about how pointless you feel all this is but instead retrace your steps back to what made you fall in love with Allah and Islam in the first place.

    6) Never speculate on the essence of Allah because that is a secret of Allah known only to Allah. There are types of knowledge that are considered useful and desirable in Islam and then there are other types of knowledge that are not because their nature is so speculative that nothing can actually be learned or verified and instead confusion arises in the hearts of laypersons. So, instead, if you want to know Allah, know Allah by His 99 Names.

    7) Allah loves Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). And the way to acquire closeness to Beloved is to love what the Beloved loves and emulate what the Beloved loves. And the way to do that is to send as much salawaat (recitation of blessings on Prophet ) as you can and incorporate the Sunnah (prophetic tradition/character) into your life. The evidence for this is twofold in the Qur'an (3:31 and 33:56):
    Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

    Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings on him and greet him (with) greetings.
    Finally, I'm 100% confident that if I and you or anyone else were to only practice these 7 tips for our entire life, it would be enough to live and die as Muslims. Islam is easy. We just ourselves complicate everything because we're weak and forgetful human beings. If there is any good that results from this post, all praise is due to Allah. And if there is anything that I've said that is in error, then it is due to my human fallibility for which I apologize in advance to all.

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    I got the biggest shock when guys said I’m not a Muslim. It hurts my heart so much. I want to be a Muslim. I am one! How can I go about this? Where do start? I’ve been binge watching videos about Islam and from atheist to Islam videos and I’m still the same. I would often wonder how dumb atheists/ agnostics are because there was a God and now I see. Faith is treasure. I see many ex Muslims on the internet and feel disgust. How could they leave this religion? It’s the best religion. I agree that Islam is for me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I would always feel Allahs presence. Not physically but just this feeling that Allah had my back when I would walk in the dark. Now I don’t understand. How does he see us all? Or people in their houses? You guys are lucky. You have a chance to enter Jannah. All my family and friends won’t be with me and I can’t take it! It’s not fair! How can I make Allah make me believe? It’s like when I picture the earth I see no one around because it’s just our world. I’m following all the pillars of Islam except for the first. I’m sorry if I don’t make sense
    Last edited by Search; 01-12-2018 at 09:54 AM.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    Wa aleykum salaam.

    Jzk for the links they were beneficial. I will slowly follow these steps. I know some things about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Should I learn about the him or Allah swt first? I think I don’t understand Allah.

    My biggest fear is believing and then when dying, loosing faith. In Sha Allah I hope all of you enter Jannah. JZK for all your inputs. They gave me hope.

    Why does it feel like Allah is not there?
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Wa aleykum salaam.

    Jzk for the links they were beneficial. I will slowly follow these steps. I know some things about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Should I learn about the him or Allah swt first? I think I don’t understand Allah.

    My biggest fear is believing and then when dying, loosing faith. In Sha Allah I hope all of you enter Jannah. JZK for all your inputs. They gave me hope.

    Why does it feel like Allah is not there?
    Because you are still not trying. you are still listening to Shaytaans waswas...he is whispering you "if Allah is there, why don't you feel His presence?"

    No one understands Allah...we humans are limited...we cannot comprehend if something is infinite...we always automatically try to imagine an end to that infinity.

    for example...if something is infinitely long or big...we automatically have this question "yeah, but what comes after that?" falsely imagining an end to that infinity.

    That is why we cannot understand Allah...He knows everything...He can do anything...He is Mercifull and forgiving...all beyond human imagination.

    And He is real!!
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    I think I am in a similair situation
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    Assalam alaikum

    Suppose a staunch believer in the non-existence of God were to say, “Maybe the universe did not have a beginning. It was present from eternity. Therefore there is no need for a Creator. It is a continuum of cosmic waves, as claimed by the Marxists”. What would be our reply to that? Let us look at the indications and results of assuming that, and see if they are existent or not, as we did in the first case.
    Assuming that the universe is eternal and self evolving, as claimed, implies the ‘continuation of non-self reliant forces to eternity’, which is scientifically impossible, implying that the assumption that necessitates this impossibility is also impossible. We shall explain this in some detail.

    Suppose I owe you a thousand Dollars. I give you a cheque with a ’0′ written on it, and I point at it and tell you that that zero is equivalent to one thousand Dollars., would you believe me? Of course not. Because you know a simple mathematical rule that zero has no value in itself. In other words, it is not self reliant. Rather it is reliant on the number written next to it. I say okay, you will get your thousand Dollars, and I write another zero next to it. You’re still not satisfied. I write one more and yet one more, and I fill the whole cheque up with zeros. You tell me, even if you right a thousand zeros, it will not be of any value, until you put a number from one to nine next to it. This is because these numbers have their own value, or they are self reliant. Zero, on the other hand, is reliant on the number next to it. How can a force which has no power in itself take power from a force which is next to it also having no power in itself? You might tell me that this is like trying to raise business capital from a large group of beggars who do not have enough money to spend on themselves. In their place, if you had approached one rich man, his money might have been sufficient. On what basis are you making this refutation? It is because you know there is a need for at least one force that is self sufficient. In other words, it does not need to take power from anything else. Otherwise what would be the source for its own power?

    Let’s look at another example. There is a twenty floored building. On the top floor is a hotel where I want to stay. However I want to make sure it is safe, so I ask the engineer who built the building as to what the twentieth floor is supported on. He says the nineteenth floor. Is that enough for me? No. I want to know what that is resting on. He says it lies on the eighteenth. And so I keep asking him, till I get to the ground floor. Only when he tells me that the ground floor is based upon the foundation or the cornerstone, will I be satisfied. This is because I know that anything that needs to be supported by something else can not be having it’s own strength. However when I get down to the cornerstone, I feel safe, because I know that that has it’s own strength, and can at the same time support all the above floors.

    Let’s consider a third example. I am giving a lecture to you about a new theory I am proposing. I give you a proof for this theory. However it is not a complete proof. It requires further proof. So I give you a proof for that proof. However the second proof is not fool-proof either, so you ask for a third. I give you a third, but you need a fourth, and so on. Even if I gave you proofs from morning to evening, you would not believe me, because they are all dependent proofs. Until I give you a self-dependent proof, you are not buying my theory.

    From these three examples, it should be clear as to what the principle that ‘the continuation of non-self reliant forces to eternity is impossible’ means. Now if you apply it to our assumption that the universe was always existent, in various forms, and has been self evolving since eternity, i.e. it has no age, you can see that the origination of the matter and power involved still remains unaccounted for. Everything we see around us has taken it’s power and existence from something before it, and it passes it on to something after it. But if we keep going back and ask ourselves what the source of this power, or continuum of cosmic waves, as they called it was, we would be like I was in the above examples. On this basis, we have to come to the conclusion that the universe could not have been so, without the presence of a Creator, to give it that power and act as the self-sufficient source for the existence of the universe.
    Hence, either view you take with regards to the birth of the universe, the non-existence of God has been proved to be impossible. Hence we have no choice but to accept the other assumption as true. That is, that the Universe has a Creator, and it has an age. (Raashid Sherif, A Scientific Analysis of Islam )

    Have a look here too:

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    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Can’t bacteria have evolved into humans?
    Do have any proof for such an extra-ordinary claim ?
    Why don’t many people believing in God? Many scientists and people of knowledge don’t.
    Ask Allah to guide them/Invite them to Islam. Scientists have some knowledge related to certain topics e.g. math/biology/Mechanics. This doesn't mean they are all-knowing or they created the universe ! They actually know very little about this universe.This knowledge is a gift from their creator. Some acknowledge this fact and many don't (out of ignorance/arrogance).

    Have a look here:
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

    (Peace be upon you)

    Well, sister, I have thought a lot about your question, and I have come to the conclusion that you should learn about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The reason I say this is because in the time of pagan Arabia, Allah did not show Himself to the pagan Arabs either but due to the highest character and lived life that they witnessed of this great man Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and miracles of Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the biggest of which is the Qur'an, the pagan Arabs came to testify to the Existence and Oneness of Allah. So, yes, if you can, please do read Martin Lings' biography of Prophet (blessings be upon him) and try to attain other books on his Sunnah (prophetic tradition) such as what he used to wear, how he used to eat, how he used to sleep, how he used to interact with guests, children, neighbors, etc. Because that character and his words form the complete picture of what it means to be a perfected human being within the auspices of Islam.

    As far as Allah is concerned, Allah already revealed through Prophet the answer as to how to think of Him in Surah Ikhlaas (Chapter Sincerity). The answer is that our
    aqidah (belief) and benchmark as to what we can say or what we shouldn't say or believe about Allah is all in Surah Ikhlaas meaning that "He is Allah, the Eternal, Who was never born nor ever gave birth, the One beyond compare." The last part is especially what we need to remember encapsulated in the words "the One beyond compare," meaning that whatever you or anyone else tries to compare Him to, that isn't Him simply. And this stops all conjectures, speculations, arguments about where is Allah, can Allah create a heavy stone that He cannot lift, and other silly questions and confusions. Surah lkhaas stops all confusions about Allah with the words "The One beyond compare." So, the benchmark is Allah is "beyond compare" and that is who Allah is alongside being the Eternal, who was never born, nor ever gave birth.

    Surah Ikhlaas mentions two names of Allah which together indicate all the Attributes of Perfection. They are not mentioned in any other ayat (verse) of the Qur'an: “al-Ahad” and “al-Samad.” These two names indicate the Oneness of the Sacred Being who possesses all the Attributes of Perfection.
    Al-Ahad indicates the Singularity of existence that cannot be shared by any entity. Al-Samad implies all attributes of perfection. It means the following: “the One whose dignity and sovereignty reaches the extent where all other things in existence depend on for all their needs.” In other words, all needs are brought before and to Him. This attribute cannot be for other than the One who truly possesses complete Perfection in All Qualities. This attribute cannot apply to anyone other than Allah. He is al-Ahad and al-Samad. This explanation makes clear that these two names possess a comprehensiveness in their indication of Allah and His attributes that are not found in any other names. And these names are not mentioned in any other chapter of the Qur’an. This shows the special value of this chapter, and why Surah Ikhlaas is regarded as a third of the Qur’an.

    Allah has said in a Hadith Qudsi (direct words of God): "I am as My servant thinks I AM." That means you or anyone else has to trust that they'll die as Muslims because that is in line with keeping a good opinion of Allah, and Allah gives us as human beings what we expect to receive from Allah. So, make intention to trust Allah that you'll die as Muslims but also "tie your camel" so-to-speak by committing to words and actions and character that reflect that sincere intention to live and die as a Muslim.

    My personal belief/understanding as to the reason that we don't feel sometimes Allah is there is the same reason sometimes we feel our mother or father don't love us. That is because we often project our own thoughts and feelings onto others when we ourselves feel disconnected from the main source or when we're feeling guilty or feeling distant. So, the way to have that feeling die a swift death is to try to connect to the main source, whether that is through 1) meditation (e.g. sitting quietly and reflecting on the Mercy and Love of Allah covering your heart or prayer or supplication), 2) dhikrullah (remembrance of Allah) whether that is through istighfar, salawaat, tasbih fatima, shahada, etc., and 3) giving in charity.

    As long as you have breath and are willing to exert efforts, you and I always should be hopeful of Allah's Mercy, sister. Sometimes, darkness is necessary in our hearts and lives to appreciate the beauty and brightness of the light.

    (And peace be upon you)

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    Wa aleykum salaam.

    Jzk for the links they were beneficial. I will slowly follow these steps. I know some things about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Should I learn about the him or Allah swt first? I think I don’t understand Allah.

    My biggest fear is believing and then when dying, loosing faith. In Sha Allah I hope all of you enter Jannah. JZK for all your inputs. They gave me hope.

    Why does it feel like Allah is not there?
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    The Absolute Beginning of the Universe is Unavoidable

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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    The best thing to do is speak to Allah about it, LITERALLY. Allah loves to see that we rely on him COMPLETELY and he will Insh'Allah guide us. Talk to him like as you would to a friend, the way you are talking to us about it. Acknowledge in your dua that Allah is the ONLY supreme power you believe in and you need guidance from him and you will see he will insh'Allah open your heart. Soon, you will find Allah and inner peace. But be sure to never despair from Allah and be consistent in your Dua.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    I got the biggest shock when guys said I’m not a Muslim. It hurts my heart so much. I want to be a Muslim. I am one! How can I go about this? Where do start? I’ve been binge watching videos about Islam and from atheist to Islam videos and I’m still the same. I would often wonder how dumb atheists/ agnostics are because there was a God and now I see. Faith is treasure. I see many ex Muslims on the internet and feel disgust. How could they leave this religion? It’s the best religion. I agree that Islam is for me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I would always feel Allahs presence. Not physically but just this feeling that Allah had my back when I would walk in the dark. Now I don’t understand. How does he see us all? Or people in their houses? You guys are lucky. You have a chance to enter Jannah. All my family and friends won’t be with me and I can’t take it! It’s not fair! How can I make Allah make me believe? It’s like when I picture the earth I see no one around because it’s just our world. I’m following all the pillars of Islam except for the first. I’m sorry if I don’t make sense

    Only this last sentence (in red) is enough to make you unbeliever. All of your pillars of Islam will be discarded if you don't have the first pillar which is Eemaan. You can sincerely pray to Allah to make you believe.

    You are choosing Hell for the sake of your family. In Hell all will be fighting and crying. Rather you should become a strong Muslim by faith and then preach to your family to enter the fold of Islam. But you on one hand have chosen unbelief and Hell, and on the other hand you call yourself a Muslim. I will present the translation of some of the verses of the Holy Quraan to show you the situation in Hell.

    Surah Al-Baqarah verses:

    (2:165) Yet there are some who take others as equals to Allah163 and love them as Allah alone should be loved; but those who (truly) believe, they love Allah more than all else.164

    If only the wrong-doers were to perceive now – as they will perceive when they will see the chastisement – that all power belongs to Allah alone, and that Allah is severe in chastisement!

    (2:166) At that moment those who have been followed will disown their followers, and they will see the chastisement, and their resources will be cut asunder.

    (2:167) And the followers will then say: “Oh if only we might return again, we would disown them as they have disowned us?” 165 Thus Allah will show them their works in a manner causing them bitter regrets. Never will they come out of the Fire.
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    For the translation and short explanation of the surahs / verses of the Holy Quraan go to

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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by stilltrying View Post
    I got the biggest shock when guys said I’m not a Muslim. It hurts my heart so much. I want to be a Muslim. I am one! How can I go about this? Where do start? I’ve been binge watching videos about Islam and from atheist to Islam videos and I’m still the same. I would often wonder how dumb atheists/ agnostics are because there was a God and now I see. Faith is treasure. I see many ex Muslims on the internet and feel disgust. How could they leave this religion? It’s the best religion. I agree that Islam is for me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I would always feel Allahs presence. Not physically but just this feeling that Allah had my back when I would walk in the dark. Now I don’t understand. How does he see us all? Or people in their houses? You guys are lucky. You have a chance to enter Jannah. All my family and friends won’t be with me and I can’t take it! It’s not fair! How can I make Allah make me believe? It’s like when I picture the earth I see no one around because it’s just our world. I’m following all the pillars of Islam except for the first. I’m sorry if I don’t make sense

    #1 you have to realize how stupid atheism is.
    48d159b5760f33586724caa2ce3e1ce3 1 - Doubts in Allah

    #2 yes Allah can see you and everything, allah is omnipresent. It’s his knowledge that can reach you every where and and reach everything. But allah is above everything. Its hard for us to understand because we are limited beings but it doesn’t mean we believe blindly.

    #3 the fact that your not dead yet kind of shows that you have a chance to repent and turn back.

    #4 you need to understand how important tawheed is. And it’s a very simply concept. Believe in islam until you can fill in the gaps that you don’t understand. Those gaps are probably just unanswered questions tbh. And don’t ask unnecessary questions that won’t benefit you knowing, it could be straight up waswas ya know? Especially ‘if’ questions.
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    @stilltrying , sister. It's nothing but waswas of shaytan. This simple dua is helpful for you InshaAllah. ''O Allah protect me from shaytan and make my iman strong and give me death with iman'' (Ameen)
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    Allah (swt) knows best
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    Re: Doubts in Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by azc View Post
    Stay away from atheist and other non Muslims, their books and videos as well. Keep in touch with pious people.
    I agree, stay away from these kinds of people

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    format_quote Originally Posted by A786 View Post
    The best thing to do is speak to Allah about it, LITERALLY. Allah loves to see that we rely on him COMPLETELY and he will Insh'Allah guide us. Talk to him like as you would to a friend, the way you are talking to us about it. Acknowledge in your dua that Allah is the ONLY supreme power you believe in and you need guidance from him and you will see he will insh'Allah open your heart. Soon, you will find Allah and inner peace. But be sure to never despair from Allah and be consistent in your Dua.
    So true.
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